ZOMBIES, RUN! MISSION 1 1. THE HELICOPTER FX: CHOPPER NOISE The player is sitting in a helicopter buzzing over zombie-infested territory. In the plane is also a PILOT, female, mid-20s. They’re heading towards Abel Township, a small isolated settlement in a sea of zombie-land. PILOT So, you’ll see the township as we loop round. Not much more than a few fences to keep the zoms out. ( slightly mocking ) Tiny little island of humanity. I just don’t know how they live like that. ( decisive. But ambiguous: does she mean ‘we’re here to help’ or ‘we’re here to kill them all’? ) Well, I guess they won’t be living like that much longer. (to you) So I expect you’re not allowed to say what you’re being dropped into the township for, huh? ( pause ) Nah, I thought not. I know how it works. They don’t even tell you till you get there. ( on radio ) Abel Township, Abel Township, this is Jolly Alpha Five Niner from Mullins Military Base. We’re 5 miles out approaching from the east at one thousand one hundred feet, bringing in med supplies, some vac-packs, shelters and a temporary loan of one of our people. Abel Township Jolly Five Niner requesting permission to land? SAM Yeah Got that. Er, I mean, roger that. You’re clear to um… yeah you can come on in. PILOT Roger Abel Township, heading down now. ( to you, more quietly ) I can see clear as day we haven’t got half the supplies we usually bring. That means we’ve lied to the township. ( pause ) Yeah. I know. You don’t know anything. Project Greenshoot? Need to know basis? Briefing to follow at Abel. Sorry, I couldn’t help when you boarded. And then you’ll find out what your mission really is. But you know if you and me pooled info maybe we could- 2. FX: NOISE OF GUNFIRE. ROCKET LAUNCHERS. Someone’s shooting at the chopper. PILOT What the hell…? They’re shooting! That’s not coming from the township! Who the hell has a rocket launcher in this sector, who the hell has…? FX: A CRASH OF ENGINES, THE HIGH-PITCHED WHINE OF SOMETHING GOING VERY BADLY WRONG. ONE OF THE ROCKETS HAS HIT THE CHOPPER. PILOT We're hit. I've lost the tail rotor. Mayday Mayday Mayday. ( This should be said fast maydaymaydaymayday, but calm, you want to remain cool and calm on the radio so your calls can be understood ) Jolly Five Niner is going down three miles east of the township. Two souls on board. Aircraft is grey with black lettering and trim. We're going in hard brace brace brace. FX: MASSIVE CRASH SAM This is Abel Township calling, this Abel Township calling. Supply copter can you hear us? (aside) They’re going down fast, holy moly. (to us) Can any of you hear us? Open your chutes! Jump! Jump! FX: A RUSH OF AIR. THE CHUTE OPENING. A CRASH THROUGH UNDERGROWTH. FX: HEAVY BREATHING. IN YOUR EARS. YOUR BREATHING. FX: CRACKLE OF STATIC SAM Hey, hey. I um. This is Abel Township calling, over. (aside) They’re not answering. Their comms equipment coulda been fried. FX: SOUND OF YOUR PARACHUTE UNCLIPPING, A HEAVY FALL TO EARTH. YOU LANDED IN SOME TREES BUT YOU’RE OK, ON THE GROUND NOW. SAM Listen, if you’re alive, if there’s anyone alive. This is Sam Yao from Abel Township. I’m just the… I’m just the radio operator man, I’m not supposed to handle this stuff. 3. FX: CRACKLE OF STATIC You’ve come down in a nest of hostiles. They’ve heard the noise. They’re coming. There are… thirty. No, forty. No… crap. Your only safe path is towards the tower, you should be able to see that from where you are. If there’s anyone alive there, just run. FX: VERY FAINT, DISTANT MOAN Run! CUT TO MUSIC. 4. 2. THE DOCTOR. SAM Wow there’s… there’s someone alive down there. Running. Hey, hey can you hear me? (aside) No answer. Still, look at ‘em go. Heading for the tower just like I said. (to us) OK, running person, if you can hear me… you’re going great. The main group’s behind you and you’re going to come out of this forest soon but there’s a… (pause) yeah, I can’t think of a phrase that’s not “small army of zombies”, sorry, don’t do so well under massive pressure, there’s a one of those directly to the east of the trees, so if you cut through more west now… (pause) (aside) Man. Look at that. They’re changing direction. They can… (to us) You can hear me! OK, OK, we can keep you safe. It’s cool, it’s cool, we can bring you in. (aside) No we can’t ask them that. They might be injured. DOCTOR All the more reason to ask them that. (to us) This is Doctor Myers, only medic here at Abel Township. Lord knows I’m sorry to ask you this, but your route will take you almost past the old hospital. We know there’s medical kit still there from the first wave of infection. If you could pick up even one or two that would help us. SAM (to Doctor) It’s too dangerous. You know what happened to Runner 5… DOCTOR The zoms have all followed the noise of the crash. SAM But what about whoever fired that rocket launcher? DOCTOR If someone wants to kill that runner, taking an unusual route will make it harder not easier. ( to player ) I don’t want to be hardheaded, but everyone in this township earns their keep. 5. You should be able to see Robinson hospital now – one of the buildings, Gryphon Tower, is the tallest in the abandoned city. And if you can’t find anything… we might not be able to let you in when you get here. CUT TO MUSIC. 6. 3. CHATTING WITH SAM SAM OK, OK. Man, that’s great, you’re making good time. No broken legs I guess! Hey, listen, I’m gonna call you Runner Five. Just ‘cuz… I don’t know your name, and we just lost a runner. In that same hospital you’re running through now. She was so fast, and really funny, and clever, and me and her we sort of… ( a sigh. yeah, Sam was totally in love with the previous runner 5. She was perhaps not in love with him. It’s a more wistful what-if scenario ) … she was amazing. But hey, you could be our new Runner Five. ( nervous laugh ) If you make it back alive. ( chatty now, just keeping you occupied ) Yeah, the runners are pretty important to keeping us going here… any fuel we have goes to working the generators and the truth is if you’ve got two legs and you can go above a slow shamble you’ll be able to stay out of the zoms’ way, am I right? FX: CHECKS THE SCANNER – WE CAN’T SEE THIS OBVS BUT THERE’S A DISTINCTIVE ‘SCANNER PING’ NOISE, OR MAYBE JUST SOME SWITCHES FLICKING Huh. Yeah, OK, your pace is good, but maybe head through the ground floor of the hospital? There’s a little swarm gathering in the parking lot I don’t like the look of and… FX: CHECKS THE SCANNER, THAT PING AGAIN Yeah, that’s good. You could even pick up anything interesting you pass. We think there might be some… well, we sent the old Runner 5 there looking for some file the Doc’s interested in. So, you know, if you find anything officiallooking lying around… CUT TO MUSIC. 7. 4. THE FILE SAM Hey, there you are! I’ve got you on camera now, great to see you, even though you’re kinda blurry! Huh, what’s that you’re carrying? Look at this Doc, Runner Five picked up something in the hospital. DOCTOR Is that the Centres for Disease Control file? What’s that? SAM DOCTOR (very cool, official) … Runner 5, I don’t say this lightly, that box could be worth your life to protect. Don’t drop it. What is it? SAM DOCTOR It might be nothing. It might be everything. SAM So a pretty narrow window of definition. DOCTOR What’s that shadow over there? FX: ZOMBIE GROWLS SAM Oh no. This was what… when we sent her out, this was what happened. They’re following you Runner 5. The swarm from the carpark, they’re following you now, run! FX: LOUDER, NEARER ZOMBIE NOISES CUT TO MUSIC. 8. 5. THE SWARM SAM ( worried ) They’re so fast, why are they so fast? They never run, why are they running? Runner 5, Runner 5 they’re gaining on you! FX: ZOMBIE MOANS REAL CLOSE DOCTOR Runner 5! You’re not far from the gates now. If you can keep going we’ll send some people with guns out to meet you. Only one zombie is close to reaching you. Just put on a burst of speed now! FX: A SPECIFICALLY FEMALE ZOMBIE MOAN, VERY VERY CLOSE. SAM Oh god it’s her. I can see her. It’s… it’s the old Runner 5. She’s the one chasing you, she’s… she’s still wearing her uniform, she’s… ( Sam is pretty choked up by this. As you would be to see the girl you really fancied turned into a zombie. ) RUNNER 7 Runner Five. It’s Runner 7 here, head of runners. The Doctor’s told me you’ve found something useful in the hospital We’re sending out a couple of people to bring you in. Just keep running. As fast as you can. FX: FEMALE ZOMBIE RIGHT IN YOUR EAR RUNNER 7 Don’t look back. She’s right behind you. Just run. CUT TO MUSIC. 9. 6. THE BASE FX: BURST OF GUNFIRE BASE SOLDIER This way! This way! Run! FX: FEMALE ZOMBIE MOANING AND GROWLING WITH RAGE SAM They’re going to shoot her… I can’t watch, I don’t want to… DOCTOR (interrupting, kindly, softly) It’s what she would have wanted Sam. You know it is. She wouldn’t have wanted to live like this. Run! We’ve got her! BASE SOLDIER FX: A SINGLE GUNSHOT PENETRATES THE OLD RUNNER 5’S HEAD FX: A LAST RATTLING COUGH FROM THE OLD RUNNER 5 Got ‘er. DOCTOR ( satisfied ) SAM Raise the gates! Raise the gates! FX: SOUND OF GATES RAISING VARIOUS VOICES ( general hubbub of welcome ) Welcome! Hey, you picked up medpacks! Want some water? Great to meet you, come sit down. What were you doing in that helicopter anyway? Did you bring any food? Any canned food? Dried food? Hey! Good to see a new face! The Major’ll want to see you when she gets back… ( Not over headphones now but in front of you ) SAM Hey, good to see you in the flesh! The… totally unbroken skin not bitten by zombies flesh, right? Step back, step back everyone, don’t crowd, give Runner Five some space. Can’t take in so many new faces right now! 10. UNKNOWN VOICE ( very soft ) You think that’s who they’ve assigned? For Project Greenshoot? ENDS