AP ART HISTORY ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS / VOCABULARY UNIT 1, 2: Prehistoric Art and Ancient Near Eastern Art ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What is prehistory? – What are the problems and challenges of making meaning of prehistoric art? – How is prehistoric art useful in understanding the human condition? – What is the difference between prehistoric art and ancient Near Eastern art? – What developments occur with civilization as time passes? – How does greater civilization change the way people see themselves, each other, and their relations? VOCABULARY: paleo- meso-, neo-, lithic, history, prehistory, palette, mural, hunting-magic theory, motif, ground line, twisted perspective, optical view, narrative, composite view, monumental sculpture, megalith, henge, monolith, post-lintel construction, Mesopotamia, Tigris r., Euphrates r., cuneiform, Sumer, city-state, Gilgamesh, ziggurat, Anu, cella, Inanna (Ishtar), register, frieze, votive, "priest-king," lapis lazuli, "hierarchy of scale," Akkkad, Babylon, naturalism, stele, Hammurabi's Code, Shamash, foreshortening, guardian statue, lamassu, three-quarter view, Assyria, glazed brick, enamel, column anthropomorphizing