MAIN EXAM KIGALI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUT DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIE DE KIGALI Avenue de l'Armée, B.P. 3900 Kigali, Rwanda INSTITUTE EXAMINATIONS-SEM: I ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: CIVIL ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY YEAR: 2 MODULE: DATE: SEMESTER: I Surveying I GROUP: CE, WEE CEE 3213 / /2012 TIME: 2hours MAXIMUM MARKS = 60 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper contains FOUR (4) questions. 2. Answer THREE (3) Questions: Question ONE (1) from Section “A” is Compulsory and Answer any TWO (2) from Section “B” 3. All questions carry equal marks. 4. No written materials allowed. 5. Do not forget to write your Registration Number. 6. Write all your answers in the booklet provided 7. Do not write any answers on this questions paper. 8. Start the questions in NEW pages SECTION A: The question in section A is compulsory QUESTION 1: i) List down branches and classification of surveying. (2 Marks) ii) Briefly write a note on area computation by Trapezoidal method. (2 Marks) iii) List down two main assumptions set by Simpsons’ rule in area computation. (2 Marks) iv) Give briefly Units used for distance and angular measurement in system international (S.I). (2 Marks) v) Convert from given units to the asked: 125 46 35 =……………….Gons 42.4587 Gons=……………….Radians (2 Marks) From vi to x choose the best correct answer by writing the corresponding letter vi) A theodolite can measure (a) Difference in level. (b) Bearing of a line. (c) Zenith angle. (d) All the above. (2 Marks) vii) If the back sight reading at point A is greater than the fore sight reading at point B then (a) A is higher than B. (b) B is higher than A. (c) Height of the instrument is required to know which point is higher. (d) Instrument position is required to know which point is higher. (2 Marks) viii) Reduced level of a point is its height or depth above or below (a) The ground surface. (b) The assumed datum. (c) Assumed horizontal surface. (d) The line of collimation. (2 Marks) ix) The temperature correction and pull correction (a) May have same sign. (b) Always have same sign. (c) Always have opposite signs. (d) Always have positive sign. (2 Marks) x) If two points A and B 125 m apart, have difference in elevation of 0.5 m, the slope correction to the measured length is (a) + 0.001 m. (b) 0.001 m. (c) + 0.0125 m. (d) 0.001 m. (2 Marks) SECTION B: Answer any two questions from Section B QUESTION 2: a) Determine the values missing in this leveling book (10 Marks) b) Explain briefly what is reciprocal leveling and provide its relations c) Define Methods of leveling with clear examples. (5 Marks) (5Marks) QUESTION 3: a) A line AB between the stations A and B was measured as 348.28 using a 20 m tape, too short by 0.05 m. Determine the correct length of AB, the reduced horizontal length of AB if AB lay on a slope of 1 in 25, and The reading required to produce a horizontal distance of 22.86 m between two pegs, one being 0.56 m above the other. (10 Marks) b) The angles at the stations of a closed traverse ABCDEFA were observed as given below: Adjust the angular error in the observations, if any, and calculate the correct angles of the traverse, K=3 and S=20’’ . (10 Marks) QUESTION 4: i) A tape of standard length 20 m at 85°F was used to measure a base line. The measured distance was 882.50 m. The following being the slopes for the various segments of the line: Calculate the true length of the line if the mean temperature during measurement was 63°F –6 and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the tape material is 6.5 × 10 per °F. (10 Marks) ii) The following readings were taken with a level and 4 m staff. Draw up a level book page and reduce the levels by the height of instrument method. 0.578 B.M.(= 58.250 m), 0.933, 1.768, 2.450, (2.005 and 0.567) C.P., 1.888, (10 Marks) 1.181, (3.679 and 0.612) C.P., 0.705, 1.810. MARKING SCHEME, SURVEYING I, MAIN EXAM i) Geodetic surveying Plane surveying Classification based on Instrument used, purpose of the survey and Nature of the field. (2 Marks) ii) Briefly write a note on area computation by Trapezoidal method. (2 Marks) iii) List down two main assumptions set by Simpsons’ rule in area computation. (2 Marks) -Boundaries are made of parabolic arcs. -The land contains and divided in to an even number of equal strips -2/3 area of circumscribing parallelogram. iv) The system most commonly used in the measurement of distance and angle is the ‘SystemeInternationale’, abbreviated to SI. The basic units of prime interest are: Length in metres (m), Km (Kilometers) for distance (2 Marks) v) Convert from given units to the asked: 125 46 35 = 139.751543 Gons 42.4587 Gons = 0.67 Radians vi) d (2 Marks) vii) b (2 Marks) viii) b (2 Marks) ix) a x) b (2 Marks) (2 Marks) SECTION B: Answer any two questions from Section B QUESTION 2: a) the values missing in this leveling book b) (10 Marks) Reciprocal leveling and provide its relations (5 Marks) Reciprocal levelling is employed to determine the correct difference of level between two points which are quite apart and where it is not possible to set up the instrument between the two points for balancing the sights. It eliminates the errors due to the curvature of the earth, atmospheric refraction and collimation. If the two points between which the difference of level is required to be determined are A and B then in reciprocal levelling, the first set of staff readings (a1 and b1) is taken by placing the staff on A and B, and instrument close to A. The second set of readings (a2 and b2) is taken again on A and B by placing the instrument close to B. The difference of level between A and B is given by: c) Methods of leveling with clear examples. Barometric leveling Spirit leveling and Trigonometric leveling. (5Marks) QUESTION 3: a) b) The angles at the stations of a closed traverse ABCDEFA were observed as given below: (10 Marks) QUESTION 4: i) (10 Marks) ii)