Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX)

Document and Media Exploitation
Who should read this paper
DOMEX analysts looking to quickly prioritize, organize, and analyze
significant amounts of seized documentary and electronic evidence.
Solution Brief
Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX)
Solution Brief
The Challenge: Rapidly Extracting Actionable Intelligence from
Time-Sensitive Documents and Media Obtained in Combat Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Solution: Veritas™ eDiscovery Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX)
Solution Brief
The Challenge: Rapidly Extracting Actionable Intelligence
from Time-Sensitive Documents and Media Obtained in
Combat Operations
Intelligence analysts are under increasing pressure to quickly deliver insights
from documents and electronic media seized during military engagements.
The documents under investigation can be in multiple formats and languages
which compounds the challenge of indexing data in order to begin meaningful
analysis. Since the value of captured intelligence decreases over time it is
imperative that once indexed, documents must be rapidly assessed for their
tactical and strategic intelligence value.
Defense and intelligence organizations have struggled with manual processes
and a lack of resources to analyze documents of unknown content – reducing
efficiency and increasing the risk of missing key data. Exploiting information
contained in these documents can be especially difficult due to the large
The Benefits:
Analysts at defense and
intelligence organizations have
realized immediate and significant
results using the Veritas™
eDiscovery Platform DOMEX
Solution. Users are able to:
• Find time-sensitive clues and
information quickly in the field.
• Automatically visualize and
analyze gigabytes of data
almost instantly.
• Optimize resources more
volume of data being analyzed, the limited number of qualified linguists to
effectively to focus on
conduct manual translation, and the time-sensitive nature of intelligence
finding items with high-value
information. Finally, actionable conclusions from analysis must be presented
in an easily understandable format so that they can be communicated to the
broader intelligence community.
• Deliver actionable intelligence
to the field and the intelligence
The Solution: Veritas™ eDiscovery Platform
The Veritas™ eDiscovery Platform Document and Media Exploitation Solution (DOMEX) delivers powerful indexing and
analysis capabilities that rapidly discover and categorize vast amounts of documents in many formats and languages. The
eDiscovery Platform enables defense and intelligence organizations to accelerate their ability to index, organize, analyze,
and find the relevant data for intelligence and homeland defense. Key benefits of the Document and Media Exploitation
Solution include:
• Analyze Documents and Electronic Media in Minutes: The eDiscovery Platform can be operational in less than
25 minutes, allowing intelligence analysts to immediately understand the context of the documents across the
entire collection. With this solution, users can index and analyze almost all electronic file formats and it is capable
of extracting OCR text from scanned documents. The solution is flexible enough to be deployed in the field on
a ruggedized laptop and scales to analyze millions of documents when deployed by defense and intelligence
Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX)
Solution Brief
• Examine and Analyze Data before
Indexing: The eDiscovery Platform
provides pre-indexing capabilities that
rapidly scan and analyze large sets
of documents, allowing analysts to
understand the document collection
and make informed culling decisions.
Users can filter documents using
automatically generated filters including
file type, target, date, and known
system files to exclude irrelevant
documents before indexing. As a result,
document indexing is expedited and
analysts can focus on documents with
possible intelligence value.
Figure 1. Pre-Indexing Analytics: Graphically depict data volume,
file types, and time frames of collected data prior to indexing.
• Enable Searching of Scanned Documents: This Document and Media Exploitation Solution delivers optical
character recognition capability to convert scanned documents, or even images embedded in paper or electronic
documents, to searchable text. Users have the ability to search for documents and view them either in text format or
the original format using the integrated native viewer without opening each application on the desktop. An inventory
log of capturing unit, location, dates, and description can be associated with each scanned item.
• Classify Documents by Language for Rapid Review and Translation: In addition to English, the eDiscovery
Platform supports Unicode and indexes, searches, and analyzes Western European, Eastern European, and Asian
languages. It also delivers automatic language identification of documents and exact document counts by language
to apply analysis and translation resources to items most likely to contain important clues and information. As a result,
intelligence analysts can exploit information while it is still fresh and actionable.
• Automate Document and Media
Analysis: The platform’s analytics
capabilities deliver powerful tools that
organize documents for rapid analysis.
Analysts can view messages in a
discussion thread format that provides
unprecedented visibility into the entire
conversation in context. Moreover,
the eDiscovery Platform automatically
extracts topics from the collected
documents and enables navigation
by these topic clusters – reducing the
time needed to discover meaningful
relationships and intelligence. Once a
target has been identified, analysts can
Figure 2. Language Filters: Easily identify data sets by language
using automatically generated language filters.
Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX)
Solution Brief
quickly view all documents associated with a target across the entire document collection.
• Maximum Search Flexibility to Find Critical Information: With this solution, intelligence analysts are able to search
for specific phrases, threats, dates, locations, events, tags, and comments. The eDiscovery Platform provides the
flexibility to include text variations such as plurals and alternative verb forms in search results, and also provides
exact matching via literal search. Power users can leverage advanced features such as wildcard, fuzzy, proximity, and
Boolean searches.
• Increase Analyst Productivity: The solution’s rapid tagging capabilities allow intelligence analysts to easily
categorize, prioritize, and manage all emails, discussions, attachments, and documents. Intelligence analysis
teams can apply status codes, critical notes, and assign documents and media for review to any member of the
analyst team. In addition, with secure, role-based access teams are able to lock down analysts to specific evidence
associated with a particular investigation or set of investigations.
Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX)
Solution Brief
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environments. Veritas works with 86 percent
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