CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY journal homepage: TITLE Name and Surname Name of the author(s)1* 1 Affiliation; * corresponding author Article history: Fill be filled by editor ABSTRACT No more than 250 words Keywords: 1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods 3. Results and discussions 4. Conclusions 5. References Baty, J.J., Hwang, H., Ding, Z. (2007). The effect of a carbohydrate and protein supplement on resistance exercise performance, hormonal response, and muscle damage. The Research Journal of the NSCA, 21(2), 321-9. Ge, L., John, J. K., Wj, Z., Eleonora, L., Govindarajan, K. R., Baker, S. M., Marta, L. F., Robert, A. W. (2013). Early postnatal nutrition determines adult physical activity and energy expenditure in female mice. Diabetes, 62(8), 2773-2783. Kristin, D., Morgan, L., Fangny, D., Sara, R., Caleb, W., Mallory, M., Andrew-White, L. W. T., Colin, D. W. (2010). Acute glycemic and blood lipid response to the ingestion of a candy bar-like protein supplement compared to its candy bar counterpart. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7(1),1. John, L. I. (2001). Dietary strategies to promote glycogen synthesis after exercise. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 26 (2),236245. Laure, P., Kriebitzsch-Lejeune, A. (2000). Retail pharmacists and doping in sports: Knowledge and attitudes. Science & Sports, 15(3), 141-146. Muffler, K., Ulber, R. (2008). Use of Renewable Raw Materials in the Chemical Industry – Beyond Sugar and Starch. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 31(5),638–646. Acknowledgments