Math 340. Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (SPRING

Math 340. Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (SPRING 2014)
Course Website:
Section 4. MTWF 12:00-12:50. Engineering E203
Instructor: Farrah Sadre-Marandi (
Common Office Hour: Wed TBA, Weber 17, and by appointment (walk in NOT allowed). See
course web page for other available common office hours.
Course Coordinator: Dr. James Liu (
Course Description: The construction of mathematical models to address real-world problems
has been one of the most important aspects of each of the branches of science. It is often the case
that these mathematical models are formulated in terms of equations involving functions as well as
their derivatives. Such equations are called differential equations. If only one independent variable
is involved, the equations are called ordinary differential equations. The course will demonstrate
the usefulness of ordinary differential equations for modeling physical and other phenomena.
Complementary mathematical approaches for their solution will be presented, including analytical
methods, graphical analysis and numerical techniques. This course includes:
• first order equations
• mathematical models
• linear equations of second order
• the Laplace transform
• linear systems of arbitrary order and matrices
• nonlinear systems and phase plane analysis
• numerical methods
Prerequisites: MATH124, MATH160, MATH161, MATH255 or MATH261, or MATH CC255.
See me immediately if you do not have these prerequisites!
• J.Polking, A.Boggess, and D.Arnold. Differential Equations. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2nd ed.,
2006. ISBN 0-13-143738-0.
• Supplementary (not required): J. Polking, D. Arnold: Ordinary Differential Equations using
Other Useful Course Materials: See course website for links to Matlab packages and applets.
Homework: 10%
Quizzes: 20%
Exam I (Thursday, March 6th, 5pm-6:50pm, Location TBA): 20%
Exam II (Thursday, April 17th, 5pm-6:50pm, Location TBA): 20%
Final Exam (Tuesday, May 13th, 2:00pm-4:00pm, Location TBA): 30%
See course web page for updates on exam locations.
Grades are determined by the following:
A = 90%-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = below 60%
Homework: 6 homework assignments will be given. Each assignment will consist of 3 assigned
problems worth 15 points total (5 points each), as well as include a list of recommended book
problems which are NOT to be turned in for a grade. Homework is due at the BEGINNING of
class. There are no excused absences from homework. If you are unable to make it to class, for any
reason, you must submit your work via email or put it in your instructors mail box before noon on
the date it is due. Homework scores will not be curved.
Quizzes: 6 in class quizzes will be given on dates announced at least one class period in
advance. Each quiz assignment will be worth 20 points. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped
(only 5 quizzes will count toward your grade). The only excused absences from quizzes are official
university approved absences. If a CSU event conflicts with a quiz or if you are ill, a make up quiz
will be given at the earliest available time in the PACe center. You must schedule a make up quiz
with your instructor and supporting documentation must be submitted by no later than 11:59pm
the day of the scheduled quiz.
Exams: There will be two common exams and a final. Note that the common exams are held
in the evening and you are REQUIRED to be there. The rooms will be announced on the course
web page; the dates and times are noted above. Calculators, textbooks, and cellphones will not be
allowed. A ringing cellphone or use of an unauthorized device (e.g. calculator, camera, notepad,
etc.) during the exam will lead to disqualification (0 points) from the exam.
For each of the two midterm exams, you shall be allowed a one page 8” x 11” or smaller (front
and back) formula sheet, and for the final you shall be allowed two pages (both two sided) of
formula sheets, created by yourself (typed is OK). There is NO CLASS the day after an exam as
the instructors shall be grading.
Exam conflicts/Alternate arrangements: The only excused absences from exams are
official university approved absences. If a CSU event conflicts with an exam, or if you are ill,
you must talk with your instructor or the course coordinator and bring with you supporting
documentation (e.g. a letter from the athletics department or your class schedule). This request,
including documentation, must be submitted at least ONE WEEK before the exam (or, in the case
of sudden illness, as soon as possible). You can find the Alternate Exam Time Request Form on
the course web page.
If you need alternate exam arrangements through Resources for Disabled Students, submit the
RDS qualification letter at least ONE WEEK before the exam to your section teacher. Alternate
exam requests are processed once per exam–failure to discuss with the instructor/course coordinator
including documentation in time can mean that no alternative arrangements will be possible!
Academic Integrity: The University Policy on Academic Integrity (see CSU General Catalog)
is enforced in this course. Misrepresenting someone else’s work as your own (plagiarism) and
possessing unauthorized reference information in any form that could be helpful while taking an
exam are examples of cheating. Submitting work from a Solutions Manual or an on-line homework
web site as your own are examples of plagiarism. Students judged to have engaged in cheating may
be assigned a reduced or failing grade for the assignment or the course and may be referred to the
Office of Conflict Resolution & Student Conduct Services for additional disciplinary action.
TILT Study Group: Free tutoring is available for this course. The program is located in TILT,
and runs 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday-Thursday evenings during the academic year. No appointment
is necessary and all students are welcome. For more information and tutoring schedule, please visit: