EXTERNAL STABILITY External stability or external balance is a general term which describes a situ ation where external indicators such as the balance of payment, foreign liabilities and the exchange rate are at a sustainable level, that is, a level where they can remain in the longer term without negative economic consequences. The past two decades saw the sweep in of globalisation, what was als o seen as was the significant levels of external imbalance in Australia, which resulted in challenge s on all three key indicators of external stability. Balance of payment is influenced by a wide ran ge of domestic as well as international factors. The problem associated with the balance of payments is the growing current account deficit (CAD). Over a period of time a high CAD will contribute to a n increased level of foreign liabilities. It is a general rule of thumb that if the CAD is above 6% of GDP there is a problem. It is a problem because any outflow in the current account must be matche d by an equivalent inflow in the capital and financial account. Thereby, a deficit in the capital ac count will result in a surplus on the capital and financial account. There are two components of fo reign, net foreign debt and net foreign equity. A current account deficit results in financial inflo w, either in form of borrowings from overseas (foreign debt) or through selling equity in items such as property and companies (foreign equity). Therefore CAD, especially high levels of CAD, means tha t lenders may become more reluctant to lend to Australia or to invest in Australia, and decisions af fecting the Australian economy will increasingly be made by international businesses and not by Aust ralians. The money borrowed must be eventually repaid and the debt must be serviced. Increased serv icing costs associated with high levels of foreign liabilities impose a substantial servicing cost, reflected by the large net income deficits on the CAD. Foreign debt must be serviced through interes t payments that vary according to the level of interest rates in Australia and overseas, and profits must be returned on foreign equity investments. Thus, a high foreign debt can create a vicious cycl e, contributing to the problem of a debt trap, where Australia is borrowing money to service its exi sting foreign liabilities. In the long-term, rising foreign debt in Australia can lead to a debt su stainability problem. This means that over time Australia will find it harder to service its debt. I f the size of the debt is rising faster than the increase in GDP, the interest repayments take up a greater proportion of or GDP. As a result, this reduces both Australia's overall living standards an d the economic growth potential of the economy. As mentioned, high current account deficits represe nts a constraint on future economic growth, in the long-term. The current account deficit acts as a speed limit on economic growth. Higher levels of economic growth generally involve an increased impo rts and deterioration in the CAD. Therefore an economy is forced to lower economic growth to a level where the CAD is sustainable, this is known as the balance of payments constraint. Another problem associated with CAD is the increased volatility or exchange rates. Movements in the exchange rates can also have a short-term influence on the level of foreign liabilities. High CAD may cause a loss of confidence of overseas investors in the Australian economy and, by reducing demand for Australia' s currency, may result in depreciation in the Australian dollar. If the Australian dollar is depreci ating or appreciating rapidly, this generally indicates an external imbalance. Depreciation in the A ustralian dollar will generally worsen Australia's CAD problem in the short-term, as the prices of i mports and costs of servicing foreign debt increase. Economists differ over the extent to which we should be concerned about Australia's current account deficit and foreign liabilities, with some arg uing that since the government is not contributing to the current account deficit and foreign liabil ities problem, any external imbalances are simply the result of normal market transactions in a glob al economy, therefore not considered a problem. Again some economist argue that Australia indeed hav e a external imbalance problem, where other economists views differ immensely. There is no major po licy tool which has external balance as its major priority. As external balance has not been a major focus of the economic policy mix in recent years. Though government policies are able contribute in improving external balance in an indirect way. In particular, while microeconomic reform is not int ended to improve external imbalance, it can contribute to the economy's competitiveness and therefor e can improve export performance. Also fiscal policies can contribute indirectly in balancing the e xternal problem. The Howard government believed that ongoing budget deficits caused declining levels of savings in Australia over the longer term, balanced budgets will help insure that the government is not drawing on private savings and therefore indirectly contributing external imbalance. Monetar y policy may be used as a short-term instrument to address an external imbalance crisis. While raisi ng interest rates may reduce import spending in the short-term, it also attracts financial inflows o n the capital and financial account, which in the longer term may raise net foreign liabilities, the net income deficit and also the CAD. Also financial inflow may cause an appreciation of the Austral ian dollar, which will result in a decline in the competitiveness of exports and may put further pre ssure on the CAD. Microeconomic reforms in the last two decades have been the most effective instru ment to influence Australia's external performance. Microeconomic reforms include trade liberalisati on, changes to wage determination and labour market regulations, the implementations of National Com petition Policy, the deregulations of key sectors of the economy, privatisation of many government o wned businesses and, most recently, taxation reforms. These changes have been designed to raise effi ciency of production in Australia so that firms can better compete on global markets, which in the l ong-term will improve Australia's Balance of Payment problems. It is difficult to assess the effect iveness of the government's approach to external stability in Australia. Improvements to long-term e xternal problems take time, and it is important to view the longer term trends rather than focusing on the short-term peaks and troughs in the current account deficit. external stability external st ability external balance general term which describes situation where indicators such balance paymen t foreign liabilities exchange rate sustainable level that level where they remain longer term witho ut negative economic consequences past decades sweep globalisation what also seen significant levels imbalance australia which resulted challengeEssay, essays, termpaper, term paper, termpapers, term papers, book reports, study, college, thesis, dessertation, test answers, free research, book resear ch, study help, download essay, download term papers