Review for Chapter 4 Chemistry Test 11 Grade Vocabulary Words 1

Review for Chapter 4 Chemistry Test
11 Grade
Vocabulary Words
1. proton
2. atom
3. mass number
4. atomic mass unit
5. electron
6. isotope
7. atomic number
8. atomic mass
9. nucleus
Daltons atomic theory
1. all elements are composed of submicroscopic indivisible
particles called atoms
2. atoms of the same element are identical
3. the atoms of any one element are different from those of
any other element
4. atoms of different elements can physically mix together or
chemically combine with one another in simple whole ratios
to form compounds
5. chemical reactions occur when atoms are separated, joined
or rearranged. however, atoms of one element are never
changed into atoms of another element as a result of a
chemical reaction.
Facts to know
1. the nucleus is positively charged with a high density
2. to find the number of neutrons,subtract the atomic number
from the mass number
3. the mass number is the number of protons and neutrons in
the nucleus of an atom
4. all atoms of the same element must have the same number
of protons and electrons
5. hydrogen has three isotopes which all differ from each
other by the number of neutrons
6. the atomic mass is measured in amu's. an amu is equal to
1/12th the mass of a carbon atom
7. how to identify an isotope
8. do you know how to calculate the average atomic mass of
an element?
practice quiz
1. daltons atomic theory included the idea that atoms of
different elements can chemically combine in -______ratios
2. an atom is the smallest particle of an element that retain
the _____ of that element
3. ____ are subatomic particles with a negative charge
4. the nucleus of an atom is composed of _____ and protons
5. a neutron has no charge, but its mass is almost the same
as that of a ______
6. the number of protons in an atom is called its ____ number
7. there are 10 neutrons and ____ electrons in an atom of
oxygen 18
8. isotopes of an element have different numbers of neutrons
They also have different _____ numbers
9. the total number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an
atom of silver 109(atomic number 47) is ______
10.the mass number of an element with 14 electron and 16
neutrons is _______