Changing patterns of segmentation & polarisation: Causes

Changing patterns of segmentation & polarisation: Causes, consequences and counter strategies (Fairness at Work Research Centre) 2nd International Conference Reconstructing Fairness: the Contested Terrain of Fairness and Decency at Work Please check the website for the paper abstracts
10th-­‐12th September 2014 Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester 08.30 -­‐ 09.30: Registration – coffee 09:30 -­‐ 11:15 Plenary and welcome Room: MBS EAST B10 Chair: Janine Berg (ILO) Author(s) Rafael Munoz de Bustillo Llorente, José-­‐Ignacio Antón Rodrigo Rodrigues-­‐Silveira Enrique Fernandez-­‐Macias, John Hurley Emily Murphy, Daniel Oesch Paper Changes in the structure of employment in the long run: the Spanish case 1977-­‐2013 Changes in Employment Structure in Brazil: 1991-­‐2010 Exploring the drivers behind recent job polarization and upgrading in Europe Does technological change inevitably lead to occupational polarization? Census-­‐based evidence for Ireland and Switzerland 1970-­‐2010 11:15 -­‐ 11:45 Coffee 11:45 -­‐ 13:00 Room: MBS EAST B3 Chair: Maria Karamessini a) Gender, austerity and inequalities in southern Europe Author(s) Paper Marcella Corsi, Valeria Cirillo Quality of employment in a gender perspective: the case of Italy Caroline Recio, Teresa Torns Gender inequalities in Spanish Labour Market: the continuum between precariousness and informal work Maria do Pilar Gonzalez Economic Crisis and Austerity Policies in Portugal: effects on the middle classes Room: MBS EAST B8 Chair: John Burgess b) Non-­‐standard employment Author(s) Adriana Marshall Merja Kauhanen, Jouko Nätti and Satu Ojala Agnieszska Piasna Paper The incidence and structure of flexible employment in Latin American countries: revisiting the evidence and explanations Incidence and intensity of employer-­‐funded training in Finland – does the type or motive of temporary or part-­‐time work matter for the outcomes? Consequences of non-­‐standard working hours for work intensity: a cross-­‐national comparative perspective 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 -­‐ 15:40 a) Mare Curie workshop Room: MBS EAST B3 Chair: Jill Rubery Author(s) Joan Miquel Verd Vanessa Gash Marti Lopez Andreu Maria Karamessini Paper The impact of recession on trajectories and life chances viewed through the lens of the Capability Approach The Polarisation of Job Insecurity in Europe after the Great Recession, comparing outcomes for atypical workers Employment transitions and turning points in individuals’ life course in times of recession and austerity: the cases of Spain and the UK. Greek youth in the great Greek depression: from difficult transitions to emigration b) Migrants Room: MBS EAST B8 Chair: Philippe Mehaut Author(s) Iain Campbell, Martina Boese and Joo-­‐cheong Tham Chris Brennan James Wickham Paper Two temporary migrant workers programs in Australia: Implications for labour markets and labour market analysis Disposable Tourists: Australia’s Working Holiday Maker Program Workplaces, careers and conjunctures: migrant professionals in the construction industry moving through time and space 15:40 – 16:00 Coffee 16:00 – 17:40 a) Job structure and quality Room: MBS EAST B3 Chair: Damian Grimshaw Author(s) Satu Ojala, Jouko Nätti and Merja Kauhanen Francis Green, Alan Felstead and Duncan Gallie Deok Soon Hwang Chris Warhurst and Sally Wright Paper Job quality in part-­‐time and temporary employment in finland from 1970s to 2010s The evolution of the level and distribution of job quality in Britain Changes in Korea's job quality: 2001-­‐2013 Job polarisation in Australia b) Trajectories/youth Room: MBS EAST B8 Chair: Jackie O’Reilly Author(s) Paolo Borghi, Guido Cavalca Vanessa Di Paola, Philippe Mehaut, Stephanie Moullet Guillemette de Larquier, Geraldine Rieucau Paper New representation strategies against job segmentation among Italian professionals The Poor Lonesome Young French in the Crisis Labour market segmentation and youth employment insertion in France: a job-­‐finding channels approach 09.00 – 10.00: Registration and coffee 10:00-­‐10:15 Welcome – Opening of FairWRC Conference 10:15-­‐11:15 Plenary Room: Crawford Lecture Theatre Chair Helge Hoel Author(s) Gerhard Bosch Stephanie Barrientos Paper The bumpy road to a minimum wage in Germany. Buying with a conscience -­‐ fairness at work in buyer-­‐supply chains 11:25-­‐ 12:40 a) Wages Room: MBS EAST B3: Chair: Sebastian Ugarte Author(s) Matt Johnson Anna Lukiyanova, Nina Vishnevskaya Karen Jaehrling Paper The living wage in UK local government The Decentralization of Minimum Wage Setting in Russia – Courses and Consequences Compliance and enforcement of minimum wages b) Inequalities and Work Room: B10: Chair Sheena Johnson Author(s) Andy Charlwood Jo Cartwright, Gail Hebson Paper Is the distribution of subjective well-­‐being at work fair? Understanding inequalities in job satisfaction by class and gender ‘I’m not in Harvey Nichols…I’m not a personal shopper!’: Exploring the relevance of the triangular relationship and the performance of emotional labour: the case of the retail industry. Colette Fagan, Karen Hassell, Women’s under-­‐representation in the university sector: an Liz Seston and Nina Teasdale exploration of the gendered nature of scientific leadership c) Fairness and Labour Markets Room: B1 Chair: Miguel Martinez Lucio Author(s) Oxana Krutova, Liudmila Lipiäinen and Pertti Koistinen Damian Oliver, John Buchanan Paper Stable Employment, Permanent Adaptation or Labour Deprivation? Considering Trajectories of Labour Market Integration among Immigrants in Finland Australia’s Fair Work Reforms: Refining, not redefining, a new working order d) Changing job structures Room: MBS EAST B7: Chair: Jorg Flecker Author(s) Dominique Anxo Damian Grimshaw, Anthony Rafferty Arja Jolkkonen, Pertti Koistinen, Arja Kurvinen, Liudmila Lipiäinen, Tapio Nummi & Pekka Virtanen Paper Long-­‐term Changes in the Swedish Job Structure: Upgrading or Polarisation? Long-­‐run trends in the UK jobs structure: A story of upgrading with some polarisation but not for all workers Good and bad times of Displacements -­‐ Labour Market Attachment of Displaced Workers after Plant Closings 12:40 -­‐ 13:40 Lunch 13:40 -­‐ 15:20 a) Production systems Room: MBS EAST B3: Chair: Iain Campbell Author(s) Jorg Flecker Al Rainnie, Caleb Goods, John Burgess, Grant Michelson Phil Almond, Maria C. Gonzalez Damian Grimshaw, Jo Cartwright, Arjan Keizer and Jill Rubery Paper The devil takes the hindmost – precarisation of work from a value-­‐
chain perspective Separating workforce from community: Fly in Fly Out Workers and the West Australian resource Sector Segmented production, business system competitiveness and geographical contests for inward investment: Observations from the UK and Spain Cleaning contracting in the UK b) Gender Room: MBS EAST B7: Chair: Paola Villa Author(s) Dominik Postels, Christine Slomka Paper Same system, same working time patterns of women in reunified Germany? Determinants of women’s working time patterns Martine Dieckhoff, Vanessa Gash, Antje Mertens, Laura Romeu-­‐Gordo Brendan Burchell, Vincent Hardy, Jill Rubery, Mark Smith Hugo Figueiredo, Vera Rocha, Ricardo Biscaia, Pedro Teixeira Dependent earners and part-­‐time employment in the household context A Data Visualisation approach to understanding Occupational Gender Segregation Gender pay gaps and graduate labour markets in Southern Europe c) Safety and New Fairness Issues Room B10 Chair Gail Hebson Author(s) Drusilla Brown Dewhurst, E. Johnson, S. Lynch-­‐Wood, G. Horton, D Noemi Sinkovics Elinor O’Connor Paper Verbal Abuse, Contract Practices and Overtime Violations: Evidence from Apparel Firms in Vietnam Compulsory -­‐ Retirement: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Modern forms of workplace servitude Work-­‐related Stress in the Veterinary Profession d) Age, Gender and Work Room B1 Chair Isabel Tavora Author(s) Jackie O’Reilly Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni Paper Youth Unemployment and Transitions The right to work in the 21st Centry: Legal promotion of employment for young people in Italy, Sweden and the UK Niven, K. Johnson, S. Yap, M. Compulsory Retirement: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Farrow, T Anne McBride, Gail Hebson Preaching to the ‘unconverted’: the broader benefits of taking an and Jane Holgate intersectional approach 15.20 -­‐ 15.40 Coffee 15:40 – 16:55 a) EU Room: MBS EAST B3: Chair: Anna Simonazzi Author(s) Anne Eydoux Paper More or better jobs? The gender biases of employment trends and Paola Villa, Mark Smith Tiina Soininen employment policies in Europe Gender equality, European leadership and the economic crisis – the case of gender pay equity in the EU Changing employment stability? Longitudinal analysis of tenures in Finland 1991-­‐2008 b) Multiple Disadvantage & Health Room B1 Chair Jo Cartwright Author(s) Carol Woodhams, Ben Lupton & Marc Cowling Helge Hoel, D. Lewis, Anna Einarsdottir Helen Mortimore Paper Multiple disadvantage and its impact on pay: an analysis of the “snowballing” penalty effect Straight talking/Talking straight: heterosexuals’ accounts of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals’ struggle for fair treatment at work Good managers know to check with HR: the doing of equality compliance at work c) The state, regulation and change Room B7 Chair Debra Howcroft Author(s) Aristea Koukiadaki & Aurora Tiff Miguel Martinez Lucio Elizabeth Cotton Paper Does one-­‐size fit all? Restructuring collective bargaining institutions in Romania and Greece during the crisis New Management Practices and the Question of Regulation: A Reflection on the Incapacitation of State Intervention An emancipatory model for building mental health at work: the unique role of trade union education 17:00 – 18:00 plenary Room: Crawford Lecture Theatre Chair Damian Grimshaw Author(s) Paul Stewart Dieter Zapf Paper Fairness as Worker Control: the case of the European Automobile Industry Fair treatment of older workers 09.00 -­‐ Coffee 09:30-­‐11:00 Plenary Room: Crawford Lecture Theatre Chair: Stephanie Barrientos Author(s) Colette Fagan & Helen Norman Paper What makes fathers involved? Exploring the relationship between paid work and childcare Sara Charlesworth Gender, migration and decent work in aged care: The Australian case 11:00-­‐11:30 Coffee 11:30 – 13:10 a) The context of austerity Room: MBS EAST B1: Chair: Gerhard Bosch Author(s) Annamaria Simonazzi Josep Banylus, Albert Recio Steffen Lehndorf Dominique Anxo Paper Taking Summers seriously. Secular stagnation and the labour share Generating poverty in Spain: productive structure, employers strategies and public policy Living in different worlds? Challenges to transnational labour solidarity in the Eurozone crisis The Swedish Welfare State in Times of Crisis: Resilience and Success b) New forms of work and organising Room: MBS EAST B10: Chair: Dominique Anzo Author(s) Eva Katharina Sarter Stefania Marino, Heather Connolly, Miguel Martinez Lucio, Siobhan Austen, Therese Jefferson & Rhonda Sharp Lucy Taksa, Alison Barnes, and Sasha Holley Paper From public to private -­‐ Contracting out, public procurement and equal opportunities Justice for Janitors ‘goes Dutch’ Using the IAD framework to examine dirty, dangerous and underpaid work in aged care On Borrowed Time: Restructuring, labour hire and its impact on Qantas employees’ lives, incomes and security prospects c) Recession and Change at Work in a Comparative Perspective Room B3: Chair Helge Hoel Author(s) María C. González Menéndez and Gabriel Pruneda Isabel Tavora Eleni Sifaki Fiona Macdonald & Sara Charlesworth Paper The Spanish labour management model: Crisis? What crisis? Employment, welfare and gender equality under recession and austerity in southern Europe: The case of low educated women in Portugal Sustaining the GPN in times of crisis? Women’s unwaged work as fallback position in the table grape GPN in Archanes, Greece Disability services workers under individualised funding models: new challenges for fairness and decency at work d) Change at work Room B7 Chair Matt Johnson Author(s) Helen Norman, Nina Teasdale, Colette Fagan Sebastian Ugarte, Damian Grimshaw, & Jill Rubery David Holman & Anthony Rafferty Debra Howcroft and Birgitta Bergvall-­‐Kåreborn Paper Building a supportive infrastructure for gender equality in the UK? Gender pay equity at the organisational level: exploring the impact of formal, consistent and transparent HR practices The influence of national institutions on the convergence and divergence of job design in Europe from 1995 to 2010 Crowdsourcing labour: a study of Amazon mechanical turk 13:10-­‐14:10 Lunch 14:10 – 15:25 a) Precarious employment Room: MBS EAST B 1: Chair: Arjan Keizer Author(s) Simon Deakin Jill Rubery Paper Institutional solutions to inequality and precariousness in labour markets Regulating for gender equality in an age of increasing inequalities b) Fairness, Diversity and Inequality Room B3 Chair Miguel Martinez Lucio Author(s) Francine Morris Nicholas Black Juliet Nagy Paper Barriers facing mature graduates in the labour market Organisational Income Inequality and the Financialisation of British Universities A critical examination of diversity and leadership progression in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) c) Voice and Fairness Room B7 Chair Stephen Mustchin Author(s) Manolchev, C and Lewis, D. Steve Higginson (UNITE) Joel Rudin Paper Channelling Employment Voice against Pressures of Workplace Displacement: A Network Approach to Fairness at Work Keep the Movement Moving Reconstructing the Fairness of Health Care in the United States 15:25 – 15:40 Coffee 15:40 – 17:00 a) Issues of Wellbeing Room B1 Chair Juliet Nagy Author(s) Gitte Meyer Paper Well-­‐being: Thick concepts and strict science Matthew Alford Ugo Orazulike Public governance and multi-­‐scalar contestation in global production networks: crisis in South African fruit Hermeneutics of OSH Regulation: empirical application of equal standards for a determinate unprotected group b) Governance and Wellbeing Room B3 Chair Jill Rubery Author(s) Sara Guediri Philippe Méhaut & Cathel Kornig Martin Dietz & Christopher Osiander Paper The role of formal and shared leadership in improving safety climate and safety performance Health and safety at work, psychological risks in the public urban transports What could all the money do? Designing training measures to increasing job opportunities for low skilled unemployed c) The Question of Research Impact Room B7 Chair Sheena Johnson Fairness at Work Research Centre Session The challenge of impact in our research Roundtable open discussion with FairWRC members and advisors/practitioners on the role and challenges of research in a context of an increasing focus on dissemination Helge Hoel, Debra Howcroft, Miguel Martinez Lucio, Stephen Overell, David Perfect, Wilson Wong 17:00-­‐17:10 Closure of Conference 