General Prehistory Sites Overview of Human Evolution Provides background information about human culture prior to the development of civilized communities. The site has three sections: an overview of human evolution, a timeline showing the species life of the main Hominids, and an illustration of the physical characteristics of human beings. This last section is intended to establish a more precise sense of our nature as a species and to stimulate thinking about the role that culture plays in human life. (Washington State University, Pullman, WA) British Prehistory Features articles and video presentations on an early Bronze Age grave, the treasures of Britain's prehistoric past, a Neolithic village at Skara Brae, and an interactive game on Iron Age Life. (British Broadcasting Corporation, London, United Kingdom) Becoming Human Presents video clips and online exhibits exploring the archeological milestones of prehistory. A learning center offers interactive exercises for students to complete online. (Institute of Human Origins, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ) Evolution Provides video clips, simulations, animations, interactive timelines, expert commentary, primary sources, and extensive links to evolution-related learning resources. The site provides a 40-page teacher's guide and an eightsession course for teachers. (Public Broadcasting Service, Alexandria, VA) First Humans Provides a slide show with maps and fossil images discussing Homo erectus, Homo habilis, and Neanderthal research. Site offers similar information for Australopithecus and modern Homo sapiens. (Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland) Analysis of Rock Art Provides an overview of the major techniques for dating and analyzing rock art as well as current approaches to conservation and management. The site includes both descriptive and comparative analysis, along with links to other rock art resources on the web. (University of New England, Armidal, New South Wales, Australia) Flints and Stones Provides an exhibition explaining the prehistoric lives of the inhabitants of Britain and northwest Europe from the Late Paleolithic to Neolithic time. (The Museum of Antiquities, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) Prehistory Gateway Sites Art History Resources: Prehistoric Art Contains a comprehensive index of Internet sites focusing on prehistoric art of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. The site index also links to gateways for other periods of art as well as "Museums and Galleries" and "Research Resources." (Sweet Briar College, Sweetbriar, VA) Evolution of Modern Humans: Related Internet Sites Provides an index of Internet sites related to research on hominids, Neanderthals, early modern human origins, early stone tools, and artifacts. (Palomar College, San Marcos, CA)