
McDermott Wuchuan
Offshore and Onshore Solutions
for Oil & Gas Production
Delivering Certainty Globally
Qingdao McDermott Wuchuan Offshore
Engineering Co. Ltd (QMW) is a joint venture
between McDermott International Inc. and
Wuchang Shipyard Group Co. Ltd., a
subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Industry
Corporation (CSIC).
Located in Qingdao, China, QMW adopts
similar operational systems and procedures
implemented by McDermott’s global facilities.
The company also has highly experienced
McDermott personnel in key management
and technical positions. These individuals
provide the knowledge, expertise and strong
leadership that enable QMW to deliver the
same effective and efficient production
solutions McDermott is known for in the oil &
gas industry.
The site of QMW’s yard enjoys additional
geographical advantages as it faces the
sheltered Qingdao Bay and is less than five
miles from the open waters of the Yellow Sea.
It is also situated next to two CSIC shipyards,
namely, Qingdao Wuchuan Heavy Industry
Co. Ltd and Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding
Industry Co. Ltd. With a combined total of five
dry docks and one floating dry dock capable of
accommodating vessels of up to 500,000 dwt,
these shipyards can offer significant support to
QMW’s operations.
Key Product Focus
•Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading
(FPSO) module fabrication
•Topsides/Hull integration and commissioning
•Onshore module fabrication, including LNG facilities
•Offshore integrated deck fabrication
•Subsea structures and manifolds
Scope of Work
•Project Management
• Pre-commissioning
Yard Facilities
•Structural shop and office
•Pipe shop and office
•Module assembly shop
•Operations office
•Blast and paint facility
•Training center and laboratory
•Maintenance, rigging and scaffolding shops
•Utilities such as air compressor station, gas store, bulk liquid gases station, substation
and transformers
•Administrative and client offices
The QMW yard has a
capacity of 6 million man
hours per annum, equivalent
to 30,000 MT throughput.
The bulkhead is designed
for loadout of 25,000 MT
facilities or heavier (subject
to detailed loadout analysis
and arrangement).
Yard Layout with 25,000 MT
Loadout Capability
Designed for optimal efficiency, the QMW yard supports a
circular process flow. Materials move out of the warehouse in
a forward, clockwise direction, passing through pre-treatment
and pre-fabrication; actual fabrication; cleaning, coating and
painting; and final assembly before the finished products are
loaded out.
To maximize project delivery certainty, the yard’s fully enclosed
blasting and painting facilities as well as module assembly
shop guarantee 24/7 operations.
Yard Quayside
The QMW quay is 376m in length, with a minimum water
depth of 8.5m and a quay wall facing north into the sheltered
waters of the Qingdao Bay. The open sea is less than five
nautical miles from the yard. There are two piers, one for each skidway. Specially designed
for heavy load, each pier sits atop a grid work of massive
concrete piles, extending 40m into the granite bedrock below.
Pipe Shop
The pipe shop has two separate bays to prevent crosscontamination – one for carbon steel spools and the
other for exotic steel spools. It is equipped with stateof-the-art fabrication equipment, such as band saws,
cutting and beveling machines, drilling and welding
A four-bay “drive through” radiography bunker is located
on the south end of the pipe shop. Module Assembly Shop
With four enormous bays (each 48m width X 124m
length X 38m height) serviced by four overhead cranes,
the fully enclosed module assembly shop at QMW is
one of the most technologically advanced within the
McDermott group.
Structural (Pre-Fab) Shop
The structural shop consists of two large bays with 11,700m2 of
The electrically powered “Mega-Doors” at the module
covered fabrication space, serviced by 13 overhead bridge and
assembly shop protect ongoing work against inclement
“A” frame cranes. Surrounding the shop is an outside storage area
weather, enhancing quality, safety and productivity. In
totaling 11,300m2, accessible by overhead cranes.
addition, they allow very large structures to be moved
out in one single assembly. Whenever physically possible,
The structural shop is outfitted with advanced plasma/oxy-gas
the entire module or deck assembly is completed
cutters, tubular coping, drilling and sawing machinery. Through
inside this huge structure, allowing for uninterrupted
computer-controlled precision cutting, pre-fabricated structural
fabrication activities to take place regardless of the
components are perfectly dimensioned and prepared for
weather conditions outside.
assembly. Material feed is handled by a custom-designed heavyduty conveyor system.
Blasting and Painting Facility
Training Center
The blasting and painting facility comprises:
The QMW training center provides various types of training
• 1 Auto-Blast Machine (Pre-Treatment: 8 wheels,
horizontal, 3m wide)
• 2 Blast Chambers for large deck sections (40m x 30m x 12m)
• 1 Blast Chamber for smaller size components or pipe spools (20m x 10m x 8m)
• 2 Paint Chambers for large deck sections (40m x 30m x 12m)
• 2 Paint Chambers for smaller size components or pipe
spools (15m x 10m x 8m)
All steel plates and structural shapes are pre-blasted and
primed in the auto-blast facility at the northeast end of
the structural shop stockyard, prior to fabrication activities.
QMW’s auto-blasting facility ensures that all structural
objects are made ready prior to any cutting, fitting or
welding into sub-assemblies. This innovative strategy reduces
the time taken for final blasting and painting, and provides
a clean surface for marking and cutting during the prefabrication process.
programs, including HSE training, craft training and business
training. It houses a welding training facility, a fitter/rigger/
scaffolder training facility, training rooms and a large 121man auditorium for group training sessions.
The QMW welding training facility is specially equipped with
40 individually ventilated welding booths where numerous
arc welding processes, perfected by McDermott over many
years, are taught.
these institutions are sent to McDermott’s yard in Batam,
Highly Skilled Resources and Supervision
Indonesia, for training and orientation.
At QMW, continual professional and personal development
of employees is the cornerstone of its business success.
The company adopts a culture that values and nurtures its
people to their fullest potential.
Uncompromising Focus on Environment,
Ethics, Safety and Quality
To achieve the standards of environmental care, ethics,
The McDermott-Wuchuan Training System is based
safety and quality associated with McDermott facilities
on the McDermott Global Learning Management
worldwide, QMW operates in accordance with the same
System, which utilizes a competence-based approach to
set of McDermott systems and procedures. The yard
produce the highest quality of education in HSE, quality,
is accredited to ABS QE for ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/TS
ethics, productivity, craft training, yard operations and
29001:2010, which supports QMW’s overall goal of professional development.
“getting it right the first time, every time.”
Leveraging the various engineering and petroleum-
At QMW, employee safety is placed above all else. The yard
specific universities in Qingdao, QMW actively recruits local
invests in risk-minimizing training and equipment, and
production engineering and construction engineering
has put in place strict McDermott policies that promote an
talents. Graduates and experienced engineers from
Injury-Free culture at the workplace.
Website Address
Email Address
Postal Address
No. 367, Lijiang East Road,
Qingdao Economic & Technical Development Zone,
Qingdao, Shandong, 266520, China