STUDY UNfair Play > Breaking the International Isolation of Sports MAY 2010, PRISHTINA Author: Hajrulla Çeku Editor in chief: Ylli Hoxha Editor: Besa Luci Researchers: Besa Luci Driton Syla Ardian Arifaj Design: Trembelat Contact + 381 38 221 881 “This publication was made possible thanks to the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES). Its content is the responsibility of Foreign Policy Club and cannot be considered as the view of FES.” STUDY UNfair Play Breaking the International Isolation of Sports MAY 2010, PRISHTINA UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations 5 Executive Summary 6 Introduction / Current situation 7 I. Kosova sports vis-à-vis internationalization 8 II. Fallbacks and isolation 9 Losses 9 Internal organization 10 The impact of politics 11 ...and the human dimension 12 III. Possible options 14 Option 1 – Sports, a measure of good will 14 Option 2 – Sports arbitrage after rejection (case of Gibraltar) 14 Option 3 –Utilizing UNMIK 15 Option 4 – Participation in the Albanian Football League (case of Monaco) 15 Option 5 – Provisional solutions IV. Recommendations 17 For the Kosova State Institutions 17 For the Olympic Committee and Sports Federations 18 For the International Institutions in Kosova 18 For the Civil Society Sources 4 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB 15 18 19 Annex – Overview of membership in international sports federations 23 About the Foreign Policy Club 26 Abbreviations CEFTA – Central European Free Trade Agreement FIVB – International Volleyball Federation CEV – European Volleyball Confederation IAAF – International Association of Athletics Fe- EHF – European Handball Federation deration EJU – European Judo Union IHF – International Handball Federation ESC – European Shooting Confederation IJF – International Judo Federation ETF – European Tennis Federation ISSF – International Shooting Sports Federation ETTU – European Table Tennis Union ITTF – International Table Tennis Federation ETU – European Taekwondo Union IWF – International Weightlifting Federation EWF – European Weightlifting Federation BC – Basketball Club KBF – Kosova Basketball Federation KOC – Kosova Olympic Committee FIBA – International Basketball Federation IOC– International Olympic Committee FIFA – International Football Federation MCYS – Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports FILA – International Federation of Associated MFA – Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wrestling Styles UN – United Nations FINA – International Swimming Federation UCI – International Cycling Union FIS – International Skiing Federation UEFA – European Football Union FITA – International Archery Federation UNMIK – United Nations Mission in Kosova KWF – Kosova Wrestling Federation WTF – World Taekwondo Federation KSSF – Kosova Shooting Sports Federation KJF – Kosova Judo Federation FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 5 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS Executive Summary In his Report for UNMIK, in January 5, dimensions: losses (mainly financial), in- 2010, the UN Secretary General calls for a ternal organization (Olympic Committee, flexibility in finding a “modus operandi” sports federations and state institutions), for the participation of Kosova in regio- influence of politics (Serbia, lobbying) 1 nal and international mechanisms . On and the human dimension (KB Universi- the other hand, European Commission’s teti, Majlinda Kelmendi). Progress Report for Serbia for 2009 calls Notwithstanding the numerous for finding a pragmatic solution to enable obstacles to the internationalization of Kosova’s participation in regional initia- Kosova sports, some actions could be 2 tives . The Foreign Policy Club, through also undertaken in the current circum- this study, makes a proposition to pro- stances. This study provides for five po- mote sports as a measure of good will to ssibilities for actions: Sport, a measure ease the relations between Kosova and of a good will (between Kosova and Ser- Serbia. Kosova’s state institutions should bia), Sport Arbitrage after rejection (case include the issue of sports in the agenda of Gibraltar), Use of UNMIK, Participation of future talks between the two countri- in the Football Albanian League (case of es, with the specific request to remove Monaco), and temporary solutions (pri- the practical obstacles imposed by Ser- vate leagues, white flag). bia to the membership of Kosova’s fede- Recommendations are to politicize rations in the international ones. Serbia the issue of sports internationalization, should show its readiness for cooperati- develop a strategy for this purpose, to on, leaving aside its preventive politics have an international lobbying for admi- tion of the UN for the Security towards the internationalization of Koso- ssion to international federations, to put Council on the International va sports, as concrete evidence that it is international pressure against Serbia in Mission for Interim Administra- interested in resolving the technical issu- order to withdraw its blockades, increa- tion in Kosovo, 5 January 2010, es between the two countries. se the quality of the internal organization 1 Report of the Secretary Genera- Kosova has a negative balance in the of sport institutions, to have a civil soci- UNDOC/GEN/N09/668/87/PDF/ internationalization of it sports. As of to- ety pressure against the domestic insti- N0966887.pdf?OpenElement day, only two Olympic sport federations tutions to prioritize sports, to promote of Kosova have gained full membership pressure sport as a profitable business, to in international federations, and in other enhance and complement the sport-rela- 2009 Progress Report, 14.10.2009, cases, membership is conditioned to limi- ted legislation, to attract sponsors, etc. ted rights and the provision of an obser- olacrf/20091014Elarg/SR_Rap- ver status. This study shows the shortfalls port_to_press_13_10.pdf and isolation of the Kosova sport in four 2 European Commission, Serbia 6 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB Introduction > Current Situation to ministries in form of percentages, it is 8,0 in very difficult conditions, under the per- only the sports budget is calculated in Eu- 4,0 manent threat from the occupier’s police ros (see Figure 1 below). Compared with 0,0 force. Under such discouraging circumstan- Serbia, which has allocated nearly €38 mi- ces, the debate or the possibility for an in- llion for its Ministry of Youth and Sports for ternationalization of sports was almost 20103, Kosova has invested ten times less unimaginable. At the time, internationali- in sports. Since its functioning, the Kosova zation was exclusively linked to the natio- Assembly has never discussed on the issue nal and political cause of Kosova. Another of sports. Only a few sports federations ha- rather difficult period for the Kosova sports ve achieved membership in international was the postwar period until the declarati- federations, mostly with limited rights or on of Kosova’s independence. During this as observer members. The women’s vo- period, the international UN administrati- lleyball club Drita from Gjilan, a few days on had exclusive competencies in all areas prior to their journey to France to play a fri- of governance. Consequently, the interna- endly match (with an invitation by the Fren- tionalization of sports, as a foreign policy ch Volleyball Federation) was informed on activity, relied on UNMIK’s mercy. While the cancelation of the match after an inter- the international administration was not vention by a Serbian official in the Interna- 3 even slightly concerned on the issue of tional Volleyball Federation. This year, in Law on the Budget of the Republic sports and Kosova athletes, the local go- February, Canada’s Vancouver was host of of Serbia for 2010 http://www. vernments had put internationalization of the Winter Olympic Games, and certainly sports at the bottom of their policy priori- Kosova, again, wasn’t represented in this akta/akta_detalji.asp?Id=769&t=Z# ties. Such disappointment followed sports major event. The Kosova sports and, con- (reviewed on 11.04.2010) even after the country’s independence on sequently, the Kosova economy lose milli- 17 February 2008. The utopia of 100 im- ons every year as a result of sports lack of 4 mediate recognitions had an effect in the internationalization. Above all, it is the Ko- of Kosovo, Ministry of Economy efforts to internationalize sports, declaring sova athletes that suffer the most, and pay and Finance, Budget of the that membership of Kosova sports federa- this isolation with stagnation in their pro- Republic of Kosovo for 2010 tions in the international ones would be fessional career development. 2012 12,0 a parallel activity, and it was carried out 2011 16,0 Today, while state budget is allocated 2010 of the priorities’ list for the state of Kosova. 2009 As any other political and economic activity, Kosova sport in the 1990s was also Figure 1. Budget of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (2009 and 2010) and projections for 2011 and 20104 Popular Parliament of Serbia, the Government of the Republic a closed issue with automatism. Certainly, download/buxheti-i-konsoliduar- neither the former nor the latter happened. i-kosoves/2010/2365-buxheti-i-re- Even after these periods and political deve- publikes-se-kosoves-per-vitin-2010 lopments sports is still in the very bottom (reviewed on 11.04.2010) FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 7 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS I. Kosova sports vis-à-vis internationalization Kosova is yet to adopt a strategy for the Kosova Tennis Federation, which Sports Internationalization. The Ministry doesn’t specify any reason for rejecting of Culture, Youth and Sports is in the fi- the membership application. In another nal drafting phase of the Sports Strategy, case, the International Shooting Federa- which, inter alia, also includes the issue tion, has reasoned the rejection of the of internationalization. Thus, efforts for membership request of the Kosova Sho- internationalization remain individual, oting Federation with the criteria to first unorganized, without the proper sup- become members in IOC and UN, criteria port, and consequently with rather poor which have entered into force on 1 Janu- results. As of today, only a few federati- ary 2009, while the KSF’s application was ons gained membership to international first submitted on 2004 (first application) federations. In most cases this member- and April 2008 (second application). Ko- ship is conditioned with limited rights, sova has currently only two Olympic fede- and the provision of an observer status. rations with full and equal membership On the other hand, the Kosova Olympic rights in international federations: Ko- Committee is yet to gain membership in sova Ping-Pong Federation and Kosova the International Olympic Committee, as Weightlifting Federation. Kosova Sport a precondition for this is international re- is still in a miserable condition, waiting cognition of five Olympic federations of for internationalization5. Kosova. Efforts of the Kosova federations in internationalization have not shown desired results. While a certain number of rejections for membership in international federations are due to Kosova’s incomplete international recognition (and not being a member of the UN), other reasons for rejection are related to the Kosova Olympic Committee’s lack of membership in the IOC, non-fulfillment of the technical and procedural criteria for applicatiPlease find a detailed overview on, and also include rejections without a of applications and memberships clear reference. Part of the latter category in international federations in the is the negative answer of the European Annex of this analysis Tennis Federation to the application of 5 8 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB II. Fallbacks and isolation International isolation is a high cost in international championships, the Ko- to the Kosova sports. Many questions sova clubs have lost millions of Euros in remain unaddressed properly, from res- revenues as a result of its isolation for ponsibilities of state institutions, to our a decade. A good example is the FIFA’s professional preparations to face with GOAL Program6, which allocates millions the sports international level. On the ot- of Euros every year to help countries wi- her hand, financial losses from non-par- th undeveloped (football) infrastructure. ticipation in international competitions, Kosova is not a beneficiary of this pro- though without an accurate calculation, gram. While the majority of less develo- reach millions. There two reasons men- ped countries secure funds by investing tioned in the debate on the isolation of in new generations of athletes and pro- the Kosova sports: poor internal organi- fits from their “exports”, in Kosova tens zation of local institutions (KOC, sports of athletes are transferred every year to federations, sport clubs and the Ministry foreign clubs without any compensation of Sports) and the influence of politics – due to non-recognition of the Kosova (obstacles posed by Serbia, the politi- clubs certificates by international federa- cal status issue, etc.). The best indicators tions. Kosova has a very high percentage of the damages caused to Kosova as a of youth, and when developed countri- consequence of this international sports es have started to age, “cultivating and isolation are the regional countries and exporting” athletes could become a very their successes and profits from parti- profitable business for the Kosova’s eco- cipating in international competitions. nomy in general. Countries such as Montenegro (recently When adding the aspect of inter- independent), Macedonia, Albania, and nal revenues (tickets, television rights, even Bosnia and Herzegovina (with si- other sales) which would naturally in- milar political problems with Kosova) crease when organizing international are using sports to also improve their matches, we can conclude that a deter- country’s international image. mining factor of the miserable financial situation of the Kosova sports is isolation. Losses Selling television rights is a rather profi- Losses to Kosova and its sports can be table dimension in sports. “...amount of categorized in two levels: first, financial television rights for the Olympic Games losses, which are vast. Taking into acco- has increased from €308 million for the 6 unt the financial incentives of internati- Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984, to onal federations for participatory clubs €1.4 billion for the Games in Sydney in goalprogramme/index.html FIFA’s GOAL Program http://img. FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 9 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS II. Fallbacks and isolation 179* > Britaina 2000. In 1992, broadcasters paid €434 mi- authority for sports policies and its deve- 98 > Italy llion for the television rights of the En- lopment, followed by sports federations, 91 > Spain glish Premier League for five seasons. In sport clubs, Ministry of Sports and other 85 > Germany 2000 they paid €2.6 billion for three se- state departments (e.g. Ministry of Fore- 7 52 > France asons.” While playing for the Trocal Re- ign Affairs). Kosova Olympic Committee 28 > Croatia gional League, RTK had paid €50,000 to continues to have very limited capacities, 8,5 > Greece BC Universiteti for the rights to broadcast while sports federations show a chronic 8,1 > Poloand the matches. The annual budget of the inability to overcome the challenges of 3,5 > North America club for this period was over €200,000, an internal organization for competitions 2,9 > Belgium and today they barely can keep the club in the national level. Sport clubs, save for 2,9 > Australia alive for one championship. a few, are in a permanent struggle for a fi- Furthermore, internationalization nancial existence, and their entire efforts 0,4 > Canada would have a direct effect in increasing are ended with the completion of a year’s 0,2 > Cyprus the number of donors and sponsors, lo- national championship competition. The * million euros cal and international, for Kosova’s sport Ministry of Sports is still using the lack of 2 > Island 8 Table 1. Television rights, UEFA Champions clubs . These revenues would automati- sufficient funds as an alibi for progress cally imply investments in sports infra- and better results in the internationaliza- structure, which currently doesn’t meet tion of sports. Meanwhile, the Ministry of the basic criteria for organizing a normal Foreign Affairs, with the exception of one match. Above all, losses are also suffered meeting organized with the accredited to a personal level. Hundreds and thou- Ambassadors in Prishtina, hasn’t inclu- sands of athlete’s careers are vanished, ded the internationalization of the Koso- being only limited to the Kosova terri- va sports is in its priority policies. League for the 2009-2010 season (per country) Source: FootBiz index.php?action=article&id_article=422489 tory. Several young and experienced A permanent problem of the Kosova basketball referees, who would be con- sports is the need to refresh the sports tion: Broadcasting Rights of sidered as valuable assets in any other federations’ management staff. A lar- Sports Events http://ec.europa. country, are not allowed to attend inter- ge portion of federation managers ha- eu/competition/speeches/text/ national training for referees, and as a ve retained their positions for nearly two sp2002_008_en.pdf result, they cannot take the tests for in- decades. The paper “Monarchs of sport ternational certification of referees. federations” provides evidences of long 7 8 Schaub, Sports and Competi- stays in top positions in sport federati- Law on Sponsorships is in the drafting phase for a long period. Internal organization ons, thus posing an obstacle for the intro- This law is considered as a proper In the hierarchy of the institutions duction of new staff and new governance incentive for attracting invest- and organizations of a country, the Ol- mentality in the Kosova sports9. In additi- ments in sports ympic Committee is the top responsible on, an element of fragmentation is seen 10 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB These statutes require that a member should be recognized by the international community, and since Kosova has already reached recognition by nearly one third of the world countries, it leaves room for different interpretations... in the Kosova sport federations, which had stated: “These statutes require that creates tensions among different groups a member should be recognized by the which aim to administer federations. international community, and since Kosova has already reached recognition by Impact of politics nearly one third of the world countries, Kosova Basketball Federation has it leaves room for different interpreta- proved that it is serious in its efforts to tions on whether Kosova meets the cri- 10 gain membership in FIBA . Every neces- teria of international recognition. It is sary lobbying and procedural action for here that politics come into play. Un- membership in FIBA has been underta- fortunately... it would be naïve to say ken immaculately by the KBF officials. that the political aspect has not impact, Moreover, basketball is considered as and it always depends on individuals. 9 the most successful sport in Kosova in Serbia is very active in protecting its in- federations, 01.03.2010 http:// the recent years. However, this Federa- terests, and in sports it is much repre-,4 tion hasn’t received an official respon- sented. This is another obstacle.”13 The 2,13336&sqr=monark%EBt se from the international federation on engagement of Serbia to preclude inter- its application. During his visit in a fact- nationalization of Kosova sports is not 10 finding mission in Kosova, Mr. Lubomir a secret activity, as the Serbian Strategy tion ( Kotleba, Sportive Director in FIBA, clear- for the Sports Development specifically ly described the sports reality of Kosova: speaks of preventive and hindering acti- 11 “As far as basketball is concerned, you ons against Kosova’s efforts to interna- Kosovo in international sports don’t need to do anything more”11, ad- tionalize sports. federations, http://en.wikipedia. Koha Ditore, Monarchs of sport International Basketball Federa- Wikipedia, Membership of ding that membership in FIBA is a poli- The political dimension of the inter- tical issue. In addition to the active role nationalization of sports is also linked vo_in_international_sports_ of Serbia in preventing internationaliza- with a very practical detail. Looking at federations#cite_note-13 tion of Kosova sports, and reasons such representation in executive boards of in- as UN membership, secret agreements ternational federations (including the In- 12 between IOC12 and international fede- ternational Olympic Committee) based tee ( rations, the influence of Russia in the- on countries of origin of its members, se federations, are often mentioned as we can see a significant presence of co- 13 the source of isolation. In an interview untries that have recognized Kosova’s to the Internationalization of for a Foreign Policy Club documentary independence. Although representati- Kosovo Sports (Documentary), In- on the challenges of the Kosova sports on and voting in these bodies is not lin- terview with Mr. Lucas Beglinger, internationalization, the Swiss Ambas- ked with politics and official positions of Swiss Ambassador in Kosovo, sador in Kosova, Mr. Lucas Beglinger, countries of origin of its members, one 12.02.2010 org/wiki/Membership_of_Koso- International Olympic Commit- Foreign Policy Club, Challenges FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 11 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS II. Ngecjet dhe izolimi 14 Republic of Serbia, Ministry form of pressure, however, could be put uraging experience for the basketball through national institutional channels. players of BC Universiteti. Two of the Best proof that political channels can most distinguished players of the club, unblock political obstacles for interna- Elvira Dushku and Teuta Abdullahu, in- tionalization is certainly the Serbian stead of finding themselves in the tran- Strategy and its role to block the inter- sfer lists for European clubs, they are nationalization of Kosova sports. On the now pursuing new careers. They said other hand, Kosova institutions still con- their goodbyes to sports immediately sider sports as being outside of politics, after being excluded from regional the thus, not only having a direct affect in league. On the other hand, our coun- this sector, but rather with a Kosova-wi- try has, unofficially and mainly due to de impact. Overcoming this situation is personal influences, won a world gold only possible with international pressu- medal in the junior Judo competition. re against Serbia to withdraw its practi- The talented Kosova judoka, Majlinda cal blockades against Kosova attempts Kelmendi16, has proven that if given a to internationalization, specifically for chance, Kosova athletes can prove them- membership international sports fede- selves worthy of international competiti- rations. on. Though her name was not followed with the representative country and a of Youth and Sports http://www. ...and the human dimension state flag, Majlinda, nevertheless, is the One of the most important events best example as to how to think of the dex&req=viewsdownload&sid=1 in the Kosova sports in the last decade human dimension of athletes, whose (reviewed on 11.04.2010) was the participation of the (women’s) sportive careers should not be kept ho- Basketball Club ‘Universiteti’ in the Re- stage of political problems between co- 15 Republic of Serbia, Ministry gional Trocal League. Though a private untries. of Youth and Sports http://www. league, having a regional competition was an excellent possibility for Kosova dload&name=Downloads&file=in clubs, which weren’t challenged beyond dex&req=viewsdownload&sid=1 Kosova borders. This adventure, howe- (reviewed on 11.04.2010) ver, lasted only one year, as with the in- dload&name=Downloads&file=in crease of the number of participating 16 More on Majlinda Kelmendi clubs in this league, came a request and an explicit condition of Serbian clubs to uk/?factfile/view/42942/majlin- exclude the Kosova club. Returning to da_kelmendi the domestic competition was a disco- 12 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB Area Objective Activity Responsible institution – Funding SPORTS LEGISLATION Support provided in maintain- Legal and advisory assistance Ministry of Youth and Sports, ing the position of Serbia in for state federations in pre- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international sports organiza- venting possible membership Sports League of Serbia, Ser- tions of the Autonomous Province bian Olympic Committee of Kosova and Metohija in international sports organiza- No additional funds are tions planned for these activities Table 2. Serbian Strategy for the Sports Development 2009 - 201314 Objective Activity Indicator Responsible Funding Timeframe authority Support provid- Legal and advi- -number of Ministry of Youth This activity ed to maintain sory assistance for consultations and Sports, Min- doesn’t require the position of the state federa- developed istry of Foreign any additional Serbia in inter- tions to prevent Affairs, Sports budget national sports possible member- League of Serbia, organizations ship of sports Serbian Olympic federations of the Committee 2009 – ongoing so-called Republic of Kosova in international sports organizations Table 3. Sport Strategy Implementation Action Plan in the Republic of Serbia 2009 - 201315 FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 13 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS III. Possible options The debate on Kosova sport interna- the practical obstacles against Kosova’s tionalization is not a predominant de- membership in international sports fede- bate in the Kosova society and politics. rations. Serbia should show its readiness Furthermore, when having this debate, for cooperation, by eliminating the pre- it is not done in a structural manner. Wi- ventive practices against membership of th the exception of some private initi- Kosova federations to international ones. atives, which are lost in our clamorous political and social days, two years after Option 2 – Sports arbitrage after the declaration of independence, sports rejection (case of Gibraltar) continues to be an issue for junior state Gibraltar is an autonomous territory officials. Thus, the debate on alternative of Great Britain, and even though it is (temporary) options, in the absence of not an independent country and covers a permanent solution, is not developed. a small surface, it has proven greatly com- Foreign Policy Club, through conferen- petent in facing international sports fede- ces on sports internationalization, in ad- rations. Gibraltar has 11 Olympic sports dition to keeping this debate alive, aims federations, including many sports fede- to provide possible options to challenge rations that are admitted in internatio- this international isolation. nal federations. The case of its Football Federation is more specific, since mem- Option 1 – Sports, a bership in UEFA was subjected to Article measure of good will 5 (amended in the meantime) of UEFA’s The recent international messages to statute, which stipulates that members Kosova and Serbia are on the flexibility to this entity may be federations of in- for a regional cooperation and integrati- dependent countries, while this require- on. These messages aim to find practical ment did not exist earlier. The Gibraltar solutions for the disputed issues between Football Federation decided not to take the two countries. Sports can serve as the UEFA rejection for granted and de- an important moment of the relations manded arbitration on the issue by the between Kosova and Serbia, if they are Court of Arbitration for Sport17. The case promoted as a measure of a good will. won in this Court represents a very strong To prove the good will of both countries precedent for other cases, including the in seeking practical solutions, Kosova in- Kosova sports federations which take the stitutions should bring forward to the fu- rejections as concluded matters. ture talks agenda the issue of sports, with specific requests for Serbia to remove 14 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB Option 3 – Utilizing UNMIK ble options for Kosovar sports is to anal- Other than one letter sent by SRSG Jo- yze legal and technical requirements for achim Rucker to the president of the In- participating, with one or more Kosovar ternational Olympic Committee on the clubs, in the Albanian national football possibility of Kosova’s participation in league. Such participation would stimula- international sports events18, UNMIK did te an improvement of the quality and a fi- not undertake any substantial actions nancial contribution for Kosova football, towards the internationalization of Ko- while at the same time opening the pa- sovar sports. The CEFTA agreement and th for Kosovar clubs to gain the right to Kosova’s membership, through UNMIK, compete in European football cups and in this regional initiative, may serve as competitions, certainly pending their su- a good model and precedent for facili- ccesses in this league. The possibility for tating membership processes in interna- similar options for other sports should tional sports federations. On the other be further explored, while football could hand, the UN Secretary General appoin- serve as an initial project of a long and ted a Special Sports Envoy, which is alre- multiple step process. ady notified on the Kosova case and may act as a facilitator in contacts with inter- Option 5 – Provisional solutions national federations and the Internatio- There are many other forms for bre- nal Olympic Committee. UNMIK is an ever aking international isolation in sports. present opportunity, and its utilization in First of all, sports federations and clu- sports internationalization is entirely de- bs should remain maximally engaged in pendent on the will and interest of Koso- arranging games of friendly character wi- va state institutions. th other countries. These games, which could be further perfected through par- 17 Option 4 – Participation in the Albani- ticipation in informal international tour- nal Arbitral du Sport - http://www. an Football League (case of Monaco) naments, represent a strong motivation Monaco Football Club, of the state of for athletes and often a strong political Monaco, competes in the first league of message on the obstacles faced by sports. 18 the French football championship. More- The case of Majlinda Kelmendi, the Ko- and the official response of IOC over, the successes reached in the Fren- sovar judo competitor that won a world was “NOT diplomatic”. Unof- ch national league gave FC Monaco the gold medal although she did not present ficially, after this letter, IOC has opportunity to represent France in Euro- herself as a Kosovar athlete, represents immediately contacted the UNMIK pean club football competitions (such as another transitional solution which co- officials to state that nothing can the Champions League). One of the possi- uld be used by other athletes and sports be done fro the moment For more information see Tribu- The letter was sent in end 2007, FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 15 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS III. Possible options until the political issues are resolved. The bership and representation in internatio- participation of these athletes (mostly in nal federations even if the status of fully individual disciplines) under the Olympic fledged members cannot be obtained flag or the flag of the respective interna- immediately. Membership with limited tional federation, would make possible rights of a number of Kosovar federati- individual athlete internationalization, ons, as proven to date, provides a good until full internationalization of sports fe- opportunity for sports clubs to take part derations is realized. Above all, Kosova in official European club competitions. sports federations should fight for mem- 16 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB IV. Recommendations For Kosova state institutions groups/departments responsible for the > The Government of Kosova (MCYS implementation of the sports internatio- and MFA), in cooperation with the sports nalization strategy. This process should community, should draft a common stra- include diplomatic representatives of co- tegy on the matter of sports internationa- untries like Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, lization. This issue should be treated as a etc. in Kosova. matter of urgency by the Government of > The lobbying process should include Kosova. IOC membership respectively the engagement of active and globally renown participation of Kosovar athletes in the athletes, retired athletes and athletes who- 2012 Olympics should be determined as se penetrability in right places could play a fundamental objectives of this strategy, significant role, > The country’s institutions should > The country’s institutions should immediately assist sports federations, in work in mobilizing international represen- financial and administrative aspects, in ful- tatives in finding ways to integrate Kosovar filling the necessary criteria for application sports federations in respective internati- in international federations. Special focus onal federations. The support from frien- should be placed on federations that ha- dly states should be officially requested, ve realistic possibilities for obtaining mem- more intensely than until now, to support bership, in order for Kosova to accomplish in sports internationalization and in mo- the prerequisite for IOC application, name- bilizing their administrative sportive ca- ly the admittance of five Olympic federati- pacities to support Kosova’s membership ons. Allocation of a special budget for this endeavors, process should be considered, > The Quint and other EU member sta- > “Politicization” of the issue of Koso- tes should be asked to assist in ‘convincing’ var sports internationalization. The issue of the Government of Serbia – considered the sports internationalization should be trea- inheritor of Yugoslavia since its disintegra- ted as an integral part of the lobbying for tion – to lift the blockade placed over Koso- the recognition of Kosova’s independence var sports internationalization, and its membership in international orga- > The Assembly of Kosova should nizations, thus becoming part of the offi- approve a resolution to demand lifting of cial Kosovar agenda and pressure applied the blockade for Kosovar sports internati- by all Kosovar officials towards the frien- onalization. dly states and other international forums, > The Government should allocate specific funding and appoint individuals/ FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 17 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS IV. Recommendations For the Olympic Committee should represent one of the priorities of and Sports Federations these institutions, since they are able to > Along with the demands for full establish communication channels and memberships, the sports internationali- facilitate the procedures of application zation strategy should encompass transi- of Kosovar federations for membership tional arrangements (such as competing in international federations, under Olympic/European flags, compe- > Facilitation of sports promotion ting at club level, usage of the right of fri- processes, as a measure of good will endly states for common competitions, between Kosova and Serbia. etc.). These arrangements should be applicable in cases of failure to exert the fundamental demands, For the civil society > Civil society organizations in Kosova > Immediate engagement in develo- should apply greater pressure over Koso- ping professional capacities, with special va state institutions to prioritize the issue emphasis on the administrative scope, in of sports internationalization, order to professionally prepare the formal > Civil society organizations, along basis for application and eventual mem- with sports federations and the Kosova bership in international federations, Olympic Committee (which also enjoy the > The rejection of the applications for status of NGOs) should promote the be- membership in international federations nefits that Kosova will enjoy from sports does not represent the end of the proce- internationalization, ss. In certain cases, it may in fact be the > Civil society organizations, along beginning of the journey. Arbitration for with sports federations and the Kosova sport is a real and rather important ave- Olympic Committee, should apply gre- nue to be used in the journey towards at pressures and provide alternatives re- membership in international federations. garding the completion of the necessary legal infrastructure to encompass inter- For international institutions in Kosova > International institutions and missions with executive authorities in Kosova should prove les negligent towards sports and should treat it first of all as a political problem, > Kosovar sports internationalization 18 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB national sports. FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 19 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS Sources European Commission, Serbia 2009 Progress Report, 14.10.2009, Foot Biz, Television Rights, UEFA Champions League, season 2009-2010 (country based) Interview with Mr. Erolld Belegu, President of the Kosova Basketball Federation, 26 March 2010 Interview with Mr. Besim Hasan, President of the Kosova Olympic Committee, 26 March 2010 Interview with an UNMIK official, 30 April 2010 Judo Inside, Majlinda Kelmendi Foreign Policy Club, Kosova’s admission in International Sports Institutions “Distribution of Sports Files”, Prishtina, 26 January 2009 Foreign Policy Club, Challenges of Kosovar Sports Internationalization (documentary), Prishtina, 12 February 2010 Koha Ditore, Monarchs of Sports Federations, 01.03.2010,42,13336&sqr=monark%EBt Kohavision, Specialized Basketball Program “Asist” National Serbian Parliament, Law on the Budget of Republic of Serbia for 2010 GOAL Programme of the International Football Federation - FIFA The Government of Republic of Kosova, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Budget 20 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB Sources of the Republic of Kosova for 2010 Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Strategy for Sports Development in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2009 – 2013 Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for Sports Development in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2009 – 2013 file=index&req=viewsdownload&sid=1 Schaub, Alexander, Sports and Competition: Broadcasting Rights of Sports Events, Madrid, 26 February 2002 Tribunal Arbitral du Sport, Arbitration CAS 2002/O/410 The Gibraltar Football Association (GFA)/Union des Associations Europeennes de Football (UEFA), award of 7 October 2003 – United Nations, Security Council, Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosova, 5 January 2010, Wikipedia, Membership of Kosova in international sports federations, http:// federations#cite_note-13 FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 21 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS Annex – Overview of membership in international sports federations (Kosova Olympic federations) 19 Nr. 01 Federation Application for membership Membership criterion of international in international federation recognition (statutory) Kosova Athletics Federation IAAF (International Association of Athletics There are no state recognition criteria, only Fed- Federations) at end-2008 erations that organize competitions in a respec- tive state or territory. However, since 1 January 2006, IAAF decided not to accept territories 02 Kosova Basketball Federation Last application on 1 December 2009 in FIBA (In- ship in the UN There is no official response to ternational Basketball Federation) the last application (silence). KBF applied several times earlier to FIBA KOC membership in IOC and Kosova’s member- 03 Kosova Boxing Federation 1. The last application in April 2010 to AIBA (In- There are no state recognition criteria, only ternational Boxing Association) Federations that organize competitions in a 2. Admission in AIBA means automated admis- respective state or territory sion to EABA (European Boxing Association) 04 05 Kosova Cycling Federation On 14 March 2008 in UCI (International Cycling There are no state recognition criteria, only Union) Federations that organize competitions in a respective state or territory Kosova Football Federation To FIFA (International Football Federation) on 30 FIFA statute demands the state to be internation- April 2008 ally recognized. UEFA statute requires membership in UN. FIFA requires UEFA’s opinion on the admission of new federations 06 Kosova Handball Federation 1. In January 2004 in EHF (European Handball Federation) Internationally recognized state (unspecified) 2. Admission in EHF means automated admission in IHF (International Handball Federation) www. 07 Kosova Wrestling Federation 1. Last application to FILA (International Wres- Membership of KOC in IOC and membership of tling Federation) in 2008 Kosova in UN 2. Admission in FILA means automated admission in CELA (European Wrestling Council) www. 08 Kosova Swimming Federation 09 Kosova Weightlifting Federation 1. In May 2008 in IWF (International Weightlift- There are no state recognition criteria, only ing Federation) Federations that organize competitions in a 2. In February 2008 in EWF (European Weightlift- respective state or territory In 2008 in FINA (International Swimming Federa- Kosova’s membership in UN tion) ing Federation) 10 Kosova Table Tennis Federation 1. In end-2002 in ITTF (International Table Tennis There are no state recognition criteria, only Federation) Federations that organize competitions in a 2. Admission in ITTF means automated admission respective state or territory in ETTU (European Table Tennis Union) www. 22 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB Application/membership Membership status Expectations response Rejection due to lack of international recognition N/A Awaiting movements in the political sphere of Kosova Twice before the application was rejected due to N/A the fact that Kosova was not a state (2007) and Awaiting the accomplishment of membership criteria to IOC and UN due to the failure of KOC to be admitted in IOC (2008) Written refusal from AIBA since KOC is not mem- N/A ber of IOC and Kosova is not a UN member Appeal fir tge second point of refusal, as the Statute of AIBA does not require the UN membership Cannot be admitted since KOC is not member of Status of member with limited rights. Only Awaiting the accomplishment of IOC member- IOC clubs and individuals, but no national team ship criterion competition Rejected since Kosova is recognized by a small N/A In end-May 2010, it is expected that the request number of states and a substantial increase of to FIFA on FFK being the sole authority for the number of recognitions should be awaited issuing international transfer certificates for Kosova players 1. Positive from the European Handball Federa- 1. Associate member if EHF Obtainment of full membership in September tion in December 2004 2. Associate member if IHF 2010 EHF Congress in Copenhagen 2. Positive from the International Handball Cannot compete with the national team and Federation in 2007 cannot use flag or anthem Positive from FILA IN September 2008 Associate member of FILA (no right to participate When KOC is admitted in IOC, FMK will become in world, European or Olympic competitions) a fully fledged member of FILA N/A Repeated application to FINA 1. Positive from the International Weightlifting 1. Fully fledged member of IWF Organization of a exhibition competition of Federation on 18 June 2008 2. Fully fledged member of EWF international character in Kosova during 2010. No official response to the application (silence) 2. Positive from the European Weightlifting Improvement of sportive and competitive quality Federation to face international competition May 2003, during the Paris Congress, Kosova Table Tennis was admitted Fully fledged member of ITTF and ETTU Improvement of sportive and competitive quality to face international competition FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 23 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS Nr. 11 12 Federation Kosova Skiing Federation Application for membership Membership criterion of international in international federation recognition (statutory) In 2006 in FIS (International Skiing Federation) There are no state recognition criteria, only Federations that organize competitions in a respective state or territory Kosova Shooting Sport Federation 1. In 2004, first application to ISSF (International ISFF demands, since 1 January 2009, membership Shooting Sport Federation), of the National Olympic Committee in IOC and in April 2008, second application to ISSF membership of the state in UN 2. In May 2008 in ESC (European Shooting Confederation) 13 14 15 Kosova Tennis Federation On 4 May 2010 in ETF (European Tennis Federa- There are no state recognition criteria, only tion) Federations that organize competitions in a respective state or territory Kosova Volleyball Federation In January 2009 in FIVB (International Volleyball Federation) and CEV (European Kosova’s membership in UN Volleyball Confederation) Kosova Judo Federation 1. Last application to EJU (European Judo Union) KOC membership in IOC in August 2009 2. Membership in EJU means automated membership in IJF (International Judo Federation) 16 17 19 Kosova Taekwondo Federation Kosova Archery Federation Application to ETU (European Taekwondo Union) There are no state recognition criteria, only and to WTF (World Federations that organize competitions in a Taekwondo Federation) respective state or territory On 17 June 2009, in FITA (International Archery There are no state recognition criteria, only Federation) Federations that organize competitions in a respective state or territory In addition to Olympic federations, Kosovo has nine other non-Olympic sports federations: Aeronautics, Automobilism, Alpinism, Bodybuild- ing, Disabilities, Karate, Kickboxing, Chess and Softball. Only the Softball Federation of Kosovo is member with full rights of the ISF, www. 24 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB Application/membership Membership status Expectations response Positive for participation in international compe- Observer FIS member, no voting rights titions 1. Written rejection since KOC is not member of The right of voting in FIS and participation in Winter Olympic Games N/A At the ISSF Assembly in July 2010, in Munich, the IOC and Kosova is not member of UN rejection reasons will be opposed, since applica- 2. Rejected since KOC is not member of EOC tion in ISSF occurred prior to the entry into force (European Olympic Committee) of the criteria for IOC and UN membership. If no success is reached, the issue can be addressed through international sport arbitration On 17 February 2010, rejection without any N/A specific reason Lobbying in political decision-making centers to overcome the Serbian and Russian blockade in ETF Cannot be admitted since Kosova is not member N/A of UN and KOC is not member of IOC Lobbying for admission in international federations through meetings with national federations Written rejection from EJU since KOC is not IJF member with limited rights (no flag), partici- Continuous reminders to EJU regarding KJF’s member of IOC pation in world competitions, competition under membership request IJF flag (temporary solution) Awaiting response N/A Membership in ETU and WTF Positive on 6 August 2009 Interim member with all rights, expect for vot- Full membership expected during the FITA ing Congress in Torino (Italy) in July 2011. FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 25 UNFAIR PLAY > BREAKING THE INTERNATIONAL ISOLATION OF SPORTS About the Foreign Policy Club Foreign Policy Club is a nongovernmental organization comprised of renowned intellectuals, politicians, and civil society activists, distinguished in foreign policy. Through an intellectual debate, the Club seeks to offer its contribution through providing recommendations for the generation of Kosova’s Foreign Policy, in the function of peace in Kosova, region and the world. The Club organizes debates, analyses the recent developments and offers recommendations on Kosova’s foreign policy, focuses in analyzing global trends which have an impact in the Kosova’s daily economy and policy, and researches Kosova’s global integration opportunities. The Club shall also strive to bring into attention of Kosova’s public the world’s current debates and attract the attention on Kosova policy’s essential steps vis-à-vis these developments. The Club, through its activity and intensive debate, shall generate recommendations and programs regarding integration processes in the regional, European and global sense, especially regarding the process of EU and NATO integrations, which are at the disposal of Kosova’s institutions. Special focus of this organization will be the conduct of a debate on immediate actions that Kosova institutions need to undertake in the diplomatic sphere in function of Kosova’s recognition from UN member-states, as well as Kosova’s admission in international organizations, such as in UN, CoE, OSCE, World Bank, IMF, Islamic Conference Organization, Olympic Committee, etc. The Club shall strive to stimulate such debate until Kosova’s recognition is obtained by the majority of states worldwide and until Kosova becomes a member of the abovemenForeign Policy Club tioned organizations. It is the Club’s intent to recruit human capacities that have Ferat Dragaj St. 39/A, proven affinities in the sphere of foreign policy. The Club shall develop special Bregu i Diellit, Prishtinë academic programs for advancing this profile of professionals, which is of vital 038 221 881 significance for this institutional sector. 26 > FOREIGN POLICY CLUB The institucional activity of Foreign Policy Club is supported by the Open Society Institute (through Think Tank Fund) and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. FOREIGN POLICY CLUB > 27