1 How Ready Are You for the PPR TExES? Important Buzz Words (you can add others) Lifelong learning Positive environment Developmentally appropriate Self-­‐esteem Scaffolding Reflectivity Zone of proximal development Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Site-­‐based management Piaget stages Bloom’s Taxonomy TEKS and TAKS (STAAR) Scope and Sequence Metacognition Operant Conditioning Diversity Moral development Synthesis Modeling Self-­‐efficacy Wait-­‐time Plagiarism and fair use IEP ARD ELL 2 These are words that usually indicate a wrong answer: List Handout All students Predetermined Precisely Worksheets Lecture Confront Anything that makes it easier for the teacher These are words that could indicate a correct answer Most likely Most appropriate Except First step Primary purpose Higher-­‐order thinking Model Foster Student-­‐Centered District policy Needed Information Howard Gardner – Multple Intelligences http://www.tecweb.org/styles/gardner.html Jean Piaget – Cognitive Developmental Stages “Schemata” See examples below Abraham Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html See examples below. Erik Erikson – Theory of Psychoscial Development http://psychology.about.com/od/psychosocialtheories/a/psychosocial.htm Lev Vygotsky – Social Development Theory -­‐ Zone of Proximal Development http://www.simplypsychology.org/vygotsky.html Benjamin Bloom -­‐ Cognitive Taxonomy http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/bloom.html See examples below. 3 4 Piaget Stages of Cognitive Development Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Development Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 5 TExES PPR Study Guides (FREE Resources) TExES PPR Study Guides (Available for Purchase: Pricing from Amazon.com) Many reviews for sale. Pick one that has explanation of EC-12 Pedagogy & Professional Responsibility (PPR TExES) (#160) answers, not just the answers • http://cms.texes-­‐ ets.org/files/3613/2949/6615/160_ppr_ec12.pdf 1. TExES PPR w/ CD-­‐ROM (REA) -­‐ The Best Test Prep for the (free) TExES (Test Preps) [Paperback] Stephen C. Anderson Ph.D. (Author), Steven A. Harris (Author), Deborah Jinkins Ph.D. (Author), Stacey L. Edmonson (Author), https://pact.tarleton.edu/TCERT/Register/GuestRe Gail M. Platt Ph.D. (Author), Luis Rosado Ph.D. (Author) gistration_Action.cfm 4.3 out of 5 stars 9 new from $39.99 17 used from $17.98 T-Cert TExES Certification Exam Review for http://www.amazon.com/TExES-­‐PPR-­‐CD-­‐ROM-­‐REA-­‐ Teachers Preps/dp/0738600687 Highly recommended. Has sample questions. And why the 1. Video study session answers are what they are. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xps3irfJQ 2. 2.2Passing the PPR TExES Exam for EC-­‐12 Teachers: Keys to pU Certification and Ethical Teaching [Paperback] Barbara (Elaine) L. (Litchfield) Wilmore (Author), Amy Burkman 1. Video reviews - http://cms.texes(Author) ets.org/files/5813/4851/2912/ETSTEXES_prep_tec Price $33.04 _tests.html Not Recommended. Has no sample questions 2. TEA test study guide (recommended) 3. Buy your own practice test: cms.texes-ets.org/index.php/download_file/view/44/ TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC-­‐12 3. Blogs with hints of how successful test takers studied. Practice Test 1 http://www.texasteachers.org/study/PPR/test160/ by Sharon Wynne Paperback $12.32 Sample (but no vignettes) TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC-­‐12 P4. ractice Test 2questions http://www.testprepreview.com/texes/pedagogy by Sharon Wynne and-professional-responsibilities-ec-12.htm Paperback $11.69 4. Interactive Study Guide for the TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Tests [Paperback] Nancy J. Hadley (Author), Marilyn J. Eisenwine (Author) 5. Flash Cards – interactive online – free http://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/tableview.php 3.7 out of 5 stars ?title=ppr-exam-study-guide (recommended) 17 new from $33.64 22 used from $20.64 5. Kaplan TExES [Paperback] 6. Ann Hall (Author), Carolyn McCall (Author), Linda Burkhardt (Author) https://pact.tarleton.edu/TCERT/Register/Gue List Price: $24.99 stRegistration_Action.cfm 6. Download simulation software of the PPR test that you T-Cert TExES Certification Exam Review for Teachers can keep until you pass the test. About $60. Music test also available. http://www.certifyteacher.com/menu/produtos/ computer_simulated_exams_pprEC12.php?nIdProduto=5 (copy entire url and paste it) 7. Review sites from TWU-­‐ very extensive list http://www.twu.edu/downloads/teacher-­‐ education/texes-­‐study-­‐materials.pdf 8. Blogs from people who took the test about how they studied http://www.texasteachers.org/study/PPR/test160/ 6