SAT How to Register

Here is a step by step guide to registering for the SAT.
Please be aware that the SAT does cost money. Currently, the test costs
$51 for the regular deadline. If you miss the deadline, you will have to pay an
additional fee.
If you are on free/reduced lunch, please see your counselor.
If you or your parent do not feel comfortable submitting your/their credit
card information online, you can complete the mail in registration. Please see
your counselor if this is the case. Please note that submitting your
information online is the easiest way because you will only have to submit
your information once and you get your scores earlier than when you apply by
As always, if you need any help, please see your counselor and he/she will
help! 
CEEB CODE 070793
Go to and click “Register for the SAT.”
Click “Register Now.”
Click “Sign Up” if you have never created a account. If you
already have an account, type in your username and password.
Complete form to sign up and press “Next” at the bottom of the page. Be
sure to write down you username and password and keep it in a safe place.
After you submit your form, will want you to complete your
College Profile. You will need to reenter your username and password to do
Complete the “Update Person Info” page and click submit.
Start building your College Profile. At the end of each page click “continue.”
If you choose not to enter your information (though this helps to narrow down schools for you), just click “continue”
without filling in the information.
Continue building your College Profile.
Continue building your College Profile.
Continue building your College Profile. Almost done! 
In order to move on from this page, you must accept the terms.
This is the page where you are going to register for the SAT. For
most of you (check with your counselor or college), the SAT is the
test you should be taking.
If you are a student who qualifies for Services for Students with Disabilities, click
“yes.” You will need an SSD Eligibility Code. Please see your counselor for the code. You
must enter the code before you move on from this page. If you are a student on
free/reduced lunch, please see your counselor for an SAT fee waiver (eligible students
can receive up to 2 SAT fee waivers during their high school career).
You will select your test center on this page. Type in the zip code where you
would like to take the test. Not every town offers the test on every test
date. When you find the school you would like to take the SAT at, click
“Select.” (Torrington zip code 06790)
Select your test center.
You will need to upload a photo of yourself for identification purposes. sells different materials. If you would like to purchase any,
select the boxes. Otherwise, click “continue” to skip the order process. You
can also purchase these types of books at a bookstore.
Here is where you will preview your admissions ticket, confirm your
SAT seat reservation, and confirm your total order. Then click ‘make
payment’ at the bottom.
Here is where you will enter your credit card information. (If you are on free/reduced
lunch and are using an SAT fee waiver, you have already entered the required code on
a previous page). If you do not feel comfortable entering your credit card
information, you will have to complete your registration my mail. The benefit to
completing the process online is that (a) you will get your scores faster and (b) you
won’t have to fill out this long form ever again! 
On the next pages, be sure to print your admission ticket and order
confirmation. You will also need to enter the schools where you want
your SAT scores sent. lets you send your SAT
scores to 4 colleges free of charge. If you want to send anymore, you
will have to pay an additional fee.
Do not lose your admission ticket! You will need the following to get
into the test center:
•Admission Ticket
•Photo ID
•#2 Pencils (not mechanical)
•Scientific or graphing calculator
Be sure to log out when your registration is complete. If you would
like to register for another test, simply log in to and register for another test. You will not
need to complete the College Profile again.
Please see your counselor if you have any questions.