the electronic art gallery cd-rom

Electronic art gallery CD-ROM
Teacher Guide
Copyright © by Harcourt, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except as specifically enabled by the program and indicated by the presence of the
print icon.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be addressed to
School Permissions and Copyrights, Harcourt, Inc., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando,
Florida 32887-6777. Fax: 407-345-2418.
HARCOURT and the Harcourt Logo are trademarks of Harcourt, Inc., registered in the
United States of America and/or other jurisdictions.
Produced in the United States of America
table of contents
Getting Started
Artists and Artworks
Art History
Elements and Principles
Art Forms and Types
Teacher Resources
Cross-Curricular Subjects
General Topics
Student Lessons
My Lessons Collection
Art Encyclopedia (PDF format)
Guide to Artists’ Names (PDF format)
Reading and Writing Activities (PDF format)
Welcome to the
Electronic Art Gallery CD-ROM
The Electronic Art Gallery is a tool that art and classroom teachers can
use to help students expand their knowledge of art history and concepts and to make cross-curricular connections. This exciting collection
of resources and images provides a motivating way for students to
learn the elements of art, the principles of design, and art movements
and periods. The Electronic Art Gallery includes biographies of featured
artists and descriptions of movements and periods, such as
Impressionism and the Renaissance. The Teacher Resources section of
the Electronic Art Gallery also includes student lessons organized by
grade level, images sorted by cross-curricular subjects, and a tool for
developing customized art lessons with photographic models, artwork
images, and production activities.
Creating art lessons has never been more enjoyable!
By using the My Lessons Collection feature of the Electronic Art
Gallery, you can easily develop your own art lessons. You can pre-select
images to present to students in the order you choose. For example,
you can display photographs of people in various poses and then share
several portraits by Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, or other painters,
including student artists. Finally, you can show students the directions
and stages of an Artist’s Workshop production activity that demonstrates how to paint a portrait.
From viewing photographic models to discussing engaging and important artworks to demonstrating creative production activities, the
Electronic Art Gallery makes lesson preparation fast, flexible, and fun.
Getting Started
Single Computer Version Minimum System Requirements
Pentium II
128 MB of RAM
Windows 98, ME,
Windows 2000 SP3, XP Home, XP Pro (256 MB RAM Recommended)
1024 x 768 16-bit
4x CD-ROM drive
Sound Blaster® 16 or compatible sound card
100MB free hard disk space
128MB of RAM
Mac OS 8.6 to OS X.3
1024 x 768 16-bit (thousands of colors)
4x CD-ROM drive
Standard Macintosh Sound
100 MB free hard disk space
Single Computer Version Installation Instructions
1. Close all applications before running the Electronic Art Gallery
2. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
4. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery (EAG) CD ROM icon.
5. Double-click the ElectronicArtGallery.exe icon.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the program on your
computer’s hard drive.
To run the program after installation, go to the desktop and double-click
the Electronic Art Gallery icon.
1. Close all applications before running the Electronic Art Gallery
2. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery (EAG) CD icon when it appears
on the desktop.
4. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery installer icon.
5. Click Continue when the installation title screen appears.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the program on your
computer’s hard drive.
7. To run program after installation select the Electronic Art Gallery
desktop icon.
Site License Version Minimum Requirements
Pentium II 300 MHz
128MB of RAM (recommend 256MB for 2000 and XP)
Windows 98, ME, 2000 SP3, XP Home, XP Pro
(256 MB RAM Recommended)
1024 X 768 High color 16-bit
16x CD-ROM Drive
Sound-Blaster® 16 or compatible sound card (headphones optional)
100MB free hard disk space
Copy for LAN / Network Version Package
G3 350 MHz (recommend 500 MHz for OS X)
128MB of RAM, virtual memory enabled
Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2.2 or OS X.3
1024 X 768 16-bit (thousands of colors)
16x CD-ROM drive
100MB free hard disk space
Site License Version Installation Instructions
1. Close all applications before running the Electronic Art Gallery
2. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
4. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery (EAG) icon.
5. Double-click the ElectronicArtGallery.exe icon.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the program on your
computer’s hard drive.
To run the program after installation, go to the desktop and double-click
the Electronic Art Gallery icon.
1. Close all applications before running the Electronic Art Gallery
2. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery icon.
4. Click Continue when the installation title
screen appears.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install
the program on your computer’s hard drive.
To run the program after installation, go to the desktop and double-click
the Electronic Art Gallery icon.
Copyright © Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.
Client Minimum Platforms and Requirements
Pentium II
128 MB of RAM
Windows 98, ME,
Windows 2000 SP3, XP Home, XP Pro (256 MB RAM Recommended)
1024 x 768 16-bit
4x CD-ROM drive
Sound Blaster® 16 or compatible sound card
100MB free hard disk space
128MB of RAM
Mac OS 8.6 to OS X.3
1024 x 768 16-bit (thousands of colors)
4x CD-ROM drive
Standard Macintosh Sound
100 MB free hard disk space
Network Minimum Platforms and Requirements
(in addition to client machine requirements)
Macintosh AppleShare®
• AppleShare 4.2.1
• Power Mac server with 64 MB RAM and 4X CD-ROM drive
• Ethernet NIC 10/100
• Requires approximately 500MB free hard drive space and additional
space for student records.
Windows 2000 Server
• Windows 2000 server
• Pentium 166 server with 256 MB RAM (128 MB minimum
recommended) and 4X CD-ROM drive
• Ethernet 10/100
• Requires approximately 500MB free hard drive space and additional
space for student records.
Novell® NetWare®
• Novell NetWare 4.11
• Pentium 166 server with 32 MB RAM and 4X CD-ROM drive
• Ethernet 10/100
• Requires approximately 500MB free hard drive space and additional
space for student records.
New Installation
In order to use the network version of Electronic Art Gallery, you
must first install the program on your server. This installation will
install all server software, and will also place the Client Installation
programs on the server, so that all client installations can be performed without the CD-ROM. After completing the server install, each
client machine should be connected to the server, and all client software should be installed to the appropriate client machines.
For all installations to and from the server, please make sure you
have the proper network administration permissions to the server.
(both PCs and Macintosh clients), YOU MUST PERFORM THE
Windows® Servers
In order to use the network version of Electronic Art Gallery, you
must first install the program on your server. You should install the
server software from a client machine onto the server.
Installation to a Windows Server from a Windows Client Machine
If there is not already a shared directory on the server into which the
Electronic Art Gallery software will be installed, this should be set up.
Have the network Administrator set up a folder for the software, and
share this folder so the rest of the network users can see and use it. If
there will be client users running Windows 98 or 95, the share name
must be 8 characters or less. Assign the appropriate permissions to
this folder.
1. From the client machine, map a drive to the shared folder that will
contain the Electronic Art Gallery Network software.
2. Insert the Electronic Art Gallery Network CD-ROM into the
CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the My Computer icon.
4. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery CD-ROM icon.
5. Double-click the Electronic Art Galleryserver.exe icon from within
the Electronic Art Gallery Network CD-ROM window to launch the
installation program.
6. Click Next when the installation title screen appears.
7. When the Select a Destination Drive screen appears, choose the
mapped drive letter that you set up in step 1.
8. Follow the instructions on the screen.
The installation has placed a directory on the server drive named
ElecArtGallServer. The installers for the client machines can be found
in this directory. You will not need the CD-ROM disk for the client
installation, or to run the program.
Direct Installation to a Windows Server (on the server itselfNOT recommended)
If there is not already a shared directory on the server into which the
Electronic Art Gallery Network software will be installed, this should
be set up. Have the network Administrator set up a folder for the software, and share this folder so the rest of the network users can see
and use it. If there will be client users running Windows 98 or 95, the
share name must be 8 characters or less. Assign the appropriate permissions to this folder.
1. Insert the Electronic Art Gallery Network CD-ROM into the
CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the My Computer icon.
3. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery CD-ROM icon.
4. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery server.exe icon from within
the Electronic Art Gallery Network CD-ROM window to launch the
installation program.
5. Click Next when the installation title screen appears.
6. When the Select a Destination Drive screen appears, choose desired
drive letter. In most cases, this will be C:\.
7. Follow the instructions on the screen.
8. You must now move the ElecArtGallServer folder into the shared
folder that you set up before beginning the installation. Move the
entire ElecArtGallServer folder into the shared folder.
The installation has placed a directory on the server drive named
ElecArtGallServer. The installers for the client machines can be found
in this directory. You will not need the CD-ROM disk for the client
installation, or to run the program.
Novell® Servers
Installation to a Novell Server from a Windows Client Machine
1. Ensure that the server is connected to the client machine and that it
is accessible as a mapped network drive.
2. Insert the Electronic Art Gallery Network CD-ROM into the client
machine’s CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the My Computer icon.
4. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery CD-ROM icon.
5. Double-click the ElecArtGallServer.exe icon from within the
Electronic Art Gallery CD-ROM window to launch the installation
6. Click Next when the installation title screen appears.
7. When the Select a Destination Drive screen appears, choose the
mapped network drive letter.
8. Follow the instructions on the screen.
9. Assign appropriate permissions to the ElecArtGallServer directory.
The installation has placed a directory on the server named
ElecArtGallServer. The installers for the client machines can be found
in this directory. You will not need the CD-ROM disk for the client
installation, or to run the program.
Mixed-Network Installation (both PC and Mac Clients)
When installing to a Windows or Novell server that will be serving a
mixed-client environment, the installation MUST be performed from a
Macintosh client machine.
Installation to a Windows or Novell Server from a MacOS Client
1. Ensure that the server is connected to the client machine and that
the server drive is mounted on the desktop.
2. Insert the Electronic Art Gallery Network CD-ROM into the client
machine’s CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery Network CD-ROM icon.
4. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery Server Installer icon.
5. Select the destination volume and click CHOOSE.
6. Click Install and follow the instructions on the screen.
The installation has placed a directory on the server named
ElecArtGallServer. The installers for the client machines can be found
in this directory. You will not need the CD-ROM disk for the client
Macintosh® Servers
[Please note]: Do not install the program to a Macintosh Server from
a Windows client machine. If you have previously installed the
network version to your server from a Windows machine, you will
need to uninstall and reinstall from a Macintosh machine to place
the Macintosh Client Installers on the server.
If access to the server is limited or restricted, you can install the
server software from a Mac client machine onto the server.
Installation to a Macintosh Server (MUST be from a MacOS Machine)
1. If you are installing from a Mac client, make sure you are connected
to the server and it is mounted on the desktop.
2. Insert the Electronic Art Gallery Network CD-ROM into the network
server’s CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery Network CD-ROM icon.
4. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery Server Installer icon.
5. Select the destination volume (this will be your local hard drive if
you are at the server, or the mounted network drive on the desktop if you are installing from a client machine) and click CHOOSE.
6. Click Install and follow the instructions on the screen.
Windows® Clients
Installation to a Windows Client from a Windows Server Machine
1. Ensure that the client machine is connected to the server and that it
is accessible as a mapped networked drive.
2. From the client machine, double-click the My Computer icon.
3. Locate and open the ElecArtGallServer directory on the mapped
network drive in which you installed the server software.
4. Locate and double-click the WinInstallers directory.
5. Double-click the Electronic Art Gallery.exe icon.
6. Click Next when the installation title screen appears.
7. Follow the instructions on the screen.
8. Restart the client machine only after the installation is completely
Running the Electronic Art Gallery Network Program on a Windows
Client Machine
1. Ensure that the client machine is connected to the server and that it
is accessible as a mapped networked drive. The mapped network
drive must appear with the same drive letter and volume name
used during client installation. If the mapped network drive’s
volume name is changed after installation, it will not be able to
find the media folder on the server.
2. From START, select Programs| Harcourt | Electronic Art Gallery
Macintosh® Clients
Installation to a Macintosh Client from a MacOS, Novell or
Windows Server
1. Ensure that the client machine is connected to the server and that
the server drive is mounted on the desktop.
2. From the client machine, locate and open the ElecArtGallServer
folder on the mounted volume in which you installed the server
3. Locate and double-click the MacInstallers directory.
4. Double click Electronic Art Gallery ClientInstaller icon.
5. Select the destination volume and click CHOOSE.
6. Click Install when the destination drive is displayed.
7. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Running the Electronic Art Gallery Program on a MacOS
Client Machine
1. Ensure that the client machine is connected to the server and that
the server drive is mounted on the desktop. The mounted network
drive must appear with the same volume name used during client
installation. If the mounted network drive’s volume name is
changed after installation, it will not be able to find the media
folder on the server.
2. Open the Electronic Art Gallery Network folder on the client
hard drive.
The images and resources in the Electronic Art Gallery CD-ROM
can be easily accessed by searching in six main categories:
• Artists and Artworks
• Art History
• Locations
• Elements and Principles
• Art Forms and Types
• Teacher Resources
Mouse over the category to
view a list of the searchable
resources in that category.
Artists and artworks
Next, select a name to
view images by that artist.
First, select a letter to
search for an artist’s name.
Click for artist’s
Click a thumbnail to view a
large version of the image.
Click Main Menu
to return to the six
main categories.
An artist’s biography may
contain links to other
artists or to movement
or period information.
Artists and artworks
First, select a letter to search
for the title of an artwork.
Next, select a title to
view that artwork.
Click to save image to
My Lessons Collection.
The large version of the artwork includes the artist’s name, the title
of artwork, and other information, such as the date of the work, the
medium, and the location.
Art History
Select a time range to
view artworks from
that time period.
Select a period or
movement to view
associated artworks.
Click here to view a
description of the
period or movement.
When you click to view a description of a period or movement,
the new screen will also display artworks associated with that
period or movement.
world artists and artworks
First, select a continent from
the map. Then select a country.
Next, select from
the list of artists
or artworks.
Search for artists by country (birthplaces or main residences)
or for artworks by country (museums or other sites).
United states artists
and artworks
Select a letter to view
a list of United States
artists or artworks.
Select a state to find
artists or artworks
associated with that state.
Use the alphabet to search for artists or artworks associated with the
United States. Use the map to search for artists by state (birthplaces
or main residences) or for artworks by state (museums or other sites).
Elements and Principles
Select either Elements
or Principles.
Then choose either
Artworks or
Photographic Models.
Use this section to find artworks and photographic models that
illustrate particular elements or principles. See the Best Examples
Collection section of Teacher Resources for a smaller, more focused
selection of artworks that illustrate particular elements or principles.
Art Forms and Types
Select an Art
Form or Type.
Then choose either
Artworks or Artist’s
Use this section to find artworks and Artist’s Workshop production
activities that are examples of particular forms, such as painting or
sculpture, or types, such as landscapes or portraits. See the Best
Examples Collection section of Teacher Resources for artworks that
are especially good examples of particular art forms or types.
Teacher Resources
cross-curricular subjects
Select a
curricular area.
Then choose a skill
or a category.
Use this section to find artworks that provide the opportunity for
instruction or discussion in a particular cross-curricular skill or
category. Select Reading and Writing Activities in Teacher Resources
for tips on using artworks with reading and writing skills.
Teacher Resources
general topics
Select a
Then choose either
Artworks or
Photographic Models.
Use this section to find artworks and photographic models that
illustrate a wide variety general topics.
Teacher Resources
student lessons
Select a grade
and a unit.
Then, select a lesson
within that unit.
This section provides unit and lesson topics for grades K-3. Each topic
is accompanied by appropriate artworks and procuction activities
Teacher Resources
my lessons collection
Click here to move
your highlighted
title back to the
Saved Images list.
Click here
to delete an
image from
the Saved
Images list.
Click here to move your
highlighted title to the
Collection list.
Click on a title to
highlight it. Use
the arrows to
move the title up
and down.
Repeat with titles
until they are in
the order you
would like to
display them.
Click here to play a
loaded slide show
Click here to name
and save a new
Click here to load your
previously saved
Collections lists
Click here for help
using My Lessons
Create your own lessons by saving photographic models, artwork
images, and Artist’s Workshop images into a Collection to display as
a slide show. Any images that are saved but not placed in a slide
show will be deleted upon exiting program.
Art Encyclopedia
The Art Encyclopedia includes biographical information about most of
the artists featured on the Electronic Art Gallery CD-ROM. It also includes
descriptions of many of the important art periods and movements.
Guide to Artists’ Names
The Guide to Artists’ Names is an alphabetical list of all the artists
featured on the Electronic Art Gallery CD-ROM. Many of the hard-topronounce names include helpful respellings.
Reading and Writing Activities
The Reading and Writing Activities summarize each skill and offer
sample questions and exercises
Adams, Ansel; Moon and Half Dome: Ansel Adams
Publishing Rights Trust/Corbis, Albers, Josef; Homage to
the Square/Red Series, Untitled III: © 2006 The Josef and
Anni Albers Foundation/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New
York, NY/Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA,
Anguissola, Sofoisba; The Chess Game: Ali Meyer/Corbis,
Anguissola, Sofonisba; S+A408elf-Portrait: Ali
Meyer/Corbis, Antavio; Student Art: Antavio
Morris/Parkview Elementary, Miami, FL, Archipenko,
Alexander; Carrousel Pierrot: © 2006 Estate of Alexander
Archipenko/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New
York/Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Armin, Emil;
Wild West: Smithsonian American Art Museum,
Washington, DC/Art Resource, NY, Atkins, Laura; Chaulk
City Scene: Laura Atkins, Audubon, John James;
Armadillo: Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia/Corbis, Bartlett, Jennifer; Red House
Painting: Geoffrey Clements/Corbis, Bearden, Romare;
Brass Section (Jammin at Milton's): © Romare Bearden
Foundation/Licensed by VAGA, New York,
NY/Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington,
DC/Art Resource, NY, Bearden, Romare; Gospel Song: ©
Romare Bearden Foundation/Licensed by VAGA, New
York, NY/Memorial Art Gallery of the University of
Rochester: Marion Stratton Gould Fund, Bearden,
Romare; New Orleans: Ragging Home: ©Romare
Bearden Foundation/Licensed by VAGA, New York,
NY/North Carolina Museum of Art/Corbis, Bearden,
Romare; The Piano Lesson: © Romare Bearden
Foundation/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY/The
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, The Harold A. and
Ann R. Sorgent Collection of Contemporary AfricanAmerican Art, Bell, Charles; Dazzling Dozen: Louis K.
Meisel Gallery/Corbis, Benton, Thomas Hart; the Wreck of
the Ole '97: © T.H. Benton and R.P. Hunter Testamentary
Tusts/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY/Hunster Museum
of American Art, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Gift of the
Benwood Foundation, Benton, Thomas Hart; Trail Riders:
© T. H. Benton and R. P. benton Testamentary Trusts/
Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY/Lyle Peterzell/National
Gallery of Art, Washington/Gift of the Artist, Bibi; Stained
Glass: Bibi Singh/P.S. 123K, Brooklyn, NY, Biggers, John;
Four Seasons: Hazel Biggers, Blake, Buckeye; Sculpture
of Fanny Sperry Steele: National Cowboy & Western
Heritage Museum, Borg, Carl Oscar; Grand Canyon:
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC/Art
Resource, NY, Borglum, Gutzon; Mount Rushmore.: Paul
A. Souders/Corbis, Botero, Fernando; Fruit: Christie's
Images/Corbis, Botero, Fernando; The Bailiff: Christie's
Images/Corbis, Bourke-White, Margaret; Statue of
Liberty: Margaret Bourke-White/Timepix, Brewster, Anna
Richards; An English Farm: The Louise and Alan Sellars
Collection of Art by American Women, Brueghel, Pieter
the Elder; The Hay Harvest: Erich Lessing/Art Resource,
NY, Butterfield, Debroah; Aluminum Horse #5: Deborah
Butterfield/San Diego Museum of Art (Museum
Purchase), Caillebotte, Gustav; Paris Street: Gustave
Caillebotte, French, 1848-1894, Paris Street; Rainy Day,
1877, oil on canvas, 212.2 x 276.2 cm, Charles H. and
Mary F.S. Worcester Collection/The Art Institute of
Chicago, Calder, Alexander; Bird Ornament: © 2006
Estate of Alexander Calder/Artists Rights Society (ARS),
New York/Art Resource, NY, Calder, Alexander; Dog: ©
2006 Estate of Alexander Calder/Artists Rights Society
(ARS), New York/Art Resource, NY, Calder, Alexander;
Finny Fish: © 2006 Estate of Alexander Calder/Artists
Rights Society (ARS), New York/Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
Klaus G. Perls/National Gallery of Art, Washington,
Calder, Alexander; Myxomatose: Art Resource, NY,
Calder, Alexander; Ordinary: © 2006 Estate of Alexander
Calder/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Art
Resource, NY, Calder, Alexander; Sea Scape: ©2006
Estate of Alexander Calder/Artists Rights Society (ARS),
New York/Whitney Museum of American Art, New York;
purchase, with funds from the Howard and Jean Lipman
Foundation, Calder, Alexander; The Wall Flower and Red
Pyramid: © 2006 Estate of Alexander Calder/Artist Rights
Society (ARS), New York/Burstein Collection/Corbis,
Carle, Eric; Draw Me a Star: Eric Carle Studio, Carle, Eric;
Illustration of Parrot Flying: From "Today is Monday."
Illustration Copyright 1993 by Eric Carle. All Rights
Reserved., Carle, Eric; Today is Monday: From "Today is
Monday." Illustration Copyright 1993 by Eric Carle. All
Rights Reserved., Carroll, Mary Ann; Poinciana Tree:
Courtesy of Mary Ann Carroll, Carver, George
Washington; Still-life: Courtesy National Park Service,
Museum Management Program and Tuskegee Institute
National Historic Site, Oil Painting, TUIN 1221,, Cassatt, Mary, Nurse and Child: The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, gift of Mrs. Ralph J. Hines,
1960. (60.181) Photograph © 1984 The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, Cassatt, Mary; Summertime: Armand
Hammer Foundation, Los Angeles/Superstock, Cassatt,
Mary; Women Admiring a Child: The Detroit Institute of
Arts 1978, gift of Edward Chandler Walker, accession
number 08.8, Catlett, Elizabeth; Playmates: Elizabeth
Catlett/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY, Cezanne, Paul;
Pot of Flowers: Courtauld Institute Gallery, Somerset
House, London/The Bridgeman Art Library, Chagall,
Marc; Green Violinist: © 2006 Artists Rights Society
(ARS), New York/ ADAGP, Paris/Solomon R. Guggenheim
Museum, New York, Chagall, Marc;I and The Village: ©
2006 Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP,
Paris/The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art
Resource, NY, Chester French, Daniel; Abraham Lincoln
Statue in the Lincoln Memorial: Harry Lentz/Art
Resource, NY, Chihuly, Dale; Chihuly in The Park: A
Garden of Glass: Dale Chihuly, Christo and Jeanne
Claude, Surrounded Islands: National Gallery of Art,
Church, Fredric; The Icebergs: LM Otero/AP/Wide World,
Cliff, Clarice; "Sun Ray" double handled Lotus jug: The
Modernism Collection, gift of Norwest Bank
Minnesota/The Minneapolis Institute of the Arts,
Conover, Mrs. S. C.; Sunburst Quilt: The Newark
Museum/Art Resource, NY, Cordero, Helen; Grandfather
Storyteller Doll: Helen Cordero/Andrea Fisher Fine
Pottery, Couldery, Henry; The Blue Cushion: Bonhams,
London/Bridgeman Art Library, London/Superstock,
Crawford, Edna; Apple Surprise: Edna Crawford, Curry,
Nancy; Riverdance: Nancy Curry, da Vinci, Leonardo;
Mona Lisa: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY, Dali,
Salvador; Basket of Bread: © 2006 Salvador Dali, GalaSalvador Dali Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS),
New York, NY/Salvador Dali Museum, Inc., Davis, Stuart;
Marine Landscape: Licensed by VAGA, New York,
NY/Christie's Images/Superstock, Degas, Edgar; Little
Dancer of Fourteen Years: Francis G. Mayer/Corbis,
Degas, Edgar; Two Dancers in Blue Costumes: Reunion
des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY, Delaunay,
Sonia; Composition: CNAC/MNAM/Dist. Reunion des
Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY, Delauney, Robert;
Woman Pouring:Giraudon/Art Resource, NY, Dougherty,
Patrick; From the Castle's Kitchen: Patrick Dougherty,
Dove, Arthur G.; Ice and Clouds: Butler Institute of
American Art, Duerer, Albrecht; Hare: Erich Lessing/Art
Resource, NY, Duncanson, Robert; Landscape with
Rainbow: Smithsonian American Art Museum,
Washington, DC/Art Resource, NY, Dunton, W. Herbert;
Old Texas: San Antonio Art League Museum, Dwight, Ed;
Bust of George Washington Carver: Mark
Palmer/Alabama Department of Archives & History,
Montgomery, Alabama, Eberle, Abastenia St. Leger;
Untitled: Gift of Mrs. W.E. Chilton III/National Museum of
Women in the Arts, Ehlert, Lois; Illustration from Circus:
Lois Ehlert, Ehlert, Lois; Image from Feathers for Lunch:
Lois Ehlert, Ehlert, Lois; Sketch from Under my Nose:
Lois Ehlert, Emily; Student Art: Emily Roebuck/McKinley
Elementary, Davenport, IA, Erykah; Student Art: Erykah
Wilson, Escobar, Marisol; The Family: Digital Image (c)
The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art
Resource, NY/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY, Estes,
Richard; Bus Interior: Bass Museum of Art/Corbis, Evans,
Minnie; Design made at Airlie Gardens: National
Museum of American Art, Washington, DC/Art Resource,
NY, Frankenthaler, Helen; The Bay: Geoffrey
Clements/Corbis, Freshman-Brown, Louise; Interior with
Red Apples: Louise Freshman Brown/Superstock,
Garduno, Flor; Basket of Light: Flor Garduno, Gaugin,
Paul; Breton Girls Dancing: Collection of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Mellon/National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gaugin,
Paul; Still Life with Three Puppies: Superstock, Gehry,
Frank O.; Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY/Architect's
model: Roger Ressmeyer/Corbis, Gehry, Frank O.;
Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY/Guggenheim Bilbao:
Jose Fuste Raga/Corbis, Gibson, Ben; Penny-Farthing
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Lucientes, Francisco Jose de; The Family of Charles IV:
Archivo Iconografico, S.A./CORBIS, Green, Johnathan;
Balloons For A Dime, 1996, Acrylic on Paper, 15" x 22"Jonathan Green Collection of Bill and Bobbye EricksonPhoto by Tim Stamm, Green, Jonathan; White Breeze:
Jonathan Green Studios, Inc., Gris, Juan; Clown: Artist
Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY/National Museum of
Modern Art, Paris, France/Lauros-Giraudon,
Paris/Superstock, Gris, Juan; Portrait of Picasso: Art
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Paris/Superstock, Grooms, Red; © 2006 Red
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Edward Henning, 1991.27, Gunter, Jack; Basket 26: Jack
Gunter/Corbis, Gustavo; Violet Light:
Gustavo/Constellation, Haas,
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Hall of Fame: © Richard Haas/Licensed by VAGA, New
York, NY/National Cowgirl Museum & Hall of Fame/Fort
Worth, Texas, Hailey; Student Art: Cincinnati Hills
Christian Academy., Hannah, Student Art: Hannah
Sellers/St. Brigid of Kildare, Dublin, OH, Hannah;
Cowboy Boot drawing: Hannah Goodwin/Harcourt,
Hanson, Ann; Dancing Lizard Couple: On loan from
Wallace and Wilhelmina Holladay/National Museum of
Women in the Arts, Heather; Student Art: Heather
Burton/Shoreland Elementary, Hennings, Ernest;
Afternoon Ride: Martin Collection Fred Jones Jr.
Museum of Art, The University of Oklahoma, Purchase,
Richard H. and Adeline J. Fleischaker Collection, 1996,
Hepworth, Dame Barbara; Three Forms: Licensed by
VAGA, New York, NY/Alan Bowness, Hepworth
Estate/Tate, Hiroshige, Ando; Fuji from Kogane-Ga-Hara,
Shimosa: The Newark Museum/Art Resource, NY,
Hiroshige, Ichiryusai; Macaw on a Pine Branch: Ichiryusai
Hiroshige/The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Bequest of
Richard P. Gale, Hokusai, Katsushika; The Great Wave off
Kanagawa From the series "Thirty-Six Views of Mount
Fuji.": The Metropolitan Museum of Art, H.O. Havemeyer
Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H.O. Havemeyer, 1929
(jp1847) Photograph ©1991 The Metropolitan Museum of
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Grr! Grr!" (cat under tree): Children's Book Press, Homer,
Winslow; Boys in a Pasture: Burstein Collection/Corbis,
Homer, Winslow; Breezing Up (a Fair Wind): 2003 Board
of Trusteees, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Homer,
Winslow; Gloucester Harbor: Francis G. Mayer/Corbis,
Homer, Winslow; Snap The Whip: Bridgeman Art Library,
London/Superstock, Homer, Winslow; The Boat Builders:
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Martha Delzell Memorial
Fund, Hopper, Edward; self-Portrait: Copyright National
Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution/Art Resource, NY,
Hopper, Edward; The Lighthouse at Two Lights: Francis G.
Mayer/Corbis, Hopper, Edward; Yawl Riding a Swell:
Worcester Art Museum, Jaso, Luis; My Family Before I
was Born: Luis Jaso, Jimenez, Nicario; Art Festival:
Nicario Jimenez, Jimenez, Nicario; Weaver's Workshop:
Nicario Jimenez, Johanna; Student Art: Johanna
Bender/Harcourt, Johns, Jasper; Three Flags: Whitney
Museum of American Art, New York, USA/Bridgeman Art
Library/© Jasper Johns/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY,
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American Art, Washington, DC/Art Resource, NY,
Johnson, William H.; Little Girl in Orange: Smithsonian
American Art Museum, Washington, DC/Art Resource,
NY, Johnson, William H.; Self-Portrait: Smithsonian
American Art Museum, Washington, DC/The Art
Resource, NY, Johnson, William H.; Still Life-Fruit,
Bottles: Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington,
DC/Art Resource, NY, Jones, Louis Mailou; Paris: The
Corcoran Gallery of Art/Corbis, Joyce, William; Dinosaur
Bob: Harper Collins Publishers, Kacy; Student Art:
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Mattson/St. John Central Middle School, Kahlo, Frida;
Fulang-Chang and I: Banco de Mexico Trust/The Museum
of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY,
Kahlo, Frida; Portrait of Virginia: Schalkwijk/Art Resource,
NY, Kahlo, Frida; The Frame, Self-Portrait: Banco de
Mexico Trust/CNAC/MNAM/Dist Reunion des Musees
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Paris/Variierte Rechtecke: Christie's Images/Superstock,
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Paris/CNAC/NMAM/Dist. Reunion des Musees
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Wind and Clear Sky from Thirty-Six views of Mount Fuji:
Art Resource, NY, Kawahata, Fumiaki; triceratops: Folded
by Alex Barber, Photo by Tracy Vessels, Model Designed
by Fumiaki Kawahata, Kent, Rockwell; Snow Fields
(Winter in the Berkshires): Smithsonian American Art
Museum, Washington, DC/Art Resource, NY, King, Phillip;
Through: Leeds Museums and Galleries (City Art
Gallery), U.K./Bridgeman Art Library, Klee, Paul; Caprice
in February: © 2006 Artist Rights Society (ARS), New
York, NY/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn/Burstein Collection/Corbis,
Klee, Paul; Castle and Sun: © 2006 Artists Rights Society
(ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn/BridgemanGiraudon/Art Resource, NY, Klee, Paul; Seacape: © 2006
Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY/VG Bild-Kunst,
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Family: © 2006 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New
York/HUNGART, Budapest/Margit Kovacs, Kriesel,
Johanna; Panda Print: Linnea Design/Corbis, Kuna People
of Panama; Mola Panel: Gift of Mrs. H. Lester
Cooke/Textile Museum, Lauren; Student Art, Autumn Still
Life: Lauren/Smiley Elementary School, Lawrence, Jacob;
Morning Still Life: © 2006 Gwendolyn Knight
Lawrence/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York/The
Newark Museum/Art Resource, NY, Lawrence, Jacob; The
Street: © 2006 Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence/Artist Rights
Society (ARS), New York, Lawrence, Jacob; Vaudeville: ©
2006 Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence/Artist Rights Society
(ARS), New York, Lawson, Irene; "Poke" Bonnet: Dean
Beasom/National Gallery of Art, Lee, Doris; Untitled: Gift
of Wallace and Wilhelmina Holladay/National Museum of
Women in the Arts, Lewis, Lucy; Native American Vase
with Black and White Pattern: Bowers Museum of
Cultural Art/Corbis, Lewis, Lucy; Pot with Deer, Antelope
and Ram: Lucy Lewis/Courtesy of King Galleries of
Scottsdale, Lin, Maya; The Wave Field: Balthazar
Korab/Maya Lin Studio, Lomas Garza, Carmen;
Autoretrato (Self-portrait): © 1980 Carmen Lomas
Garza/Wolfgang Dietze/Collection of the artist, Lomas
Garza, Carmen; Cumpleanos de Lala y Tudi (Lala's and
Tudi's Birthday Party): © 1989 Carmen Lomas
Garza/Wolfgang Dietze/Collection of Paula Maciel
Benecke & Norbert Benecke, Aptos, CA., Lomas Garza,
Carmen; Empanadas (turnovers): © 1991 Carmen Lomas
Garza/Photo by Judy Reed/Collection of Romeo
Montalvo,MD, Brownville, Texas, Lomas Garza, Carmen;
Sandia/Watermelon: © 1986 Carmen Lomas
Garza/Wolfgang Dietze/Collection of Dudley D. Brooks &
Tomas Ybarra-Frausto, New York, NY, Lucy Lewis;
Polychrome bowl: John Guernsey/Andrea Fisher Fine
Pottery, Magritte, Rene; Golconda: ©2006 Herscovici,
Brussels/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY/Menil
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Paris/Superstock, Malevich, Kazimir; Morning in The
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Goldfish: © 2006 Succession H. Matisse, Paris/Artist
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Arts, Moscow/Superstock, Matisse, Henri; Harmony in
Red: © 2006 Succession H. Matisse, Paris/Artist Rights
Society (ARS), New YorkScala/Art Resource, NY, Matisse,
Henri; Harmony in Red: © 2006 Succession H.
Matisse/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY/Erich
Lessing/Art Resource, NY, Matisse, Henri; Interior in
Yellow and Blue: © 2006 Succession H. Matisse/Artist
Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY/CNAC/MNAM/Dist.
Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY,
Matisse, Henri; Interior with Aubergines:© 2006
Succession H. Matisse, Paris/Artist Rights Society (ARS),
New York/Scala/Art Resource, Matisse, Henri; SelfPortrait: © 2006 Succession H. Matisse, Paris/Artist
Rights Society (ARS), New York/AKG Images, Matisse,
Henri; Self-Portrait: © 2006 Succession H. Matisse,
Paris/Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/AKG Images,
Matisse, Henri; Still Life with Pomegrantes: © 2006
Succession H. Matisse,Paris/Artists Rights Society (ARS),
New York/Bridgeman-Giraudon/Art Resource, NY,
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2006 Succession H. Matisse, Paris/Artist Rights Society
(ARS), New York/The Bridgeman Art Library, Mayer,
Francis G./Corbis/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York,
McDermott, Gerald; Illustration from Coyote: Gerlad
McDermott/Harcourt Trade, McDermott, Gerald;
Woodpecker: Gerald McDermott/Harcourt, McPhail,
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Arts: Jan Butchofsky-Houser/Corbis, Milici, Reynard; The
Cozy Coupe: Louis K. Meisel Gallery/Corbis, Miro, Joan;
People and Dog in front of the Sun: © 2006 Successio
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Archive/Kunstmuseum Basel/Dagli Orti, Miro, Joan;
Prades, The Village: © Successio Miro/ Artist Rights
Society (ARS), New York/Solomon R. Guggenheim
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Successio Miro/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New
York/ADSGP, Paris/Archivo Iconografico,
S.A./Corbis/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Misc.;
Crazy Horse Monument, S.D.: R Dewall/Corbis Sygma,
Misc.; Gold Coin: The British Museum, Mondrian, Piet;
Broadway Boogie Woogie: © Mondrian/Holtzman Trust/
c/o Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Burstein
Collection/Corbis, Monet, Claude; Grainstacks in Bright
Sunlight: Alfred Atmore Pope Collection, Hill-Stead
Museum, Farmington CT, Monet, Claude; In The Meadow:
Sotheby's, London/AKG, Berlin/Superstock, Monet,
Claude; Landscape-Haystacks in the Snow: The
Shelburne Museum, Monet, Claude; The Beach at SainteAdresse: The Art Institute of Chicago, Monet, Claude; the
Waterlily Pond: Musee d'Orsay, Paris/Bridgeman Art
Library, London/Superstock, Monet, Claude; Water Lilies:
Neue Pinakothek, Munich/Superstock, Moore, Henry;
Mother and Child: Visual Arts Library/Art Resource, NY,
Moore, Henry; Study for a Family Group: Henry Moore
Foundation/Scala/Art Resource, NY, Moore, Henry; The
Rocker: Francis G. Mayer/Corbis, Moses, Grandma; A
Beautiful World: Geoffrey Clements/Corbis, Moses,
Grandma; Autumn: Grandma Moses, Autumn/Collections
of the Bennington Museum, Bennington, VT/Copyright
1985 Grandma Moses Properties Co., New York, Moses,
Grandma; Taking in The Laundry: Geoffrey
Clements/Corbis, Motorcycle; Index Stock Imagery,
Munter, Gabrielle; Sef-Portrait: © 2006 Artists Rights
Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn/Bruce M.
White/2003 Trustees of Princeton University, Munter,
Gabrielle; Staffelsee in Autumn: © 2006 Artists Rights
Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn/Gabriele
Munter (German, 1877-1962), Staffelsee in Autumn, 1923.
Oil on Board 13 3/4 X 19 1/4 in. The National Museum of
Women in The Arts. Gift of Wallace and Whilhelmina
Holladay, Murillo, Esteban; Two Women at a Window:
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., Murooka,
Katsutaka; Thread Kite and Air Bowl: Katsutaka Murooka,
Murooka, Katsutaka; Yakko flow from Kite: Katsutaka
Murooka, Nadelman, Elie; Woman at the Piano: The
Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art
Resource, NY, Nampeyo, Miriam Tewaguna; Hopi Olla:
Harcourt, Nevelson, Louise; Abstract Sculpture; © 2006
Estate of Louise Nevelson/Artists Rights Society (ARS),
New York/Geoffrey Clements/Corbis, Nicole; Student Art:
Nicole/Eugene Field Elementary, Maryville, MO, O'Brien,
Mike; Moon Landing: Don Couch Photography,
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Notebook: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Olga N.
Sheldon Acquisition Trust and friends of Sheldon
Memorial Art Gallery, Ong, Diana; Kat: Diana
Ong/Superstock, Oppenheim, Meret; Object: Artist Rights
Society (ARS), New York, NY/Digital Image © The
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Collection of the California African-American Museum
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Center.: Phil Huber/Stock Photo, Picasso, Pablo; Child
with Dove: © 2006 Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artists Rights
Society (ARS), New York/Private Collection AKG,
Berlin/Superstock/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York,
Picasso, Pablo; Dove with Flowers: © 2006 Estate of
Pablo Picasso/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New
York/Private Collection/Bridgeman Art Library, Picasso,
Pablo; Hand with Flowers: © 2006 The Estate of Pablo
Picasso/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York/Art
Resource, NY, Picasso, Pablo; Sef-Portrait: © 2006 Estate
of Pablo Picasso/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New
York/Philadelphia Museum of Art/Corbis, Picasso, Pablo;
Self-Portrait with Palette: © 2006 The Estate of Pablo
Picasso/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New
York/Philadelphia Museum of Art/Corbis, Picasso, Pablo;
Self-Portrait: © 2006 The Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artist
Rights Society (ARS), New York/Philadelphia Museum of
Art/Corbis, Picasso, Pablo; The Enameled Casserole: ©
2006 The Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artist Rights Society
(ARS), New York/Giraudon/Art Resource, NY, Picasso,
Pablo; The Pigeons: © 2006 Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artist
Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY/Giraudon/Art
Resource, NY, Picasso, Pablo; Three Musicians: © 2006
The Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artist Rights Society (ARS),
New York/Digital Image © The Museum of Modern
Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, NY, Pinkney, Brian;
Illustration from Max Found Two Sticks: Reprinted with
the permission of Simon & Schuster Books for Young
Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's
Publishing Division from Max Found Two Sticks by Brian
Pinkney. Copyright © 1994 Brian Pinkney, Pinks, Judith;
Girl's jumper: Judith Pinks, Pinks, Judith; Reversible vest
& Skirt set w/ matching Hat: Judith Pinks, Polacco,
Patricia; Illustration from page 15 of "Appelemando's
Dreams": From APPELEMANDO'S DREAM by Patricia
Polacco, © 1991 by Patriacia Polacco. Used by permission of Philomel Books, A Division of Penguin Young
Readers Group, A Member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.,
345 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014. All rights
reserved., Potthast, Edward Henry; Play in The Surf:
Superstock, Prendergast, Maurice; Summer, New
England: Smithsonian American Art Museum,
Washington, DC / Art Resource, NY, Rembrandt;
Members of the Drapers Club:Rijksmuseum,
Amsterdam/Superstock, Rembrandt; Sef-Portrait:
Scala/Art Resource, NY, Remington, Frederic; The Fall of
the Cowboy: Artist Righst Society (ARS), New York,
NY/Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas, Remington,
Frederic; The Rattlesnake: Artists Rights Society (ARS),
New York, NY/Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, WY, Gift
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Memories by Jim Reno, Renoir, Pierre Auguste; The
Seine at Asnieres; National Gallery Collection; By kind
permission of the Trustees of the National Gallery,
London/Corbis/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York,
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste; Afternoon of the Children at
Wargemont: Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York,
NY/National Gallery, Berlin/Superstock, Renoir, PierreAuguste; Self-Portrait: Artist Rights Society (ARS), New
York, NY/Francis G. Mayer/Corbis, Renoir, Pierre-Auguste;
Self-Portrait: Francis G. Mayer/Corbis, Renoir, Pierre-
Auguste; The Seine at Arnieres: National Gallery
Collection; By kind permission of the Trustees of the
National Gallery, London/Corbis, Renoir, Pierre-Auguste;
Two Girls in Field: The Barnes Foundation, Merion
Station, Pennsylvania/Corbis, Renoir, Pierre-Auguste; Two
Sisters (On the Terrace): Art Institute of Chicago, IL,
USA/Bridgeman Art Library, Repin, Il'ja Efimovic;
Butterfly(Vera Repin): Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow/AKG
Berlin/Superstock, Ringgold, Faith; Listen to the Trees,
The American Collection #11: Faith Ringgold, Ringgold,
Faith; Sonny's Quilt: Faith Ringgold, Ringgold, Faith; Tar
Beach 2: Faith Ringgold, Rios, Eli, and Zeferino; Cowboy
Boots: National Archives and Records Administration,
Rivera, Diego; Autorretrato: Mexican Government,
Rivera, Diego; Baile en Tehuantepec: Los Angeles County
Museum of Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Lipper
from the Milton W. Lipper Fund, Rivera, Diego; Children
at Lunch: Art Resource, NY, Rivera, Diego; Girl with
Sunflowers: Christie's Images/Corbis, Rivera, Diego; La
Era: Diego Rivera Museum, Guanajuato, Mexico ,
Rivera, Diego; La Pinata: Schalkwijk/Art Resource, NY,
Rivera, Diego; Still-Life and Blossoming Almond Trees:
Benjamin Blackwell/University of California, Berkeley,
Stern Hall; bequest of Mrs. Sigmund Stern, Rivera,
Diego; The Flower Vendor (also known as Girl with Lilies
or Calla Lily Vendor): Archivo Iconografico/Corbis, Rivera,
Diego; The Market: Schalkwijk/Art Resource, NY,
Rockwell, Norman; The Music Man: © 1966 The Rockwell
Family Entities, Rousseau, Henri; Carnival Evening:
Burstein Collection/Corbis, Rousseau, Henri; Exotic
Landscape: Norton Simon Collection, Pasadena,
CA/Bridgeman Art Library, Rousseau, Henri; Flowers in a
Vase: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York,
Rousseau, Henri; I Myself Portrait-Landscape: Eric
Lessing/Art Resource, NY, Rousseau, Henri; Self-Portrait:
Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY, Rousseau, Henri; The
Banks of the Bievre near Bicetre: © 2006 Artist Rights
Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris/The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, Gift of Marshall Field, 1939. (39.15)
Photograph copyright 1981 The Metropolitan Museum of
Art, Sagar, Beatrice; Sun Shines: Artist Rights Society
(ARS), New York, NY/Beatricia Sagar/Superstock, Saint
Paille, Nikki; L'oiseau de feu (Firebird) Detail: ©2006
Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP,
Paris/Stefano Bianchetti/Corbis, Schapiro, Miriam ;
Heartland: Miriam Schapiro/Orlando Museum of Art,
Seth; Student Art: Seth Carpenter/Viking Elementary,
Pelican rapids, MN, Shapiro, Joel; Untitled: Christie's
Images/Corbis, Stewart, David; World Series: Museum
Purchase - Nebraska Art Collection, Stuart, Gilbert;
George Washington: Archivo Iconografico, S.A./Corbis,
Supuni, Amos; Baby Chick: Blackstar/Harcourt,
Sveinsson, Asmunder; Sculpture garden: Paul
Almasy/Corbis, Tadpole; E.Borel Casals/Frank Lane
Picture Agency/Corbis, Tamayo, Rufino; Watermelons:
Christie's Images/Corbis, Tanaya; Student Art:
Tanaya2/May Lee Clark Elementary School, Taylor:
Student Art: Harcourt, The Museum of Modern
Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, NY, Thiebaud,
Wayne; Around the Cake: ©Wayne Thiebaud/Licensed by
VAGA, New York, NY/Spencer Museum of Art, The
University of Kansas/Gift of Ralph T. Coe in memory of
Helen F. Spencer, Thiebaud, Wayne; Desserts: Wayne
Thiebaud, Desserts/The UBS Art Collection/Licensed by
VAGA, New York, NY, Thomas Hoepker/Magnum Photos,
Thomas, Alma Woodsey; Fall Begins: Licensed by VAGA,
New York, NY/Smithsonian American Art Museum,
Washington, DC/Art Resource, NY, Thomas, Alma
Woodsey; Iris, Tulips, Jonquils and Crocuses: Licensed by
VAGA, New York, NY/Gift of Wallace and Wilhelmina
Holladay/National Museum of Women in the Arts,
Thomas, Alma Woodsey; Snoopy-Sun Display on Earth:
Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY/Smithsonian American
Art Museum, Washington, DC/Art Resource, NY, Thu, Mai;
The Singing Lesson: The Art Archive/Private Collection
Paris/Dagli Orti, Tori; Student Art: Tori Rash/Hilltop
Elementary, Lynnwood, WA, Trotter, Josephine; Winter
Palace: Josephine Trotter/Superstock, Unknown Artist,
Chariot of The Sun: Archivo Iconografico, S.A./Corbis,
Unknown Artist, Star of Bethlehem Quilt: The Newark
Museum/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist: Ancient
Greek Black-figurine: Araldo de Luca/Corbis, Unknown
Artist: The three most famous pyramids on the plateau of
Gizeh: from l. to r. Mycerinus, Chefren, and Cheops: Erich
Lessing/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist: US Postal
Stamp HEROES USA 2001 - three firemen amidst rubble
of WTC raising the American flag.: US Postal Service,
Unknown Artist; State Capitol Building: Superstock,
Unknown Artist; 19th Century Brick Building Anaconda:
Jan Butchofsky-Houser/Corbis, Unknown Artist; African
Mask: Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology,
Unknown Artist; Appalachian Basket: Michael
Freeman/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Arpilleras: Crossroads
Trade, Unknown Artist; Bass Harbor, Mt Desert Island, by
Cindy McIntyre: Cindy McIntyre/Index Stock Imagery,
Unknown Artist; Bison Statue and State Capitol building,
Bismark: Jeff Greenberg/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown
Artist; Bowl with Handle: Schomburg Center, The New
York Public Library/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist;
Box with Ornaments, Korea: The Newark Museum/Art
Resource, NY, Unknown Artist; Brazilian Tapestry: Joseph
Barnell/Superstock, Unknown Artist; British Farthings:
The British Museum, Unknown Artist; Buttefly Jewel: The
Art Archive/Palazzo Pitti Florence/Dagli Orti, Unknown
Artist; Cactus Brand Oranges advertisement: Huntington
Library/Superstock, Unknown Artist; Capitol building,
Little Rock Arkansas: Charlie Borland/Index Stock
Imagery, Unknown Artist; Cat Mask: Ed Bohon/Corbis,
Unknown Artist; Ceremonial Clothing: The Newark
Museum/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist; Charleston
fountain in waterfront park: Andre Jenny/Painet Works,
Unknown Artist; Chase Building in Dallas, TX: Texas
Commerce Tower.: Nathan Benn/Corbis, Unknown Artist;
Chinese Emperor's Twelve Symbol Robe: Lowe Art
Museum/Superstock, Unknown Artist; Colonial Cornhusk
Doll: Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist; Colorado Springs
Rodeo Hall of Fame: Andre Jenny/Painet Works,
Unknown Artist; Denver International Airport: John
Madere/Corbis , Unknown Artist; Explorers at the Marias
by Bob Scriver: Connie Ricca/Corbis, Unknown Artist;
Exterior of Madison Morgan Cultural Center: Bob
Krist/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Exterior of Old Vicksburg
Courthouse: David Butow/Corbis, Unknown Artist;
Feather Headdress: Museum fur Volkerkunde, Wien oder
MVK, Wien, Unknown Artist; Fountain Statue in
Fairbanks: Carl Purcell/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Funeral
Mask of Tutankhamen.: Roger Wood/Corbis, Unknown
Artist; Gateway Arch, St. Louis: Dave Rusk/Index Stock
Imagery, Unknown Artist; Haniwa figure; Horse: The
Cleveland Museum of Art, Unknown Artist; Headdress
with face in glass beads of Yoruba People people,
Nigeria, West Africa: The Art Archive/Ethnic Jewellery
Exhibition Milan/Dagli Orti, Unknown Artist; Helmet
Mask: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Michael C.
Rockfeller Memorial Collection, Purchase, Nelson A.
Rockefeller, 1967. (1978.412.560) Photograph (c) 1993 The
Metropolitan Muesum of Art, Unknown Artist;
Hieroglyphics, Heracleoplis, Egypt: Kurt
Scholz/Superstock, Unknown Artist; Hippopotamus, decorated with bird, reeds, and lotus flower, from a tomb in
Thebes, Egypt. Turquoise: Erich Lessing/Art Resource,
NY, Unknown Artist; Hmong Story Cloth of Village Life:
Harcourt, Unknown Artist; Hogback Covered Bridge,
Winterset: USA Richard Cummins/Corbis, Unknown
Artist; Horus Falcon: Werner Forman Archive, Private
Collection/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist; Huichol
Yarn Mask: Indigo Arts Gallery, Unknown Artist; Huichol
Yarn Mask: Indigo Arts Gallery, Unknown Artist; Indian
petroglyhs along the Salmon river: Tim Brown/Index
Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist; Inside Photo from
Coyote Places the Stars: Simon & Schuster Publishing,
Unknown Artist; Interior of a State Capitol Building in
Atlanta: Richard Cummins/CORBIS , Unknown Artist;
Interior of State Capitol, Salem: Richard
Cummins/SuperStock, Unknown Artist; Iowa Jima
Memorial Statue, Arlington National Cemetery: Dennis
Macdonald/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist;
Jackson city hall with statue of Andrew Jackson: Andre
Jenny/Painet Works, Unknown Artist; Kalmar Nyckel
Monument: Lee Synder/Corbis, Unknown Artist;
Kentucky Center for the Arts, Louisville: Charlie
Borland/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist; Legislative
building, Dover, Delaware: Mark Gibson/Index Stock
Imagery, Unknown Artist; Louisville Slugger Museum:
Mark Gibson/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist; ManO-War Horse Park, Lexington: Everette Johnson/ Index
Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist; Mayan Jar with Jaguar
on the cover: Bowers Museum of Cultural Art/Corbis,
Unknown Artist; Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
showing Cliff Palace dwellings: George and Monserrate
Schwartz/Alamy, Unknown Artist; Mexican Pinata:
Richard Cummins/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Mexican Stock
Exchange: Angelo Cavalli/Superstock, Unknown Artist;
Milwaukee Art Museum, by Santiago Calatrava: Claire
Rydell/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist; Mission
Concepcion at Dusk: George H. H. Huey/Corbis,
Unknown Artist; Mission San Jose in San Antonio.: San
Antonio Missions National Historical Park, Unknown
Artist; Mississippi State Historical Museum: Andre
Jenny/Painet Works , Unknown Artist; Moon Mask:
Werner Forman Archive/Art Resource, NY, Unknown
Artist; Mounted Figure: San Antonio Museum of Art,
Nelson A. Rockefeller Mexican Folk Art Collection,
Unknown Artist; Mural on the side of a building in
Georgetown: Andre Jenny/Painet Works, Unknown Artist;
Mural showing Waterfront activities: Royalty-Free/Corbis,
Unknown Artist; Music Row mural and Bell South
Batman building, Nashville: Barry Winiker/ Index Stock
Imagery, Unknown Artist; Nathaniel Russell House staircase: Bruce Coleman, Inc., Unknown Artist; National
Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame: National Cowgirl
Museum & Hall of Fame, Unknown Artist; Navajo
(Southwest, United States) Classic Serape: Lowe Art
Museum/Superstock, Unknown Artist; Necklace of galss
beads: Scala/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist; Neon
Horse and Rider: Joseph Sohm/Visions of America,
LLC/PictureQuest, Unknown Artist; Neuschwanstein
Castle: Superstock, Unknown Artist; North wing of the
des Moines art center: Richard Cummins/Corbis,
Unknown Artist; Object (Le Dejeuner en fourrure): Digital
Image (c) The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by
SCALA/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist; Old courthouse and Gateway Arch, St. Louis: Dave G.
Houser/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Old Man Mask: San
Antonio Museum of Art, Nelson A. Rockefeller Mexican
Folk Art Collection, 85.98.646, Unknown Artist;
Ornamental Municipal Gardens in Angers, France:
Michael Boys/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Painted Lizard
Alebrije: Lindsay Hebberd/Corbis, Unknown Artist;
Panamanian Cuna child's blouse: Danny Lehman/Corbis,
Unknown Artist; Peacock, glass laid mosaic Morchawk,
City Palace, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India: Dinodia, Unknown
Artist; Pheasant Sculptures created by artist Gary Geff
along the Enchanted Highway: Layne Kennedy/Corbis,
Unknown Artist; Phoenix statue in garden, Baltimore:
Harrison/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist; Plate with
flame motiff: Giraudon/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist;
Portland head lighthouse, Cape Elizabeth: RoyaltyFree/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Portrait of Louise-Elisabeth
de France (1727-59) Duchess of Parma and her son
Ferdinand: The Bridgeman Art Library, Unknown Artist;
Public sculpture, Seattle: Barry Winiker/ Index Stock
Imagery, Unknown Artist; Push Toy: San Antonio
Museum of Art, Nelson A. Rockefeller Mexican Folk Art
Collection, Unknown Artist; Pyramids at the Louvre:
Dallas and John Heaton/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Queen
Statue, Iolani Palace: Richard Cummins/SuperStock,
Unknown Artist; Rabbit Devouring a Bunch of Grapes:
Gilles Mermet/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist;
Reunion Tower: Index Stock Imagery, Inc., Unknown
Artist; Rodeo Gauntlets: Rhonda Hole/National Cowgirl
Museum, Unknown Artist; Row houses in Charleston:
Getty Images, Unknown Artist; Salmon sculpture, Seattle:
Jim Corwin/Index Sock Imagery, Unknown Artist; Sam
Garrett's boots: National Cowboy & Western Heritage
Museum, Unknown Artist; Scenes from the Life of a
Child: Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY,
Unknown Artist; Sculpture on the grounds of University
of Alaska Museum: Carol Havens/Corbis, Unknown Artist;
Seattle Center Fountain at Sunset: Philip James
Corwin/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Shrubs Sculpted into
Animals at Topiary Garden: Bob Krist/Corbis, Unknown
Artist; Skirt detail: The Newark Museum/Art Resource, NY,
Unknown Artist; Skyline with sculpture, Providence:
Steve Dunwell/Index Stock, Unknown Artist; Sleeveless
Shirt:Jian Chen/Art Resource, NY, Unknown Artist; St.
Louis Cathedral, Jackson Square, New Orleans: Harcourt,
Unknown Artist; Stained Glass at the Dowlet Abad
Gardens: Arthur Thevenart/Corbis, Unknown Artist; State
Capitol Bldg, Madison: Ralph Krubner/Index Stock
Imagery, Unknown Artist; State Capitol Building Augusta:
Tom Doody/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist; State
Capitol Building, Helena: Michele burgess/Index Stock
Imagery, Unknown Artist; State Capitol Building,
Nashville: Charlie Borland/Index Stock Imagery,
Unknown Artist; State Capitol Building: Corbis, Unknown
Artist; State Capitol building: Mark Gibson/Index Stock
Imagery, Unknown Artist; State House Dome, Concord:
James Lemass/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist;
State House with equestrian statue, Columbia: Andre
Jenny/Painet Works, Unknown Artist; State House,
Annapolis: David Bell/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown
Artist; Statue in Woldenberg Riverfront Park, New
Orleans: Barry Winiker/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown
Artist; Statue of Caesar Rodney in Front of Hotel du Pont:
Lee Synder/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Statue of King
Kamehameha: Elfi Kluck/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown
Artist; Statue of the Bremen Musicians: Dave
Bartruff/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Texas State Flag Cowboy
Boot: Richard Cummins/Corbis, Unknown Artist; Texas
state stamp contest winner: US postal stamp, 34-cents,
(2001) showing "Greetings from TEXAS": US Postal
Service, Unknown Artist; The Alamo: D. Boone/Corbis,
Unknown Artist; The Colorado River in the Grand
Canyon: Corbis, Unknown Artist; The Old State House,
Little Rock Arkansas; Wesley Hitt/Alamy, Unknown Artist;
The Shoe House: Ruth Miller, Unknown Artist; Tractor
seats on display in the Farmers Museum: B and C
Gillingham/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown Artist; Union
Station, Portland: Robert Campbell/Superstock, Unknown
Artist; Washington Monument by Thomas Crawford:
Corbis, Unknown Artist; World's longest covered bridge:
Barry Winiker/Index Stock Imagery, Unknown Artists;
Mural (America): Ms. Filis, Valadon, Suzanne; Bouquet
and a Cat: © 2006 Artist Rights Society (ARS), New
York/ADAGP, Paris/Private Collection/Bridgeman Art
Library, Valdez, Patssi; Feyne's House Dining Room:
Patssi Valdez/Patricia Correia Gallery, Valdron, SefPortrait: © 2006 Artist Rights Society (ARS), New
York/ADAGP, Paris/Christie's Images/Superstock, van
Gogh, Vincent; Boats on the Beach: Art Resource, NY, van
Gogh, Vincent; First Steps after Millet: The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, Gift of George N. and Helen M. Richard,
1964. (64.165.2) Photograph copyright 1999/ The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, van Gogh, Vincent; Irises: J.
Paul Getty Museum, van Gogh, Vincent; Road with
Cypress and Star: Bridgeman Art Library, van Gogh,
Vincent; Sef-Portrait: Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art
Resource, NY, van Gogh, Vincent; Still Life: Vase With
Twelve Sunflowers: Neue Pinakothek, Munich,
Germany/Bridgeman Art Library, London/Superstock, van
Gogh, Vincent; The Bedroom at Arles: Art Institute of
Chicago/Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial
Collection/Superstock, van Gogh, Vincent; The Starry
Night: The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by Scala/Art
Resource, NY, van Gogh, Vincent; Wheat Field and
Cypress Trees: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY, van
Hulsdonck, Jacob; A Still Life of Fruit and Flowers:
Christie's Images/Superstock, Warhol, Andy; Butterfly: ©
2006 Any Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts/ARS,
New York/Bass Museum of Art/Corbis, Warhol, Andy;
Mercedes-Benz C11 Prototype: © 2006 The Andy Warhol
Foundation for the Visual Arts, ARS, New York, NY/Art
Resource, NY, Washington, Anna Belle Lee; Games We
Play: Anna Belle Lee Washington/Superstock,
Washington, Anna Belle Lee; Mount Ranier Reflecting:
Anna Belle Lee Washington/Superstock, Wesselman, Tom;
Still Life #25: © Tom Wesselman/Licensed by VAGA, New
York, NY/Burstein Collection/Corbis, Westphal, Katherine;
Unveiling of the Statue of Liberty: Smithsonian American
Art Museum, Washington, DC/Art Resource, NY,
Whitehouse-Holm, Marilee; Abstract #10: Private
Collection/Marilee Whitehouse-Holm/Superstock, Wood,
Grant ; American Gothic: © Estate of Grant
Wood/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY/Bettmann/Corbis,
Wood, Grant; Fall Plowing: Courtesy of the John Deere
Art Collection, Wood, Memphis; Elysian Fields:
Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art, Florida/Superstock,
Woodsey, Alma; Atmospheric Effects II: National
Museum of American Art, Washington, DC/Art Resource,
NY, Wright, Frank Lloyd; Falling Waters: Richard A.
Cooke/Corbis/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York,
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum:
Angelo Hornak/Corbis/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New
York, Wright, Frank Lloyd; The Guggenheim Museum:
Roger Wood/Corbis/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New
York, Young, Ashley; US 33 cents postage stamp called
"Dog" by Ashley Young, age 11--Stampin The Future
Contest: US Postal Service, , , ,