1 - Manchester Business School

European Work and Employment
Research Centre
Faculty of Humanities Research Centre
University of Manchester
2009-10 Annual Report
Damian Grimshaw
Colette Fagan, Jill Rubery, Kevin Ward
Mission statement:
The European Work and Employment Research Centre
was established in 1994 to build upon and develop
expertise in European comparative and interdisciplinary
research in the area of work and employment.
Manchester Business School
Faculty of Humanities
University of Manchester
Tel: 0161 3063457
1. OVERVIEW OF 2009-10
2009-2010 was a very busy year for EWERC with a great deal of activity on our three largest projects –
that of the Department of Health project on recruitment and retention of a social care workforce, the
Leverhulme project on social inclusion, migration and trade unions and the European Commission project
on minimum wages and changing industrial relations systems. The research team were also active on
several smaller projects funded by a range of bodies including the International Labour Organisation and
the European Foundation and engaged in consultancy/advisory work with bodies such as the World Bank
and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.
Moreover, 2009-2010 saw the beginnings of important research collaborations which are likely to shape
future EWERC research. Two new collaborations are notable: first, EWERC has won funding from the
newly formed Centre for Workforce Intelligence (a joint Mouchel/University of Manchester initiative), at
present for two small pieces of research but with plans for further detailed work; second, EWERC has
played a key role in the continuing development of the Faculty-wide Fairness at Work research group, both
in playing a role in the successful bid for an ESRC seminar series on fairness at work and in the
organisation of a 2011 conference (joint with the ILO) on the theme of regulating for decent work.
Other traditional EWERC activities continued during 2009-2010, such as the editing of the European
annual review of the Industrial Relations Journal, the EWERC seminar series - with four invited speakers
(two internal, two external and two jointly with CCSR) - and the PhD forum of interested postgraduate
students from across the faculty. An important change that came at the end of 2009-2010 was the decision
to change the leadership structure of EWERC to a director role and four research theme leaders. The
motivation is to provide a structure for theme leaders to play a more active role in guiding the research
themes and work of the centre, as well as to manage new connections with researchers across the faculty
more effectively.
Portfolio of projects
Complete details of projects undertaken during the academic year 2009-2010 are included in section 2
below. EWERC managed two projects from the Department of Health. The larger of the two, on the social
care workforce, was completed with a final magnificent effort in the autumn to produce a comprehensive
report of empirical evidence running to some 450 pages. It is likely that this will be the basis for several
high profile publications over the next year or so. EWERC was also active in three European Commission
projects. Two are inter-related and involved the longstanding EWERC contribution to the EC’s expert
group on gender and employment. The third was a new 12-month project that involved the coordination of
a 5-country study on minimum wage systems and changing industrial relations. This was completed in
September 2010 and ended with a very successful conference in Brussels (organised by EWERC) that
included keynote talks by Richard Freeman from Harvard (and LSE) and Commissioner Andors (DGV,
European Commission), as well as contributions by more than a dozen trade union and employer
representatives from different countries. Work on the Leverhulme Trust project on migrants and unions
continued and the full-time researcher, Heather Connolly, unfortunately left in the summer to a new
lectureship post; she will be replaced by a new researcher, Stefania Marino.
EWERC has a strong tradition of publishing both high profile policy reports and high quality academic
outputs in journals and books. Several reports were published for the European Commission’s Equal
Opportunities Unit, including on themes of flexible working time, gender equality and the UK’s National
Reform Programme for Employment. EWERC also submitted a comparative research report on minimum
wages and industrial relations to DG Employment and on employment and skills in networked
organisations for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills. Two books were published arising from
the past EC comparative project on the dynamics of national employment models (DYNAMO) – The
Welfare State and Life Transitions with Edward Elgar and European Employment Models in Flux with
Palgrave. EWERC members also contributed close to 20 invited book chapters during the year. Journal
articles were published in all four EWERC research themes with most (12 out of 17) in either the very top
ranking journals such as Human Relations, Human Resource Management and Work, Employment and
Society (all ranked 4 by ABS) or international journals (ranked 3 by ABS) such as Sociology, Gender,
Work and Organisation, Human Resource Management Journal, International Labour Review, Economic
and Industrial Democracy, Urban Studies, International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Other activities of EWERC members
Aside from their project work, EWERC members were also engaged in various forms of consultancy and
advisory work. Jill Rubery was commissioned by the World Bank to write a major report on labour market
flexibility and women’s employment. Damian Grimshaw was commissioned by the ILO to write a report
on low wage work and low wage workers, which was subsequently used in the ILO’s high profile 2010
Global Wage Report. Other work included an assessment of job growth in Europe from a gender
perspective for the European Foundation (to be published in a forthcoming edited book) and a report for the
UK Commission for Employment and Skills on women and recession as part of Jill Rubery’s work as a
member of its expert panel.
EWERC members were also active in giving invited talks at various conferences and specialist workshops.
Jill Rubery gave the Cathie Marsh memorial lecture on 40 years after the Equal Pay Act at the Royal
Statistical Society, a plenary paper on European social models at the 2010 Work, Employment and Society
conference in Brighton, a seminar athe Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, an
internal staff seminar for news staff at the BBC on women and recession and a presentation to a staff
training session at the World Bank. Colette Fagan gave a presentation on job quality and work-life balance
as part of the RECWOWE network in France. Damian Grimshaw organised and presented at a key note
panel session on wage inequality at the 2010 Work, Employment and Society conference in Brighton.
Miguel Martinez Lucio made a presentation on trade unions and renewal at the University of Seville,
Stephen Mustchin gave a talk on vulnerable workers at the UCATT vulnerable workers’ unit launch event.
Research bids
Several research bids were submitted during 2009-10 in an effort both to secure new funding and to
establish new national and international collaborations with research partners. Here we list successful,
unsuccessful and pending bids.
i. Joint bid (as secondary partner) with the Institute for Employment Studies, Brighton for European
Foundation project on ‘The impact of emerging forms of inter-firm relationships on employment
and working conditions’ (2010)
ii. Bid for funds from the new Centre for Workforce Intelligence (August 2010-Dec 2010)
ESRC Small grant (April 2011-March 2012) on ‘Gender, labour under-utilisation and recession’
N8 Northern Way Consortium of Universities, ‘Labour Market Demographics Project’, Nov 2010April 2010
i. Bid as coordinator to European Commission (FP7) of an 8-country project on ‘Firms’ working time
policies and quality of working and private life’ score- 13/15
ii. UK partner in a European Commission (FP7) bid on ‘Quality of work and capabilities for quality of
i. Bid to European Commission on ‘Men and gender equality’ (with Grenoble and Fondazione
EWERC images from 2009-2010
Clockwise from top left: Jill Rubery relaxing after her talk at the ETUC conference (Jan 2010);
Commissioner Andors (DGv, European Commission), Gerhard Bosch and Reinhard Bispinck at the
Brussels conference on Minimum wages and industrial relations organised by EWERC; Damian
Grimshaw, Richard Freeman and Jill Rubery speaking at the same Brussels conference; and Miguel
Martinez Lucio, Mick Marchington, Damian Grimshaw and Jill Rubery at the University of Manchester
Fairness at Work launch
(Active during October 2009-September 2010)
Research projects
Funding body (value)
Department of Health
(Centre for Workforce
Intelligence programe)
(£33-66k tbc)
Healthcare Workforce Risks and
Opportunities: i) Labour Market Context; ii)
Working time practices in nursing and
Anthony Rafferty, Damian
Grimshaw, Jill Rubery,
Department of Health
Recruitment and Retention of a Care
Workforce for Older People
Jill Rubery (PI), Marilyn
Carroll, Damian Grimshaw,
Gail Hebson, Lorrie
Marchington, Liz Smith,
Sebastian Ugarte
ESRC (£17k)
ESRC Seminar Series ‘Fairness at Work’.
Colette Fagan, Miguel
Martinez Lucio, Jill Rubery
(with Univ of Brighton)
European Commision
Minimum wage systems and changing
industrial relations in Europe
Damian Grimshaw (PI),
Claire Shepherd, Jill Rubery
(plus four country teams)
European Commission
(DGV) (€112k)
Expert Group on Gender and Employment –
UK national expert and senior advisor to the
coordinating team for the Expert Group on
Gender and Social Inclusion
Colette Fagan
European Commission
(DGV) (€28,000)
Expert Group on Gender and Social
Inclusion – UK expert
Colette Fagan
International Labour
Organisation ($10k)
Inequalities in the world of work: the effects
of the crisis
Damian Grimshaw (PI),
Anthony Rafferty
European Commission
(FP6) (€50k)
Network of Excellence, Reconciling Work
and Welfare in Europe (RECWOWE)
Colette Fagan – with Claire
Annesley, Pierre Walthery
(coordinated by Bouget at
Maison des Sciences de
l’Homme Nantes)
European Foundation
The impact of emerging forms of inter-firm
relationships on employment and working
Damian Grimshaw, Mick
Marchington, Jill Rubery
(Coordinated by IES)
Leverhulme Trust
Social inclusion, Migration and Unions in
the EU
Miguel Martinez Lucio (PI),
Heather Connolly
N8 Northern Way
Consortium of
Labour Market Demographics Project (£8K)
Anthony Rafferty and Jill
Research-related consultancy/ knowledge transfer
Client organization
World Bank
Labour market flexibility and women’s employment
Jill Rubery
UK Commission for
Employment and Skills
Expert panel member plus paper on Women and
Jill Rubery and
Anthony Rafferty
International Labour
Low wage work and low wage workers
European Foundation
for the Improvement of
Living and Working
Recent changes in the structure of jobs in Europe
Grimshaw (with
Hugo Figueiredo)
3. STAFFING (from the 3 schools, MBS, SED and SoSS)
Research Associates:
Ms. Marilyn Carroll
Dr. Heather Connolly (until August 2010)
Mr. Hugo Figueiredo (part-time)
Ms. Lorrie Marchington (part-time)
Dr. Stephen Mustchin
Dr. Anthony Rafferty
Ms. Claire Shepherd (until August 2010)
Dr. Nirit Shimron (until January 2010)
Dr. Liz Smith
Mr. Sebastian Ugarte (part-time)
Associated Faculty
Teaching Staff:
Dr. Claire Annesley
Professor Colette Fagan
Dr. Vanessa Gash
Professor Damian Grimshaw
Dr. Gail Hebson
Professor Miguel Martinez Lucio
Professor Mick Marchington
Dr. Anne McBride
Professor Jill Rubery
Professor Kevin Ward
Associated External
Academic Staff:
Professor Dominique Anxo (University of Växjö, Sweden)
Professor Eileen Appelbaum (Rutgers, USA)
Professor Rosemary Batt (Cornell, USA)
Professor Gerhard Bosch (IAQ, Germany)
Professor Sanford Jacoby (Anderson School of Management, UCLA)
Dr Steffen Lehndorf (IAQ, Germany)
Professor Janneke Plantenga (University of Utrecht and University of Groningen)
Dr. Mark Smith (Grenoble Ecole de Management)
ESRC or MBS studentships:
Sara Chaudhry (MBS graduate teaching assistant
Katharine Jones (CASE with REC, SED)
Jennifer Watts (CASE with Adecco, SED)
Hayley Limmer (joint CCSR & sociology)
Helen Norman (joint CCSR & sociology)
Pierre Walthery (joint CCSR & sociology)
Overseas government
Fatima Maria de Jesus Assunçâo (sociology)
Abril Santana (sociology)
Sebastian Ugarte (MBS)
Post doctoral fellows
Leen Vandercastle (mentored by CCSR/Sociology)
Daiga Kamerade (mentored by CCSR/Sociology)
Research visits:
Dean Royles, NHS North West Strategic Authority (Sept 2009)
Josep Banyuls, University of Valencia (Oct 2009)
Laszlo Neuman, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Oct 2009)
Danijel Nestić, Institute of Economics, Zagreb (Oct 2009)
Gerhard Bosch, Director of IAQ, Duisberg-Essen University (Oct 2009)
Claudia Weinkopf, Duisberg-Essen University (Oct 2009)
Andrew Chapman, DGV, European Commission (Oct 2009)
John Monks, Head of ETUC (March 2010)
EWERC seminar series:
3 December 2009
(joint with CCSR)
Luc Cloutier, Statistical Office of
Studying job quality using a new typology application to Quebec
27 January 2010
Paul Copeland, University of
The EU Services Directive: Myth, Reality and
the East / West Divide
10 February 2010
Deirdre McCann, University of
The working time of domestic workers:
regulation at the international leve
27 April 2010 (joint
with CCSR)
Marco Giesselmann, University of
Differences in the Pattern of In-Work Poverty
between Germany and Great Britain. What role
does union power play?
20 October 2010
Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff Business
Constructing Institutions – Changing
Employment Relations in Spain
1 November 2010
(joint with CCSR)
Heejung Chung, Tilburg University
Performance outcomes of working time
flexibility arrangements in establishments
across Europe: a multi-level approach
17 November 2010
Tony Edwards, Kings College London
Multinational Companies in Comparative
Context:Integration, Differentiation and
Interactions between MNCs and Nation States
08 December 2010
Ryan Lamare, Manchester Business
Employee Representation, Multinational
Companies and Institutional Context: Union
Recognition in Canada, Ireland and the United
We have continued the series of EWERC seminars designed to provide a forum for research staff and
research students working in the area of employment to present their current research and engage in critical
discussions with external speakers. Also, EWERC has continued to develop its forum for PhD students
from the Faculty of Humanities focused on comparative topics related to EWERC research strengths. The
group consist of a core of ten active members with a further 12 ‘virtual’ members.
EWERC will have a new organisational structure in place during 2010-11 based on a director and four
research theme leaders. The research themes are i) Gender, welfare and care; ii) Globalisation and
comparative employment systems; iii) Industrial relations and decent work; and iv) Managing the changing
workplace. Damian Grimshaw will continue as EWERC director during 2010-11 and discussions are
underway to appoint theme leaders.
Two new research associates will join EWERC in 2010-2011: Stefania Marino will start in December
2010 on the Leverhulme-funded project headed by Miguel Martinez Lucio; and Charlotte McClelland
joins David Holman’s EC project. Full project details for David’s project will appear in next year’s
2010-2011 will also see ongoing discussions regarding the collaborative work between EWERC and the
Fairness at Work research group. EWERC members play a leading role in this group. EWERC also
provides the hub for research staff associated with the group.
Plans for research projects over the next 3-5 years involve the following agreed and potential
 Submission to the European Commission, DG Employment, for funding to research the relationship
between procurement policies and employment conditions (multi-country, multi-sector study);
 Bid to the Centre for Workforce Intelligence (DoH funds) to research working time arrangements in
the NHS;
 Bid to the Low Pay Commission (in response to annual call for research proposals)
 Bid to either ESRC or Leverhulme Trust to fund a large-scale survey on fairness at work, following
completion of a small-scale North West survey during 2010-2011;
 Bid for case studentship(s) on impact of recession in the North West.
8. KEY-NOTE AND INVITED TALKS, Academic year 2009-2010
Colette Fagan
June 2010
Title and Institution
Three talks at the RECWOWE annual conference, Nantes: ‘Job quality, work-life
balance and gender’ (with Pierre Walthery); ‘Iindividual level working-time
adjustments between full-time and part-time working in Europe’ (with Pierre
Walthery); ‘Women's representation on company boards in the UK’ (with Nina
Teasdale and Claire Shepherd)
Damian Grimshaw
Mar 2010
Talk for the Fairness at Work Research Group, Manchester Business School:
‘Managing people in hospital networks’
Damian Grimshaw
Sept 2010
Key-note panel on Wage Inequality at the Work, Employment and Society
conference, Brighton: ‘The minimum wage and egalitarian pay bargaining’
Damian Grimshaw
Sept 2010
Key-note talk at Minimum Wage Systems and Changing Industrial Relations
conference, Brussels: ‘Comparative research evidence on minimum wage
systems and industrial relations’
Gail Hebson
Oct 2010
Talk at the Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University: ‘What
makes a ‘good’ job in the care sector?’
Miguel Martinez
Sep 2009
ESRC Seminar, Liverpool: ‘Social inclusion, unions and migration’
Miguel Martinez
Nov 2009
Talk at Warwick University: ‘The union modernisation fund’.
Miguel Martinez
May 2010
Talk at Warwick University: ‘Social inclusion, unions and migration’.
Miguel Martinez
June 2010
Talk at the University of Seville: ‘Cooperation, unions and renewal’.
Miguel Martinez
Sep 2010
Talk at the ETUC Conference, Finland: ‘Union renewal and change’.
Stephen Mustchin
Feb 2010
UCATT Vulnerable Workers Unit launch event, Derby: ‘Vulnerable workers –
issues, challenges and evaluation’
Mick Marchington
Aug 2010
Special panel at the Academy of Management conference, Montreal: ‘Ambiguities,
tensions and inconsistencies in the management of people across organisational
Jill Rubery
June 2009
Plenary roundtable at the Regulating for Decent Work conference, ILO Geneva
Jill Rubery
Jan 2010
Talk at the ETUI conference After the Crisis, Brussels
Jill Rubery
Presenter at the Staff Training conference, World Bank, Washington
Jill Rubery
Sept 2010
Plenary speaker Work, Employment and society conference Brighton
Jill Rubery
Cathie Marsh memorial lecture, ‘40 years after the Equal Pay Act’, Royal
Statistical Society and National Social Research Association, London
Jill Rubery
Paper on women and recession at ESRC funded workshop, Mapping the equality
and diversity challenges of economic crisis’, Queen Mary.
9. PUBLICATIONS (October 2009 --)
Research theme 1: Gender, welfare and care
 Books & book chapters
Anxo, D., Bosch, G. and J. Rubery (eds.) (2010) The Welfare State and Life Transitions Edward Elgar.
Anxo, D., Bosch, G. and J. Rubery (2010) ‘Shaping the lifecourse: a European perspective’, in D. Anxo, G.
Bosch and J. Rubery (eds.).
Rubery, J. (2010) ‘The UK welfare state: more than residual but still insufficient’, in D. Anxo, G. Bosch and
J. Rubery (eds.).
 Journal articles
Gash, V. (2009) ‘Sacrificing their Careers for their Families? An Analysis of the Penalty to Motherhood in
Europe’, Social Indicators Research – Special Issue, 93 (3): 569-586.
Hebson, G. (2009) ‘Renewing class analysis in studies of the workplace: a comparison of working-class
and middle-class women's aspirations and identities’, Sociology 43 (1): 27-44.
Hebson, G. and Cox, A. (2010) ‘The gendered implications of corporate value change,’ Gender, Work and
Organization, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1468-0432/earlyview.
Rubery, J. and Urwin P.(2011) ‘Bringing the employer back in: why social care needs a standard
employment relationship’, Human Resource Management Journal (published online August 2010)
 Research reports
2009 Smith, M, Plantenga, J., Bettio, F., Fagan, C. and C. Remery ‘Analysis Note: A Gender Equality
Index for the European Union’ Report for the EU Expert Group on Gender and Employment [EGGE] to
the European Commission’s Directorate of Employment and Social Affairs (DGV) – Equal Opportunities
Unit (G1), March, 30 pp; available to download at
2010 Fagan, C. ‘Analysis Note: Men and Gender Equality – tackling gender segregated family roles and
social care jobs’ Report for the EU Expert Group on Gender and Employment [EGGE] to the European
Commission’s Directorate of Employment and Social Affairs (DGV) – Equal Opportunities Unit (G1),
April, 40 pp; available to download at:
2009 Fagan, C ‘Flexible working time arrangements in the UK’ Report for the EU Expert Group on
Gender and Employment [EGGE] to the European Commission’s Directorate of Employment and Social
Affairs (DGV) – Equal Opportunities Unit (G1), Brussels, March, 26 pp.
2009 Fagan, C ‘Gender and fiscal systems in the UK’ Report for the EU Expert Group on Gender and
Employment [EGGE] to the European Commission’s Directorate of Employment and Social Affairs
(DGV) – Equal Opportunities Unit (G1), Brussels, March, 30 pp.
2009 Fagan, C. ‘National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in The National Reform
Programme for Employment’ Report for the EU Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and
Employment to the EC Directorate-General Employment and Social Affairs, Unit G1 ‘Equality between
women and men’, European Commission, Brussels. October
2010 Fagan, C. ‘Eldercare in the UK – provision and providers‘ Report for the EU Expert Group on
Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment to the EC Directorate-General Employment and Social
Affairs, Unit G1 ‘Equality between women and men’, European Commission, Brussels. March
2010 Fagan, C. ‘Lifelong learning and new skills in the UK – a gender perspective‘ Report for the EU
Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment to the EC Directorate-General Employment
and Social Affairs, Unit G1 ‘Equality between women and men’, European Commission, Brussels. June
Research theme 2: Globalisation and comparative employment systems
 Books & book chapters
G. Bosch, S. Lehndorff and J. Rubery eds. (2009) European Employment Models in Flux: A Comparison of
Institutional Change in Nine European Countries Basingstoke: Palgrave
Grimshaw, D. and Rubery, J. (forthcoming) ‘Multinational companies and the host country environment’, in
A.-W. Harzing and A. Pinnington (eds.) International Human Resource Management, 3rd edition, Sage.
Rubery, J., Grimshaw, D., Donnelly, R. and Urwin, P. (2009) ‘Revisiting the UK model: from basket case to
success story and back again?’, in G. Bosch, S. Lehndorff and J. Rubery (eds.) European Employment
Models in Flux: a Comparison of Institutional Change in Nine European Countries, Palgrave.
Méhaut, P., Berg, P., Grimshaw, D. and Jaehrling, K. (2010) ‘Cleaning and nursing in hospitals: institutional
variety and the reshaping of low wage jobs’, in J. Gautié and J. Schmitt (eds.) Low-Wage Work in the
Wealthy World, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Rubery, J. (2010) Institutionalizing the employment relationship in G. Morgan et al. ed. The Oxford
Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis OUP
Rubery, J. Simonazzi, A. and Ward, K. (2010) ‘Exploring international migration and outsourcing through
an institutional lens’, in Globalisation, labour markets and international adjustment - Essays in honour
of Palle S Andersen, BIS Papers No 50 Bank for International Settlements Basle
 Journal articles
Berrebi-Hoffmann, I., Grimshaw, D., Lallement, M. and Miozzo, M. (2010) ‘Employment challenges facing
the knowledge economy in Europe: The case of IT services’, Work Organisation, Labour and
Globalisation, 4 (1): 84-103.
Grimshaw, D. and Lehndorff, S. (2010) ‘Anchors for job quality: Sectoral systems of employment in the
European context’, Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, 4 (1): 24-40.
Grimshaw, D. and Miozzo, M. (2009) ‘New human resource management practices in knowledgeintensive service firms: the case of outsourcing and staff transfer’, Human Relations, 62 (10): 15211550.
Oscar Rodriguez Ruiz and Miguel Martinez Lucio. "The study of HRM in Spain: the Americanization of
Spanish research and the politics of denial?" International Journal of Human Resource Management 21
(2010): 18.
 Research reports
Grimshaw, D. and Rubery, J. (2010) ‘Minimum wage systems and changing industrial relations in Europe:
Comparative report’, Report prepared for the EC project ‘Minimum Wage Systems and Changing
Industrial Relations in Europe’, available at
http://www.mbs.ac.uk/research/europeanemployment/projects/ minimum-wage.aspx.
Research theme 3: Industrial relations and decent work
 Books & book chapters
Marchington, M., Waddington, J. and Timming, A. (2010), ‘Employment relations in Britain’, in Bamber,
G., Lansbury, R. and Wailes, N. (eds) (2010), International and Comparative Employment Relations,
Sydney, Allen and Unwin.
Martinez Lucio, M. (2010) ‘Labour Process and Marxist Perspectives on Employee Representation," in
Adrian Wilkinson, Paul J. Gollan, Mick Marchington, and David Lewin (eds.)The Oxford Handbook of
Participation in Organizations, Oxford: Ocford University Press.
Martinez Lucio, M. and Stuart, M. (2009) ‘Organising and Union Modernisation’,in Gregor Gall (ed.)
Union Revitalisation in Advaned Economies, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Martinez Lucio, M. and Perrett, R. (2009) ‘Strategies in Search of Structures: the Real World of
Community Unionism in Relation to Black and Minority Ethnic Workers’, in Jo McBride and Ian
Greenwood (eds.) Community Unionism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Martinez Lucio, M. and Hamann, K. (2009) ‘Trade unions and the politics of renewal in Spain in
historical context: making and enacting regulation’, in Craig Phelan (ed.) Trade Unionism since 1945,
Bern: Peter Lang.
McBride, A. and Waddington, J. (2009) ‘The Representation of Women and the Trade Union Merger
Process’ in P. Baker, J. Foley, L. Briskin (eds.) Equity: The Path to Union Renewal, Vancouver: UBC
 Journal articles
Cox, A., Marchington, M. and Suter, J. (2009) ‘Employee involvement and participation: developing the
concept of institutional embeddedness using WERS 2004’, International Journal of Human Resource
Management, 20 (10): 2150-68.
Grimshaw, D. (2010) ‘Can more inclusive wage-setting institutions improve low wage work? Pay trends
in the United Kingdom’s public-sector hospitals’, International Labour Review, 148 (4): 439-459.
Martinez Lucio, M. and Perrett, R. (2009) ‘The diversity and politics of trade union responses to minority
ethnic and migrant workers: the context of the UK’, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30: 324-347.
Martinez Lucio, M. and Perrett, R. (2009) ‘Meanings and dilemmas in community unionism: trade union
community initiatives and black and minority ethnic groups in the UK’, Work Employment Society, 23:
Perrett, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2009) ‘Trade unions and relations with Black and Minority Ethnic
community groups in the UK: The development of new alliances?’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration
Studies, 35 (8): 1295-1314.
Ward, K., C. Fagan, L. McDowell, D. Perrons, K. Ray (2010) ‘Class transformation and work-life balance in
urban Britain: the case of Manchester’ Urban Studies
 Research Reports
Grimshaw, D. (2010) ‘What do we know about low wage work and low wage workers? Analysing the
definitions, patterns, causes and consequences in international perspective’ Report for the ILO. (August).
Research theme 4: Managing the changing workplace
 Books & book chapters
Grimshaw, D. and Rubery, J. (2010) ‘Pay and working time: Shifting contours of the employment
relationship’, in T. Colling and M. Terry (eds.) Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition,
Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.
Marchington, M., Hadjivassiliou, K., Cox, A. and Martin, R. (2011) ‘Employment relations across
organisational boundaries’, in Townsend, K. and Wilkinson, A. (eds), The Future of Employment
Relations. London, Palgrave.
Marchington, M. and Timming, A. (2010) ‘Participation across organisational boundaries’, in Wilkinson
et al. (eds.).
Wilkinson, A,. Gollan, P., Marchington, M. and Lewin, D. (eds) (2010) The Oxford Handbook of
Participation in Organisations, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
 Journal articles
Marchington, M., Rubery, J. and Grimshaw, D. (2011) ‘Alignment, integration and consistency in HRM
across multi-employer networks’, Human Resource Management, 50 (in press)
Grimshaw, D., Rubery, J. and Marchington, M. (2010) ‘Managing people across hospital networks in the
UK: Multiple employers and the shaping of HRM’, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (4): 407423.
Grimshaw, D. and Miozzo, M. (2009) ‘New human resource management practices in knowledgeintensive service firms: the case of outsourcing and staff transfer’, Human Relations, 62 (10): 15211550.
Rubery, J., Marchington, M., Grimshaw, D. (2009) ‘Working under different rules: the complexities of
working across organizational boundaries’, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2 (3):
Research Reports
Rubery, J., Grimshaw, D. and M. Marchington (2010) ‘Blurring boundaries and disordering hierarchies:
challenges for employment and skills in networked organisations’, PRAXIS paper No. 6 (June), UK
Commission for Employment and Skills.