Marketing Partnerships


Marketing Partnerships

Guidelines and Application Form

Chevron Australia

Marketing Partnership Guidelines

We partner with organisations that provide events and conferences that align with our business objectives and help us build stronger relationships with our key stakeholders.

Our marketing partnership program is separate to our social investment partnership program at

Marketing partnerships include relevant conferences and events that help build our profile in the community among key stakeholder groups.

Social investment partnerships are long-term initiatives that deliver measurable and longterm outcomes to communities in which we operate.


Due to our extensive compliance and approval process, it can take several months before partnerships can be confirmed. If your application is deemed suitable we will keep you informed of the status of your application. If you have any queries about the timing of the application process, please contact:

We align ourselves with events, projects or activities that:

• Align with our business objectives

• Maximise exposure to our target audience

• Have a media partner

• Offer naming rights opportunities

• Are able to provide specific and measurable objectives and results

• Present positive branding opportunities

• Meet our compliance requirements

• Provide publicity and promotional opportunities

• Offer a long-term association

• Have clear communication objectives and activities

We do not support:

• Activities that are considered to be hazardous, unethical or illegal

• Gambling events

• Fundraising events, such as fetes, golf days, journal advertising and quiz nights

• Individual requests for payment for travel, study, medical or sporting commitments

• Grants to religious groups or their affiliates whose primary objective is the dissemination, promotion or ministry of a religion, regardless of denomination

• Profit making enterprises

• Political groups, lobby groups or their affiliates

• Organisational operating and ongoing salary costs

• Retrospective project costs

• Activities that violate or contradict Chevron and shareholders’ business principles

Application Form

Partner Marketing application checklist

Please ensure you complete this checklist before submitting your application

Read and understood this application form

(if you have any queries regarding the application, please contact


Completed all fields in this application form

Submitted the application at least six months prior to the start of the sponsorship/event

Completed and signed the declaration at the end of this application form

Provided an itemised budget and quotes, where possible

Attached the communications and marketing plan

Attached the organisation’s capability statement

Attached any other supporting material

Part 1: Organisation Details


Applicant details

Organisation Name (legal entity) __________________________________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone ____________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________

ABN _________________________________________

Is your organisation registered for GST?

Is your organisation tax exempt?





Deductible Gift Recipient Status?

Type of organisation:

Yes No

Company Incorporated Association Other __________________________


Applicant contacts

Name ____________________________________________ Title ________________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________


Bank Details

Please note the bank account details must relate to the legal entity of the organisation to receive the funding and must match the

ABN number provided above

Account name ___________________________________________________________ Bank ________________________________________

Branch ________________________________________ BSB number _____________ Account number _____________________________

Application Form | 1

Part 2: Your Organisation


Detail the partnership opportunity













Describe the type of organisation (eg; company, incorporated association, other)













Describe the structure of your organisation (board, patrons, partners)












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List board members and senior staff members of your organisation

Last name First name Title at community organisation Usual employer


As part of our global compliance and legal requirements to report government officials involved with our company, please state if there are any government officials involved in your organisation

Yes No

2.6 Please list government officials (or their family members) who are involved on the board, committee or act as a patron of your organisation (this includes teachers, nurses, doctors, Aboriginal elders, lecturers working in the public system and local politicians)

Last name First name

Title at community organisation

Title at government organisation

Government organisation


What is the nature of the relationship of your organisation with identified government officials (eg; does the organisation serve as an advisor to government agencies? Does it support a local government service? Are its operations autonomous and independent of any government control?)











Part 3: Partnership Details


Describe what the requested funding will be used for






Application Form | 3


How will Chevron’s contribution be recognised?







Provide an overview of the organisation’s marketing and communications plan, including what has and hasn’t been confirmed. Please attach the communications plan, if available







What are the benefits of the partnership, including how they relate to Chevron and our business and products?







How we can use the partnership to connect with our target audience?







List important milestones and deadlines for the event/partnership

Milestone Deadline


List credentials of company and key subcontractors that will be organising the event (eg; public relations officers, event producers etc). Attach profiles if necessary






4 | Marketing Partnership Guidelines

Part 4: Funding request


Provide a list of items/services that the partnership would be used to purchase. Provide quotes where possible

Item description ($) Estimated cost


List confirmed sponsors and how much they will be sponsoring

Organisation and role ($) Estimate contribution


List organisations that you have approached for funding

Organisation and role ($) Estimate contribution


Do you have any prior funding relationships and/or involvement with Chevron or its employees?

If so please provide details.






What is your organisation’s previous experience in similar initiatives and have you been successful in these initiatives? How did you determine its success?






Application Form | 5

Part 5: Referees


Provide two examples of other initiatives which your organisation has been involved with and a referee for each







If there have been no prior sponsorships/partnerships, please provide two independent referees

Referee one Referee two

Referee name



Mobile number


Part 6: Declaration

Terms and Conditions

By signing this document you are agreeing on behalf of your organisation that any funding provided by Chevron Australia will be spent on the initiative outlined in this application form and that Chevron Australia reserves the right to audit your organisation’s books and records to verify the use of any such funding. Any amount not spent as required must be refunded to Chevron Australia.

I declare that I am currently authorised to sign legal documents on behalf of _______________________________________________________

(the applicant organisation) and that all the information provided in this application is true and correct.

Signature of Authorised Officer _________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________

Name ______________________________________________________________ Position ________________________________________________

Witness Signature _____________________________________________ Witness Name ________________________________________________

Part 6: Submitting your application

Submit this application form to

6 | Marketing Partnership Guidelines

Chevron Australia Pty Ltd

ABN 29 086 197 757

250 St Georges Terrace

Perth Western Australia

6000 Australia

Tel 1800 782 957


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