8MARCH2013 [2013)1 SLR 973- 1216 Part 5 !SSN 0219- 7812 MICA (P) 115/08/2012 PPS 1091/12/2012(022887) SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS ARBITRATION Whether arbitration clause in main agreement was binding on third party to supplementary agreement - Effect of condition precedent to commencement of arbitration lntemational Research Corp PLC v Lujthm1sa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and anod1er ........... HC BUILDING AND CONSTRUCfiON LAW Dispute resolution - Whether court had power to review validity of payment claim - Plaintiff failing to tender payment response Whether plaintiff was precluded or estopped from relying on alleged invalidity of payment claim in setting aside adjudication application JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ......................................... HC CMLPROCEDURE LAW I 069 Promissory estoppel - Whether landlord estopped from relying on condition precedent in agreement lo renew tenancy - Whether landlord wrongfully repndiat.ed existing lease Oriental Investments (SH) Pte Ltd v Catatla Investments Pte Ltd .................................................. HC INTERNATIONAL 1157 Seven plaintiffs and 202 other persons seeking to pursue representative action against defendants - Whether plaintiffs and 202 persons had usame interest" - Order 15 r 12( I) Rules of Court (Cap 322, R 5, 2006 Rev Ed) Koll Chong C11iall and otllers v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and anotller .................................... HC EQUITY 973 1182 Extradition - Prosecution amending charges after extradition Whether speciality rule was breached by amendments - Whether amendments satisfied Art VIJ Singapore-Germany Extradition Treaty - Whether amendments satisfied s 17(a) Extradjtion Act (Cap 103, 2000 Rev Ed) 1 continued on back cover ~Academy ~ Publishing REVENUE LAW Property tax - Refund on unoccupied buildings - Whether property unoccupied during rent-free fitting-out period- Section 8(1) Property Tax Act (Cap 254,2005 Rev Ed) BFC Development LLP v Comptroller of Property Tax ........ HC TORT Defamation - Whether letters and republications actionable under Singapore law and Indonesian law - Whether defences of justification, absolute privilege and qualified privilege made out - Whether defences under Indonesian law made out Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ............................................ HC Lost Copies ! Requests for ·missing copies may be made within a month of publication for subscribers in and outside Singapore. Charges will apply to requests received after this peri9a. .. ,, 1053 1016 Table of Cases Referred to Brodyn Pty Ltd v Davenport [2004] NSWCA 394 Table of Cases Referred to [2013] 1 SLR Part 5 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... ll57 Brookhollow Pty Ltd v R&R Consultants Pty Ltd [2006] NSWSC 1 Refd A JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... ll57 Buckley v Dalziel [2007] 1 WLR 2933 Refd Adam v Ward [1917] AC 309 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 c Africa Express Line Ltd v Socofi SA [2010] 2 Lloyd's Rep 181 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Cable & Wireless Plc v IBM United Kingdom Ltd [2002] CLC 1319 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 AIG Europe SA v QBE International Insurance Ltd [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep 268 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Carl Elias Moses v PP [1995] 3 SLR(R) 433; [1995] 3 SLR 748 Distd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Arbuckle Smith & Co Ltd v Greenock Corp [1960] AC 813 Carnie v Esanda Finance Corp Ltd (1995) 182 CLR 398 Not folld BFC Development LLP v Comptroller of Property Tax ..... ~ .................... 1053 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Arul Chandran v Chew Chin Aik Victor ]P Suit No 1896 of 1998; [2000] SGHC 111 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 CC No 1 v Reed [2010] NSWSC 294 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Arul Chandran v Chew Chin Aik Victor [2001] 1 SLR(R) 86; [2001] 1 SLR 505 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Chan Cheng Wah Bernard v Koh Sin Chong Freddie [2012] 1 SLR 506 Folld Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Astrata (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Portcullis Escrow Pte Ltd [20 11] 3 SLR 386 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd [2009] 1 AC 1011 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Aughton Ltd v MF Kent Services Ltd (1991) 57 BLR 1 Chase v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2003] EMLR 218 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Chase Oyster Bar Pty Ltd v Hamo Industries Pty Ltd [2010] NSWCA 190 B Refd Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA v Ali [2002] 1 AC 251 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Chip Hup Hup Kee Construction Pte Ltd v Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co Ltd [2010] 1 SLR 658 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... ll57 Chow Dih v PP [1990] 1 SLR(R) 53; [1990] SLR 203 Blackham v Pugh (1846) 15 LJCP 290 Folld JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... ll57 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Folld Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Boys v Chaplin [1971] AC 356 Chua Say Engv Lee Wee Lick Terence [2011] SGHC 109 Folld Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 iv JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 v Table of Cases Referred to Table of Cases Referred to [2013] 1 SLR Part 5 Brodyn Pty Ltd v Davenport [2004] NSWCA 394 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Brookhollow Pty Ltd v R&R Consultants Pty Ltd [2006] NSWSC 1 Refd A JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Buckley v Dalziel [2007] 1 WLR 2933 Refd Adam v Ward [1917] AC 309 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Africa Express Line Ltd v Socofi SA [2010] 2 Lloyd's Rep 181 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another.. .......................................................................... 973 c Cable & Wireless Plc v IBM United Kingdom Ltd [2002] CLC 1319 Refd AIG Europe SA v QBE International Insurance Ltd [2001]2 Lloyd's Rep 268 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another. ........................................................................... 973 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Carl Elias Moses v PP [1995] 3 SLR(R) 433; [1995] 3 SLR 748 Distd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Arbuckle Smith & Co Ltd v Greenock Corp [1960] AC 813 Carnie v Esanda Finance Corp Ltd (1995) 182 CLR 398 Not folld BFC Development LLP v Comptroller of Property Tax .......................... 1053 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Arul Chandran v Chew Chin Aik Victor JP Suit No 1896 of 1998; [2000] SGHC Ill Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 CC No 1 v Reed [2010] NSWSC 294 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Arul Chandran v Chew Chin Aik Victor [2001]1 SLR(R) 86; [2001]1 SLR 505 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Chan Cheng Wah Bernard v Koh Sin Chong Freddie [2012]1 SLR 506 Folld Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Astrata (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Portcullis Escrow Pte Ltd [2011] 3 SLR 386 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd [2009] l AC lOll Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Aughton Ltd v MF Kent Services Ltd (1991) 57 BLR 1 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Chase v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2003] EMLR 218 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. l016 Chase Oyster Bar Pty Ltd v Hamo Industries Pty Ltd [2010] NSWCA 190 B Refd Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA v Ali [2002] 1 AC 251 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Chip Hup Hup Kee Construction Pte Ltd v Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co Ltd [2010]1 SLR 658 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Blackham v Pugh (1846) 15 LJCP 290 Chow Dih v PP [1990]1 SLR(R) 53; [1990] SLR 203 Folld Folld Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Boys v Chaplin [1971] AC 356 Folld Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... l095 Chua Say Eng v Lee Wee Lick Terence [2011] SGHC 109 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 iv Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 v SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS Table of Cases Referred to Concordia Agritrading Pte Ltd v Cornelder Hoogewerff (Singapore) Pte Ltd [1999] 3 SLR(R) 618; [2001] 1 SLR 222 Falgat Constructions Pty Ltd v Equity Australia Corp Pty Ltd [2006] NSWCA 259 Refd Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another o•o········o·o·o······o•o•o•o······o·o········o•o•o········o·o·············· 973 Federal Bulker, The [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep 103 Refd Coop International Pte Ltd v Ebel SA [1998] 1 SLR(R) 615; [1998] 3 SLR 670 Distd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 D International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Fletamentos Maritimos SA v Effjohn International BV [1996] 2 Lloyd's Rep 304 D v Kong Sim Guan [2003] 3 SLR(R) 146; [2003] 3 SLR 146 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Denden Sudarman v YusuJSuparma No 396K/PET/2001 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Fiona Trust & Holding Corp v Privalov [2007] Bus LR 1719; [2008] 1 Lloyd's Rep 254 Refd Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Fryer, Re (1857) 3 K & J 317; 69 ER 1129 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Doo Ree Engineering & Trading Pte Ltd v Taisei Corp [2009] SGHC 218 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 G Dualcorp Pty Ltd v Remo Constructions Pty Ltd [2009] NSWCA 69 Refd Goh Chok Tong v feyaretnam Joshua Benjamin [1997] 3 SLR(R) 46; [1998]1 SLR 547 JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Folld Dubai Aluminium Co Ltd v Salaam [2003] 2 AC 366 Refd Goh Chok Tong v Jeyaretnam Joshua Benjamin [1998] 2 SLR(R) 971; [1998] 3 SLR 337 Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Refd Duke of Bedford, The v Ellis [1901] AC 1 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another. 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Gopalakrishnan Vanitha v PP [1999] 3 SLR(R) 310; [1999] 4 SLR 307 1069 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Graysim Holdings Ltd v P & 0 Property Holdings Ltd [1996] AC 329 E Refd BFC Development LLP v Comptroller of Property Tax .......................... 1053 Econ Piling Pte Ltd v NCC International AB [2007] SGHC 17 Refd Grossman v Hooper [2001] 2 EGLR 82 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Emmott v Michael Wilson & Partners (No 2) [2009] Bus LR 723; [2009] EWHC 1 (Comm) Distd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 F H Habas Sinai Ve Tibbi Gazlar Isthisal Endustri AS v Sometal SAL [2010] Bus LR 880; [2010] EWHC 29 (Comm) Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................. 973 Faghirzadeh v RudolfWolff(SA) (Pty) Ltd [1977]1 Lloyd's Rep 630 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another. ........................................................................... 973 vi Haw Tua Tau v PP [1981-1982] SLR(R) 133; [1980-1981] SLR 73 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 109 5 vii SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS Table of Cases Referred to Concordia Agritrading Pte Ltd v Cornelder Hoogewerff (Singapore) Pte Ltd [1999] 3 SLR(R) 618; [2001] 1 SLR 222 Falgat Constructions Pty Ltd v Equity Australia Corp Pty Ltd [2006] NSWCA 259 Refd Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Federal Bulker, The [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep 103 Refd Coop International Pte Ltd v Ebel SA [1998] 1 SLR(R) 615; [1998] 3 SLR 670 Distd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... ll57 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Fiona Trust & Holding Corp v Privalov [2007] Bus LR 1719; [2008] 1 Lloyd's Rep 254 Refd D International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 D v Kong Sim Guan [2003] 3 SLR(R) 146; [2003] 3 SLR 146 Fletamentos Maritimos SA v Effjohn International BV [1996] 2 Lloyd's Rep 304 Refd Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Denden Sudarman v YusufSuparma No 396K/PET/2001 Refd Fryer, Re (1857) 3 K & J 317; 69 ER 1129 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Doo Ree Engineering & Trading Pte Ltd v Taisei Corp [2009] SGHC 218 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 G Dualcorp Pty Ltd v Remo Constructions Pty Ltd [2009] NSWCA 69 Refd Goh Chok Tong v Jeyaretnam Joshua Benjamin [1997] 3 SLR(R) 46; [1998] 1 SLR 547 TFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Folld Dubai Aluminium Co Ltd v Salaam [2003] 2 AC 366 Refd Goh Chok Tong v Jeyaretnam Joshua Benjamin [1998] 2 SLR(R) 971; [1998] 3 SLR 337 Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Refd Duke of Bedford, The v Ellis [1901] AC 1 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Low Tuck Kwongv Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Gopalakrishnan Vanitha v PP [1999] 3 SLR(R) 310; [1999] 4 SLR 307 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Graysim Holdings Ltd v P & 0 Property Holdings Ltd [1996] AC 329 E Refd BFC Development LLP v Comptroller of Property Tax .......................... 1053 Bean Piling Pte Ltd v NCC International AB [2007] SGHC 17 Refd Grossman v Hooper [2001] 2 EGLR 82 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Rmmott v Michael Wilson & Partners (No 2) [2009] Bus LR 723; [2009] EWHC 1 (Comm) Distd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 F H Habas Sinai Ve Tibbi Gazlar Isthisal Endustri AS v Sometal SAL [2010] Bus LR 880; [2010] EWHC 29 (Comm) Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Faghirzadeh v RudolfWolff(SA) (Pty) Ltd [1977] 1 Lloyd's Rep 630 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 vi Haw Tua Tau v PP [1981-1982] SLR(R) 133; [1980-1981] SLR 73 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 vii ·.·. . -~l SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS Table of Cases Referred to HIM Portland LLC v Devito Builders Inc 317 F 3d 41 (1st Cir, 2003) Lee Kuan Yew v Jeyaretnam Joshua Benjamin [1990] 1 SLR(R) 709; [1990] SLR 688 Folld Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. l016 Horrocks v Lowe [1975] AC 135 Lee Wah Bank Ltd v The Commissioner of Federal Capital of Kuala Lumpur [1962] MLJ 23 Folld Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Ltd v Toshin Development Singapore Pte Ltd [2012] 4 SLR 738 Folld Lee Wee Lick Terence v Chua Say Eng [2013] 1 SLR 401 Folld International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Lim Eng Hock Peter v Lin !ian Wei [2009] 2 SLR(R) 1004; [2009] 2 SLR 1004 Refd Hughes v Metropolitan Railway Co (1877) 2 App Cas 439 Refd BFC Development LLP v Comptroller of Property Tax .......................... 1053 Oriental Investments (SH) Pte Ltd v Catalla Investments Pte Ltd ......... 1182 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Lim Hsi- Wei Marc v Orix Capital Ltd [2010] 3 SLR 1189 Distd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Lim Kok Koon v Tan Cheng Yew [2004] 3 SLR(R) 111; [2004] 3 SLR 111 Refd Insigma Technology Co Ltd v Alstom Technology Ltd [2009] 1 SLR(R) 23; [2009] 1 SLR23, HC Distd Lincoln v Daniels [1962]1 QB 237 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another. ........................................................................... 973 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society [1998]1 WLR 896 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Low Tuck Kwongv Sia Sukamto [2009] SGHC 147 Insigma Technology Co Ltd v Alstom Technology Ltd [2009] 3 SLR(R) 936; [2009] 3 SLR936, CA Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Refd Low Tuck Kwongv Sukamto Sia ........... ,..................................................... 1016 M Mahon v Rahn (No 2) [2000] 1 WLR 2150 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. l016 Malaysia Investments Ltd v Chief Assessor [1969] 1 MLJ xlix Refd BFC Development LLP v Comptroller of Property Tax .......................... 1053 Mallan v AM Bickford & Sons Ltd [1915] SALR 47 fiO Minerals FZC v Mineral Enterprises Ltd [2011] 1 SLR 391 Folld Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia .................................................................. 1016 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Mannai Investment Co Ltd v Eagle Star Life Assurance Co Ltd [1997] AC 749 Refd L L & M Concrete Specialists Pte Ltd v United Eng Contractors Pte Ltd [2000] 2 SLR(R) 852; [2000] 4 SLR 441 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Markt & Co Ltd v Knight Steamship Co Ltd [1910] 2 KB 1021 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Master Marine AS v Labroy Offshore Ltd [2012] 3 SLR 125 Lauw fuanda Lesmana v Hasim Sutiono Suryopratomo No 1331K/PDT/2004 · Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 viii Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ......................................................................: ..... 973 ix SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS Table of Cases Referred to HIM Portland LLC v Devito Builders Inc 317 F 3d 41 (1st Cir, 2003) Folld Lee Kuan Yew v ]eyaretnam Joshua Benjamin [1990] 1 SLR(R) 709; [1990] SLR 688 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd Lee Wah Bank Ltd v The Commissioner of Federal Capital of Kuala Lumpur [1962] MLJ 23 Horrocks v Lowe [1975] AC 135 Folld Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Refd HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Ltd v Toshin Development Singapore Pte Ltd [2012] 4 SLR 738 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... ll57 Lim Eng Hock Peter v Lin ]ian Wei [2009] 2 SLR(R) 1004; [2009] 2 SLR 1004 Refd Hughes v Metropolitan Railway Co (1877) 2 App Cas 439 Refd BFC Development LLP v Comptroller of Property Tax .......................... 1053 Lee Wee Lick Terence v Chua Say Eng [2013]1 SLR 401 Folld Folld Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Oriental Investments (SH) Pte Ltd v Catalla Investments Pte Ltd ......... 1182 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Lim Hsi- Wei Marc v Orix Capital Ltd [2010] 3 SLR 1189 Distd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Lim Kok Koon v Tan Cheng Yew [2004] 3 SLR(R) 111; [2004] 3 SLR Ill Refd Insigma Technology Co Ltd v Alstom Technology Ltd [2009] 1 SLR(R) 23; [2009]1 SLR23, HC Distd Lincoln v Daniels [1962]1 QB 237 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. l016 Low Tuck Kwong v Sia Sukamto [2009] SGHC 147 lnsigma Technology Co Ltd v Alstom Technology Ltd [2009] 3 SLR(R) 936; [2009] 3 SLR936, CA Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... l095 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 M Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society [1998]1 WLR 896 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Mahon v Rahn (No 2) [2000] 1 WLR 2150 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. l016 Malaysia Investments Ltd v Chief Assessor [1969] 1 MLJ xlix Refd BFC Development LLP v Comptroller of Property Tax .......................... 1053 Malian v AM Bickford & Sons Ltd [1915] SALR 47 JIO Minerals FZC v Mineral Enterprises Ltd [2011]1 SLR 391 Folld Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. l016 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Mannai Investment Co Ltd v Eagle Star Life Assurance Co Ltd [1997] AC 749 Refd L L & M Concrete Specialists Pte Ltd v United Eng Contractors Pte Ltd [2000] 2 SLR(R) 852; [2000] 4 SLR 441 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Lauw luanda Lesmana v Hasim Sutiono Suryopratomo No 1331K/PDT/2004 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 viii International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Markt & Co Ltd v Knight Steamship Co Ltd [1910] 2 KB 1021 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Master Marine AS v Labroy Offshore Ltd [2012] 3 SLR 125 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ......................................................................~ ..... 973 ix ~ Table of Cases Referred to SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS McCarey v Associated Newspapers Ltd (No 2) [1965] 2 QB 86 R v John Pollitt Davidson (1977) 64 Cr App R 209 Refd Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 R v Seddon [2009] 1 WLR 2342 N Distd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Naken v General Motors Canada Ltd (1983) 144 DLR (3d) 385 Refd Raffles Town Club Pte Ltd v Tan Chin Seng [2005] 4 SLR(R) 351; [2005] 4 SLR 351 Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Refd 0 Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 RN & Associates Pte Ltd v TPX Builders Pte Ltd [2013] 1 SLR 848 Refd Olympia Group Pty Ltd v Tyrenian Group Pty Ltd [2010] NSWSC 319 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 s p Salomon v Commissioners of Customs & Excise [1967] 2 QB 116 Panatron Pte Ltd v Lee Cheow Lee [2001] 2 SLR(R) 435; [2001] 3 SLR 405 Folld Oriental Investments (SH) Pte Ltd v Catalla Investments Pte Ltd ......... 1182 Folld Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Sandra Doolan and Stephen Doolan v Rubikcon (Qld) Pty Ltd [2007] QSC 168 Persimmon Homes (South Coast) Ltd v Hall Aggregates (South Coast) Ltd [2008] EWHC 2379 (TCC) Refd Refd Sarjit Singh s/o Mehar Singh v PP [2002] 2 SLR(R) 1040; [2002] 4 SLR 762 Oriental Investments (SH) Pte Ltd v Catalla Investments Pte Ltd ......... 1182 Folld PP v Koh Seah Wee [2012] 1 SLR 292 Folld Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 PP v Law Aik Meng [2007] 2 SLR(R) 814; [2007] 2 SLR 814 Folld Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ..................... ;.1095 PP v Lee Meow Sim Jenny [1993] 3 SLR(R) 369; [1993] 3 SLR 885 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Sarjit Singh s/o Mehar Singh v PP [2002] SGDC 150 Distd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Sea Trade Maritime Corp v Hellenic Mutual War Risks Association (Bermuda) Ltd (The Athena) (No 2) [2007] 1 Lloyd's Rep 280 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 PP v Leong Wai Nam [2010] 2 SLR 284 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Shanklin Pier Ld v Detel Products Ld [1951} 2 KB 854 Refd PP v Tan Chong Phang Victor DAC 47721-80/2008 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Shellbridge Pty Ltd v Rider Hunt Sydney Pty Ltd [2005] NSWSC 1152 PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) v Dexia Bank SA [2007] 1 SLR(R) 597; [2007] 1 SLR597 Refd Refd Sigma Finance Corp, Re [2008] EWCA Civ 1303 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 R Sigma Finance Corp, Re [2009] UKSC 2 R v Corrigan [1931]1 KB 527 Refd Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 X International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 xi SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS Table of Cases Referred to McCarey v Associated Newspapers Ltd (No 2) [1965] 2 QB 86 Refd R v John Pollitt Davidson (1977) 64 Cr App R 209 Low Tuck Kwongv Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 R v Seddon [2009]1 WLR 2342 N Distd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Naken v General Motors Canada Ltd (1983) 144 DLR (3d) 385 Refd Raffles Town Club Pte Ltd v Tan Chin Seng [2005] 4 SLR(R) 351; [2005] 4 SLR 351 Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Refd 0 Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 RN & Associates Pte Ltd v TPX Builders Pte Ltd [2013] 1 SLR 848 Refd Olympia Group Pty Ltd v Tyrenian Group Pty Ltd [2010] NSWSC 319 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 s p Salomon v Commissioners of Customs & Excise [1967] 2 QB 116 Panatron Pte Ltd v Lee Cheow Lee [2001] 2 SLR(R) 435; [2001] 3 SLR 405 Polld Folld Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Oriental Investments (SH) Pte Ltd v Catalla Investments Pte Ltd ......... l182 Sandra Doolan and Stephen Doolan v Rubikcon (Qld) Pty Ltd [2007] QSC 168 Persimmon Homes (South Coast) Ltd v Hall Aggregates (South Coast) Ltd [2008] EWHC 2379 (TCC) Refd Oriental Investments (SH) Pte Ltd v Catalla Investments Pte Ltd ......... ll82 Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 PP v Law Aik Meng [2007] 2 SLR(R) 814; [2007] 2 SLR 814 Folld Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... ll57 Sarjit Singh s/o Mehar Singh v PP [2002] 2 SLR(R) 1040; [2002] 4 SLR 762 Folld PP v Koh Seah Wee [2012] 1 SLR 292 Folld Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Sarjit Singh s!o Mehar Singh v PP [2002] SGDC 150 Distd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 PP v Lee Meow Sim Jenny [1993] 3 SLR(R) 369; [1993] 3 SLR 885 Sea Trade Maritime Corp v Hellenic Mutual War Risks Association (Bermuda) Ltd (The Athena) (No 2) [2007] 1 Lloyd's Rep 280 Refd Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 PP v Leong Wai Nam [2010] 2 SLR 284 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 PP v Tan Chong Phang Victor DAC 47721-80/2008 Refd Shanklin Pier Ld v Detel Products Ld [1951} 2 KB 854 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and anolher ............................................................................................................ 1069 Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Shellbridge Pty Ltd v Rider Hunt Sydney Pty Ltd [2005] NSWSC 1152 PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) v Dexia Bank SA [2007]1 SLR(R) 597; [2007] 1 SLR597 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Sigma Finance Corp, Re [2008] EWCA Civ 1303 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 R Sigma Finance Corp, Re [2009] UKSC 2 R v Corrigan [1931] 1 KB 527 Refd Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 X International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 xi ....I.. SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS Table of Cases Referred to Smith v Chadwick (1882) 20 Ch D 27 Tootal Clothing Ltd v Guinea Properties Management Ltd [1992] 2 EGLR 80 Refd Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Smith v Martin [1925] 1 KB 745 Refd Trapp v Mackie [1979]1 WLR 377 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Spankie v ]ames Trowse Constructions Pty Ltd [2010] QCA 355 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. l016 w }.PC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Walford v Miles [1992] 2 AC 128 Star- Trans Far East Pte Ltd v Norske- Tech Ltd [1996] 2 SLR(R) 196; [1996] 2 SLR 409 Distd Distd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another. ........................................................................... 973 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Watpac Constructions v Austin Corp [2010] NSWSC 168 Stern v Piper [1997] QB 123 Folld Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Watson v M'Ewan [1905] AC 480 Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB v Government of the Republic of Lithuania (No 2) [2007] QB 886 Folld Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 WBG Network (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Meridian Life International Pte Ltd [2008] 4 SLR(R) 727; [2008] 4 SLR 727 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 T Welsh v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] 1 WLR 1281 T W Thomas & Co Ltd v Portsea Steamship Co Ltd [1912] AC 1 Refd Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Western Canadian Shopping Centres Inc v Dutton 2001 SCC 46 Refd Tan Chin Seng v Raffles Town Club Pte Ltd [2002] SGHC 278 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 y Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd [1971] 2 QB 163 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Wong Kai Chuen Philip v PP [1990] 2 SLR(R) 361; [1990] SLR 1011 Tan Chin Seng v Raffles Town Club Pte Ltd [2003] 3 SLR(R) 307; [2003] 3 SLR 307 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Ycw and another appeal ....................... 1095 Yamashita Tetsuo v See Hup Seng Ltd [2009] 2 SLR(R) 265; [2009] 2 SLR 265 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Time Inc Asia v HM Soeharto No 273 PK/PDT/2008 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 z Tjong Very Sumito v Antig Investments Pte Ltd [2009] 4 SLR(R) 732; [2009] 4 SLR 732 Zurich Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd v B-Gold Interior Design & Construction Pte Ltd [2008] 3 SLR(R) 1029; [2008] 3 SLR 1029 Distd Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 xii International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 xiii SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS Table of Cases Referred to Smith v Chadwick (1882) 20 Ch D 27 Refd Tootal Clothing Ltd v Guinea Properties Management Ltd [1992] 2 EGLR 80 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd Smith v Martin [1925] 1 KB 745 Refd Trapp v Mackie [1979] 1 WLR 377 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Spankie v ]ames Trowse Constructions Pty Ltd [2010] QCA 355 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 w JFC Builders Pte Ltd v LionCity Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Walford v Miles [1992] 2 AC 128 Star-Trans Far East Pte Ltd v Norske- Tech Ltd [1996] 2 SLR(R) 196; [1996] 2 SLR 409 Distd Distd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Watpac Constructions v Austin Corp [2010] NSWSC 168 Stern v Piper [1997] QB 123 Folld Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Refd Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ........................................................................... :973 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ................................ :........................................................................... 1069 Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Wong Kai Chuen Philip v PP [1990] 2 SLR(R) 361; [1990] SLR 1011 Refd Tan Chin Seng v Raffles Town Club Pte Ltd [2003] 3 SLR(R) 307; [2003] 3 SLR 307 Refd Koh Chong Chiah and others v Treasure Resort Pte Ltd and Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 y Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd [1971] 2 QB 163 Refd Public Prosecutor v Tan Cheng Yew and another appeal ....................... 1095 Western Canadian Shopping Centres Inc v Dutton 2001 SCC 46 Tan Chin Seng v Raffles Town Club Pte Ltd [2002] SGHC 278 another ............................................................................................................ 1069 Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 Welsh v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] 1 WLR 1281 T W Thomas & Co Ltd v Portsea Steamship Co Ltd [1912] AC 1 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................. 1016 WBG Network (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Meridian Life International Pte Ltd [2008] 4 SLR(R) 727; [2008] 4 SLR 727 T Refd JFC Builders Pte Ltd v Lion City Construction Co Pte Ltd ...................... 1157 Watson v M'Ewan [1905] AC 480 Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB v Government of the Republic of Lithuania (No 2) [2007] QB 886 Folld International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Yamashita Tetsuo v See Hup Seng Ltd [2009]2 SLR(R) 265; [2009] 2 SLR 265 International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another. ........................................................................... 973 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 Time Inc Asia v HM Soeharto No 273 PK/PDT/2008 Refd Low Tuck Kwong v Sukamto Sia ................................................................ 1016 Tjong Very Sumito v Antig Investments Pte Ltd [2009] 4 SLR(R) 732; [2009] 4 SLR 732 Distd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 xii z Zurich Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd v B-Gold Interior Design & Construction Pte Ltd [2008] 3 SLR(R) 1029; [2008] 3 SLR 1029 Refd International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and another ............................................................................ 973 xiii I L