HM/APR 2008/HTH250 CONFIDENTIAL UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE : FOOD AND BEVERAGE COST CONTROL COURSE CODE : HTH250 EXAMINATION : APRIL 2008 TIME : 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of three (3) parts : PART A (20 Questions) PART B (20 Questions) PART C (7 Questions) 2. Answer ALL questions from all three (3) parts : i) ii) Hi) Answer PART A in the True/False Answer Sheet Answer PART B in the Objective Answer Sheet. Answer PART C in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. 3. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. 4. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) the Question Paper an Answer Booklet - provided by the Faculty a True/False Answer Sheet - provided by the Faculty an Objective Answer Sheet - provided by the Faculty Butcher Test Card - provided by the Faculty Cooking Loss Test - provided by the Faculty DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 11 printed pages © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 2 HM/APR 2008/HTH250 PART A TRUE AND FALSE Answer ALL questions. Shade the letter T if the statement is True and 'F' if the statement is False on the True/False Answer Sheet. 1. Dating and pricing of stored foods is one of the food storage standards concerns. 2. Stores refer to perishable food items that have relatively longer shelf life. 3. Location of storage facilities helps to reduce pilferage. 4. Fixed cost is affected by normal fluctuations in sales volume. 5. Portion size is one example of common quality standard. 6. Average inventory is the sum of opening and closing inventory divided by 3. 7. The basic data for developing a restaurant sales history is recorded by the cashier. 8. Void sheets are used to record the names of cooks who have prepared portions of food which customers have sent back to the kitchen. 9. Transfer from kitchen to bar would increase daily food cost. 10. A standard recipe is one that has been established as the correct recipe to use each time a given product is prepared. 11. Training all employees to follow established standards and standard procedures is the first step in the control process. 12. Forecasts of total anticipated volume for a given day should take into account such factors as weather and the condition of the economy in the surrounding community. © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 3 HM/APR 2008/HTH250 13. Popularity index is the ratio of the number of portions of a given item sold to the total number of all items sold. 14. Opening inventory for September is equal to closing inventory for October. 15. Physical inventory is the actual number of units of goods in storage. 16. Employee meals are subtracted from Cost of Food issued to determine Cost of Food Consumed. 17. The two basic components of a daily food cost are stores purchases and direct issues. 18. Historical costs can be documented and established through business records. 19. Directly variable costs are normally controllable. 20. Cost Control is a process by means of which managers attempt to reduce costs to the absolute minimum. (Total: 20 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 4 HM/APR 2008/HTH250 PARTB MULTIPLE CHOICE Answer ALL questions. Choose the most appropriate answer for each question. Shade your choice on the Objective Answer Sheet. 1. The standard cost of one standard portion of a given menu items should not change unless a) b) c) d) 2. If a business is to be profitable, costs must always be; a) b) c) d) 3. 1 .6 3 .0 0 .77 3 .8 Quantity standards are a) b) c) d) 5. more than 100% of sales less than 100% of sales equal to sales less than 20% of sales If 150 customers are served in a two hour period in a restaurant with 50 seats, seat turnover for the period would be a) b) c) d) 4. a unit cost a total cost a non controllable cost a controllable cost measures of weight, count or volume. rules for making comparisons and judgments. used for making judgments about the degree of excellence of raw materials and finished products. procedures which is not compulsory. The second step in the control process is a) b) c) d) Taking corrective action Training employees Monitoring employees' performance Interview employees © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 6. FIFA FIFO LIFO NANO requisitions for that day the Receiving Cerks's Daily Report for that day the Steward's Market Quotation List for that day requistions for yesterday Refrigerated foods should be stored a) b) c) d) 11. Rate + Contribution Rate Cost + Fixed Cost Profit Rate X (Fixed Cost + Profit) Rate / Fixed Cost The cost of Directs for a given day may be obtained from a) b) c) d) 10. Variable Variable Variable Variable The normal method for stock rotation in food service operations is a) b) c) d) 9. servers receiving clerk cashier commis Sales equals to a) b) c) d) 8. HM/APR 2008/HTH250 The basic data for developing a restaurant sales history is recorded by a) b) c) d) 7. 5 on solid shelves on slatted shelves both a) and b) are correct on aluminum shelves The standard cost of one standard portion of a given menu items should not change unless a) b) c) d) new chef is employed menu prices are changed market prices changed cashier has resigned © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 12. 13. 14. a) b) $0.14 $0.84 c) $0.07 d) $0.10 Butcher tests in a nearby restaurant indicate that the cost of a usable ounce of sirloin steak is $0.50. If standard portion size is 10 ounces, standard portion cost is a) b) $5.00 $0.60 c) d) $500.00 $50.00 A recipe detail and cost card indicates the use of 4 oz of rice, which is purchased at $1.28 per Ib. The standard cost of the standard quantity of rice in this recipe is $0.20 $0.50 $0.32 $0.09 Sales histories can be used to predict a) b) c) d) 16. HM/APR 2008/HTH250 A case of eggs (40 dozen) costs $33.60. Two eggs make one standard portion. The standard cost of one standard portion is a) b) c) d) 15. 6 portion sales for a given menu item total covers for a given day both a) and b) are correct. Neither one is correct The periodic order method is used mostly for a) b) c) d) perishables non perishables variables controllable © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 17. The receiving clerk needs to verify quantity, price and delivered. a) b) c) d) 18. 20. HM/APR 2008/HTH250 for each item quality specifications descriptions invoice When taking a physical inventory, it is good practice to a) b) c) d) 19. 7 list the list the list the list the items alphabetically items in the same order in which they are maintained in stock items from highest price to lowest price items by series number Given the following information, determine daily food cost: directs $120; stores issued $300; transfers from kitchen to bar $20; transfers from bar to kitchen $10. a. b. $410 $440 c. $210 d. $300 Direct purchases are added to food cost when they are a) b) c) d) received sold inventoried canceling the ordered item (Total: 20 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 8 HM/APR 2008/HTH250 PARTC QUESTION 1 The following figures are taken from the financial records of La Queen Country Club. Purchases 99,750 Promotion Expense 570 Closing inventory 43,350 Gratis to bar 75 Transfer from other units 1,200 Food to bar (directs) 420 Opening inventory 32,400 Transfer to other units 1,200 Cooking liquor 825 Grease sales 255 Steward sales 2,880 Employees' meals: Executive (sales value): RM2,700 (average food cost: 35%) Other staff (cost value): 1,200 breakfasts @ RM0.75 1,200 lunch @RM2.25 700 dinners @ RM2.55 Required: i) Determine the cost of food issue, cost of food consumed and cost of food sold for the restaurant. ii) Calculate food cost percent, given the sales figures RM 197,175. (8 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL HM/APR 2008/HTH250 QUESTION 2 a) Define each of the following terms: a) b) c) d) e) f) control standard procedures reorder point variable rate contribution margin breakeven point (6 marks) b) List down the steps in control process (4 marks) QUESTION 3 In general, the standards established for storing should address five (5) principle concerns. List any four (4) of the principles. (4 marks) QUESTION 4 Compute the popularity index for the following sales. Answer must be in the nearest one decimal (example: 20.546% rounded to 20.5%). Item Portions sold A 40 B 24 C 16 D 32 E 29 (3 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 10 HM/APR 2008/HTH250 a) Using the popularity indexes calculated in (a) above, predict the sales for each item if total sales for all items are expected to be 200. (3 marks) b) Sales forecasting is a principle element in cost control. Briefly explain the four (4) steps involved in forecasting portion sales. (4 marks) QUESTIONS a) The Hulu Langat Cafe uses the perpetual order method. One of the items to be ordered is canned corn. Determine the reorder point and reorder quantity, given the following: Normal usage is 4 cans per day Delivery takes 4 days Par stock is 22 cans Cans come 12 to a case (5 marks) b) A restaurant in Teluk Intan decided to use periodic order method for ordering purposes. The frequency of ordering is once a month. Using the following information, determine the suitable quantity of green peas to be ordered. Normal usage is one case of 8 cans per week Quantity on hand is 20 cans Desired ending inventory is 8 cans (3 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL HM/APR 2008/HTH250 11 QUESTION 6 Encik Ali, the owner of Cafe Kasturi estimates that the fixed costs for the coming year will be RM350.000. Based on his investment in the business, he wants a profit of RM120,000 for the year. Experience has shown that the average check is RM15.00. a) If total variable cost is RM730,000, what level of sales will be required to earn the target restaurant profit? Given total variable cost and total sales figures calculated above, what variable rate is the owner projecting? Given the variable rate above determine the contribution rate. Given the contribution rate above, determine the average contribution margin based on a RM15.00 average sale. At what level of dollar sales will the restaurant break even? (10 marks) b) c) d) e) QUESTION 7 Complete the butcher's test card and cooking loss test card by using the information given, for legs of veal to determine the standard cost of the 200gm portion, portion cost factor and cost factor per kg. (You are required to fill in the cards and show your workings for portion cost factor and cost factor per kg. Please attach the two (2) test cards to your answer booklet). Breakdown Weight Value per kg Fat 6 kg Kidneys 1 kg 500gm RM6.10 Flanks 3 kg 500gm RM4.60 Loss in cutting 1kg Usable Meat 12 kg Cooked weight 11 kg 500gm Bones and trims 1 kg 500gm (10 marks) (Total: 60 Marks) (Grand Total: 100 Marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL