PENYATA PENGERUSI kelembapan ekonomi global melanda dunia, industri insurans terus mencatat pertumbuhan positif. Pendapatan premium gabungan daripada perniagaan insurans hayat dan insurans am telah meningkat 12.4%. Kumpulan MAA telah memanfaatkan pertumbuhan berterusan industri insurans Malaysia dan berjaya menjadikan 2001 satu lagi tahun kejayaan. Jumlah perolehan Operasi Kumpulan mencatat peningkatan besar 57.5% kepada RM2,280 juta (2000 - RM1,448 juta). Keuntungan sebelum cukai Kumpulan juga meningkat 88.0% kepada RM47 juta berbanding RM25 juta pada tahun sebelumnya. Keuntungan lebih tinggi pada tahun yang dilaporkan ini menggambarkan prestasi lebih baik yang diperlihatkan oleh Bahagian Insurans Hayat dan pengiraan semula peruntukan bagi susut nilai pelaburan ekuiti disebut harga disebabkan pasaran saham tempatan yang lebih kukuh. Bagi pihak Lembaga Pengarah, saya dengan sukacitanya membentangkan Laporan Tahunan dan Akaun-Akaun Kumpulan MAA bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2001. Jumlah aset Kumpulan meningkat lagi sebanyak 57.1% kepada RM4.32 bilion (2000 - RM2.75 bilion). PENCAPAIAN KORPORAT KEPUTUSAN OPERASI Tahun 2001 adalah satu tahun yang amat sukar, kerana seluruh dunia dilanda kemelesetan ekonomi global yang mencengkam setiap negara. Sebagai salah sebuah negara yang bergantung kepada perdagangan antarabangsa, Malaysia juga tidak terlepas daripada cengkaman kemelesetan ekonomi ini. Serangan pengganas di Amerika Syarikat pada 11 September memburukkan lagi keadaan dan menyebabkan ekonomi Malaysia tambah merosot. Unjuran pertumbuhan KDNK kerajaan Malaysia bagi tahun 2001 telah dikaji semula daripada kira-kira 4% kepada 0%. Kumpulan berbangga dengan kejayaan MAA Assurance memperolehi anugerah “Syarikat Insurans Hayat Terbaik Tahun 2001” di majlis Penyampaian Anugerah Industri Insurans Asia Ke5 yang diadakan di Singapura pada bulan November, 2001. MAA menghadapi persaingan daripada lebih 400 calon lain dari seluruh rantau ini. Sebagai usaha untuk menanganinya, kerajaan Malaysia telah memperkenalkan pakej rangsangan RM4.3 bilion untuk menggiatkan semula ekonomi. Pakej ini adalah tambahan kepada pakej rangsangan RM3.0 bilion yang diumumkan terdahulu daripada itu pada awal tahun 2001. Langkah-langkah ini terbukti berkesan, bukan sahaja untuk merangsangkan perbelanjaan domestik, tetapi juga untuk mengelakkan kegawatan ekonomi, membolehkan negara kita mencatat Pertumbuhan KDNK 0.4% pada tahun 2001. Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia dalam Laporan Tahunan Insurans 2001, sungguhpun Para pelanggan merupakan keutamaan kami Our customers are always of paramount importance to us 17 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) Pembangunan sumber manusia diberi penekanan bagi melahirkan kakitangan dan ejen yang berwibawa Human resource development is always emphasised to produce highly skilled and capable staff and agents TINJAUAN BAHAGIAN-BAHAGIAN PERNIAGAAN 1. mengatasi tempoh “tekanan perniagaan baru”. Oleh itu, keuntungan Bahagian Insurans Hayat pada tahun-tahun seterusnya boleh dijangkakan akan mencapai pertumbuhan kukuh yang boleh kekal. Selepas pemindahan keuntungan kepada akaun Pemegang Saham, dana lebihan insurans hayat secara keseluruhan terus kukuh, dengan lebihan kumulatif dihantar ke hadapan sebanyak RM333 juta pada 31 Disember 2001. BAHAGIAN INSURANS HAYAT Bahagian Insurans Hayat terus mencatat pertumbuhan yang kukuh. Jumlah pendapatan premiumnya meningkat 68.2% ke p a d a RM1,781 juta (2000 - RM1,059 juta). Kenaikan ini adalah disebabkan sambutan positif yang diterima bagi beberapa produk baru yang dilancarkan sepanjang tahun dalam tinjauan, termasuk Skim Anuiti Konvensyenal KWSP sebelum penggantungannya pada bulan Mei 2001. Bahagian ini mencatat pertumbuhan premium perniagaan baru tahunan 109.3% kepada RM1,348 juta, berbanding RM644 juta pada tahun sebelumnya, mengatasi kadar pertumbuhan 27.6% yang dicatat oleh sektor insuran hayat. Ini membolehkan Syarikat mengekalkan kedudukan nombor satu dalam penarafan pasaran pada tahun 2001, yang dikira berasaskan premium perniagaan baru di antara 17 syarikat insurans hayat di Malaysia. Bahagian Insurans Hayat juga memindahkan RM39 juta dari lebihan akuan pemegang sahamnya berbanding RM6 juta pada tahun sebelumnya. Peningkatan ketara dalam pemindahan lebihan insurans hayat akaun pemegang saham telah membuktikan selanjutnya bahawa perniagaan insurans hayat telah 2. PERNIAGAAN INSURANS AM Sungguhpun menghadapi persaingan sengit dalam pasaran, Bahagian Insurans Am mencatat pertumbuhan premium bertulis kasar 14.9% kepada RM347 juta (2000 - RM302 juta). Per tumbuhan ini adalah hasil dar ipada per kembangan rangkaian pengedaran, penyusunan produk sedia ada mengikut segmen untuk meningkatkan keuntungan, dan peluasan sistem dalam talian dengan rangkaian agensi untuk meningkatkan perkhidmatan. Premium perniagaan kenderaan ber motor meningkat 21.6% kepada RM203 juta (2000 RM167 juta) disebabkan jualan kenderaan yang meningkat, manakala premium bukan motor meningkat 6.7% kepada RM144 juta (2000 - RM135 juta). Dengan pertumbuhan premium ini, penarafan dari segi pendapatan premium meletakkan Syarikat di kedudukan nombor 3 di antara 45 syarikat insurans am di Malaysia. Pada tahun yang dilaporkan, keuntungan sebelum cukai Bahagian ini susut 57.7% kepada RM11 juta, berbanding RM26 juta pada tahun sebelumnya. Kemerosotan ini sebahagian besarnya adalah disebabkan tuntutan lebih tinggi yang ditanggung oleh perniagaan insurans kebakaran dan kesihatan serta kenaikan caj operasi tertentu. Selain MAA Motorclub yang ditubuhkan pada t a h u n s e b e l u m nya u n t u k m e n awa r k a n perkhidmatan percuma kepada pemegang polisi bagi membaiki kerosakan kenderaan dan diskaun untuk penyenggaraan ser ta perkhidmatan am di pusat-pusat pembaikan yang sah, Bahagian Insurans Am juga telah memperkenalkan pelbagai perkhidmatan baru. Antaranya termasuk sistem i-MAA (Intelligent Mobile Agency Administrator), yang membolehkan ejen-ejen mengeluarkan E-nota perlindungan, penyata pengiraan premium, maklumat polisi dan pembaharuan automatik. 3. OPERASI ANTARABANGSA Bahagian insurans luar pantai Kumpulan, MAA International Assurance Ltd (dahulunya dikenali sebagai MAA Assurance (L) Ltd) (MAAIA), meneruskan momentum pertumbuhan yang menakjubkan pada tahun 2001. Dalam tahun ke-3 operasinya, MAAIA mencatat pendapatan premium kasar RM90 juta. Angka ini menunjukkan pertumbuhan mengagumkan setinggi 95.7% berbanding RM46 juta pada tahun sebelumnya. Perniagaan insurans semula Hayat dan Am menyumbang 73.2% daripada jumlah pendapatan premium pada tahun 2001, manakala Maaster International Investment Plan (produk insurans berkaitan pelaburan US$) menyumbangkan bakinya. “Tekanan perniagaan baru”, yang secara langsung disebabkan oleh kenaikan besar perolehan daripada premium, tidak menghalang MAAIA daripada mencatat keuntungan sebelum cukai sebanyak RM0.3 juta bagi tahun yang dilaporkan, walaupun jumlahnya lebih rendah. MAAIA juga telah menambah modal berbayarnya sebanyak US$3 juta kepada US$12 juta. Sebahagian besar daripada suntikan modal berbayar ini akan digunakan untuk tujuan pelaburan, khususnya untuk membeli syarikatsyarikat insurans luar negara. Pada bulan Mac 2002, MAAIA telah membeli sebuah syarikat insurans hayat dan sebuah syarikat insurans am di Indonesia, iaitu P.T. MAA Life Assurance (dahulunya dikenali sebagai P.T. Asuransi Jiwa Mega Artha Aliansindo) dan P.T. MAA General Assurance (dahulunya dikenali sebagai P.T. Asuransi Multi Artha Aliansindo). MAAIA juga sedang menguruskan pembelian sebuah syarikat insurans am di Filipina dan sedang menunggu kelulusan daripada pihak berkuasa berkaitan di Filipina. Urusan pembelian ini dijangka selesai pada tahun 2002. Perkhidmatan bantuan kerosakan percuma untuk ahli MAA MotorClub Free emergency breakdown service is available for all MAA MotorClub members 19 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) Kemudahan mesin ATM MAA disediakan untuk kemudahan pelanggan MAA ATM facilities are available for customers’ convenience meluluskan terbitan Bon MAAH dan seterusnya PELABURAN membolehkan Bon itu diterbitkan pada 21 Ogos 2001. Prestasi Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur (BSKL) yang lebih baik menjelang separuh kedua tahun 2001 2. Di Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa yang diadakan membolehkan Kumpulan mencatat kenaikan besar jumlah pendapatan pelaburan 77.6% kepada RM135 pada 11 Ogos 2000, para pemegang saham juta (2000 - RM76 juta). Bagaimanapun, pelaburan telah meluluskan penyertaan Syarikat dalam pendapatan tetap terus menguasai sebahagian cadangan Skim Perjanjian Tajo Berhad dengan besar portfolio pelaburan, mewakili 91.7% daripada para pemiutangnya (“Skim Tajo”). jumlah pendapatan pelaburan. Tajo Berhad telah menyemak semula Skim Tajo Kumpulan akan terus melaksanakan dasar dalam satu pengumuman kepada Bursa pelaburan yang konservatif, dengan penekanan Saham Kuala Lumpur pada 20 Disember 2000. kepada perlindungan dan keselamatan modal, serta Skim yang disemak semula itu telah dikemukakan keuntungan dan aliran pendapatan yang konsisten kepada pihak berkuasa berkaitan untuk diluluskan. untuk mengimbangi pergolakan pasaran. Pelaburan Selain kelulusan daripada pihak berkuasa pendapatan tetap dijangka kekal menguasai porfolio berkaitan, Tajo Berhad memerlukan persetujuan utama, dengan bon terus menjadi instrumen pilihan dan kelulusan daripada para pemiutangnya. memandangkan perolehannya yang lebih baik Sehingga kini, urusan yang berkaitan dengan berbanding deposit tetap dan tunai. Skim Tajo masih belum selesai. STATUS CADANGAN-CADANGAN KORPORAT 1. Pada 5 Mac 2001, Lembaga Pengarah telah mengumumkan keputusan untuk tidak meneruskan cadangan tawaran jualan persendirian sehingga 11 juta saham biasa bernilai RM1 setiap satu yang membentuk sebahagian daripada skim penyusunan semula Kumpulan pada tahun 1999 disebabkan pasaran ekuiti yang tertekan. Sebagai menggantikan cadangan tawaran jualan persendirian itu, MAA Holdings Berhad (MAAH) telah melaksanakan terbitan bon bersiri tersusun 6 tahun dengan nilai nominal RM120 juta (Bon). Pada 6 Julai 2001, Suruhanjaya Sekuriti telah 3. Pada 31 Mei 2000, Lembaga Pengarah telah mencadangkan Terbitan Bonus satu (1) saham baru bagi setiap tiga (3) saham biasa yang sedia dipegang, tertakluk kepada kelulusan para pemegang saham dan pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan. Terbitan Bonus ini telah diluluskan oleh para pemegang saham di Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa Syarikat yang diadakan pada 24 November 2000. Ia membabitkan terbitan sehingga 37,833,166 saham biasa baru bernilai RM1 setiap satu, yang dikreditkan sebagai berbayar penuh berdasarkan satu (1) saham biasa baru bernilai RM1setiap satu bagi setiap tiga (3) saham biasa bernilai RM1setiap satu yang dipegang, dengan menggunakan sejumlah RM37,833,166 daripada keuntungan tertahan Syarikat sebanyak RM53,867,547 berdasarkan akaun terbaru yang sudah diaudit pada 31 Disember 1999. Pada 18 Januari 2001, 37,314,468 saham biasa baru RM1 setiap satu yang diterbitkan sebagai terbitan bonus telah disenaraikan di Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur. JAMINAN KUALITI Anak syarikat milik penuh Kumpulan, Malaysian Assurance Alliance Berhad (MAA), telah mendapat pengiktirafan ISO 9002 daripada Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA). Pengiktirafan ini membuktikan komitmen dan usaha berterusan Kumpulan untuk memberikan perkhidmatan yang berkualiti kepada pelanggan dan mengekalkan keyakinan dan kepercayaan mereka terhadap MAA TADBIR URUS Sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha yang berterusan untuk memperbaiki tadbir urus dan mengekalkannya di tahap paling tinggi, Kumpulan telah menyusun rancangan-rancangan untuk meningkatkan produktiviti dan kecekapan operasi, menerusi pengurusan kewangan yang cekap dan cermat, peningkatan peranan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi, serta amalan-amalan terbaik dalam proses perniagaan dalaman, selaras dengan prinsip-prinsip dan amalan terbaik yang baru dikuatkuasakan dalam Kod Tadbir Urus Malaysia dan semakan semula Keperluan Penyenaraian BSKL. sebagai usaha menyediakan maklumat mengenai kerjaya secara percuma untuk orang ramai, khususnya para pelajar dan ibu bapa. Maklumat yang boleh didapati dengan mudah menerusi laman web ini akan membolehkan mereka merancang laluan kerjaya yang sesuai dengan minat dan tahap kemampuan mereka. Bagi tujuan yang sama, Kumpulan juga telah memperuntukkan pinjaman pendidikan tanpa faedah berjumlah RM500 juta kepada pemohon-pemohon yang layak. PROSPEK Ekonomi Malaysia dijangka beransur pulih pada tahun 2002 dan pertumbuhan KDNK diramalkan 3% - 5%. Prospek pemulihan ekonomi Malaysia yang menggalakkan ini, disertakan dengan kemajuan berterusan dalam pembangunan yang dilaksanakan di bawah Pelan Induk Sektor Kewangan untuk memperkukuhkan industri insurans, meningkatkan kesedaran dan pendidikan pengguna dalam usaha membangunkan masyarakat celik insurans, akan membolehkan sektor insurans terus mencatat pertumbuhan pada tahun 2002. Meskipun masa depan industri insurans dijangka positif dan menggalakkan, Kumpulan akan terus berusaha memperbaiki kualiti perkhidmatannya kepada pelanggan dan meningkatkan proses KHIDMAT MASYARAKAT Dalam usaha untuk menjadi warga korporat yang prihatin dan bertanggungjawab, Kumpulan terus meluaskan rangkaian klinik dialisis buah pinggangnya untuk menampung keperluan semakin ramai pesakit baru. Setakat ini, Kumpulan telah menubuhkan lapan (8) pusat dialisis buah pinggang yang dilengkapi 116 unit mesin haemodialisis. Memandangkan permintaan bagi subsidi perkhidmatan perubatan seper ti itu sentiasa meningkat, Kumpulan akan terus memperuntukkan sumber-sumber selanjutnya untuk membesarkan lagi klinik yang ada dan membuka klinik-klinik baru pada masa akan datang. Sebagai menyahut seruan kerajaan Malaysia kepada syarikat-syarikat korporat supaya membangunkan masyarakat yang berpendidikan dan berilmu pengetahuan, Kumpulan telah melancarkan portal laman web yang dinamakan “” Kakitangan yang berdedikasi merupakan sumber kekukuhan syarikat The staff of MAA are the company’s pillars of strength 21 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) kawalan dalaman bagi menjimatkan lagi kos. Pada tahun yang dilaporkan, Kumpulan telah membentuk pakatan strategik dengan bank-bank terkemuka untuk mendapatkan saluran pengedaran alternatif bagi meningkatkan daya saingan dan akses ke dalam pasaran-pasaran lain. Kumpulan akan terus meninjau peluang-peluang dalam bidang ini untuk memanfaatkan kos pengedaran lebih murah bagi produk dan perkhidmatannya. Untuk memenuhi pelbagai permintaan pengguna yang semakin meningkat, Kumpulan akan terus menyusun dan memperkenalkan produk inovatif yang dapat memenuhi keperluan insurans dan pelaburan mereka. Selain Rancangan Pelaburan Antarabangsa Maaster MAAIA yang menawarkan peluang kepada pelabur untuk mempelbagaikan pelaburan mereka di peringkat antarabangsa, Kumpulan juga telah menceburi industri unit amanah. Pada bulan Februari 2002, Kumpulan melancarkan dana unit amanahnya, yang dinamakan Dana MAA Mutual Growth, Dana MAA Mutual Bond dan Dana MAA Mutual Progress, menerusi anak syarikatnya, MAA Mutual Berhad. Pelaburan yang dibenarkan untuk gabungan ketiga-tiga dana ini ialah RM1 bilion. Kumpulan juga sedang berusaha untuk menceburi industri pengurusan aset, selaras dengan matlamatnya untuk menjadi kumpulan perkhidmatan kewangan penuh. Sambil meneruskan usaha untuk kekal sebagai Kumpulan yang inovatif dan sentiasa berpegang kepada amalan-amalan terbaik bagi menyokong pertumbuhan perniagaan teras kami, Kumpulan akan terus melabur dalam pembangunan sumber manusia dalam usaha melahirkan tenaga kerja dan pasukan agensi yang berkelayakan, cekap dan proaktif. Berasaskan kekuatan kewangan yang semakin Kaunter pertanyaan dan perkhidmatan The enquiries counter - ready to attend to your needs mantap, disertakan infrastruktur sedia ada yang luas dan kukuh, Kumpulan yakin dengan prospek masa depannya. DIVIDEN Lembaga Pengarah telah mencadangkan pembayaran dividen pertama dan akhir dikecualikan cukai sebanyak 5% (2000 - 5%) bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2001. TERBITAN SAHAM Pada tahun yang dilaporkan, sejumlah 37,346,799 saham baru bernilai RM1 setiap satu telah diterbitkan sebagai saham terbitan bonus Kumpulan dan di bawah Skim Opsyen Saham Kakitangan. PENGIKTIRAFAN DAN PENGHARGAAN Bagi pihak Lembaga Pengarah, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak pengurusan dan kakitangan di atas komitmen, dedikasi dan sumbangan berterusan mereka, dalam memastikan pertumbuhan dan kejayaan berterusan Kumpulan. Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan penghargaan kepada badan-badan pengawal selia, di atas bimbingan dan sokongan mereka yang berterusan; kepada para pelanggan, ejen-ejen, sekutu perniagaan dan para pemegang saham kami yang dihargai di atas sokongan, keyakinan, kesetiaan dan kepercayaan mereka terhadap kami. Akhir kata, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakan sejawat saya dalam Lembaga Pengarah, yang sentiasa memberikan pandangan bernas dan sumbangan yang tidak ternilai kepada Kumpulan. TUNKU TAN SRI ABDULLAH IBNI ALMARHUM TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN Pengerusi Perkhidmatan kami sentiasa mesra dan cekap You are always assured of friendy and efficient service CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT As reported by Bank Negara Malaysia in the Insurance Annual Report 2001, notwithstanding the global economic slowdown, the insurance industry recorded a positive growth of 12.4% in combined premium income for both life and general insurance businesses. MAA Group was able to ride on the continuing growth of the Malaysian insurance industry and enjoyed another successful year in 2001. The total operating revenue of the Group increased significantly by 57.5% to RM2,280 million (2000 - RM1,448 million). Group profit before taxation also increased by 88.0% to RM47 million compared to RM25 million in the preceding year. The higher profit in the year under review reflets the better performance of the Life Insurance Division and write back of provision for diminution in value of quoted equity investments following an improved domestic stock market. On behalf of the Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to present the Annual Report and Accounts of the MAA Group for the year ended 31 December 2001. Total assets of the Group increased further by 57.1% to RM4.32 billion (2000 - RM2.75 billion). OPERATING RESULTS 2001 was a tough year with the global economic turmoil affecting almost every country in the world. Malaysia, being one of the larger trading nations, was certainly not immune to this economic slowdown. After the Sept 11 terrorist attacks in the US, there were downward revisions to earlier economic forecasts, pointing to a fur ther softening of the Malaysian economy. The Malaysian gover nment’s estimate of the GDP growth for year 2001 was revised from about 4% to 0%. I n r e s p o n s e , t h e M a l ay s i a n government introduced its RM4.3 billion stimulus package as part of its efforts to pump the economy back to health. This was in addition to the RM3.0 billion stimulus package announced earlier in 2001. These measures proved effective in maintaining domestic consumption and the economy managed to avoid a recession by recording a GDP growth of 0.4 % in 2001. A full house at the MAA Auditorium during one of MAA’s many product launches 23 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) Agents are constantly offered courses to enhance their skill and knowledge CORPORATE ACHIEVEMENT preceding year. This market increase in the transfer of life insurance sur plus to shareholders’ account further substantiates that the life insurance business has surpassed its “new business strain” period. Therefore the Life Insurance Division’s profits in ensuing years can be expected to achieve sustainable strong growth. After the transfer of profit to the shareholders’ accounts, the overall life surplus fund remains healthy with a cumulative surplus carried forward of RM333 million as at 31 December 2001. The Group was indeed proud that in November 2001, MAA Assurance was awarded “Life Insurance Company of the Year 2001” at the prestigious 5th Asia Insurance Industry Awards held in Singapore, competing with over 400 nominations from across the region. REVIEW BY BUSINESS DIVISIONS 1. LIFE INSURANCE DIVISION The Life Insurance Division continued its expansion with a robust growth of 68.2% in its total premium income to RM1,781 million (2000 - RM1,059 million). The increase is due to the positive response received for several new products launched during the year, including the EPF’s Conventional Annuity Scheme before its suspension in May 2001. In terms of annualised new business premiums, the Division registered a growth of 109.3 % to RM1,348 million as compared to RM644 million in the preceding year, outperforming the 27.6% growth recorded by the Life insurance sector. Hence, in 2001 the Company maintained its number one position in market ranking in terms of new business premiums amongst the 17 life insurance companies in Malaysia. The Life Insurance Division also transferred RM39 million of its surplus to the shareholders’ account,as compared to RM6 million in the 2. GENERAL INSURANCE BUSINESS Despite intense and stiff market competition, the General Insurance Division recorded a growth of 14.9% in gross written premium to RM347 million (2000 - RM302 million). This improvement was a result of expansion in distribution network, segmentation of existing products for profitability and expansion of an on-line system with agencies for improved services. Motor vehicle business premiums increased by 21.6% to RM203 million (2000 - RM167 million) due to the favourable sale of motor vehicles whilst Non-motor premiums increased marginally by 6.7% to RM144 million (2000 RM135 million). With the premium growth, the market ranking in terms of premium income places the Company at number 3 amongst the 45 general insurance companies in Malaysia. Profit before taxation of the Division decreased by 57.7% to RM11 million as compared to RM26 million in the preceding year. The decrease is due mainly to higher claims incurred for fire and health insurance businesses and increase in certain operating charges. In addition to the MAA Motorclub that was set up in the preceding year to provide policyholders free motor breakdown service and discounts for maintenance and general services by authorised repair centres, the Division also introduced various new services. These included i-MAA (Intelligent Mobile Agency Administrator), a system that enables agents to produce E-cover notes, premium computations, policy information and automatic renewal intentions. 3. INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS MAA International Assurance Ltd (formerly known as MAA Assurance (L) Ltd) (MAAIA), the offshore insurance arm of the Group continued its impressive growth momentum during 2001. In its 3rd year of operations, MAAIA achieved a gross premium income of RM90 million for the year, an impressive 95.7% growth compared to RM46 million in the preceding year, with Life and General reinsurance businesses accounting for 73.2% of the total premium income for 2001, whilst the Maaster International Investment Plan (i.e. US$ investment-linked insurance products) accounted for the balance. Despite the inevitable “new business strain” as a direct result of the substantial increase in premium turnover, MAAIA still managed to post a healthy, albeit, lower profit before taxation of RM0.3 million for the year. During the year , MAAIA increased its paid up capital by US$3 million, to US$12 million. The bulk of the increased paid up capital will be used for investment purposes, particularly acquisition of overseas insurance companies. In March 2002, MAAIA acquired a life and a general insurance company in Indonesia, namely, P. T. MAA Life Assurance (formerly known as P. T. Asuransi Jiwa Mega Artha Aliansindo) and P. T. MAA General Assurance (formerly known as P. T. Asuransi Multi Artha Aliansindo). MAAIA is also looking at acquisition of a general insurance company in the Philippines. The acquisition of this company is pending approval from the relevant authorities in the Philippines and is expected to be completed in 2002. INVESTMENTS Following to the better performance in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) towards the second half of the year, the Group’s total investment income registered a significant increase of 77.6% to RM135 million (2000 - RM76 million). Fixed income investments however continue to account for the bulk of the investment portfolio representing 91.7% of total investment income. The MAA breakdown maintenance team ready to meet any emergency 25 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) Sound investments have rewarded policyholders with favourable investment income The Group will continue its conservative investment philosophy that emphasises capital preservation, security, profitability and consistent income flows to hedge against volatility. Fixed income investments are expected to remain the core portfolio with bonds being the preferred instrument in view of their relatively better yields compared to fixed and cash deposits. STATUS OF CORPORATE PROPOSALS 1. 2. the relevant authorities, Tajo Berhad will require its creditors to approve and accept the revised Scheme. Todate the Tajo Scheme has been revised and is not completed yet. 3. On 31 May 2000, the Board of Directors had proposed a Bonus Issue of one (1) new ordinary share for every three (3) existing ordinary shares held subject to the approvals of the shareholders and the relevant authorities. On 5 March 2001, the Board of Directors had announced not to proceed with the proposed private placement of up to 11 million ordinary shares of RM1 each that form part of the Group restructuring scheme carried out in 1999 due to the depressed equity market. In lieu of the proposed private placement, MAA Holdings Berhad (MAAH) has undertaken an issue of RM120 million nominal value 6 year structured serial bonds (the Bonds). This Proposed Bonus Issue was approved by the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 24 November 2000 for up to 37,833,166 new ordinary shares of RM1 each credited as fully paid-up on the basis of one (1) new ordinary share of RM1 each for every three (3) existing ordinary shares of RM1 each held by capitalising a sum of up to RM37,833,166 from the retained profits of RM53,867,547 of the Company based on its latest audited accounts as at 31 December 1999. On 6 July 2001, the Securities Commission approved the Bonds issue of MAAH and subsequently on 21 August 2001, the Bonds were issued. On 18 January 2001, 37,314,468 new ordinary shares of RM1 each issued pursuant to the bonus issue were listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 11 August 2000, the shareholders had approved the participation by the Company in Tajo Berhad’s proposed Scheme of Arrangement with its creditors (“Tajo Scheme”). Tajo Berhad has revised the Tajo Scheme in an announcement to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange on 20 December 2000. The revised Scheme has been submitted to the relevant authorities for approval. Besides approval from QUALITY ASSURANCE On the quality front, the Group’s wholly owned subsidiary company, Malaysian Assurance Alliance Berhad (MAA) succeeded in retaining its ISO 9002 certification by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA). This certification underlines the Group’s continuous effort and commitment to provide customers with quality service and retaining their confidence and trust in MAA. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE As part of a continuous effort to improve corporate governance and maintaining it at the highest level, the Group has for mulated plans to improve productivity and operational efficiency, practice prudent financial management and reinforced further the role of information and communication technology, adopts the best practices in its internal business processes in compliance with the recently enacted principles and best practices laid out in the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance and the revised KLSE Listing Requirements. COMMUNITY SERVICE In its quest to be a responsible and caring corporate citizen, the Group continued to expand its network of kidney dialysis clinics to cater for the needs of the increasing number of new patients. The number of MEDIcare dialysis centres will continue to grow in the coming year RM500 million for interest free study loans for qualified applicants. PROSPECTS The Group has to- date, established eight (8) kidney dialysis centers equipped with 116 units of haemodialysis machines. In view of the everincreasing demand for such subsidised medical services, the Group will continue to allocate further resources to expand its existing clinics as well as to open new clinics in the years ahead. In response to the Malaysian government’s call to develop a well educated society, the Group launched a new website portal “” aimed at providing the public, especially students and parents, with free and easily available career information that will enable them to properly plan the career pathway that suit their interests at affordability levels. Towards this end, the Group has also allocated a sum of The Malaysian economy is expected to improve in 2002, with forecast GDP growth of 3% - 5%. The encouraging prospects of the Malaysian economy, coupled with the continuing progress and developments implemented under the Financial Sector Masterplan to strengthen the insurance industry, promote consumer awareness and education to develop an insurance literate community, will enable the insurance sector to continue its growth trend in 2002. Notwithstanding the positive and favourable outlook of the insurance industry, the Group will continue with its focus to improve quality of services to customers and the internal control processes to enhance cost MAA payment kiosks were introduced giving 24-hour access to policyholders 27 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) DIVIDENDS The Board of Directors has recommended the payment of a first and final tax exempt dividend of 5% (2000 - 5%) for the year ended 31 December 2001. ISSUE OF SHARES During the year, a total of 37,346,799 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each were issued pursuant to the Group’s bonus issue and under the Employees’ Share Option Scheme. Friendly and informative staff are on hand to meet our customers’ demands efficiency. During the year under review, the Group formed strategic partnerships with established banks to gain alternative distribution methods to enhance its competitiveness and access into other markets. The Group will continue to explore this area to reap the potential benefits of cheaper distribution costs for its products and services. To meet the varied and increasing demands of customers, the Group will continue to develop and introduce innovative products to meet their insurance and investment needs. Towards this end, in addition to the MAAIA’s Maaster International Investment Plan that offers investors an opportunity to diversify their investments internationally, the Group also ventured into the unit trust industry. In February 2002, the Group launched its unit trust funds, namely MAA Mutual Growth Fund, MAA Mutual Bond Fund and MAA Mutual Progress Fund via its subsidiary company, MAA Mutual Berhad. The combined authorised size of these three funds is RM1 billion. The Group is also looking to venture into the asset management industry in the future, in line with it’s plan to become a full-fledged financial services group. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND APPRECIATION On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank the management team and staff for their continued commitment, dedication and contributions to ensure the continued growth and success of the Group. I would also like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to the regulatory bodies for their continued guidance and support; to our valued customers, agents, business associates and the shareholders for their invaluable support, confidence, loyalty and trust they have placed on us. Finally, I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their stewardship and contribution to the Group. TUNKU TAN SRI ABDULLAH IBNI ALMARHUM TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN Chairman As we continue to remain innovative and acquire best practices to support the growth of our core business, the Group will continue to invest in human resource development to create a qualified, technically competent and proactive workforce and agency force. Lastly, with the fast improving financial strength coupled w i t h t h e e x t e n s i v e infrastructure already in place, the Group is confident of its future prospects. Despite our rapid growth, we still offer personal service CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT The Board of Directors fully acknowledges the importance of good corporate governance and is taking steps to evaluate the status of the corporate governance practices adopted by the Group as tabulated below and its compliance with the code of best practices as set out in Part 1 and Part 2 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“the Code”). Any areas whereby the Company and the Group have not complied with the Code are explained in this Annual Report. 1.0 Directors 1.1 Composition of the Board of Directors The Board presently has seven (7) members and is headed by the Chairman, Y.A.M. Tunku Tan Sri Abdullah Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman. The Board has five (5) meetings during the financial year. The profile of each Director is presented separately in the Annual Report. 1.2 Board Balance The Board has seven (7) members comprising one (1) Non-Executive Chairman, one (1) Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer and five (5) Non-Executive Directors. Two (2) Non-Executive Directors are Independent Non-Executive Directors. The Board has appointed Y.Bhg. Major General (Rtd) Lai Chung Wah as the Senior Independent Director to whom all concerns may be conveyed. All Board members participate fully in decisions on the key issues involving the Group. The Non-Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer has primary responsibilities for managing the Groups’ dayto-day operations and together with the Non-Executive Directors ensure that the strategies proposed by the Management are fully discussed and examined, and take into account long term interests of the various stakeholders including shareholders, employees, clients, suppliers and the various communities in which the Group conducts its business. The Board is ensured of a balanced and independent view at all Board deliberations as the Board has as members, Independent Non-Executive Directors who are independent from Management and major shareholders of the Company. The Independent Non-Executive Directors are also free from any business or other relationships that could materially interfere with the exercise of their independent judgement. Together with the Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer who has intimate knowledge of the Company’s business, the Board is constituted of individuals who are committed to business integrity and professionalism in all its activities. As part of its commitment, the Board supports the highest standards of corporate governance and the development of the best practices for the Group. In addition to the role of guidance by Independent Non-Executive Directors, each Director brings independent judgement to bear on issues of strategy, performance, resources and standard of conduct. 1.3 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors The Board retains full and effective control of the Company. This includes responsibility for determining the Group’s overall strategic direction as well as development and control of the Group. 1.4 Chairman and Managing Directors There is a division of responsibilities between the Chairman and the Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer to ensure that there is a balance of power and authority. 29 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (CONTINUED) 1.5 Board Structures and procedures Five (5) Board of Directors’ Meetings were held during the financial year ended 31 December 2001. The details of the attendance by each of the Directors are as follows: Member of the Board Y.A.M. Tunku Tan Sri Abdullah Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Seri Iskandar bin Tunku Abdullah Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Ya’acob bin Tunku Abdullah Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Abu Zarim bin Haji Omar Y.Bhg. Encik Razman Hafidz bin Abu Zarim Y.Bhg. Major General (Rtd) Lai Chung Wah Y.Bhg. Dato’ Iskandar Micheal bin Abdullah No.of Attendance 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 % 100 80 100 100 100 100 100 All Directors have complied with the minimum attendance at Board meetings as stipulated in the Listing Requirements of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (“KLSE”) during the financial year. All Directors have also attended the Mandatory Accreditation Programme (“MAP”) organised by the Research Institute of Investment Analysis (“RIAM”) in accordance with the Listing Requirements of the KLSE. 1.6 Appointments to the Board The appointment of any additional Director is made as and when it is necessary by the existing Board with due consideration given to the mix of skill, expertise and experience required for an effective Board. 1.7 Retirement and Re-election In accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, at least one third of the Directors shall retire by rotation at each Annual General Meeting and can offer themselves for re-election at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Directors who are appointed by the Board to fill a casual vacancy are subject to election by shareholders at the next AGM following their appointment. The Directors shall also retire from office at least once in three years, but shall be eligible for re-election. 1.8 Supply of Information The agenda and board papers for each item as well as minutes of meetings are circulated prior to the Board meetings to give Directors time to deliberate on the issues to be raised at the Board meetings and to facilitate informed decision making. In arriving at any decision on the recommendations by the Management, thorough deliberation and discussion by the Board is a pre-requisite. All proceedings from the Board meetings are minuted and signed by the Chairman of the meeting in accordance with the provision of Section 156 of the Companies Act, 1965. The Board is kept updated on the Company’s activities and its operations on a regular basis. The Directors also have access to reports on the Company’s activities, both financial and operational. All Directors have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary who is responsible for ensuring that board procedures are followed and the Board may also take independent advice, at the Company’s expense, in the furtherance of their duties if so required. The Board also has unlimited access to all information with regard to the activities of the Company. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (CONTINUED) 1.9 Relationship of the Board to Management Quality of Information Information plays a key role in the Board’s decision-making and in setting up the policies and strategies of the Company. The Board has unrestricted access to timely and accurate information, which is not only confined to qualitative and quantitative information, but also to other information deemed suitable such as customer satisfaction, products and services quality, market share and market reaction, and macro economic performance. Access to Information Prior to the board meetings, all Directors receive an agenda and a Board report containing information relevant to the business of the meeting including information on major financial, operational and corporate matters relating to the activities and performance of the Group. This is issued in sufficient time to enable Directors to obtain further explanation, where necessary, in order to be properly informed before the meeting. In addition, there is a schedule of matters reserved specifically for the Board’s decision. Use of Board Committees As appropriate, the Board has delegated certain responsibilities to Board Committees which operate within clearly defined terms of reference. The Committees are: a. Audit Committee b. Nomination and Remuneration Committee c. Employees’ Share Option Scheme Committee 1.10 The Relationship between the Board and the Shareholders The principal forum for dialogue with shareholders is the AGM, during which the investors are encouraged to participate and pose questions to the Board regarding operational and financial information. The AGM also allows investors an opportunity to interact directly with the Board and seek first-hand information on the above matters. Extraordinary General Meetings are held as and when shareholder’s approvals are required on specific matters and shareholders are notified of such meetings in accordance with the KLSE requirements. 2.0 Directors’ Remuneration 2.1 The Level and Make-up of Remuneration Independent Non-Executive Directors are paid attendance allowance for each Board Meeting. Directors’ fees are also paid to Independent Non-Executive Directors and these are approved by the shareholders at the AGM. Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors who represent corporate shareholders on the Board are not paid attendance allowance or directors’ fees. 31 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (CONTINUED) The remuneration of the Directors of the Company for the financial year ended 31 December 2001 are set out below: The number of Directors whose total remuneration falls within the following bands is as follows: Fees Executive Directors (RM) - Salaries and allowances 1,301,685 48,200 302,900 - 59,150 - 1,663,735 192,200 Bonus Other Benefits Total Non-Executive Directors (RM) 144,000 Range of Remuneration Executive Directors Below RM50,000 RM50,001 to RM100,000 RM600,001 to RM650,000 RM1,050,001 to RM1,100,000 2.2 1 1 Non-Executive Directors 4 1 - Procedure In compliance with the Listing Requirements of the KLSE, the Board has established a Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The Committee comprises three Non-Executive Directors, two of whom are Independent Non-Executive Directors. The members are: 1. Y.Bhg. Major General (Rtd.) Lai Chung Wah - Chairman 2. Y. Bhg. Dato’ Iskandar Micheal bin Abdullah 3. Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Seri Iskandar bin Tunku Abdullah The Committee’s responsibility, among others, is to propose new nominees for the Board and Board Committees, to assess directors on an on-going basis, and to annually review the required skills and core competencies of non-executive directors. The Committee is also responsible in making recommendation to the Board on the remuneration of directors (executive and non-executive) in all its forms, drawing from outside advice if necessary. Nevertheless, the determination of remuneration packages of Directors is a matter for the Board as a whole and individuals are required to abstain from discussion of their own remuneration. 3.0 Shareholders 3.1 Dialogue between the Company and Investors The Group values dialogue with investors as a means of effective communication that enables the Board to convey information about the Group’s performance, corporate strategy and other matters affecting shareholders’ interests. The AGM is the principal forum for dialogue with individual shareholders. It is a crucial mechanism in shareholder communication for the Company. At the Company’s AGM, which is generally well attended, shareholders have direct access to the Board and are given the opportunity to ask questions during the open question and answer session prior to moving for approval of the Company’s Audited Financial Statements and Directors’ Report for the financial year and other businesses (if applicable). The shareholders are encouraged to ask questions both about the resolutions being proposed or about the Group’s operations in general. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (CONTINUED) The Chairman of the Board also addresses the shareholders on the review of the Group’s operations for the financial year and outlines the prospects (of the Group) for the new financial year. The Board is also committed to ensure that the shareholders and other investors are well informed of major developments of the Company and the information is also communicated to them through the following channels:(a) the Annual Report; (b) various disclosures and announcements made to the KLSE including the quarterly and annual results; and (c) 3.2 the Company’s website through which shareholders and the public in general can gain access to the latest corporate information of the Group. Annual General Meeting Notice of the AGM and annual reports are sent out to shareholders at least twenty one (21) days before the date of the meeting. At the AGM, the Board also provides opportunities for shareholders to raise questions pertaining to the business activities of the Group. Directors are available to provide responses to shareholders’ questions during these meetings. For re-election of directors, the Board will ensure that full information is disclosed through the notice of meeting regarding directors who are retiring and who are willing to serve if re-elected. Each item of special business included in the notice of meeting will be accompanied by an explanatory statement for the proposed resolution to facilitate full understanding and evaluation of issues involved. 4.0 Accountability and Audit 4.1 Financial Reporting The Board is aware of its responsibilities to shareholders and the requirement to present a balanced and comprehensive assessment of the Group’s financial position, by means of the annual and quarterly reports and other published information. In this regard, the Board is primarily responsible for the preparation of a financial statement to present a fair and balanced report of the financial state of affairs of the Group. Before releasing to the KLSE, the quarterly financial results are reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. The details of the Company’s and the Group’s financial positions are included in the Financial Statements section of the Annual Report. 4.2 Internal Control The Directors acknowledge their responsibilities for the internal control system in the Company and the Group, covering not only financial controls but also controls relating to operational, compliance and risk management. The system of internal control involves each key business unit and its management, including the Board, and is designed to meet the business units’ particular needs, and to manage the risks to which they are exposed. The system, by its nature, can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement, loss or fraud. The concept of reasonable assurance recognises the costing aspect, whereby the cost of control procedures is not to exceed the expected benefits. The Board recognises that risks cannot be fully eliminated. As such, the systems, processes and procedures being put in place are aimed at minimising and managing. Ongoing reviews are continuously carried out to ensure the effectiveness, adequacy and integrity of the system of internal controls in safeguarding the Company’s assets. 33 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (CONTINUED) 4.3 Audit Committee The Audit Committee meets regularly with senior financial and internal audit management, and the external auditors to review the Company’s and the Group’s financial reporting, the nature and scope of audit reviews, and the effectiveness of the systems of internal control and compliance. The terms of reference of the Audit Committee have recently been revised to conform to the Listing Requirements of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. The terms of reference and activities of the Audit Committee during the financial year ended 31 December 2001 are provided separately in this Annual Report. 4.4 Internal Audit Currently, the Internal Audit function of the Group is undertaken by the internal audit department of one of the subsidiary companies. The internal audit is independent of the activities they audit and is performed with impartiality, proficiency and due professional care. Its role is to provide independent and objective reports on the organisation’s management, records, accounting policies and controls to the Board. The internal audits include evaluation of the processes by which significant risks are identified, assessed and managed. Such audits also ensure instituted controls are appropriate and are effectively applied to achieve acceptable risk exposures in line with the Group’s risk management policy. 4.5 Relationship with Auditors The Company’s external auditors, Messrs. PricewaterhouseCoopers have continued to report to members of the Company on their findings, which are included as part of the Company’s financial reports with respect to each year’s audit on the statutory financial statements. In doing so, the company has established a transparent arrangement with the auditors to meet their professional requirements. From time to time, the auditors highlight to the Audit Committee and Board of Directors, matters that require the Board’s attention. 5.0 Directors’ Responsibility Statement for preparing Financial Statements The Board of Directors are required under Paragraph 15.27(a) of the Listing Requirements of the KLSE to issue a statement explaining their responsibility in the preparation of the annual financial statements. The Directors are satisfied that in preparing the financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2001, the Group has used the appropriate acounting policies and applied them consistently and prudently. The Directors are of the oponion that all relevant accounting standards have been followed and confirm that the financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (CONTINUED) 6.0 Additional Compliance Information In conformance with the Listing Requirements of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, the following information is provided: 1. Disclosures The Group took all necessary steps to ensure that transactions which were deemed to be ‘related party transactions’ were appropriately disclosed in accordance with the Listing Requirements of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, and convening general meetings to obtain shareholders’ mandate for recurrent related party tansactions. Significant related party transactions are disclosed in Note 34 to the Financial Statements. 2. Bonds, options, warrants or convertible securities During the financial year, the Company issued a RM120 Million 6-year structured serial bonds (“the Bonds Issue”). The particulars of the Bonds Issue are disclosed in Note 11 to the Financial Statements. Save for the Bonds Issue, no options, warrants or convertible securities were issued by the Company during the financial year. 3. Imposition of sanctions/penalties The particulars of sanctions and/or penalties imposed on the Company, its subsidiaries, directors or management for the financial year ended 31 December 2001 are as follows: Name of Company Regulatory Body Breach Penalty Malaysian Assurance Alliance Berhad Malaysian Assurance Alliance Berhad Bank Negara Malaysia Section 73 of Insurance Act 1996 Section 150(4) of Insurance Act 1996 RM5,000 . Bank Negara Malaysia RM10,000 35 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT The Audit Committee comprises the following directors majority of whom are independent non-executive directors: 1. Y. Bhg. Major General (Rtd) Lai Chung Wah (Chairman - independent non-executive director) 2. Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Seri Iskandar bin Tunku Abdullah (non-independent non-executive director, resigned with effect from 31.5.2001) 3. Y. Bhg. Dato’ lskandar Michael bin Abdullah (independent non-executive director, appointed with effect from 30.4.2001) 4. Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Ya’acob bin Tunku Abdullah (Group Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer, appointed with effect from 31.5.2001) Y. Bhg. Major General (Rtd) Lai Chung Wah is the Chairman of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee meets regularly with senior management and internal audit management, and the external auditors to review the Company’s and the Group’s financial reporting, the nature and scope of audit reviews and the effectiveness of the systems of internal control and compliance. The terms of reference of the Audit Committee have recently been revised to conform to the Listing Requirements of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. The activities of the Audit Committee during the financial year ended 31 December 2001 are set out below. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE AND THE INTERNAL AUDIT FUNCTIONS During the financial year ended 31 December 2001, the Audit Committee comprising the following members held a total of six (6) meetings. The details of attendance of the Committee members are as follows: Name of Committee Y. Bhg. Major General (Rtd) Lai Chung Wah Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Seri Iskandar bin Tunku Abdullah Y. Bhg. Dato’ lskandar Michael bin Abdullah Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Ya’acob bin Tunku Abdullah No. of Meetings 6/6 3/3 4/4 3/3 Percentage of attendance 100% 100% 100% 100% The Committee has reviewed the quarterly results and annual financial statements of the Company and the Group prior to their approval by the Board. The Committee has also reviewed the annual internal audit plan and the results of work carried out by the internal audit function. Where necessary, the Committee directed actions to be taken by management to rectify and improve the system of internal controls and procedures. The internal auditors closely monitored the implementation progress of their audit recommendations in order to obtain assurance that all key risk and control concerns have been duly addressed. The internal auditors also provided advice on internal control best practices. TERMS OF REFERENCE 1.0 Composition The Audit Committee shall be appointed from among the directors and should consist of no fewer than three (3) members, a majority of whom shall be independent directors. One (1) member of the Committee at least: i) must be a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”); or ii) if he is not a member of the MIA, he must have at least 3 years’ working experience and: • he must have passed the examinations specified in Part 1 of the 1st Schedule of the Accountants Act 1968; or • he must be a member of one of the associations of accountants specified in Part 11 of the 1st Schedule of the Accountants Act 1967. No alternate director shall be appointed as a member of the Audit Committee. The members of the Committee shall elect among them an independent non-executive director as the chairman of the Committee. In the event of any vacancy in the Audit Committee resulting in the number of members being reduced to below three, the Company must fill the vacancy within three months. 2.0 Authority The Audit Committee shall be granted the authority to investigate any activity of the Company and its subsidiaries within its terms of reference and all employees shall be directed to cooperate as and when required by the Audit Committee. The Committee shall also be empowered to consult Independent experts, where necessary, to assist in executing its duties and shall have direct communication channels with the external and internal auditors. 3.0 Meetings The Committee shall meet at least three (3) times a year and such additional meetings as the Chairman shall decide in order to fulfil its duties. In addition, the Chairman may call a meeting of the Audit Committee if a request is made by any committee member, the Company’s Chief Executive, or the internal or external auditors. Other Board members and employees may attend meetings upon the invitation of the Audit Committee. However, at least once a year, the Committee shall meet with the external auditors without any executive Board member present. In order to form a quorum, the majority of members present must be independent directors. 4.0 Quorum A quorum shall consist of a majority of Committee members who are non-executive directors. 5.0 Responsibilities and Duties of the Committee The Committee shall discharge the following functions: (a) To review: i. with the external auditors their audit plan scope and nature of audit for the Company and the Group; ii. with the external auditors their evaluation of the systems of internal controls of the Group and audit findings; iii. any problems and reservations arising from the interim and final external audits, and any matters the external auditors may wish to highlight; iv. the assistance given by the Company’s officers to the internal and external auditors; v. the adequacy of the scope, functions and resources of the internal audit functions and that it has the necessary authority to carry out its work; vi. the internal audit programme, processes, the results of the internal audit programme, processes or investigation undertaken and whether or not appropriate action is taken on the recommendations of the internal audit function; 37 • MAA Holdings Berhad (471403-A) vii. the quarterly results and year end financial statements of the Company, prior to approval by the Board of Directors, focusing particularly on: • changes in or implementation of major accounting policy changes; • significant and unusual events; and • compliance with accounting standards and other legal requirements. viii. any related party transactions and conflict of interest situation that may arise within the Company or Group including any transaction, procedure or course of conduct that raises questions of management integrity. (b) to recommend the appointment of the external auditors and in relation thereto, to discuss their audit fees and any questions of resignation or dismissal. (c) to monitor organisational compliance with statutory and KLSE’s requirements. (d) to perform any other functions as may be mutually agreed by the Committee and the Board of Directors. 6.0 Secretary The Secretary of the Company shall also be the Secretary of the Committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for drawing up the agenda in consultation with the chairperson and shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of the meeting of the Committee, circulating them to committee members and ensuring compliance with Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange requirements. The agenda together with relevant explanatory papers and documents shall be circulated to committee members prior to each meeting.