Limitations of Fundamental Freedoms and Rights • Irony of guaranteeing rights and freedoms is that we sometimes have to restrict these same rights and freedoms Section 1 – Reasonable Limits Clause • Let’s take a look… Any Charter case: 1.Individual must establish that a Charter right or freedom has been violated. ex. Wearing a seatbelt violates section 7 2. Government must show that the limit is justified. HOW??? 2 Part Test: (aka Oakes Test) Part 1 Can the limit on the rights and freedoms be justified? o Is it pressing and substantial? 1 Part 2 – Proportionality Test 1. 2. 3. Is the objective rational? (Does it make sense?) Does the limitation impair rights or freedoms as little as possible? Are the effects of the limitation proportional to the objective? Importance of Government Objective Effects of Limiting Rights and Freedoms SOCIAL INTERESTS INDIVIDUAL INTERESTS Government objectives that have “passed” the test: • Mandatory seatbelt laws • Child pornography limitations • D.N.A. collection 2 Section 33 – Notwithstanding Clause • Enables governments to limit the use of the Charter – aka veto a decision • Applies to most important parts…Section 2 (fundamental freedoms) and Sections 7-15 (legal and equality rights) • Arguably the most important section of the Charter • Two significant limitations to the Charter = Section 1 and Section 33 • Therefore, although we have rights and freedoms, powerful forces can limit them 3