Brophy College Preparatory 4701 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85012-1797 (602)264-5291 Fax:(602)234-1669 School Code: 030265 2014-2015 School Profile President Rev. Edward A. Reese, S.J., M.A., S.T.M, M. Div. Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction Mr. Seamus Walsh, M. Ed. College Counselors: Ms. Katie Cardinali (Chair) Mr. Oscar Borboa Mr. Gil Martinez Registrar: Mrs. Donna Nelson Principal Mr. Robert E. Ryan III, M. Ed., M.A. Assistant Principal for Technology and Instruction Mr. James Bopp, M.A. Mr. Thomas Succow Ms. Kalli Vaughan Administrative Assistant & College Visit Coordinator: Mrs. Mary Novak Accreditation: Western Catholic Education Association Membership: Jesuit Secondary Education Association Jesuit High School College Counselors Association National Association of College Admission Counselors Founded: Enrollment: 1928 1318 young men - 317 Seniors Mission: Brophy is a private, Jesuit, Catholic, college preparatory that is committed to the belief that all creation is a reflection of God’s love and presence which demands a passionate and generous response from the entire community. We are dedicated to students of all socio-economic backgrounds who have the potential and desire to maximize their God-given gifts. By creating an atmosphere for academic, emotional and spiritual growth, Brophy College Preparatory develops critically thinking, articulate, sensitive and aware students with a strong sense of self-worth. Through the process of nurturing the soul, Brophy offers these students an intimate relationship with God and inspires leaders who are devoted to the service of others in a global community. Academic Program: Competitive admissions bless Brophy with academically talented and motivated students who are supported by a dedicated faculty. Admission is based on an examination, previous academic record, teacher recommendations, and a personal interview. All Brophy students follow a curriculum comprised solely of collegepreparatory disciplines. Typically, more than 99% of graduates proceed directly to higher education, 98% to four-year institutions. Graduation Requirements: The basic program for seniors requires a total of twenty-seven credits. This consists of four credits each of English and mathematics; three and one-half credits each of social science and religious studies; three credits each of foreign languages and science; two and one-half credits of fine arts; one credit of physical education; one-half credit of health, community service, and electives. AP/Honors Courses and Dual Enrollment: Honors and Advanced Placement sections exist in each of the curricular disciplines. Brophy strives to provide levels of acceleration and challenge in all sections of required courses and in the elective program, offering the following advanced sections. However, the offering of AP courses varies each year and some courses may not be available to all students. Many of Brophy’s upper level classes may be taken for dual enrollment credit through Rio Salado College. AP Art History AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Differential Equations AP Chemistry AP Chinese AP Comparative Government AP Computer Science AP Economics AP English III (Language) AP English IV (Literature) AP Environmental Science AP European History AP French IV AP U.S. Government AP Latin IV AP Music Theory AP Physics B 1 & 2 AP Physics C-Mechanics AP Physics C-Electricity & Magnetism AP Psychology AP Spanish IV (Language) AP Spanish V (Literature) AP Statistics AP Studio Art AP U.S. History AP World History Honors Algebra I Honors Algebra/Geometry Honors Algebra II Honors Anatomy & Physiology Honors Biology Honors Calculus I Honors Chemistry Honors Engineering Honors English I Honors English II Honors Environmental Science Honors French II Honors French III Honors French IV Honors Geometry Honors Latin II Honors Latin III Honors Latin IV Honors Music Programs Honors Physics Honors Pre-Calculus Honors Spanish II Honors Spanish III Honors Spanish IV Advanced Science Research Topics in Adv. Mathematical Theory Disciplinary Disclosure Policy: In accordance with school policy, Brophy will report to colleges and universities any student who has been found responsible for a disciplinary violation that resulted in placement on disciplinary probation. Cumulative GPA Distribution Class of ‘15 Grade Point Average: All courses, except those graded Pass/Fail, are included in the cumulative grade-point average. Honors courses receive a 0.50 weight value, and AP courses receive a 1.0 weight value on a four-point scale. 317 Students 4.30-4.52…………………..22 4.00-4.29………………......61 3.50-3.99…………...........108 3.00-3.49…………………...84 2.25-2.99…………………...42 Assignment of Rank: Brophy does not rank students. The school admits students on the basis of their abilities to succeed in a college-preparatory environment. Accordingly, 98% of students pursue a more rigorous curriculum than many of their peers, and since a greater number of them attain a high standard of academic excellence, a cumulative ranking system that has the potential to magnify small differences in performance would focus on individual student differences instead of student achievement. The distribution of GPAs among the current senior class appears in the table to the right. Testing Statistics National Merit Scholarship Competition: Class of: 2012 9 Finalists 2013 12 Finalists 2014 26 Finalists 2015 9 Semifinalists 12 Semifinalists 26 Semifinalists 13 Semifinalists Advanced Placement Scholars: 14 Letters of Commendation 14 Letters of Commendation 19 Letters of Commendation 20 Letters of Commendation Test year: 2012 2013 2014 60 Scholars 58 Scholars 64 Scholars 34 Honors 30 Honors 28 Honors 54 Distinction 70 Distinction 84 Distinction 3 National 15 National 27 National National Hispanic Recognition Program: Class of: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Advanced Placement Program: 2014 Distribution: 1 Scholar 7 Scholars 6 Scholars 1 Honorable Mention 6 Scholars Score of 5..........……….. 256 Score of 4...…….………. 297 Score of 3……….….…... 302 National Achievement Scholarship Program: Class of: 2013 1 Semifinalist 1 Outstanding Participant SAT Results for the Class of 2014: SAT I Averages Brophy Arizona National Critical Reading 613 522 497 ACT Results for the Class of 2014: SAT II Averages Math Writing 610 525 513 595 500 487 English Math Reading Science Composite Biology-Molecular 700 Chemistry 713 Literature 655 Math II 722 Physics 711 US History 698 Brophy Arizona National 27.4 18.8 20.3 26.6 20.2 20.9 27.4 20.0 21.3 26.0 19.5 20.8 Brophy College Preparatory Graduates Have Attended: Arizona Colleges & Universities: Arizona State University ASU: Barrett, The Honors College Grand Canyon University Northern Arizona University University of Arizona U of A: Honors Program Arizona Community Colleges Jesuit Colleges & Universities: Boston College College of the Holy Cross Creighton University Fordham University Georgetown University Gonzaga University John Carroll University Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Chicago Loyola University New Orleans Marquette University Regis University Rockhurst University Santa Clara University Seattle University Saint Joseph’s University Saint Louis University University of San Francisco Xavier University Military Academies: U.S. Air Force Academy U.S. Merchant Marine Academy U.S. Military Academy U.S. Naval Academy University of California: Berkeley Davis Irvine Los Angeles Riverside San Diego Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Out-of-State Schools: Auburn University American University Amherst College Baylor University Benedictine College Boston University Bowdoin College Brown University Bryant University Bucknell University California Institute of Technology California State Polytechnic University Carleton College Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Catholic University of America Chapman University Claremont-McKenna College Colgate University College of Charleston College of William and Mary Colorado College Colorado State University Columbia University Connecticut College Cornell University Dartmouth College Denison University DePaul University Dickinson College Duke University Duquesne University Emory University Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts Fort Lewis College George Mason University George Washington University Georgia Institute of Technology Grinnell University Harvard University Harvey Mudd College Howard University Indiana University at Bloomington Lake Forest College Lehigh University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Miami University, Ohio Michigan State University Middlebury College Morehouse College New York University Northeastern University Northwestern University Occidental College Ohio State University Ohio University Penn State University Pepperdine University Pitzer College Pomona College Princeton University Purdue University Reed College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rice University Rochester Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Saint John’s University Southern Methodist University St. Mary’s College of California Stanford University Stevens Institute of Technology Swarthmore College Syracuse University Texas A & M Texas Christian University The Johns Hopkins University Trinity University Tufts University Tulane University University of Alabama University of Chicago University of Colorado University of Connecticut University of Dallas University of Denver University of Hawaii @ Manoa University of Illinois University of Iowa University of Kansas University of Miami University of Michigan University of Missouri @ Columbia University of Montana Missoula University of Nevada University of Notre Dame University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Portland University of Redlands University of Rochester University of San Diego University of Southern California University of Tennessee University of Texas University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin Vanderbilt University Vassar College Villanova University Virginia Tech Wake Forest University Washington University of St. Louis Whitman College Willamette University Williams College Yale University 27.0 19.7 21.0