MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO AMERICAN PUBLIC MEDIA annual report JULY 2014 TO JUNE 2015 Our mission is to enrich the mind and nourish the spirit, thereby enhancing the lives and expanding the perspectives of our audiences, and assisting them in strengthening their communities. MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 3 “MPR programming has been a stimulating part of radio for me since I was a kid. MPR has become my commute radio, my most reliable news source, and the alarm on my clock radio. It connects me to my city and supports my sense of community.” Chelsea Chase, member from Minneapolis Dear friends, Thanks so much for ensuring another successful year at Minnesota Public Radio and American Public Media (MPR | APM). Just as we have for the past 48 years, we still measure our success by the value we create for you and the effect we have on our communities here in Minnesota and across the country. Every year in our annual report, we pause to reflect and to celebrate the achievements and impact that you’ve made possible. We also write to share where we’re headed. MPR | APM is healthy and growing. In fact, this past year, we grew to serve more than 19 million Americans every week—that’s a new record for us—and we ended our fiscal year with a balanced budget. As you read the stories that follow, highlighting how we have “… enriched minds, nourished spirits, enhanced lives, expanded perspectives and strengthened communities,” we hope you’ll feel a sense of pride for the important role you have in making these things happen and how your support will make even more possible in the years ahead. Whether it’s The Current’s contributions to our vibrant local music community; Classical MPR’s historic live, national broadcasts of the Minnesota Orchestra’s performances in Havana, Cuba; or the life- 4 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 changing and intimate stories Cathy Wurzer shared with us on MPR News about Bruce Kramer and living with ALS, we know that our work is making a real difference for nearly 1 million Minnesotans every week. Thank you, again and again, for helping us do that. We are honored to be considered among Minnesota’s leading institutions, and we’re in very good company. Minnesota has long been a hothouse of local talent, creative ideas, successful businesses and mission-driven organizations that have grown to provide national and international impact. Your support makes it possible for listeners across the country and around the world to hear premier programs such as Marketplace, A Prairie Home Companion, The Splendid Table, Performance Today and a growing array of podcasts, including Brains On!, Codebreaker and The Dinner Party Download. MPR APM annual report This is such an exciting time for MPR | APM, and we have many great programs and new experiences planned for you in the months ahead! We hope that our work inspires you as much as your support inspires us. Thank you. Jon McTaggart Brad Anderson President and CEO Chair, Board of Trustees P.S. If you ever have a question or suggestion, please do not hesitate to contact us. J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 5 Journalism that enriches minds and conversations Every day, through MPR News, Marketplace®, American RadioWorks® and the BBC World Service, we deliver trusted, relevant news that is regional, national and global, impacting the lives of the people and communities we serve. We take our responsibility to inform citizens seriously, and we work to provide fact-based news and critical context to every story. The following pages highlight important stories from the past year. Spotlighting why bird flu matters As the only broadcast news service that covers the entire state, MPR News brought timely and thorough coverage of the avian influenza outbreak that threatened the poultry industry and flocks in 23 Minnesota counties. Minnesota Turkey Growers Association Executive Director Steve Olson appreciates MPR’s careful reporting: “MPR’s steady voice bridged the gap with consumers who are further removed from the farm than ever before, helping to explain the magnitude of this outbreak with both facts and connections with farmers who were impacted,” Olson says. “The public benefited from MPR’s dedicated approach to covering all aspects of the outbreak because a quick visit to the MPR website yielded a variety of up-todate news, information and links.” mprnews.org/bird-flu MPR News reporter Dan Kraker records in Grand Marais, Minn. In 2015, Kraker co-produced a special report with Elizabeth Dunbar titled “Climate Change in Minnesota,” funded by a grant from the McKnight Foundation. The week-long MPR News series featured comprehensive onair and online reporting about how the changing climate affects multiple facets of life in Minnesota. The series earned a prestigious national award from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 6 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 7 Amplifying young voices to tell new stories University of St. Thomas student Tarkor Zehn participated in MPR News’ Young Reporters program, which gives high school and college students experience in research, interviewing, field recording, writing for radio, digital editing and voicing. With the help of MPR editor and producer Toni Randolph, Tarkor reported a timely story about the mobilization of the local Liberian community to fight Ebola, entitled “Ebola hits home for the Minnesota Liberian community.” “It was important to tell the story from a Liberian perspective,” Tarkor explains. “At the time, the American media was telling the story, but not in a good way. It was more about the hysteria and what Americans should do about Ebola. MPR gave me an opportunity to tell a larger and more important story from a Liberian perspective.” Tarkor says Toni was an invaluable mentor, and helped her learn several new skills. “The program really gives a voice to young people that they won’t experience anywhere else.” Now in its seventh year, MPR’s Young Reporters program earned a 2015 Gracie Award for the students’ excellent work. “Marketplace programs have been a form of Economics 101 for me over the past 10+ years. Marketplace gives me just enough detail and scope to help keep me alert to the world of finance, business and so much more.” Robert Fodor, listener from Charlotte, Mich. 8 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Marketplace embeds in communities to uncover the whole story Innovative, in-depth reporting is a hallmark of all our news entities. In the fall of 2014, Marketplace® launched its first immersive journalism project: a “pop-up news bureau.” This mini-bureau, staffed by the Wealth and Poverty team, enabled reporters to immerse themselves in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Highland Park, one of the country’s most rapidly gentrifying communities. The team rented a commercial space for three months on the main street, at the corner of York and Fig, which became the name of the project. By becoming an actual renter, the team developed access to the community that could never have been gained by “parachuting in.” The on-air reporting was enriched online with video stories, digital data illustrations, photo galleries, and bilingual blog posts. marketplace.org/ topics/wealth-poverty/York-fig Marketplace’s Kai Ryssdal sat down with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office twice over the past year for timely discussions about the economic forces affecting the lives of Americans and the controversial TransPacific Partnership agreement. Find the full interviews at marketplace.org MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 9 The MPR News team of Mike Edgerly, Chris Worthington, Madeleine Baran and Sasha Aslanian attended a ceremony in New York to accept a Peabody Award for their investigative series “Betrayed by Silence.” 10 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Award-winning investigative journalism “Art of Coding” story creates positive impact MPR News’ commitment to investigative reporting earned it the two highest honors in broadcast journalism—a George Foster Peabody Award and the prestigious Alfred I. duPont-Columbia Award—for “Betrayed by Silence,” a series examining the child abuse scandal in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. The multiplatform series, which spanned more than a year, also earned a host of regional and industry honors. This recognition reflects the meticulous and sensitive work our team of reporters and editors devoted to reporting an important story. mprnews.org/betrayed Marketplace’s Learning Curve® education series included reports about a juvenile detention center for girls in Wyoming that taught coding as part of the curriculum. “Zen and the Art of Coding” told a compelling story that inspired action. The series led to quick completion of the school’s crowdfunding campaign, an offer to mentor students at the school, and spurred an ongoing online conversation via Twitter chat #jjedtech connecting educators in juvenile justice facilities all over the country. The series was widely shared and lauded online by listeners, and the young girl featured in the story landed an internship in Washington, D.C. marketplace.org/learningcurve “I think it’s valuable to the entire community to have a resource like MPR that really cares about getting a story right.” Paul Hillmer, member from Burnsville MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 11 Music that nourishes the spirit and builds bridges “THANK YOU for this wonderful broadcast Sharing unforgettable performances of the Minnesota Orchestra performance Anna is just one of thousands of from Havana. I was born in Havana in listeners, from the U.S. and more than 120 countries, who shared the unforgettable live experience as Classical MPR brought 1948 and left in 1960. I have never, ever, The Minnesota Orchestra’s historic concerts in Havana to people around the world heard the Cuban National Anthem played through broadcast and digital channels. With the unifying power of music, the by an Orchestra. It was followed by orchestra’s visit bridged not only miles, but political and cultural divides. Generous support from Glen and The Star Spangled Banner ... I trembled Marilyn Nelson, Lorraine Hart, 3M, Ecolab and Pentair allowed Classical MPR deeply at the sound of BOTH anthems. and MPR News to accompany the orchestra and share the unique journey. Special thanks THANK YOU for that moment.” to those supporters for enabling audiences everywhere to be part of a history-making opportunity with MPR’s long-time partner, Anna, listener from Florida the Minnesota Orchestra. A young Cuban boy snaps a photo while the Minnesota Orchestra warms up before their historic and memorable performance at the Teatro Nacional in Havana, Cuba, brought to listeners around the world by Classical MPR. classicalmpr.org/cuba 12 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 13 Uplifting voices in choral music With expanded programming on-air, online and on stage, Classical MPR’s Choral Initiative ignites and celebrates Minnesota’s treasured choral tradition and voices from around the world. Audiences enjoy the 24-hour Choral Stream™, a weekly “Sing to Inspire” radio segment, and regional choral concerts like Harmony in the Park® in Duluth and Minneapolis. Under the musical direction of Choral Initiative Manager Tesfa Wondemagegnehu, we’re expanding outreach to schools, festivals and community choirs throughout the state to inspire and amplify choral music everywhere. classicalmpr.org/choral Tesfa Wondemagegnehu is the inspiring manager of Classical MPR’s Choral Works Initiative, a portfolio of choral activities to support Minnesota’s community of voices. Every day, Tesfa spreads his passion for and celebration of choral music to Minnesota’s schools and aspiring singers. Follow him on Twitter at @tesfawon and #SingtoInspire. 14 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Performance Today elevates the musical experience Every day, Performance Today® audiences enjoy live concert recordings and in-studio sessions they won’t find anywhere else. Judith, a daily listener from New Mexico, says host Fred Child “greets me every morning with gentleness, wit, and gentility, along with beautiful music, some familiar, some totally new to me—giving me a chance to learn and inspiring me for the future with the wonderful new young artists he finds for us to get to know.” In June, Fred led 140 Performance Today listeners on a musical adventure as they shared a cruise down the Danube River from Prague to Budapest, visiting the places where Mozart, Beethoven, Dvorak, Brahms, and Strauss lived, loved and worked. The group experienced beautiful music, culture and history, all infused with Fred’s insights and perspectives. A highlight of the trip was having former Performance Today Young Artist violinist Robyn Bollinger accompany the group and perform regularly. performancetoday.org “By sharing this station with my family, their own passion for classical music has grown. And my children are now involved in band and orchestra. We love our Classical MPR!” Rachel Schutte, member from Decorah, Iowa MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 15 More than music for more than a decade When MPR launched The Current® in 2005, it was a risk worth taking. We imagined a new kind of radio station that would become part of the community and make the region a better place to live, and to create, perform and celebrate music. And it has. For listeners in Minnesota and around the globe, The Current is a curator with 16 MPR APM annual report a human touch that fosters a culture of discovery and engagement around music. The Current shapes and elevates Minnesota’s music scene by helping artists build audience, sell music and connect to a vibrant music community. To celebrate 10 years on air, The Current hosted 10 days of ‘random acts of musical kindness’ in January 2015. Events included J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 two sold-out shows at First Avenue with eight bands, intimate performances at the Turf Club, Fitzgerald Theater, Bryant-Lake Bowl, and Rochester’s Mayo Civic Center, a family snow tubing day, a Policy and a Pint® gathering to discuss transportation policy, and a lively Public Music Meeting inviting the audience to influence The Current’s playlist. Relive the fun at thecurrent.org/ten “No other station plays such an eclectic variety of music. The Current’s amazing mix of music and incredibly knowledgeable and charismatic DJs makes the Twin Cities an active community through music, politics, art, theater and more.” Caroline Johnson, member from Minneapolis MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 17 Artists, listeners, and partners feel the Impact “The Current helps us build relationships with new customers and offer information about what they’re hearing on 89.3. The station also brings more artists to the Twin Cities, often helping new artists sell out a performance because their music is in rotation on The Current.” Dawn Novak, Electric Fetus Marketing Manager 18 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Staged in partnershisp with the Walker Art Center, Rock the Garden 2015 featured two full days of great music in the heart of the city, with 10 bands ranging from Minnesota punk legends and stars of Afrobeat to scions of rock-and-roll history. thecurrent.org/rockthegarden Local artist Dessa appreciates the role The Current plays in the community and how it’s made a difference in the lives of local artists: “The Current gives independent musicians a platform to connect with new listeners and it gives radio listeners a chance to discover new music. Bands around the country consider Minneapolis a major tour stop, in part because of institutions like The Current and First Avenue,” she says. “I’ve been a public radio listener since I was knee-high; and I’m always excited to partner on a concert, program, or special project with any of the MPR stations.” MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 19 Podcast hosts and award-winning authors Jess Walter and Sherman Alexie are pictured here at the Fitzgerald Theater with MPR News host Kerri Miller talking about their podcast A Tiny Sense of Accomplishment® and what they’re reading and writing. The podcast is one of several from APM’s Infinite Guest podcast network, launched in 2014 to bring audiences a mix of new and familiar voices and programs covering the worlds of food, comedy, music, art and culture. infiniteguest.org New voices – new discoveries Innovative music resources for teachers MPR continues to grow the Music for Learning portfolio, a go-to teacher resource for materials that meet Minnesota K–12 music education standards and help nurture a love and understanding of classical music among a new generation. A special gift from John and Ruth Huss supported the expansion of Classical MPR’s education website to create new curriculum standards-aligned resources. That includes Audio Backpack®, a playlist creator that helps teachers access and share expertly curated audio clips to enrich teaching about musical concepts, composers, instruments, genres and time periods. Inviting the audience to create with us MPR News on Instagram provides a unique and distinctive place to showcase news and feature content—stories that are often best told through distinctive images. We encourage audience participation and have discovered and shared iconic and memorable images from regional photographers—both amateur and professional. The images showcase the state’s natural beauty, important news events and unique personal moments. instagram.com/mprnews YourClassical.org for life’s every moment In 2015, APM debuted YourClassical.org®, a website showcasing classical music programs along with a collection of curated music streams, unique programs and relevant stories and features to promote calm, focus and most of all, a love of classical music. Website visitors can listen to a live hosted program 24 hours a day or stream themed collections for lullabies, energy, relaxation, movie soundtracks, choral music and more. yourclassical.org “Classical MPR’s Audio Backpack is a versatile tool that helps enhance and streamline my teaching. It makes my life easier, and my students love listening to the clips!” Maia Hamman, Holdingford, Minn. 20 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 21 Award-winning impact We are committed to creating programming that matters to the people and communities we serve. Recognition from our audiences, our peers and industry leaders reinforces our promise to deliver distinctive reporting and programming every day. MPR News 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 American Association for Advancement of Science Silver Award for “Climate Change in Minnesota” George Foster Peabody Award – Radio Documentary “Betrayed by Silence” Alfred I. duPont Columbia Award – “Betrayed by Silence” series National Murrow Awards – News Documentary and Best Large Market Radio Website Gracie Award for Student Series – MPR News Young Reporters Series Regional Murrow Awards – Four First Place awards for News Documentary, Feature Reporting, Investigative Reporting, Broadcast Affiliate Website 2015 Sigma Delta Chi Awards – First Place awards for Radio Documentary and Online Investigative Reporting 2015 Third Coast International Audio Festival – First Place for Radio Impact, “Betrayed by Silence” 2015 MN Society for Professional Journalists – Ten First Place awards 2015 MN Associated Press Awards – Six First Place awards 2015 Midwest Broadcast Journalists Association – Three First Place awards for Documentary, Broadcasting Writing, and News Website 2015 Online News Association – Finalist for Explanatory Reporting, “Climate Change in Minnesota,” and Features “Betrayed by Silence” 2014 Public Radio News Directors Inc., Awards-National – First Place for Long Documentary, “Betrayed by Silence” 2014 Eppy Awards – Best Use of Photography on a Website 2014 Online News Association – Data Journalism, “Betrayed by Silence” MPR Young Reporters Simone Cazares, Tarkor Zehn, and Elizabeth Zalanga celebrate their Gracie Award with MPR mentor Toni Randolph. 22 MPR APM annual report The Current 2015 Station of the Year, Non-Commercial, FMQB Triple A Conference 2015 Society for Professional Journalists – Best Social Media Account 2015 David Safar, Music Director of the Year Non-Commercial, FMQB Triple A Conference Marketplace 2015 Gerald Loeb Awards Finalist for Explanatory Category for “York & Fig” series 2015 LA Press Club’s SoCal Journalism Award finalist – (Multi-Media Package) “York & Fig” series J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Thank you We are honored to thank and acknowledge the 132,000 members and hundreds of organizations that supported MPR I APM during the 2015 fiscal year (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015). The following pages highlight leadership donors who made gifts to support our daily work, designated gifts to fund special projects, or donated funds to help grow our endowment. The extraordinary generosity of our members ensures that MPR I APM can be an indispensable resource for our audiences and an essential public service for our communities. Thank you! MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 23 President’s Circle Guarantor—$100,000 and above Director—$10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous (2) Nicky B. Carpenter John and Ruth Huss Doug and Louise Leatherdale Estate of John C. Sall Robert J. Sivertsen Anonymous (3) Wendy Bennett and Ken Powell Sandie H. and Larry Berger Nicholas and Abigail Boetticher Susan S. Boren Mary and Richard Brainerd Carol Daly Jill T. Doescher Janet Dolan and William Moore James L. and Emily B. Dunagin Steve and Susan Fritze Mary Gale Barbara A. Gaughan Nancy R. Gaustad The Thomas W. and Lorna P. Gleason Foundation of the Minnesota Community Foundation The Rosemary and David Good Family Foundation Lorraine R. Hart Marguerite M. Harvey Hoeft Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Sara and Randy Hogan Orville C. Hognander, Jr. Amy L. Hubbard and Geoffrey J. Kehoe Fund Bill and Hella Mears Hueg Ludmilla and Philip Isaacson Innovator—$50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous (2) Glen and Marilyn Nelson Benefactor—$25,000 to $49,999 3RDEYEGIRL Brad and Janet Anderson Charles H. Clay Family CLAT Trust Patrick and Lisa Denzer Elise R. Donohue Chip and Vicki Emery John and Mary Feikema Ian and Carol Friendly William H. Halverson John and Kathy Junek Emery N. and Karen Koenig Marti Morfitt and Patrick Weber Kate and David Mortenson/ Mortenson Family Foundation David and Patty Murphy Margaret and Angus Wurtele 24 MPR APM annual report Doug and Louise Leatherdale President’s Circle Paul and Chris Kadue David F. and Michelle H. Kallmes Rick and Gina King Steven L. and Jan L. Kirchner Family Foundation Al and Kathy Lenzmeier Helen E. and Daniel T. Lindsay Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation The Lukis Foundation McCarthy Bjorklund Foundation/Alexandra Bjorklund Jon and Debra McTaggart Noble Family Foundation/Terry and Bette Noble Mary and Dick Payne Tad and Cindy Piper Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Robert and Rebecca Pohlad Jim Prokopanko and Bonnie McPhee Paul and Mary Reyelts Foundation Roger and Carol Ryberg Saunders Therapy Centers, PA James Schenz and Miriam Simmons Kathleen Stack Austin and Marti Sullivan Nancy Sweet Kay Savik and Joe Tashjian Henrietta P. Torgerson Trust Joanne Von Blon Peter A. Wiringa Doug and Louise appreciate the countless hours MPR has kept them company through the years—during commutes to work, while chauffeuring their children around, and especially as they worked with their horses in the barn. According to Louise, the radio in the barn was most often tuned to Classical MPR because “it was calming for the animals and calming for me.” Primarily a news listener, Louise adds, “my daily listening is such an important part of my life. I can get all the news I need and feel confident that I’m getting the right information. Once you’ve been spoiled by MPR, you can’t go back to any other station.” For 35 years, MPR was a big part of Doug’s lengthy commute to and from downtown St. Paul, where he was Chairman/CEO of The Saint Paul Companies. “I always got the business news and unbiased news of substance about what had happened during the day. And when the news wasn’t of interest, I could turn to Classical MPR. It was perfect.” This year, the couple made a special gift, inviting MPR leaders to use the funds strategically to make MPR even better. “We made gifts to organizations, like MPR, that we thought were important in this community,” Doug says. “I’ve traveled a lot, and found that no other station comes close to what we have here.” J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 25 Leadership Circle Investor—$5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous (2) Joy and Ali Alizadeh Julie Allinson and Paul Erickson Peter and Sally Anson Frederick and Catherine Asher Annette Atkins and Tom Joyce Keith and Mary Bednarowski Edward Bergmark Karen Blumberg and Dan Rischall Camille Burke Michael V. and Ann C. Ciresi Audrey Clay Yvonne and Costa Constantine Kristen Copham Sandra and Lynn Davis David and Vanessa Dayton Stone Pier Foundation on behalf of James G. and Megan M. Dayton Cy and Paula DeCosse Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Susan DeNuccio Terry Devitt Katrina E. DiCamillo Dan Dodds David Duddingston and Clayton Halunen Jim and Sherri Dwyer Hugh and Joyce Edmondson Kathleen O. and Gerald A. Erickson Michael Anthony Esch Andrew and Heidi Faris Janice Kaye and Bela Albert Feher Dan Feidt and Margery Martin Richard and Beverly Fink Foundation Lisa Gray Beverly Grossman Bruce and Joanne Gruen Russell B. Hagen Jayne and Al Hilde Wayne and Dianne Hoeschen The Karon Family Foundation The Margaret H. and James E. Kelley Foundation Anthony L. Kiorpes and Farrel E. Rich Kurt W. Klitzke Eileen Marie Knopp John Lilly 26 MPR APM R.C. Lilly Foundation in Memory of David M. Lilly Sr. Dana R. Lonn Kathi Austin Mahle and Stephen Mahle Catherine A. Mayer Walt McCarthy and Clara Ueland Dick and Joyce H. McFarland Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Alida R. Messinger Dr. James H. Munn Lynn and Ben Oehler Bill and Barbara Pearce James J. Phelps and Nancy McGlynn Phelps Louise B. Plank Dr. Shirley M. Polly and Dr. David W. Polly, Jr. E. Thomas Binger and Rebecca Rand Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation The Rathmann Family Foundation Cidney Rattunde and Cindy Haugejorde Red Pine Fund Marilyn and Steven Rothschild Ed and Jenni Ryan Kevin and Leela Scattum Richard Schleuss and Ann Newhall Debra Schumann Joseph N. Shneider Dr. Patricia S. Simmons and Dr. Lester E. Wold Annette C. Smith William Svrluga and Lucy Gerold Betsy and Paul von Kuster Ed Wagner Leona Werner and Robert Waldron Rev. and Mrs. Chip Whitacre White Pine Fund Neil M. Winston Mr. Chien-Chang Eugene Yang Will Zimmerman Leader—$2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous (7) Steven C. and Beverly K. Aanenson Carolyn S. Ackerberg Jim and Julia Adams Susan and Louis Ainsworth annual report Denise and Maurice Holloman Leadership Circle Todd and Allyson Aldrich Suzanne F. Ammerman Prospect Creek Foundation, Martha and Bruce Atwater Jo and Gordon Bailey Family Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation Ellen and Michael Bendel-Stenzel Deborah C. Bohn and Mark Simenstad Michael Borromeo Peter A. Boysen William K. and Delores Brehm Ken and Rita Britton Brown Family Foundation Allan and Lou Burdick/Burdick Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Kris Burhardt and April Spas Dr. Kim and Dede Chart Chizek Family Foundation Bruce A. and Ann Streitz Christensen Michael C. and Leslie B. Connelly Joel Conner and Rachael Jarosh The Longview Foundation - Ellie R. Crosby Anna Beth Culver Ken and Abby Dawkins/The Dawkins Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Cornelia and Eric Dayton Ruth Stricker Dayton and Bruce Dayton John W. and Judy L. Dinsmore Kathy and Michael Dougherty Nathan A. Dungan and Susan Hawks Alan R. Edgar Joseph and Mary Fahey Ivan and Sharon Fong Iris Freeman and Warren Woessner Sara and Tom Gavin David and Terry Gilberstadt Marvin E. and Miriam R. Goldberg Foundation Kevin Grose Megan R. Gunnar Dahlberg Estate of Ruth E. Halverson Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison Greg Haselmann and Nancy Hanks The Head Foundation Reid and Cheryl Hegland Doug Hepper and Anne Pantelich J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Richard and Carrie Higgins Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Elizabeth and Edwin Hlavka Denise Holloman Michelle and David Horan The Ekdahl Hutchinson Family Fund Michael Ile and Andrea Boado Chris and Val Jackson Pete Jacoby Lucy Rosenberry Jones Charitable Trust Emily B. and Charles Kelley Dana and Lori Klimp Sally and Bill Kling Knopf Family Foundation of The Minneapolis Foundation Robert Kriel and Linda Krach Daniel and Constance Kunin Randy C. Kurth John and Karen Larsen Peter and Monica Lawyer Alice Lesney Fund Rex H. Levang Ross and Bridget Levin Aaron Link Michael D. and Wendy P. Lougee DianaLee Lucker Leland T. Lynch and Terry Saario Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Nancy Lyons Mary K. Mahley Family Foundation Bill Mahlum and Donna Allan Mahlum Steven Mahon and Judy Mortrude Rhoda and Don Mains John R. and Louise McCarten Harvey Thomas McLain Bill and Martha McLaughlin Amy McNally Tom and Joan Mears Harold and Judy Melanson Mary and Bob Mersky David Miller and Jennifer Melin Miller Linda Mohr and Larry Hill Bjorn K. and Margot Monson Lee and Vicki Morgan Bob and Sandy Morris Joseph and Kathleen Mucha Katherine Murphy Heather Muster and James Mohn Denise Holloman realizes that what led her to a college major in systems engineering—“I’m curious about everything, interested in in-depth information but I also want to understand the interconnections”—also explains why she became an avid MPR listener soon after moving to Minnesota for a position with General Mills. MPR satisfied her desire for knowledge. “For me, MPR has really been about providing this broader perspective in the most subtle of ways,” Denise explains. She enjoys the unique reporting she hears on MPR from nearby and around the globe. “Public radio helps you understand that we all have stories, and so many of those stories help me understand the human condition and a spirit that transcends continents. MPR covers the world, and I appreciate that.” Listeners for more than a decade, Denise and Maurice especially appreciate that today MPR is accessible no matter where they are thanks to the website, mobile apps and podcasts. “The quality is excellent, the content is so broad, and that’s important to me because I tend to like to explore. MPR offers me the opportunity to explore every day.” MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 27 Betty Myers Mary and Joel Nease Mary and Hudson Nichols Nicholson Family Foundation Linda Odegard and Harlan Cavert Kay and Michael O’Keefe Carol Rae and Bruce Olson Foundation Ahmad and Ruth Orandi Teresa M. O’Toole Stephen Otto Padilla Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Karen L. Pajari Katherine Payne Rick and Suzanne Pepin Judi and Lorne Petkau Scott R. Plummer James and Donna Pohlad Judy and Nickolas Priadka Ricard and Barbara Puumala Racciatti Family Fund of the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Frank and Gladys Ritter Sandra Bemis Roe Tim and Marci Roesler Thomas J. Rosback Gerald M. Rosen and Martha Brand Roland Robert Rutz Sampson Family Charitable Foundation The William and Susan Sands Foundation of The Saint Paul Foundation Robin Saunders Ryan and John Zech Kendra K. and Mark G. Schwabel Penelope’s Shawl Fund of Minnesota Community Foundation/Penelope Scialla Robert E. and Kimberly Scott Beth Ann Segal Bruce and Julianne Seiber Kathryn T. Shaw and Larry A. Labonte Phyllis Moen and Richard P. Shore Christine K. Solso and Robert Huber Sylvia Soucheray Charitable Lead Trust Janette Sweasy Jim Swindal Jean M. Taylor and Roger D. Griffith Allan J. and Agnes K. Taylor Missy Thompson and Gar Hargens Winston R. and Maxine H. Wallin Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Dr. Ann and Mr. David Wasson Dee Weaver Dan D. and Mary E. Wilkening 28 MPR APM Gene L. and Sheelah Windfeldt Mike and Donna Wolsted Woodhouse Family Foundation Randi S.N. Yoder and Michael J. Henley Partner—$1,200 to $2,499 Anonymous (9) Anonymous Donor at the Central Minnesota Community Foundation Anonymous Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Karen R. Achberger Betty and John Adamich Ann W. Adams and Sally M. Ehlers Mark Addicks David and Susan Ahlquist Dr. Peter and Mary Ellen Alden Meredith B. Alden Yusuf M. Ali Margaret Alldredge Melanie and Calvin Allen Idith Almog Royal D. and Karen B. Alworth Kimberly Amrami Sarah J. Andersen Dennis Anderson Tom J. and Laura Anderson David and Deb Andreas Dr. Felix Ankel and Lisa Holter Margie and Pete Ankeny Christopher Annand Marcia Appel and Vincent Giorgi Constance Archbald Dr. Thomas R. Arlander Laura N. and Marcus Arneson Paul and Sue Arneson James F. and Christine Kay Arnold Candace and David Arp Dr. Judith Arvold and Dr. David Arvold Michael Arvold Linnea and Jon Asp Sharon L. and Terry Avent John and Mary Bachhuber Dale L. and Jane G. Bacon Donna and Jerold O. Bahls Bailey Nurseries Foundation Cheryl Bailey and Daniel Humes Walt and Ginger Bailey Sandra and Barry Baines John B. and Nancy R. Baird Fund of the St. Croix Foundation Carole and Doug Baker Fund of The annual report Minneapolis Foundation Julie M. and Douglas M. Baker, Jr. Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Barbara J. Baklund George Baldwin Jim Barker Valeria Barlau Patricia A. Barrier and Robert A. Cline Robert Barten Susan and Vincent Barton Erin M. and Andrew J. Barwis Gregory L. and Jennifer A. Bastian Dr. and Mrs. Paul Batalden Nathan P. and Jennifer S. Battan Ms. Diana Bayoff Larry Beaty Anne Becker and David Greeman Tim Beebe Mark Beltz Judith Belzer and Jeremy Waldman Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Barbara C. Bencini Susan Benfield Sarah M. and Andrew C. Benish Elisabeth R. Bennett Barbara Braman Bentson James Bergerson Catherine A. Bevanda Joseph William Bianchi The Bieber Family Foundation Michelle M. Blaeser Carla Blumberg Linda and Mark Boben Paul J. Bock Paul H. and Carol Boerger Carolyn and Fred H. Bogott Gary and Jan Bohline Jeffrey R. Bond Eve and Edgar Bornhauser Dixie Lee Boschee Daniel Bourgeois Timothy Brackett Leila Brammer Carol Brandenburg Jennifer Brandl Charles W. Breer and Holly J. Brackett Fredric and Deborah Bremseth Robin and Jason Bresette Charles and Alice Bresnahan Jan and Ellen Breyer Sarah Bridges and Grant Morrison Dr. Arnold and Judy Brier Jeanne Louise Bringgold-Pro J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Gail and Gary Brisbin Leann Britton Michael J. Brogowicz Dr. Barbara A. Broker Andrew Brosi and Turi Svennevig-Brosi Dr. Jay C. Broton and Timothy A. Lander The Charles E. and Edna T. Brundage Charitable Science and Wildlife Conservation Foundation Corwin and Dee Brust Mark and Kathryn Brutinel David and Ann Bucheck Scott Bucholtz Robert G. Buley Ronald M. and Kim M. Burd M. Nicholas Burke, M.D. and Susan Slattery-Burke Linda and Tim Burkett Greg and Melinda Burnett Durand and Renee Burns Kathryn A. Burns John and Caryl Busman Ellen Butler Eric A Butler Robert E. and Gail Buuck Kathleen Cahalan Maura and Terry Cahill Charles T. and Patrice Callahan Joanna G. and Brad R. Callahan Dan Callahan William W. and Connie Cameron Brenda H. and Norman W. Canedy Peter Capell Jerome and Linda Carlson Jerry and Diane Carlson Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Elspeth Cook Carlstrom and Andrew Hoffman Paul and Bridget Carns Dr. Francis Mark Carter Lynn Casey John and Leslea Caswell James D. and Kathryn Catalano Marco and Heike Cavalletti Cecil H. and Margaret M. Chally Wendy Champness Rocklon B. and Barbara D. Chapin Rene S. Chartier and Marilyn J. Morton Mark Chatterton and Julia Halberg Jean Christensen Marie Christensen Paul D. Christensen Sharon and Greg Christian Kimberly Kaye Christianson Richard W. and Jean Illsley Clarke Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Deneen M. Clarke Paul Claus and Mary E. Jones Harold Clausen David Cleveland and Carol Stack Bill and Victoria Cliby Michelle Coborn Alexandra Coe and Judy Meath Linda and Christiaan Coetzee Sheila M. Colgan Janet Conn and Mike Debelak Benjamin G. and Laura J. Cooper Mark and Karri L. Copman Eva Cordes and Samuel White Dr. Iris Cornelius Judith S. and Richard F. Corson Martin J. and Barbara Costello Bill and Winkie Coyne Miggie Cramblit Lydia Crawford Robert M. Crone and Mary L. Cameron Kitty and David P. Crosby Al and Sue Crouse Mary Beth Crowley Buzz and Judy Cummins John and Sally Cuningham Jeffrey and Dawn Daehn Diane A. Dahl and Thomas B. Dunkel James P. Daniel Tom Darling Milton W. Datta Ann Davey Charme and R.C. Davidson R. Scott and Patricia Davies Barbara J. Davis Fran Davis Dana J. and Mary Beth Dawson Daniel and Deborah Day Andrew Dayton Robert and Barbara De La Vega Carl de Marcken Kelly and Fritz DeBrine Richard and Nancy Dehmer Douglas W. and Debra S. DeLeeuw Claudia Dengler Holle and Daniel Despen Matthew F. and Tamara L. Detert Rick and Betty Devine Fernando Di Caprio and Julia P. Joseph-Di Caprio Carolyn and Alan Diamond Ariel Dickerman Jan Dickinson and Scott Veatch Jen Dietrich Jackie and Chuck Dietz Dan and Luz Digre Kris Diller Dr. Ann C. Dillon and William H. Lohman Loralee and Gene DiLorenzo Mark and Janet Ditter Willa and Robert Dohlman Mary Dolan Mark and Anne Donahoe Tom and Mary Ann Donaldson Melissa Donkers Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Donley Joseph P. Donnelly Dee and Jim Dorsey Andrew Dotson and Sean Sweeney David A. DuBois Sandy Duclos Field Joan Duddingston David C. Dudycha and Dorothy E. Vawter Sandra K. and Michael J. Duffy Jacquelin R. Dunn David and Margaret Duxbury Eric Dybsetter Dr. Peter J. and J. Isabelle Dyck The Eagle and The Hawk Foundation Dr. Mary Anne Ebert and Paul Stembler Stephen S. Eckman Perry R. Eddy Michelle and Adam Edwards Paul Egeland Robert John Ehren Nicole S. and Mark H. Eikenberry A. Dorene Eklund and Jan W. Skovran Joel and Mary Ann Elftmann Arlene F. Eliason Mark R. and Donna Lynn Eliason LaVonne J. Ellingson Kristin K. Elliott Thomas and Barbara Elliott Rhett Ellison Jean M. Elwell-Keir Pamela Endean and Colleen M. Carey John and Patricia Endicott Lester Engel Douglas and Debrah Engen Erik J. Englebretson and Kathryn E. Farniok Rebecca L. Erdahl John Erdahl Sally Ericksen M. Joy Erickson Mike Erickson and Jody Anderson Rondi Erickson and Guilford Lewis Doretta and Tommy Ertmann Marion Etzwiler and John Shepherd Wendy Evans Patricia Fair and Randy Arnold Wollan and Fan Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Farley Family Fund John Farrish Ronald J. and Claire Faust O.J. and Karen Fawcett Charles Fazio and Sallie Quammen Judy and Noel Fedje Ron Feldman and Julie Hirsch Phil Feller Linda M. Ferguson Anita Fineday Becky Mallory Finnigan David and Sue Finstrom Gerald and Catherine Fischer Paul Fish and Kandise Garrison Peter Fliegel Paul and Judith Florell Cynthia M. Frane Patricia and Peter Frechette Carol Freeman Matthew Frick Stuart & Nancy Friedell Family Foundation Michelle and David Fries Rob and Deb Frimerman Tracey Ann Fritcher Nicole and Eric P. Frost Tiegen and Susie Fryberger Nancy Fugina and Gary Schukar Howard and Judy Fulk Susan Funk and Stephen Kidner Fund Martha and John Gabbert Dr. Naomi M. Gades Andrew and Megan Gaillard Jennifer J.M. and Thomas A. Gall Charles and Jean Gallo Carson and Gail Gardner James and Joan Gardner Robert F. Gardner Joanne Gaul Katy Gaynor Susan Gebelein Kathie and Ken Geiger MPR APM annual report Maggie A. Gilbert and Robert A. Rosenbaum Gerry and Toni Gilchrist Mark Girouard and Naomi Mraz Daniel R. Gjelten Carma Gjerning Bill and Paula Glade Susan and Bill Goldenberg Susan and Stan Goltz Morris Goodwin, Jr. Kevin T. Gordon and Michelle L. Traeger Dr. Jean C. Gorman and Dr. J. Roger Edson Christopher J. Gostout and Bobbie Smith Gostout Adam and Kariann Gottesman Steve and Candy Gouze Mary and Peter Gove Karen B. and Richard W. Gran Margot and Paul Grangaard Kim Granger Jack and Marlys Gray Susan L. and John C. Gray Cara Jo Greger and Daniel Joseph Angelo Billie Jo and Christopher Grieve Dennis J. Grigal Nancy C. and Larry Grubbs Melanie D.C. and Martin T. Grune Robert and Julie Ann Guelich Camilla Gunderson Ian Gunn Luca Gunther and Katherine S. Wilson Eric and Jill Gustafson Ashley and Ann D. Haase Robert F. and Barbara Hadler Dr. Linda Hall Lillian P. Hall Scarpa and Andrea Scarpa Keith Halperin and Karen Grabow Jim and Yvonne Sexton Family Foundation Peter G. Hames Harold and Eleanor Hamilton, Micro Control Company Greg and Stephanie Hammerly Tammy Hamzehpour Bill T. and Lori S. Hanley Wanda Hanlon Betsy and Jule Hannaford Ann Marie Hanrahan Brita Marie Hansen Carl and Mary Hansen J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 29 Anne Schwichtenberg Partner—$1,200 to $2,499 Leadership Circle Anne recalls that one of her earliest experiences with MPR was just after 9/11 when MPR News reporters came to her Bloomington high school to interview students about their reactions to the tragedy. “They were talking to politicians and world leaders, and to think the media was interested in what young people thought and wanted to understand our perspective was very cool,” Anne explains. “It cemented my lifelong devotion to MPR because they cared about what we thought and shared that with the community.” Now out of graduate school with a PhD and a job, Anne decided it was time for her to “put my money where my heart was” so she joined the Leadership Circle. She also volunteers time helping at MPR events. “If you feel a service like MPR brings value to your life, you really need to support it.” Anne says she appreciates how MPR expands her perspective. “MPR often frustrates me, but in a good way. An issue that I think has a clear answer, always has another side. MPR never offers the easy solution. It really forces me to think for myself and critically consider the whole range of perspectives.” 30 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Janet M. Hansen Fund of the St. Croix Foundation Kathleen G. and David A. Hansen Deborah and Stephen Hanson Mirja P. and Sam Hanson Kent and Jude Harbison Jeffrey L. and Lisa C. Harmening Barbara Haroldson Dr. Stephen C. Harrington John and Helen Harris John W. Harris Katherine Harris Manya R. Harsch Josh Daniel Hartnett James Haselmann Patricia Haugen Susan Haugen Jan E. Haugen-Rogers and Roy W. Rogers Margo Struthers and Mark Haugland Dr. Michael Haydock David and Sharonne Hayes Allen W. Hayes Betsy Hayes Roger F. Heegaard Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Kristen and Loren Heeringa Janine N. and Thomas B. Heffelfinger Heidi and David Hegenbarth Thomas J. Heim Richard and Anna Heinrich Deb M. Bloom Heiser Bernt and Suzin Helgaas Jim Knudson and Kristin Helling H. Jed Hepworth and Lee Schubert Kent M. and Elizabeth H. Hering Nancy Lynn and Matthew Bristow Hertz John F. and Kathe Hetterick Tina Hieken Nancy Hill and John Birchem Karla and Ian Hillier Jeff and Liz Hilligoss Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Hinck Susan C. Hodgson Fund Paul Hoefer Alan and Judy Hoffman Harry and Julie Hoffman Diane and Tony Hofstede Arthur L. and Donna Hogenson Joseph Holan Rick and Sandy Holbrook Kim and David Holland Jeff Holmbeck Ken and Linda Holmen Carol and Tom Holmes Jennifer Holte Thomas F. and Libby Horner Abra M. Hovgaard Craig and Susan Howe Mike and Karmen Hoxie Jay Hudson and Susan Burton Mark Hudson Penny Hunt Daniel Ihnat Joel Ingersoll Helena E. Jackson and Doug Dunham J.graf D. Jackson Thomas Jakel Layton James Diana Jankovich Alison and Bruce Jarvis Kim Jenson and Tom Elsen Dorothy L. and Alan Johns Amy E. and Ben Johnson Ardes Johnson Betty and Bud Johnson Bob and Trish Johnson Charlotte S. and Ward Johnson Clyde and Julie Johnson Rev. Robert D. Johnson and Mrs. Diane F. Johnson Scott and Marjorie Johnson Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Susan L. and Bruce A. Johnson Andrea Johnson Dawn Johnson Fredrik and Sharon Johnson Steven and Jean Johnson Jessica B. and Andrew P. Johnsrud Manley and Mary Johnston Bill R. and M. Susan Jolitz Hubert Joly Adam and Imma Jones Cheryl D. Jones and Gordon Uttermark Kathleen A. Jones R. Scott and Anne Jones John H. Judd and Janet A. Nagele-Judd Martin Juhn and Jay Oh Glen Alan and Barb Juntti Marilyn L. Kaeli Julia Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation Morton and Merle Kane David W. and Monica Kansas Carolyn and John Kanyusik Sylvia and Sam Kaplan Jeannine and Bill Karnes Michelle L. Karsten and Jake L. Matlock Mike Kaselnak and Michelle Taylor Gloria and Paul Kaste Chandra and Kiran Kavati Margaret F. and Kevin J. Keenan Erwin A. and Miriam J. Kelen Helios Foundation, Juliana Kelly Ann Kenfield Graf Susan Kennedy Lisa and Bruce Kerr Jonathan Kessel Fred and Sandra Kiel Courtney C. and Robert B. Kiernat Thomas Kigin and Donna Avery Judy Ann and Jeff Kilian-Weber David King Mr. Thomas and Dr. Patricia Kingston Carolyn Best Kirckof and Steve Kirckof Lynne Eaton Kirklin Melanie and Jeffrey Kjellberg Allan W. Klein and Harriet Lansing Valorie Klemz and James Dobihal Kathryn Klibanoff and Jeremy Pierotti Dennis S. and Kathy Klohs Tom Knabel, M.D. Barry S. Knight David Knighton Sam and Kate Knuth Katherine Knutson and Stephen Barghusen Larry A. and Julie Koch George Koeck Marion L. Koehler Kevin P. Kooiker Gail Korell and Doug Brown Nancy Kosciolek and Rob Nordin Kyle Kossol and Thomas Becker Richard Kotula JoAnn C. and Patrick G. Kraft Eleanor and Richard Krahn Amy K. Krajeck and Jonathan Gettler Joan Kreider Tim and Kathy Kroening Smith Michael and Ivanka Krogh Mary Krogh Amy C. and Ryan Kroll Paul and Linda Krueger Kari K. Kruempel and Allen D. Peterson Jean Kummerow Martha Kunau MPR APM annual report Mary and Richard Kvitek Nancy Kwam and David Lubben Dr. James W. and Gail O. LaFave Fund Michelle M. LaFrance John O. and Nancy H. Laird Daisy J. Landvik Richard B. and Virginia K. Lane Deanna S. Lane Sue Ann and Terry Lang Drs. Jim and Penny Langland Kirsten and Alan Langohr Caryn and Charles Lantz Bjorn Larson Don R. and Carol Larson Chris Lawler and Cally Ann Chermak Kristofer and Kathryn H. Layon Alice League Arlene Leckband Dr. James A. Lee and Linda Norris Willy and Kacia M. Lee AJ Lee Terrance L. Carlson and Jeanette Leehr Fund Rob C. and Jenny M. LeFevere Kyle and Kymberly Jane Lehenbauer Anthony F. Leitner Dawn M. Lemke and Joseph R. Homrich Vanda Lennon Helen Leslie and Ron Goldser Stephanie and Jimmy Levine Thomas M. Lewin Harvey and Diane Lewis Piers and Katherine Lewis Sheila and Steve Lieberman William and Sarah Lightner Richard P. Lindberg Barry and Gloria Lindquist Kathryn Lindquist Nancy and Thomas Linnerooth Keith C. Linney Mary Ann Lippay Loretto G. Lippert and Jane Leonard David K. and Janet Little Monica Little and Mark Abeln Jean R. Ljungkull Doris Loes George M. Logan Joseph M. Lombardi Tom and Mary Longfellow Mark Lozano John Luedke Kim Lund Dr. Mitchell ‘Mason’ Macenski J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 31 Brad and Janet Anderson President’s Circle Brad and Janet are both avowed podcast addicts, with episodes stacked up and overloading their smartphone memory. Brad says he loves how podcasts and other on-demand content help him to be efficient about his listening and get different perspectives on the news. Janet especially appreciates great storytelling on demand and on the radio. “When you have compelling human interest stories, you can tell that they impact people, communities and institutions,” Janet says. “Good stories can cross boundaries between organizations and people.” “Great storytelling and music have been important to us throughout our lives,” adds Brad. As chair of the Board of Trustees, Brad sees promising opportunities in the new media ecosystem. “I’d like to see us take full advantage of our passion for music, our passion for trusted journalism, and our passion about the role a media company can play in the community, to become more vital than we’ve ever been. The tools to do that today are richer and deeper than they’ve ever been. And the adventure of seeing what could emerge out of this challenge for APM, I find exciting.” 32 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Partner—$1,200 to $2,499 Joan C. Maclin Richard and Diane Madlon-Kay Toni R. Magnuson and Paul J. Kuhnmuench Tom Mahoney and Madeline Maxeiner Dusty Mairs Sandra and Thomas J. Mallon Armantina Malvarez Espinosa Mark and Nancy Mammel Gene Mammenga and Charlotte Brooker Keri Mangis Deane and Nancy Manolis Linda Mansfield and Ron Menaker Michael and Ann Markman Chris M. and Erica S. Marsden Christine Marshall Potter Noel and Melissa Martinson Charles N. Marvin, Sr. Elisabeth C. Mason Ken and Suanne Maurer Ursula Mayr Judith H. McAlpine Barbara McBurney Michael W. and Kay McCarthy Susan P. and Thomas E. McCarthy Rebecca and Scott McClure Margaret Telfer and Ed McConaghay Polly McCormack and Keith Engel Vickie L. McCormick Laura McCrea Robert and Polly McCrea Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Mary M. McDermott Brian J. and Katy McGrane Carla K. McGrath and Cole Rogers Barbara McGraw and Steven Mosow Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Brenda and Warren McGuire Juliann B. McGuire Judith McKim Anne McKinsey Malcolm and Wendy H. McLean Nancy McLean Mette McLoughlin Mary Bigelow McMillan Mitchell T. and Jan A. McMillen Margaret J. Meier and Rebecca L. Lindholm Robert L. Meisel Sarah E. and Andrew Meister Mary H. and J. Milo Meland Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Kathy Iverson and Dr. Mike Menzel Paula S. Merns Thomas W. and Sharon T. Merritt Jodi Metz Ruth Mickelsen and William Manning Lynnell Mickelsen Charles and Laura Miller Kerri Miller Victoria Miller and Jim Carter Abigail Lynn Miller Mary Miller Nathaniel and Donna Miller Nancy Miller-Levin and Edward Levin O. Eugene Millhouse and Andrea Adams Elizabeth D. Mills and Justin Dux Lucy and Robert Mitchell Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Eric M. and Patricia R. Monson Christopher F. and Celeste Moore Earl Moore Pamela and Mark Moret Caryl and Randy Morgan Morgan Famly Wende and Jim Morrell Cynthia J. Morrissey Paul and Jane Mortell Jill L. Mortensen and Kay Phillips Barbara Müller Susan J. Mundahl John B. and Janet H. Murphy Sylvia Nasla and Bill Whealon Joan E. Naymark Brian Neidermeier and Deneen Gannon Roger and Margaret Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Nemer John and Kristin Nesbitt Susan and Mark Nestegard Kaari E. and Zachary Newman Lisa and John Nicotra Foundation Kate and Stuart Nielsen Laura K. and Kurt Nisi Fred L. Nolan and Ellen J. Siewert Christine K. and Dermod F. Norton Donald E. and Georgia Nygaard Gayle and Tim Ober, The Allegro Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation D. William O’Brien and Julie M. Smendzuik-O’Brien Bridget O’Brien Lorre A. Ochs Patricia O’Day and John Grabowski Rita and Benedict Olk Byron and Marilynn Olney David H. and Karen Olson Sue and Tim Olson Rory and Rhonda O’Neill Peter Onstad Patrick O’Rourke S. Bartley and Harriet Osborn Doug and Phyl Ostergren Carol Oversvee Johnson Amy Owen Jennifer N. Owens and Jay T. Ornellas Steven L. Lillehaug and Tanya L. Oyos David E. and Valerie Halverson Pace Ginny and Bob Padzieski Gregory and Cynthia Page Malati Pamulapati Robin and Marie Panlener Joseph E. and Christine Parisi Matthew G. and Kristin Parrish Roger W. and Hollie A. Parsons Tom and Sally Patterson Jeya Paul and Marek Ciolko Jessica Paul Mickey and Keely Pearson Michael Peascoe John R. Pendray Dean K. and Julie B. Penk Dr. Patricia Penovich and Dr. Gerald Moriarty Jeanne and John Peppel Rosanne Pera and Tom Di Pasquale Robert E. and Ann L. Perkins Joseph Perra Catherine Perrone and Phil Gerlach Mary Lynne and Mike Perushek Jenelle Peters Rolf Peters Barbara J. and Robert L. Peterson Cheryl Peterson Nancy and Dick Pflager Jane Piccard and Hunt Greene Joan and Robert Piche Anne D. Pick Margaret P. and John M. Pierce Henry C. Pitot Robert E. Plummer Dan Polglaze and Pam Hermann Dwight and Chris Porter Kevin Possin and Ann Lavine Jill K. and Greg J. Post Y.S. Prakash Walter and Harriet Pratt MPR APM annual report Robert Prentiss Nancy and Bill Priedeman Art Punyko Nii-Ayite A. Quaye John and Carol Quinn Mariana Quiroga and Sam Schinazi Amy Radermacher Mark G. Raderstorf Jennifer E. Raeder Devens William and Sylvia Miller Rahm William and Markell Rahr Raj Rajan and Kavitha Sitaram Robert and Emily Raleigh Cecil C. Ramnaraine Barbara Ratner Nancy L. Raybin William and Barbara Read Mary and Joseph W. Regenscheid Michael and Brittany Reger Family Foundation Lorna Reichl and Roger A. Peters Brian and Dawn Reidinger Bonnie L. Reiland Andrew Reinhart Jamie Lyn and John Reinschmidt Andrew Julian Remick Shelley and Richard Renner Margaret Reynolds Martha and Jeffrey Rice James M. Richards Lori A. Ricke and Eric Dunn Mrs. Walter M. Ringer, Jr. Mary Roberg Catherine and Ferrol Robinson Greg Robinson and Jane Sydor Dr. Ann M. Rock John Rodriguez Nancy Roehr Lucy Rogers and Larry Grant Jim and Sheren L. Rogne Laura Roller David L. Rolph Jean M. and Chuck Ronnei Emily Rose Glennette Rosenow Scott N. and Margaret B. Ross Steve and Anne Rozek Roger and Kristine Ruckert Stan and Chris Rud Karen and Donald Rudrud Phil and Evelyn Ruggiero Laurie Rupe Wendy Russ Robson J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 33 Jill H. Rusterholz LeAne and Bruce Rutherford James M. Ruttley Suchitra and Ramesh Sairam Karen D. and Hunter Saklad Amy M. Sanborn and Scott D. Sidney Jan and Dick Sandberg Helen Sanders and Mark Burdis Dr. Paul B. Sanford and Mrs. Ann M. Sanford Anna M. Schaefer James Walter and Lynn Carlson Schell Beth Scheunemann James A. Schewe Elmer Schindel Carol Schleif Alex M. Schneeman Audrey Schroeder Mary and Carl Schroeder Steven and Tami Schroll Mendon F. Schutt Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Bonnie B. and Thomas O. Schwalbe Anne Schwichtenberg Julianne E. and Andrew Scrivener Michael and Susan Seeland Doris J. Seely Sabrina Segal and Thomas Morley Richard and Linda Seime Sandy J. Selinski-Watson Thomas A. Senn Gary Lemke Richard and Melissa Severance Kristina K. and Joseph J. Shaffer Neil and Sara Shah Leo R. and Leslie C. Sharkey Erica Shearer John and Jane Sherman Morris M. and Judith D. Sherman Bruce J. Shnider Sarah and Kevin Shriver Mariana R. and Craig Shulstad Cal and Sandy Simmons Angela L. Simons and Wendy Sommer Anne D. Simpson Dr. Lawrence J. Sinak and Anne L. Black-Sinak Lisa Sinclair Randy Singer Bonnie Skelton Jeff and Barb Skochil Ann Skoglund Margaret J. and Lee B. Skold 34 MPR APM Katherine and Douglas Skor Ray Skowyra and Marianne Short Nancy Slaughter The Emil J. and Emily D. Slowinski Fund Joan T. Smith Douglas N. Smith Graham Smith Jeffery Smith Chad A. Snyder and Amy Colleen Luedtke Stephanie Sommer Nikki Sorum and Simon Foster Anne Spaeth Matthew Spector and Lisa Griffin Vincent Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Spellman Robert and Jean Spong Nancy St. Pierre and Isaac Becker Gus E. and Mary Staahl Pawel Stachowicz, M.D. and Courtney Stachowicz Ryan Stai Warren and Mary Lynn Staley Peter John Stark and Heidi Joann Kempcke David J. and Kelsey S.K. Starrs Carol Stephens John and Sue Stillman Rachel A. and Adam V. Stock Spilker Rebecca Stolee James A. and Merrie W. Stolpestad Erik and Trupti Storlie Roger Strand William and Lee Strang Sylvia Strobel Nancy and John Strom Jim and Jill Suk Christopher Sullivan Julie and Bob Sullivan John and Beth Anne Sutcliffe Denise and Dave Swager Barbara and Dick Swanson Eric Swanson and Curt D. Nelson The Henry and Virginia Sweatt Family Fund of Schwab Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. Richard Swensen Julie Switzer and Matt Layman Andre Taddeini Karen Tarrant Tell Family Fund Heather Thayer Meg Glattly and John Thielen Sandra Thompson annual report Kate Tilney and Fred Kaemmer/TilneyKaemmer Fund Dr. Gerald W. and Susan E. Timm Julia Timm and Stephan Kieu Glenda D. and Jon Tollefson Janet M. and Robert R. Tollund Dr. and Mrs. Whitney D. Tope Janice and Christina Torres Marcia K. Townley Dick and Sandy Tracy Judy Trepka Barbara E. Tretheway Amy and Ramu Tummala Emily Anne Staples Tuttle Fund William and Mary Upjohn Peter Brown Vaill Sharon A. Van De North and Lee L. Knight Laura B. and Jon Van Hofwegen Cathie VanDanacker Ronald and Carol Vantine Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Mary W. Vaughan Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Dr. Steven Veker Janis Verruso General and Mrs. John Vessey Guy and Kara Vig James and Dawn Voegeli Jane Voglewede and David Abbott Thomas F. Votel Hollis and Norris Waalen Sally Wahman and Timothy Carter Sam and Coralie Wai Darrell W. Waidelich Lawrence A. and Kristi A. Waite Paul and Deanne Walding Lisa Walker and Mark Hentges Sarah Walker Rachel A. and Donovan A. Walsh Greg and Nina Waranica Alison M. Warford David and Mary Ann Wark Nancy B. and Douglas Watkins Jeffrey L. and Gail S. Watson Watson Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Ruth A. Weaver Margaret Weglinski Karen J. Weidner and Kurt Klotzbuecher Sandra L. and Arnold M. Weissler Ronald Welch J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Dr. Don Wennberg David West and Kristin Schoephoerster Lauren and Robert West Diane Wetterlin and Philip Umberger Dr. Karin G. Weyl William and Karyn Whitely Robert B. Whitlock and Margaret R. Weber Per H. and Elaine Wickstrom Chris and Sharon Widstrom William A. Wiktor and Elaine Case Frank and Frances Wilkinson Foundation Stephen J. Willett and Diane L. Pike Thomas Williams and Sandra BentleyWilliams Mary M. Williams Jodi Williamson Debra Wilson and Peggy Brenden Walter R. Wilson James W. and Jane Wiltz Sharon and Clark Winslow Eleanor and Frederick Winston John S. Winston Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Barbara Winthrop Don and Betty Winton Charles and Barbara Withers Keith and Anne-Marie Wittenberg Kelsy Wittmeier Kate Wolford and Edward Reilly Christine Wolohan Michelle A. and Michael W. Wood Claude A. Worrell and Kim N. Faith Bernard and Jane Worth Christopher Worthington and Gayle Golden Clara Wu John P. and Eleanor Yackel Biloine ‘Billie’ Young Bernard J. and Ellen Young Frank J. Zabel Ellen R. and David Thomas Neale Dr. Michael and Mrs. Lisa Zakula Robert B. and Jessica Alderman Zeaske Fred J. and Roxanne E. Ziecina Phil and Anne Zink Mary B. Zweber If you prefer to be recognized in another manner, or if your name was omitted from this list, please call Melissa Schedler at 651.290.1331. Raj Rajan and Kavitha Sitaram Leadership Circle Though they’re relatively new to Minnesota, Raj and Kavitha have been devoted public radio listeners for years. Kavitha says it was always on in her home growing up, and Raj remembers getting goosebumps hearing Garrison Keillor recite poetry on The Writer’s Almanac® in the early 1990s. “It’s almost like homecoming, moving to the town where it all happens,” Raj says. This year, Raj and Kavitha joined the Leadership Circle and dedicated their gift to recognize the excellent environmental reporting on MPR News and Marketplace. “The environment and the economy are always either-or subjects in media coverage, except when Kai Ryssdal or Chris Farrell talk about them—because they do so in the context of human activity, society and macroeconomics. That to me is so critical to getting buy-in from the public in terms of relevance and credibility,” Raj explains. “MPR’s reporting has really helped raise awareness about environmental issues and helped shape opinion and public policy.” Kavitha says she especially appreciates the global perspective she gets through MPR, “national programming with a global perspective and the BBC. I hear in-depth analysis, discussion of issues, and context. You can’t get that anywhere else.” MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 35 The Legacy Society MPR’s Legacy Society recognizes the very special donors who have included MPR in their estate plans— through wills, revocable trusts, retirement accounts, life insurance, and other testamentary gifts—or have established a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust to benefit MPR. We are immensely grateful to these thoughtful donors who have made such a powerful commitment to the future of MPR, its audiences and the community. Legacy gifts received this year Our sincere appreciation goes out to the families of the following individuals from whom MPR received legacy gifts in the last fiscal year. Charlotte and Kenneth Althoff Sidonia Balke Elaine D. Erickson Ruth E. Halverson Robert J. and Mary Jane Haugh Richard L. Huberty John C. Sall Stephen A. Stoll Henrietta P. Torgerson Carol Ann Wallace 36 MPR APM Legacy Society members Anonymous (52) Lois and Jerry Abraham Mark Addicks Jeff Adrian Cynthia Aegerter Sandra M. and Thomas Ahlstrom Mary Therese Alberg Dennis Albrecht Thomas Allen Annie Allen-Wyman Julie Allinson and Paul D. Erickson Debra and Michael Alwin Laura E. Anders Bolette S. Andersen Lisa K. Andersen David and Marian Anderson Hobart and Charlotte Anderson Sigurd W. Anderson Suzanne and Tim Anderson Richard Charles Annett* Barbara Anton Jean Murray and George Huston Barbara L. Appleby A. Jerome Arneson and Maryjeanne Arneson Ennis Arntson and Patrice Hedlund Frederick and Catherine Asher Sarah Atkins and John Hoggatt Mary Aufderheide Glenn and Carolyn Ayres Jim Azarski and Nancy Werner-Azarski Steve and Sharon Bachman Ginger and Walt Bailey Bashar Bakdash Carole and Doug Baker Harold M. “Chip” Treen and Laura A. Baker Norman and Margaret Baker Dr. Carol E. Ball Phyllis Ballata John and Cindy Banchy Mary Bang Brendan Bannigan and Kathleen Just-Bannigan annual report Paul and Mary Reyelts Eric Weinberg and Susan Barrett Kay and Tom Barrett Gretchen Barsness Marilyn and Merritt Bartlett Bradley and Mary Jo Beck Kenneth Beck Pamela J. Belknap Carol Belling Susan Benfield Keith R. Benson Barbara Beresford Ray L. and Carol J. Bergeson Gayle A. Bidne Leslie M. Blessing Pamela Blixt Piero Bocciarelli Paul J. Bock David and Shari Boehnen Fred and Carolyn Bogott Joel Boon Susan S. Boren Timothy Brackett Leila Brammer Carol Brandenburg Sheryl D. Breen Kenneth R. Brennen Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Brier Jeffery Scott Brockmann and Shane Swanson Waltraud A. Brogren Peter C. and Ellen T. Brown Thelma and Bill Bryson Irene Bugge and Robin Maercklein Marc and Tammy Bumgarner Ronald M. and Kim M. Burd Gene and Ann Burrish James Callahan Sally and Michael Carey Bobbie Lou Carlson Nicky B. Carpenter Marjorie Carr James and Kathryn Catalano Ruth Burstrom and Niels Chapman Dr. Kim and Dede Chart J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 René S. Chartier and Marilyn Morton Glenn T. Choquette Adrienne Christiansen Roger Clark Richard and Jean Illsley Clarke Morgan Clifford Kellian D. Clink Martha Cohen Susan Colby and Larry Baill Janet M. Conn and Mike Debelak Nichole Coons Kristin Copham Stephen Coury Terry R. Cox Katherine Cram Bonnie Creason and Douglas Giron Reverend Jim and Jordel Crecelius Catherine F. Croghan and Kathryn Robbins Carol Daly James P. and Therese A.* Daniel Greg L. Davidson Barbara Jo Davis Michael W. and Beth Davis Cy and Paula DeCosse William Dehoff Kaylo and Mike Demopoulos Terry Devitt Carolyn and Alan Diamond Eric Dick Cathy A. Diers Julia A. Dillon Jo Ellen Doebbert Joseph P. Donnelly Kathie Lee Dormanen Judith E. and Robert N. Dovenmuehler Ellen Dresselhuis Joseph and Lois Duffy Heidi and Scott Dulebohn Dick and Sally Duncan Jacquelin R. Dunn Ruth Caley Dunn and Steven White Margaret E. Durham Jim and Sherri Dwyer *Indicates deceased Italics denote new members President’s Circle, Legacy Society An MPR Trustee for 12 years, Paul says it has been gratifying to “help guide an organization, like MPR, that’s doing something so important for society.” In addition to their annual gift, he and Mary have made an estate gift to ensure that MPR will continue to benefit the community well into the future. “Today, there is so much noise out there that you long for someone who has done the homework and will give you a balanced view, and MPR does that,” Paul says. “I’m going to be especially dependent on MPR and NPR for the upcoming presidential race. I’m counting on public radio to set the record straight and bring some critical clarity to what’s out there.” A regular listener to MPR News and The Current, Mary says one of the things she loves most about MPR is “the serendipity’” of tuning in and not knowing what’s coming. “Often I’m just captivated by a story that’s not a calamity or a catastrophe. And I love The Current’s morning coffee break. Just recently it was ‘Songs about September,’ and one song after another was just charming. It was a delight driving and listening.” MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 37 Legacy Society continued Dr. Robert T. Eagan Joan E. Eckerly Karen L. Eckman Hugh and Joyce Edmondson Tom Edwards LaVonne J. Ellingson Ron L. Ellingson Sharon Elliott Richard E. and Jean Engebretson Nancy R. English Hope B. Esparolini William Etter Nancy Etzwiler and Dan O’Neill Kathy Farnell John A. Fellows Gertrude Hill ffolliott John Fineberg Becky Mallory Finnigan Drs. Lloyd A. and Patricia A. Fish Dr. Janice Fleming Robert Florence M.D. John and Hilde Flynn Maren Flynn Connie Foote Mary Heer-Forsberg and Frank Forsberg Scott Foss Clare Fossum John E. Frank Jake Hurwitz and Doreen Frankel Marge and Dave Fraser Sara Freeman Barbara* and Bayard French Sharon Fruetel Rebecca A. Fuller Elizabeth Gaalaas Bruce L. and Alice K. Gaarder Naomi M. Gades Joanne Gaul Pat Gavan and Stephen Gordon Scott German William A. Gerrells Bill and Paula Glade Thomas W. and Lorna Gleason Janna Goerdt Kevin Gordon and Michelle Traeger Jon Kevin Gossett Walter C. Gray Susan Greer 38 MPR APM Kevin and Jan Gregerson Keith R. Hacker William G.* and Constance D. Haddeland David and Virginia Hahn Linda H. Keller Elaine Halverson Ruth E. Halverson* William H. Halverson Murill P. Halvorson Nancy H. Hanke Carl and Mary Hansen Janet and Glenn Hansen David A. Hanson and Ivars A. Edens Kathryn B. Hanson Stuart and Gail Hanson Jeannette Harrington John W. Harris Katherine Harris Nancy A. Harris Pamela M. Harris Anna Harriss Amy J. Hasbargen and Lance M. Breiland Susan J. Hawkins Jennifer E. Hawley Allen W. Hayes Florence B. and Carter B. Hedeen Cheryl L. Hegland Julie F. Heilman Michael Helffrich Gregg and Shari Hietpas Brenda Himrich Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Hinck Alan and Judy Hoffman Martha Price Hoffman Diane and Tony Hofstede Arthur L. Hogenson Orville Hognander, Jr. Frederick* and Sandra Holbrook Virginia and Kristin Homme Janet Hopper George and Jane Hovland William and Julie Howard Fran Howley Ruth and John Huss Dorothy M. Hust Ann Hutchings Amy Hyatt Dr. Frank J. Indihar Jeannie Inglehart annual report Helena E. Jackson and Doug Dunham Roseanne Joy Jelacic Ben and Aimee Johnson Janice A. Johnson Troy L. Johnson Marilyn S. and William R. Jolitz Kyle W. Jones Linda Jones and Victoria Van Slyke Charles R. and Sally B. Jorgensen Marilyn Kaeli Mark D. and Nancy L. Karason Laurie E. Karnes Lee and Judy Kaster Harpreet Kaur Patricia Keith Kiki Kelley Jerome F. Kemp Gary and Shirley Kerkow Dorothy Hagey Kettner Robin Keyworth and Steven Haasl Courtney C. and Robert B. Kiernat Thomas C. and Patricia Kingston Bob Kinkade Anthony L. Kiorpes Aaron and Dana Kirkemo Lynne Eaton Kirklin Edward and Judy Kishel Sally and Bill Kling Dean Knowles Sharon and Scott Knuth Tracy F. and James L. Kochendorfer Arthur and Priscilla Kourajian Janet Holtz Kraemer John C. Kraning and Sharon A. Sinclair Linda E. Krach and Robert L. Kriel Rev. Shalom Kropfl Paul and Linda Krueger Martha Kunau Myron D. and Anita H. Kunin Marilyn La Brec Joseph and Tara LaFerla Shanti J. Lakhan and Craig Hanson Lora Lakin Jane Lansing Sue and Lee LaRock Michael Larsen and Linda Nelson Virginia C. Larsen James M. Larson Jeffrey W. and Dianne S. Larson Rosalind L. Laskin Karen Laukkonen J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 Marilyn Lawrence Willy and Kacie M. Lee Joseph and Frances* Leek Christine Leick Ross E. and Bridget E. Levin Rhoda and Tom Lewin Beth Ann Lewis Caryn E. Lindsay David and Shirley Lingo Nicholas Kinsey and Dee Anderson Long Dana R. Lonn Andy and Dian Lopez Diane Dobitz and Jean Lovett Charles and Megan Luke Paul C. Lund Beverly A. Lutz Lee Lynch and Terry Saario Margaret MacRae Karen C. Madrid Melvyn D. and Janet Magree Kathryn Harwig and Loren Magsam Norie Mahowald Mary Ellen Malkasian Ann C. Manning Gail Manning and David Richards Judith and Todd Marshall Mary K. Martin Jon D. and Haidi Masley Sydney and James Massee Dr. Thomas E. and Leone J. Mauszycki Catherine A. Mayer Thomas R.* and Barbara L. McBurney Clara M. Ueland Michael W. and Kay McCarthy Barbara McGraw and Steve Mosow Thomas and Hannah McGraw-Dzik Susan and Thomas McGuire Ronald D. McKelvey Anne McKinsey Bill and Martha McLaughlin Mary K. McLeod Jon and Debra McTaggart Mary and Bob Mersky Dr. Jan Meyer William and Vicki Michaelis Ruth Mickelsen and Bill Manning Diana M. Mini Terry Mistalski and Daryl Timmer Patricia Weinzierl Moline Marti Morfitt and Patrick Weber Lisa Mueller and Laurie Hamre Rita Mueller Luann Muller Wayne Munday Dorothy and Miles* Murphy Betty Myers Shaban Nazarian Diana F. Nelson Gertrude D. Nelson Janice M. and Arthur I. Nelson Marybeth Nelson Shirley Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Nemer James H. Nepp Brian and Kathleen Neugebauer Robert J. Nielsen Dean M. Nolz John L. Nyberg Nicoli L. Obstarczyk Patricia O’Day and John Grabowski Paul Odegaard and Christine Soma Linda Odegard and Harlan Cavert Susan Ohnesorge Diane E. Olson Ronald O. Olson Sandra K. Olson, Ph.D. Ted Olson and Chris Bellefeuille Marc P. Ondrechen Greg W. Onstad Chelsey Oosterhuis David and Stephanie Oskie Doug and Phyl Ostergren Kris Palfe Sureshbabu N. Ahanya and Surekha Palreddy Steven Paul and Kirsten Jean Pardoe Ron Parker Betty Patsche Melinda M. Pavek Bill and Barbara Pearce Bob Pearson Dean K. and Julie B. Penk Norm Perrill Nadine Peterson Sandra H. and Aaron C. Peterson Richard and Nancy Pflager Carolyn and Jeff Piepho Joanna Lukens Pierce Lucia Pierson Sandy Pietron Robin Pillmann Tad and Cindy Piper Marvin Plakut and Darvia Herold Joseph Plante and Eric Neumann David and Gaylene Poretti Dwight and Chris Porter Joanne D. Power Judith and Nickolas Priadka Brian and Trish Huberty Prokosch Gary W. and Kathleen Propp Dr. Linda Magdsick Cecil C. Ramnaraine Ronald L. Ramsay Thue and Uttara Rasmussen Kevin M. and Denise D. Reilly James L. Reininger Robert E. Remington Julianne C. Renner Paul and Mary Reyelts Ann and Thomas Rider Kristen Riehle Tom and Diane Rifkin Kevin R. Risner Cindy Robeck Marcia L. Robért Bruce G. Robinson Thomas Rochon Richard J. Roles and Karen J. Marinovich Ann K. Romberg Liane Rosel Jane Rosemarin Susan Rostkoski Phil and Evelyn Ruggiero Daniel Ruh and Nancy Stewart LeAne H. and Bruce Rutherford Mary Ann Sachs and Robert Peham Clayton D. Sankey Deborah Sarkas Bob and Gail Sater Morgaine Sattva Kevin and Leela Scattum Ward C. Schendel Barbara L. Scheuble Constance Lee Scheurer Gerald W. and Joetta H. Schlabach Gerry Schmidt Nick and Karen Schmit Sherrill Schottler Cecilia Elaine Schrenker Karla Schroder Robyn and Richard Schroeder Russell P. Schweihs Lois Schwob Penelope Scialla Charlotte M. Seguin Marcel Luc Sell Beth Selvig Theano D. Sigforddick Miriam G. Simmons and James L. Schenz Rhonda Simonson Lisa Sinclair Linda S. and Jesse G. Singh Mr. and Mrs.* R.J. Sivertsen Ann Skoglund Julie Slapp Nancy Slaughter Stephanie Small Joan T. Smith Morgan Smith Jeanette Sobania Katherine Sobieck James E. Sorensen Oscar J. and Laurel Sorlie Nancy K. Spannaus Judy G. Falconer Srsen Kathleen A. Stack Carol L. and Richard E. Stahl Karl Starr and Christopher Jan Haug Vickie Staudte Ellen Stein Diane Stelter Fred B. Sternhagen and Jolene Beckman-Sternhagen Alicia E. Stewart Kathleen Stokker Dana Marie and Kelsi JoAnne-DotEve Stubben Stephanie Sulentic Molly Sullivan Dennis Sutliff Patricia Ann Swanson Nancy Sweet Jim Swindal Diane F. Syme Harley Tate Joseph and Lisa Thiegs Claire Anne Thoen Margaret A. and Geoff W. Thomas Kay M. and Gary Thompson Sharon and Bill Torodor Thomas D. and Pat Trautman MPR APM annual report Barbara E. Tretheway Evelyn Turner Emily Anne Staples Tuttle Fund Ruth E. Ulvog Donald P. Untiedt Al and Karen Valerius Dr. Stephanie Van D’ Elden Kim Vandenberg Stephen Vitvitsky Jane Voglewede and David Abbott Steven E. Vogt Joanne and Philip* Von Blon Scott Vrchota Edward and Carol Wagner Richard and Kyla Wahlstrom Laraine Walker Pauline A. Walle Susan Waller Diana and Steven Warner R. Karl and Jo F. Watkins Rev. LeeAnne Watkins Karel M. Weigel Mary Lou Werner Seth E. Werner Kristen and Kyle Wesloh Dave and Judy Wester Pat Whitcomb and Patty Napier Erica Whittlinger Neil and Julie Williams Thomas Williams and Sandra BentleyWilliams Tom Albin and Julie Williams Rev. Thomas E. Winkler Frank and Laurel Winsor Jean C. Wirsig Col. and Mrs. Nat and Harri Wisser Michael and Donna Wolsted Bernard and Jane Worth K.P. Worthington Peter T. and Suzanne Wyckoff Randi S.N. Yoder and Michael J. Henley Ivar Archer Zemmels Richard Zgodava Fred J. and Roxanne E. Ziecina Jane Zilch Sally and Steve Zorich Ruth and Dale Zschoche Allen and Phyllis Kuehl Zumach J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 39 Endowed Funds – Supporting the Service You Love Most Several donors have taken advantage of a new opportunity to provide lasting support for the MPR programming they love the most by creating named endowed funds. We’re thrilled that the generous donors listed here have established endowed funds to benefit MPR and our audiences for years to come. Their gifts will be permanently invested along with the general MPR endowment assets, but are dedicated to specific purposes directed by each donor. A portion of the endowment fund value (currently 5%) is distributed each year for the purposes designated by the donors. The original gifts remain invested with the objectives of preserving the principal and growing both the fund and distributions in perpetuity. We are honored and gratified to recognize the following Endowed Funds committed in FY15: David and Shari Boehnen Endowed Fund for Classical Performance Programming George and Jane Hovland MPR Endowed Fund for Investigative and Political Journalism Penelope Scialla Fund for MPR News Investigative Reporting Irma Wyman Endowed Fund for Classical Education Fred and Roxi Ziecina Legacy Society – Named Endowment for MPR News and STEM reporting Endowed Funds established or committed prior to FY15: Their car radios are programmed to MPR News, The Current and Classical MPR for both Rochester and Twin Cities’ stations, but Fred and Roxi are mostly avowed news junkies who Therese and James Daniel Endowed Fund for Classical MPR find stories about science and technology topics especially Marolyn Halverson Endowed Fund for Classical and Choral Music so she won’t miss an episode of Science Friday. interesting. Roxi even sets her phone alarm for Fridays at 1 p.m. William Kling Founders Endowment for the Creative Advancement of Public Media As a reflection of their values and the legacy they’d like to leave, Kevin and Leela Joseph Scattum Endowed Fund for Classical MPR STEM coverage. Each year in perpetuity, the fund’s distribution Fred J. and Roxanne E. Ziecina Endowed Fund for MPR News and STEM Coverage engineering and math. the couple recently designated an estate gift to establish the Fred and Roxanne Ziecina Endowed Fund for MPR News and will support reporting on topics in science, technology, “MPR is where I get a lot of science and technology information. That information is so often essential to understanding You can create a named endowed fund that reflects your MPR interests and passions with a commitment of $100,000 or more through lifetime or estate gifts. Learn more at mpr.org/namedendowment alternatives and solutions to the complicated issues we’re facing today,” says Fred. “People need that kind of information in order to be informed citizens and knowledgeable voters.” Their fund also supports MPR News continuing to provide essential context beyond the headlines. “MPR tells you what happened, why it’s important, why you need to know, and what people are doing about it. That’s so important,” adds Roxi. 40 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 41 Institutional Funders 3Mgives MPR Funder Government Support A gift from 3Mgives helped MPR broadcast the historic Minnesota Orchestra concerts live from Havana to audiences around the globe in May of 2015. “3M is proud to support Minnesota Public Radio in their mission to help educate and inspire global audiences about a variety of topics, including science, environment, and global cultures. We were thrilled to help MPR bring the Minnesota Orchestra concerts from Cuba to audiences around the world because of $1,000,000 and above Clean Water, Land & Legacy Amendment Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund Corporation for Public Broadcasting $10,000 to $100,000 Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities Saint Paul Cultural STAR Program the significance of this event,” explained Michael Stroik, Community and International Strategy Manager. Private and Corporate Foundations $100,000 to $249,999 $1,000 to $9,999 Laura and John Arnold Donor Advised Fund Blandin Foundation General Mills Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation The McKnight Foundation Newman’s Own Foundation Spencer Foundation Sunup Foundation Target Arts Midwest Edward R. Bazinet Charitable Foundation The James Ford Bell Foundation Boss Foundation Braman & Associates, Inc. Aaron Copland Fund for Music Emerson Process Management – Rosemount Inc. Hartz Foundation Horton Holding Inc. Interstate Parking Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation National Trust for Historic Preservation Partners in Preservation Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation The Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation, Inc. Red Wing Shoe Company Foundation Margaret Rivers Fund Sit Investment Associates Foundation SHAPCO Printing Inc. Tennant Foundation Wenger Foundation $50,000 to $99,999 3M The Cargill Foundation The Mosaic Company Foundation $25,000 to $49,999 recognizes the importance of events like this that encourage $1,000,000 and above global community engagement. The Minnesota Orchestra concerts Ford Foundation The Kendeda Fund Ecolab Foundation Sidney E. Frank Foundation Phyllis S. Poehler/Walter E. Stremel Charitable Trust Starr Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation – Minnesota experience to a whole new level by broadcasting for the rest of $250,000 to $999,999 the world to hear.” $10,000 to $24,999 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation The Kresge Foundation Henry Luce Foundation Lumina Foundation John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Thomson Reuters Carlson Family Foundation Delta Dental of Minnesota Deluxe Corporation Foundation The George Family Foundation MAHADH Fund of HRK Foundation The Pentair Foundation Second Harvest Heartland Securian Foundation U.S. Bank Foundation Valspar Foundation “As a global company operating in more than 70 countries, 3M helped to establish goodwill across borders, and MPR took the Inside the broadcast booth at the Teatro Nacional in Havana, on-air concert host Brian Newhouse, Managing Director of Classical Programming, and Rob Byers, Director of Broadcast Operations, bring the unforgettable Minnesota Orchestra concerts to audiences around the globe. 42 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 MPR APM annual report Philanthropic Program Partners $5,000 to $9,999 Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 43 Underwriters Major National Corporate Underwriters Allianz USA Angie’s List Arizona State University Robert W. Baird Battelle Citrix Online Constant Contact Delta Air Lines Duff & Phelps Emerald Data Solutions, Inc. Epson Farmers Insurance Ford Motor Company Full Sail University General Mills Small Planet Food Division Holiday Vacations John Koneck Kronos Invest Northern Ireland Legal Zoom Lumosity MailChimp Malwarebytes Moo, Inc Nuance Communications Progressive Insurance Regus Management Group Reputation.com Ring Central Smartling Robert H. Smith School of Business Squarespace, Inc. T. Rowe Price UCLA Anderson School of Management Wix.com Zillow NPR’s TV Critic Eric Deggans spoke at the MPR Broadcast Journalist Series breakfast about his work and his recent book “Race-Baiter: How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation.” Major Regional Corporate Underwriters Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America Blue Cross Blue Shield Bremer Financial Corporation By The Yard Dorsey & Whitney LLP Guthrie Theater HealthPartners/Regions Hospital Koch Companies Public Sector LLC MN Nurses Association St. Jude Medical Foundation Standard Heating and Air Conditioning Thomson Reuters UCare Minnesota University of Minnesota Greater Minnesota Regional Corporate Underwriters August Schell Brewing Co. Benedictine Health System Enbridge Energy Partners Iron Mining Association of Minnesota Luther College Lutsen Mountains Minnesota Beethoven Festival St. Cloud Subaru Saturn Systems Third Street Brewhouse President, Fredrikson & Byron, Underwriter Fredrikson & Byron President John Koneck explains why he believes the firm’s more than 20-year partnership with MPR makes sense: “We believe it’s important to help strengthen our community, and MPR is a big part of the fabric of this community,” he says. “It’s not only the broad reach, but the quality and diversity of MPR programming that makes our whole community and state stronger, and we want to be a part of that. It fits with the cultural values of our firm.” This past year was the 20th that the firm has sponsored MPR’s Broadcast Journalist Series, which features four renowned national and international journalists each year for a 24-hour residency and program discussing pressing issues and current events from the visiting journalist’s perspective. John also has a personal appreciation for MPR, as a regular listener to MPR News and The Current, a daily website visitor to both services, and a subscriber to the Policast® and Song of the Day podcasts. “MPR News has no peer in this market. The reporting is really good and accurate, and they’re reporting all over the place, especially on statewide issues,” he says. “I feel like I’m getting straight news when I listen, without a filter, and it often piques my interest to learn more.” 44 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 45 MPR | APM Financials Support from governmental agencies 7% Other earned revenue 5% Sources of revenue MPR | APM Minnesota Public Radio I American Public Media (An Affiliated Organization of American Public Media Group) Schedule of Operating Fund and Long-Term Activities for the Year Ended June 30, 2015 Total FY15 Year-End Operating Results Financial Highlights Endowment Due to careful fiscal management and generous philanthropic support, Minnesota Public Radio I American Public Media finished fiscal year 2015 with a balanced operating budget and remains in good fiscal health. Careful financial management allowed us to continue to fulfill our public service mission and invest in strategic priorities that will move our organization forward. Support from the public, including philanthropic gifts and underwriting support, continues to be our largest source of revenue, and is crucial to fulfilling our commitment to meeting the rapidly changing needs and preferences of audiences. MPR | APM finished fiscal year 2015 (FY15) with a record $91 million in operating support and earned revenue. As of June 30, 2015, there is $190.6 million in endowment funds for the benefit of MPR, including $32.5 million in endowment contributions from estates, individual donors and other community gifts. Gifts earmarked for endowment are critically important for organizational strength and sustainability. • National underwriting support increased 25% over FY14. • Individual Gifts support increased 5% over FY14. • Support from endowments, including investment return and grants from the APMG Earned Endowment, contributed nearly $5.2 million toward the FY15 operating budget. Accountability—Top Rating MPR | APM continues to be a national leader in public media while maintaining the highest standards for nonprofit accountability and transparency, earning an “exceptional” Charity Navigator rating of four out of four stars for adherence to excellent governance and fiscal responsibility measures. MPR | APM also meets all 27 accountability standards of the Charities Review Council in the areas of public disclosure, governance, financial activity and fundraising. Independent Auditor’s Reports MPR | APM follows Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and is audited annually by an independent accounting firm. The FY15 audit was issued by McGladrey. Complete audited financial statements for FY15 and other financial information can be found at www.mpr.org/finances. Revenue from operating activities 24% Support from public 64% Business, general and other 3% Foundations 6% Individual gifts and membership 36% Total operating expenses MPR | APM MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 National underwriting 29% Regional underwriting 19% Support from the public (detail) Fundraising 12% Administrative 13% $21,181 10,851 17,003 801 3,703 4,109 164 454 126 58,392 Support from governmental agencies: Corporation for Public Broadcasting Grants from other governmental agencies Total support from governmental agencies 4,179 1,619 5,798 Earned revenue: Revenue from operating activities Royalties and licensing fees Investment return, net Other earned revenue Total earned revenue 22,130 163 1,085 3,439 26,817 Total support and earned revenue 91,007 Expenses: Operations Administrative Fundraising Total expenses 68,485 11,469 11,025 90,979 Support and revenues in excess of expenses before long-term activities Operations 75% Complete audited financial statements can be found on our website at mpr.org/finances 46 Grant from APMG Earned Endowment 7% Operating Fund activities: Support from public: Individual gifts and membership Regional underwriting National underwriting Business general support Foundations Grant from APMG Earned Endowment Other intercompany grants Educational sponsors Other public support Total support from public 28 Long-term activities: Designated Fund support from operations Designated Fund net change Property Fund net change Temporarily restricted net change Permanently restricted net change 1,428 281 (2,395) 1,899 179 Change in net assets 1,420 Net assets — beginning of year 96,574 Net assets — end of year $97,994 MPR remembers remarkable friend and leader Elise Donohue Board of Trustees Minnesota Public Radio Board of Trustees July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Board Officers In May, the MPR I APM community lost decisively over the years. She was values Elise held dear, and she a dear friend and revered trustee Elise a lover of both news and classical advocated those values through Donohue, a long-time MPR supporter programming—especially APM’s her board service. who had served on our board of Performance Today® as well as directors since 2012. A Prairie Home Companion®. Public Elise belonged to one of the founding families that has moved MPR ahead “Elise’s quiet wisdom and generous Bradbury H. Anderson Chair Ian R. Friendly Vice Chair Marti Morfitt Secretary Emery Koenig Treasurer media’s commitment to enriching spirit added to our success in so minds, expanding perspectives, and many important ways,” says CEO Trustees strengthening communities were Jon McTaggart. “We are honored Bradbury H. Anderson * Retired Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman Best Buy Inc. and gratified by her leadership and her loyal and enthusiastic support. She will be greatly missed by our MPR community.” Her family captured Elise’s spirit best in her obituary: “All who met Elise sensed a soul as deep and rich as the soil of her native Minnesota and a spirit as vast as the big sky of her adopted Montana.” Wendy Bennett Consultant to Foundations in Global Health Dr. Larry L. Berger Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer Ecolab Mary Brainerd President and Chief Executive Officer HealthPartners Inc. Patrick J. Denzer President LI Ventures LLC Janet M. Dolan * President ACT III Enterprises Elise Donohue ** Manager/Partner Battle Ridge Ranch LLC Jim Dwyer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael Foods Inc. Marti Morfitt * Chief Executive Officer River Rock Partners Jean Taylor President Life is Now Ivan Fong Senior Vice President, Legal Affairs and General Counsel 3M Corporation Kate Mortenson President and Chief Executive Officer 2019 Minneapolis Final Four Local Organizing Committee Ana Valdez * President and Co-Founder Valdez Consulting Group Ian R. Friendly * Retired Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer General Mills Inc. Dave Murphy President and Chief Executive Officer Red Wing Shoe Company Inc. Steve Fritze * Retired Chief Financial Officer Ecolab Inc. Rick King Executive Vice President Chief Information Officer Thomson Reuters Emery Koenig * Vice Chairman and Chief Risk Officer Cargill Inc. Jonathan Low Partner and Co-Founder Predictiv Consulting Dr. Mary Nichols Dean, College of Continuing Education University of Minnesota MPR APM annual report J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 * denotes American Public Media Group Trustee Active Life Trustees Susan Boren Retired Partner, Spencer Stuart Richard B. Payne, Jr. Vice Chairman, Corporate Banking U.S. Bancorp Randall J. Hogan Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Pentair Ltd. James J. Phelps President Northcrest Corporation Karin L. Larson Retired Chair Capital International Research Inc. James T. Prokopanko Senior Advisor, Retired President and Chief Executive Officer The Mosaic Company Glen D. Nelson, M.D. GDN Holdings Nancy Lyons President and Chief Executive Officer Clockwork Active Media Paul Reyelts * Retired Executive Vice President Finance and Chief Financial Officer The Valspar Corporation Bill McLaughlin President, The Orvis Company Inc. Steven M. Rothschild President, Invest in Outcomes Jon R. McTaggart President and Chief Executive Officer Minnesota Public Radio and American Public Media Patricia Simmons M.D. Executive Medical Director, Health Policy Emeritus, Mayo Clinic ** deceased May 2015 48 Samuel S. M. Wai Treasurer American Crystal Sugar Company MPR APM annual report Addison (Tad) Piper Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Piper Jaffray Companies Inc. Honorary Life Trustees William Pearce Robert J. Sivertsen Joanne Von Blon President Emeritus William H. Kling * Green Island Group LLC J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 49 Minnesota Public Radio American Public Media Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), a nonprofit, is one of the nation’s premier public media organizations, producing programming for radio, online and face-to-face audiences. With its three services— MPR News, Classical MPR and The Current®—MPR operates a 45-station radio network serving nearly all of Minnesota and parts of surrounding states, reaching 900,000 listeners each week. A complete list of stations, programs and additional services can be found at minnesotapublicradio.org. MPR meets all 27 Accountability Standards of the Charities Review Council, and is supported by more than 132,000 members annually. American Public Media™ (APM) is the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the country, and the nation’s second-largest producer of public radio programming— reaching 19 million listeners nationwide each week on nearly 1,000 radio stations. APM launched the Infinite Guest podcast network in 2014, touching on and highlighting the worlds of food, comedy, art and culture. In 2015, APM debuted YourClassical.org, a collection of curated music streams, unique programs and relevant features to promote calm and focus. APM’s portfolio of programs is below. ® On the Web: Other Ways to Hear Us: News and Information: Arts and Culture: minnesotapublicradio.org mprnews.org classicalmpr.org thecurrent.org Aha Radio™ Aupeo Google Newsstand iHeartRadio iTunes Kaliki Rivet Radio Slacker Spotify Stitcher™ TuneIn American RadioWorks BBC World Service BBC Newshour BBC Topline Marketplace® Marketplace Mid-Day Update Marketplace Morning Report® Marketplace Tech® Marketplace Weekend™ A Prairie Home Companion The Splendid Table® The Writer’s Almanac® On Being™ The Dinner Party Download® Infinite Guest™ podcast network Streaming Audio Services: MPR News Classical MPR The Current® Wonderground Radio® Local Current® Radio Heartland® Classical MPR’s Choral Stream™ 50 MPR APM annual report ® ® Classical Music: YourClassical.org Performance Today® SymphonyCast® Pipedreams® Composers Datebook® New Classical Tracks® Classical 24® King’s College Choir, Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols ® P HOTO OF J ON MCTAGGART & B RADBURY ANDE RSON JAYME HALB RIT T ER / DAN K RAK ER DEREK MONTG OMERY / BARACK OBAMA & KA I RYSS DA L PET E SOUZ A / P EA B ODY AWA R D C EREM ONY G ET TY IM AGE S M INNE SOTA ORCH EST RA IN CUBA NATE RYAN / T ES FA WONDEM AG EGNE HU ST EVE CO HEN / T HE CURRENT 1 0-YEAR # 1 ALEX HOR NER / T HE C UR R EN T 1 0-YEA R # 2 NAT E RYAN / S HER M AN ALEX IE & J E SS WA LTE R AT TH E FITZ JAYM E HALB RIT T ER / YOU NG RE PORT ERS LIN DSAY HE NNIN G / DONOR PRO F ILES WING TA / ERIC DEGGANS JAYME H AL B R IT T ER About MPR | APM MPR | APM Staff Officers 90.9/100.7/103.5 hd2 roseau/ warroad 88.3 97.7/88.3 Officers thief river falls Deborah Clark Vice President Executive Producer, Marketplace Morris Goodwin Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer David W. Kansas Executive Vice President Chief Operating Officer Nicholas Kereakos Vice President, Technology and Music Services Chief Technology Officer Judy McAlpine Senior Vice President, International and Affiliate Content Partnerships bemidji ely virginia/ hibbing 99.1 eveleth 89.7 104.1 107.3 100.5 92.9 103.1 89.3 106.9 minneapolis/st. paul brownton/glencoe 93.5 95.3 103.9 st. peter 105.7 new ulm owatonna 91.5/90.5 hd2 st. james 95.3/105.1 97.1 mankato windom 91.7 89.3 hd hd hd 105.1 sleepy eye 90.5 89.1 88.1 101.9 92.3 92.7 103.9 101.9 107.3 91.7 winona 90.7/91.7 hd2 88.7 rochester 90.1 103.3 103.9/90.1 hd2 sioux falls, sd worthington blue albert austin earth lea 91.9 88.5 97.5 91.1 88.1 la crescent 96.3/88.7 89.5 decorah, ia hinckley pine city Key st. cloud hd hd 89.3 hd 91.1 appleton 99.5 103.1 103.9 granite olivia falls minneapolis/st. paul brownton/glencoe 105.1 88.1/91.1 93.5 redwood falls 95.3 103.9 st. peter 105.7 new ulm owatonna sleepy eye 90.5 106.9 st. james windom 91.7 89.3 99.5 redwood falls 88.9 hd2 97.1 91.1 103.1 103.9 94.1 88.9 90.1 91.3 88.5 brookings, sd st. cloud granite olivia brookings, sd 88.3 Randi S. N. 91.5Yoder 90.7 89.7 Senior Vice President brainerd fergus falls Chief Development Officer 95.5 89.1 89.7 88.7 falls grand marais 88.1/91.1 duluth 90.9 88.9 hd2 appleton 95.5 grand rapids pine city 88.9 90.1 91.3 88.5 89.3 90.1 101.3 hd2 92.5 90.9 Timothy T. Roesler 91.3 Senior Vice President, 88.5 bemidji Officer Chief Business Development 103.1 hinckley 94.1 hd2 international falls 91.9 88.5 97.5 brainerd alexandria 97.7/88.3 Doug Roderick 102.7 91.5 Vice President, Finance thief river falls Corporate Controller 89.1 duluth 90.9 88.3 89.7 88.7 grand marais 100.5 92.9 88.3 90.7 91.5 89.7 fergus falls Mike Reszler 103.5 90.9/100.7/103.5 hd2 Vice President, roseau/ warroad Innovation and Digital Strategy alexandria grand rapids moorhead Mary Nease Senior Vice President Chief Audience Development Officer Sylvia 90.3 Strobel 91.1 Vice President Senior moorhead General Counsel 89.7 104.1 107.3 90.3 91.1 ely virginia/ hibbing 99.1 eveleth 91.3 88.5 Mette McLoughlin Senior Vice President Chief Human Resources Officer 89.3 90.1 101.3 hd2 92.5 90.9 July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Jon R. McTaggart President and Chief Executive Officer hd2 international falls 102.7 91.5 89.1 88.1 J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 103.5 91.5/90.5 hd2 95.3/105.1 mankato 101.9 92.3 92.7 103.9 101.9 107.3 91.7 winona 90.7/91.7 hd2 88.7 rochester 90.1 103.3 103.9/90.1 hd2 sioux falls, sd worthington blue albert MPR APM austin earth lea 91.1 88.1 la crescent annual report 96.3/88.7 89.5 decorah, ia J U LY 2 0 1 4 TO J U N E 2 0 1 5 51 4 8 0 C E DA R S T R E E T, S A I N T PA U L , M N 5 5 1 0 1 | M P R .O R G The MPR I APM annual report is also available at mpr.org/finances