Daisy Chaining Example with 2 Device Requests An I/O bus uses a daisy chaining arbitration scheme. Three I/O devices (devices 1, 2, and 3) are connected to this bus where device 1 has the highest priority and device 3 has the lowest priority in obtaining a grant to use the bus. Using the attached diagram, show the timing of: (1) the bus request line, (2) bus grant lines issued from the arbiter, device 1 and device 2 , and (3) the bus release line when: (1) device 1 makes a bus request at T=10ns, (2) device 2 makes a bust request at T=20 ns, (3) device 1 issues a bus release 20 ns after it receives the grant (i.e., 20 ns after it sees the incoming grant signal) (4) device 2 issues a bus release 30 ns after it receives the grant (5) upon seeing a request, the arbiter issues a grant after a delay of 10ns, (6) each I/O device in the daisy chain can pass the grant signal to the next lower priority device 10 ns after it sees the incoming grant signal (7) a device lowers its bus request 10 ns after it receives (and takes) the grant (8) the arbiter lowers the grant 10 ns after it sees the bus release (9) a device releases its bus-release signal 10 ns after it has received an acknowledgment from the arbiter (10) the arbiter can issue a new grant 10 ns after all handshaking is complete A handshaking protocol for daisy chaining: Bus Request Arbiter Grant Device 1 Grant Device 2 Grant Bus Release 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 time (ns)