Country Albania Andorra Armenia Australia Implemented? no information available yes no information available pilot project now complete and moving towards new phase of wider implementation Format Mandatory? Languages Last Update as recommended unknown Catalan and one of French, Spanish or English December 2004 In December 2002, as a first step in meeting Australia‟s obligations under the Lisbon Convention, Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) initiated a series of pilot projects funded through the Professional Services Development Programme to identify the implications and costs for Australian institutions issuing diploma supplements. The pilot projects have now completed and the final reports and sample diploma supplements have been submitted by the participating institutions to DEST. still not completely implemented English December 2004 To further address Australia‟s obligations under the Lisbon Convention further, DEST has initiated an evaluation project to be undertaken in 2005. This project will build on the outcomes of the pilot projects through the identification and analysis of good practice in the development and implementation of the Diploma Supplement in Australia and internationally in the higher education and VET sectors. The project will also provide advice on strategies for promoting the widespread use of the Diploma Supplement by Australian education and training institutions. Model is based on the recommended template on/Default.htm Austria Yes The DS is elaborated in conformity with the European template. For support, a website has been installed: Mandatory from the 2004 academic year March 2004 Azerbaijan Belarus no information available Yes The national system of higher education includes the issue of the Diploma Supplement (Vypiska iz Zachenoi Knizhki) December 2004 Similar in format to the recommended template Belgium Flanders Yes A compulsory (by law) Flemish Diploma Supplement has been awarded automatically at university level since 1991 and at non-university higher education level since 1994. The new Higher Education Act -introducing the Bachelor/Master structure in higher education in Flanders- of April 4, 2003 endorses the concept Mandatory from the 2004-2005 academic year December 2004 of a Diploma Supplement. The existing Flemish Diploma Supplement has been adapted to the international model. erna/Naric/dipsup.htm wnload/changing.pdf Belgium Français Yes -Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Communauté française du 3 juillet 2003 pour les diplômes délivrés par les Hautes Ecoles -Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Communauté française du 2 juin 2004 pour les diplômes délivrés par les Instituts supérieurs d‟architecture Mandatory December 2004 Corresponds to the recommended European model www Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria Does not yet exist Yes With the texts of the Higher Education Act adopted by the Bulgarian Parliament on June 4 2004 (State Gazette issue 48/04.06.2004) both the ECTS and the Diploma Supplement were legally introduced. Accordingly, the secondary legislation was updated thus providing the legal framework for their practical implementation. From 2005 all graduates will receive the DS automatically issued in English and Bulgarian English, Bulgarian December 2004 December 2004 The chosen model corresponds fully with the recommended template. Canada Does not exist December 2004 December 2004 Croatia In progress no information currently exists but the country is in the process of developing its DS programme Cyprus In progress Final stages for implementation in the «University of Cyprus» (public university) and «Intercollege» (private institution of Higher Education). An amendment of the relevant legislation is in progress which will require the implementation of Diploma Supplement by all public and private institutions of Higher Education. Will be mandatory after fully implemented Czech Republic Yes The Diploma Supplement was introduced by Higher Education Act n 111 of 1998 (§57,g). A working group composed of the representatives of 5 higher education institutions, the ECTS/DS coordinator, representatives of Ministry of Education and the Czech NARIC office formulated the recommendations concerning the structure of the DS, a description of the higher education system, a scheme of HES and a preamble to the DS in Czech and English. The Czech National team of Bologna Promoters is also involved in the DS implementation. Representatives of higher education institutions (including ECTS/DS consultants), a representative of the Accreditation Commission, students and representative of research in higher education are members of the team. The Ministry Some higher education institutions have already issued DS automatically to all graduates but it otherwise issued upon student request All Czech higher education institutions intend to issue a DS December 2004 Czech and English December 2004 of Education coordinates the activities of the BP team. The Socrates office is responsible for organisational issues. The Czech NARIC office is an advisory body for recognition. automatically to every student from 2005. Follows the recommended model Denmark Yes The Diploma Supplement has been implemented by law. All higher education institutions are obliged to issue a Diploma Supplement in English to all students graduated after September 2002. This applies to ordinary study programmes as well as diploma and master study programmes. Mandatory for all graduates after September 2002 December 2004 Follows the recommended model Estonia Yes DS is compulsory to issue together with every higher education credential awarded after completion of studies in study-programme that is registered in the Ministry of Education and Research after 1 June 2002. Issuing of DS to earlier graduates is regulated by every HEI independently. March 2003, the a regulation of the Government The Statute and Form of Diploma and Academic Transcript (Diploma Supplement) was adopted The format of the DS elaborated by the European Mandatory for those who graduated after June 2002; Mandatory in English from January 2004 to those studying in the Bologna BachelorMaster system. Estonian and English December 2004 Commission, European Council and UNESCO/CEPES has been complied with. haridussysteem/Diplomi_ja_akadeemilise_oiendi _Statuut_ja_vormid.html Finland Yes France waiting for information; recent ministerial reorganisation does not exist FYRO Macedonia Georgia Germany The DS is in use widely and almost all the HEIs use the template recommended by the UNESCO/Council of Europe/European Commission working group. Even those HEIs that do not already use the recommended template, have started to implement it. The question is partly technical in nature. unclear December 2004 December 2004 Yes Follows the recommended format Yes For all study courses leading to a Bachelor‟s or Master‟s degree implementation of the Diploma Supplement is necessary for accreditation. For new study courses accreditation and DS is recommended. Format unknown depends on the situation December 2004 December 2004 December 2004 Greece does not exist Holy See does not exist Hungary Yes According to the Act on Higher Education the higher education institutions are obliged to issue the Diploma Supplement elaborated by the Council of Europe and the European Commission at the request of the student in Hungarian free of charge and in English at the student‟s expense Mandatory Hungarian free December 2004 December 2004 December 2004 English - at student‟s expense Template corresponds to that recommended ID=661&ctag=articlelist&iid=1 Iceland Yes All the universities in Iceland have decided to use Diploma Supplements for their graduates. They will all follow closely the template from the UNESCO/Council of Europe/European Commission Working Group. Three universities have already started issuing Diploma Supplements to their graduates, the remaining universities will start issuing Diploma Supplements in 2005. The Icelandic model closely follows the recommended template Mandatory by 2005 December 2004 Israel Italy Does not exist (GAF) Yes After the adoption of DS by law, the DM 30.05.01 has determined Italian DS model. In conformity to Art. 6 of DM N0.9 of 30.04.04, all Italian universities have to automatically issue the DS (bilingual English-Italian) in attachment to the new Italian degrees as from 2005. Starting from 2005 it will be mandatory to issue the DS English and Italian December 2004 December 2004 The Italian DS model resembles the European one very closely; as to the European template, Italian universities have been left free to use their own electronic devices. Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia no information available no information available Yes Diploma Supplement in Latvia follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international „transparency‟ and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). Mandatory starting in 2004 December 2004 Liechtenstein Yes Template follows the recommended model available free of charge but English and German December 2004 Lithuania Yes es/portal_fuerstentum_liechtenstein/fl-buwbildung_wissenschaft.htm unclear if mandatory Template follows the recommended model. From 2005 available upon request Lithuanian and English December 2004 Mandatory from 2006 Luxembourg does not exist Malta no information available Yes Moldova December 2004 According to the Decision of the Ministry of Education nr. 143 from the 2nd of May 2002, the institutions of higher education from Moldova Republic issue to their graduates a Diploma Supplement. The Supplements was elaborated according to the recommendations of the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the UNESCO-CEPES. The Diploma Supplement makes explicit the content and the level of qualifications awarded by the higher education institutions in an accessible mode and at an international level. The Ministry of Education has elaborated an explanation concerning the filling in of each part of the Supplement. The Diploma Supplement is Mandatory from 2005 - 2006 December 2004 awarded as an addendum to the Diploma on the request of the graduates, it is not compulsory. See above about mandatory from 2005 - 2006. Monaco Netherlands no information available Yes An increasing number of higher education institutions is producing or is in the process of producing Diploma Supplements for their students not compulsory December 2004 Generally follows the recommended model New Zealand does not exist Norway Yes Diploma Supplement is fully implemented and obligatory through legislation Mandatory December 2004 December 2004 Closely follows the recommended template Poland Yes From the 1st January 2005 the pattern of the Mandatory from Diploma Supplement will be obligatory for Higher July 2005 Education Institutions in Poland according to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education and Sport of 23rd July 2004 concerning specification of the kinds of diploma and professional titles and forms/models of diploma issued by higher education institutions. December 2004 The template of the DS has been maintained with small changes concerning the characteristic of the national education system. Portugal Yes It is foreseen to be generally implemented till 2005. Some universities are already issuing the Diploma Supplement. A draft diploma is already prepared (but not published yet)on this issue. not yet mandatory but increasingly it is being issued December 2004 DS follows the recommended template Romania Yes DS was introduced in Romania since 2000. It is not mandatory for Higher Education Institutions to deliver it. It can be delivered to the students upon request; the ministry‟s recommendation was to deliver in two languages: Romanian and English; not mandatory English and Romanian March 2004 template follows the recommended model Russia Yes San Marino no information available Does not exist Serbia and Pilot project for 3 universities headed by Chelyabinsk State University; more information in Spring 2005 December 2004 Present higher education legislation in Serbia December Montenegro does not regulate this issue. 2004 December 2004 Serbia and Montenegro in progress We are at the very beginning of that process. The new Law on Higher Education prescribes that the Ministry of Education and Science should be in charge of the contents of the Diploma Supplement, while the University is in charge of the implementation.The Ministry is working on this, and it certainly takes into the account UNESCO/Council of Europe/European Commission Working Group is recommending, and will make it in accordance with that model. Slovak Republic yes The DS situation in Slovakia depends on the institution. In 2002, a new HE Act (N 131/2002) was approved and it contains new rules regarding accreditation of study programmes. For example, during the last two years all study programmes were reaccredited and for students of these programmes the DS is mandatory. The reaccreditation process is related to the new HE Act implementing a 3-level system of HE and eventually all students will be issued the DS as reorganization continues. Slovenia undergoing domestic changes in education ministry; information forthcoming Voluntary March 2005 In some programmes, particularly those that have been “reaccredited” it is obligatory; at other institutions it is by student request. December 2004 Spain Yes Legislation: Royal Decree 1044/2003 (BOE 1 August). DS is being implemented . Spanish DS complies with the UNESCO/Council of Europe recommendations. unknown December 2004 Sweden Yes Since 1 January 2003 issuing of Diploma Supplement is obligatory by law for higher education institutions. The Diploma Supplement is issued in English, automatically with the degree certificate and free of charge Mandatory as of January 2003 English December 2004 The Swedish DS follows the template recommended by the UNESCO/Council of Europe/European Commission Working Group with minor adjustments to Swedish circumstances age_id=1040 Switzerland Yes The Rectors‟ Conference established recommendations concerning the Diploma Supplement. It should resemble very closely the template recommended by the Working Group. The universities are going to introduce the DS in the near future, the universities of applied sciences have already introduced it Closely resembles the recommended template At students‟ request December 2004 Sup.html Tajikistan Turkey no information available Yes The Diploma Supplement Committee under the Mandatory from supervision of the Council of Higher Education the 2004-2005 (YOK) has designed a standard Turkish Diploma academic year Supplement model according to the template recommended by the UNESCO/ Council of Europe/ European Commission. The Turkish universities are going to issue the Diploma Supplement from the 2004-2005 academic year onwards. December 2004 Turkmenistan Ukraine no information available Yes The Diploma Supplement was approved by Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers' № 1260 (12.11.97 unknown December 2004 closely resembles the recommended template United Kingdom USA Yes does not exist expected to be fully implemented by 2005 December 2004 December 2004