50.351 -- ECOLOGY
Spring 2008
Instructor Marianna D. Wood
104 Hartline
office hours- Tuesday 9:00 – 11:00
Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00
office phone- (570) 389-4666
9:00 – 11:00
e-mail- mwood@bloomu.edu
website- facstaff.bloomu.edu/mwood
course website- blackboard.bloomu.edu
Course Description
Ecology is the scientific study of organisms and their environment. Ecology encompasses a broad spectrum which includes the study of behavior and physiology, population dynamics, community interactions, and ecosystem function. Because ecologists study large-scale phenomena, mathematical modeling is used extensively. The mathematical models are representations of the working of the natural world. Building, testing, and modifying models are the focus of basic ecological research. In addition, ecologists are increasingly called upon to provide information on environmental problems and to help formulate solutions based on sound science.
In this course, you will learn the fundamental ecological models, including their mathematical basis. You will explore some of these models with computer simulations. In addition, you will practice evaluating hypotheses with experimental evidence from your own investigations and from the primary literature.
You will also gain a greater understanding of the process of science by participation in independent projects. Finally, you will apply ecological principles to real-world problems and make suggestions for courses of action.
Some of the "lecture" portion of this course will be spent working in teams. Work in teams allows for greater participation, discussion, and involvement with the course material. Consistent attendance in class is necessary to take full advantage of these learning opportunities. In addition, some of the in-class work is graded and contributes to the course grade.
Written assignments are an important part of this course. Writing is a skill that can best be developed through practice. Although content is the major component in good writing, appropriate grammar, spelling, and sentence and paragraph structure are also necessary for the effective communication of ideas. In this course, you will practice writing in the style of the scientific community.
Required Textbook and Supplies
Gotelli, N. J. 2001. A primer of ecology, 3 rd
ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts.
Schmitz, O. J. 2007. Ecology and ecosystem conservation. Island Press, Washington, DC.
EcoBeaker workbook. 2007. SimBiotic Software, Ithaca, New York.
Write-in-the-Rain waterproof field notebook
Course Evaluation
Your course grade will be based on your performance on three exams, team work, four EcoBeaker computer exercises, lab work, and independent field projects according to the following formula:
exam 1
exam 2
final: exam 3 + comprehensive
team work
EcoBeaker exercises
lab reports
independent projects
160 total possible points 750
Your earned points will be converted to a letter grade using this scale: points earned grade points earned grade
698-750 A 578-599 C+
675-697 A- 548-577 C
653-674 B+ 525-547 C-
623-652 B 503-524 D+
600-622 B- 450-502 D
<450 E
Exams will include definitions of ecological terms and essay questions drawn from an exam review sheet.
The exam review sheet will be available one week before the scheduled exam date.
Grades for team work will include graded assignments completed in class (60 points) and points allotted by other team members (20 points) for preparation, team participation, and contribution to the learning of team members.
The EcoBeaker software is installed on the Specialized Software PCs in the library and the KUB Games
Room (232). The library is a better location to do the exercises because the computers are in carousels with room for the workbook, notes, etc. In the library, the specialized computers are on the third floor on the far end away from the stairs and elevator and overlooking the parking lot and Student Rec Center. In the Games Room, the specialized computers are located in the middle of the lab and have a “Specialized
Software PC” sticker. You will need your university user id and password to log on to a computer. You can start EcoBeaker from the Start menu under Specialized Software. The EcoBeaker workbook includes instructions for each exercise and questions to complete. Your answers to the questions will be graded.
Grading of lab reports and independent projects is described on the last page of this syllabus.
Deadlines are real; 10% of the possible points for an assignment will be deducted for each day it is late.
Exceptions for extreme circumstances (e.g., death in the family) must be requested in a timely fashion.
There may be opportunities to earn extra credit for attending lectures by outside speakers; the instructor will announce qualifying lectures in class.
As stated in PRP 3408 Student Use of University Assigned Email Accounts, you are responsible for all messages and attachments sent to your bloomu.edu e-mail account and items posted on Blackboard. You should regularly check your e-mail and Blackboard, blackboard.bloomu.edu.
6 March
18 March
20 March
25 March
27 March
1 April
3 April
8 April
10 April
15 April
17 April
22 April
24 April
7 May
15 January
17 January
22 January
24 January
29 January
31 January
5 February
7 February
12 February
14 February
19 February
21 February
26 February
28 February
4 March
TOPIC the science of ecology the science of ecology climate-template for global biodiversity
Schmitz chapter 1
Schmitz chapter 2
Schmitz chapter 3 climate-template for global biodiversity climate-template for global biodiversity ecological limits and the size of populations ecological limits and the size of populations ecological limits and the size of populations
EcoBeaker Isle Royale due human populations community interactions
EcoBeaker Prairie Sampling due viability of threatened species competition Gotelli chapter 5
EXAM 1 competition predation Gotelli chapter 6 viability of threatened species viability of threatened species biodiversity and habitat fragmentation
EcoBeaker Niches and Competition due biodiversity and habitat fragmentation
Schmitz chapter 4
Gotelli chapters 1-2
Schmitz chapter 5
Gotelli chapter 3
Schmitz chapter 6
Gotelli chapter 7 biodiversity and habitat fragmentation
EXAM 2 web of life: connections in space and time web of life: connections in space and time ecosystem services ecosystem services protecting biodiversity and ecosystem function
EcoBeaker Keystone Predator due
Gotelli chapter 4
Schmitz chapter 7
Schmitz chapter 8
Schmitz chapter 9
Gotelli chapter 8 protecting biodiversity and ecosystem function the good of a species Schmitz chapter 10
FINAL EXAM ; 1:00-3:00
Field-based labs and projects are an integral part of the Ecology class. During the semester, labs and projects will introduce you to a variety of ecological topics and techniques. This semester, we will focus specifically on two communities: a forest and a freshwater stream.
To ensure your safety, you must be properly attired for field and lab activities. Proper field attire includes long pants, socks, and sneakers/boots to limit contact with poison ivy (very abundant) and rough vegetation. We will go into the field regardless of the weather so be prepared for possible precipitation and unpleasant temperatures. You will not be allowed to participate in any exercise without proper attire, and you will not receive credit for missed exercises.
15, 16 January
22, 23 January
29, 30 January lab 1: lichen growth introduction to stream ecology lab 2: stream ecology campus and lab
Montour Preserve
Montour Preserve
5, 6 February
12, 13 February
19, 20 February
26, 27 February
4, 5 March
18, 19 March
25, 26 March
1, 2 April independent project—stream ecology independent project—stream ecology independent project—stream ecology independent project—stream ecology introduction to forest ecology lab 3: forest ecology independent project—forest ecology independent project—forest ecology independent project—forest ecology
Montour Preserve
Montour Preserve lab lab
Wood Hollow
Wood Hollow
Wood Hollow
Wood Hollow lab
8, 9 April
15, 16 April independent project—forest ecology lab 4: acid mine drainage lab
Jeddo Mine Tunnel
22, 23 April lab 4: acid mine drainage lab
The listed lab exercises serve as an introduction to ecological research in general (lab 1) and to the two communities we will study in depth (labs 2 and 3). In addition, lab 4 allows us to do ecological research on a heavily human-impacted ecosystem. Each listed lab exercise includes a lab report worth 20 points.
You will do two independent field projects, one on stream ecology and one on forest ecology. For each project, you will design the study, collect and analyze data, and prepare a written report and presentation of your results. For each project, the grading will be 10 points for the proposal, 30 points for the first submission of the written report, 15 points for its second submission, and 25 points for the presentation
(poster presentation for stream ecology, oral presentation for forest ecology).