Volume 1, Issue 2 January 2010 What’s Inside president’s message page 1 atap chapter updates page 3 welcome great plains chapter! page 5 2009 atap awards recipients page 9 atap code of ethical conduct page 10 member news page 11 calendar of events page 11 Save the Date: ATAP Spring Regional May 3-4, 2010 Chicago, Illinois “Early Warnings: Violence Prevention Through Detection and Intervention” Stay tuned for more details atap newsletter The Quarterly Printed Publication of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals Produced by Krista Giaccio, washington, D.C. Chapter President Catherine A. Smith, Executive Director Ashley Bradley, Communications Assistant president’s message Greetings, The recent attacks at Fort Hood and in Orlando leave me horrified but, unfortunately, not shocked. Tragically, it is events like these that illustrate how important and relevant the work of ATAP continues to be today. The economic times in which we find ourselves leave little in budgets for training or organizations Rachel Solov such as ATAP. However, those same economic times make the work we do and organizations such as ATAP even more essential. I want to thank each and every one of you for your dedication, commitment and passion for preventing violence and for working tirelessly to keep people safe. I also thank you for your continued support of ATAP. Without the support you lend through your membership, we could not exist. I want to take a moment to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to lead this organization. I also would like to recognize the tremendous work done by our Past President, Jim Cawood. From day one, Jim had a vision of where he wanted to take this organization during his presidency, and he succeeded. continued on page 2 ATAP Board of Directors president’s message continued Rachel Solov President The organization has advanced tremendously over the past four years and I am excited and honored to take over from where Jim left off! Debbie Hollan First Vice President Jeff Dunn Second Vice President Paul Bristow Treasurer Jeff Gentry Secretary Chuck Tobin Sergeant at Arms James Cawood Past President Association Headquarters 1215 K Street, Suite 2290 Sacramento, CA 95814 p 916.231.2146, f 916.231.2141 www.atapworldwide.org We just completed the 19th annual Threat Management Conference. The conference was truly outstanding. A very special thank-you to our TMC co-chairs, John Lane and Jeff Dunn, for their hard work in making the conference another huge success. Thank you also to the Los Angeles Police Department’s Threat Management Unit, the Los Angeles ATAP Chapter and the Association Board for all the hard work each put into running the conference. The 2010 Threat Management Conference will be held in Anaheim, California, August 17-20. Please check the Web site for updates, including information on presenting as well as some exciting new sponsorship opportunities we will have available! On October 16, 2009, it was my honor to install the Great Plains Chapter. The Great Plains Chapter is based at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska. The Great Plains kick-off meeting was a huge success and I am looking forward to watching them continue to grow and continue to enhance our organization and profession. I have nearly completed my first quarter as Association President. I have visited several of our chapters, and intend to visit all of you throughout the next year. Please don’t hesitate to contact me; I am always open to suggestions, criticism, and ideas on how we can make this organization work better for you. I can be reached at president@atapworldwide.org. I am grateful you are a part of this organization. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a happy, healthy New Year. Be safe and I hope to see you soon! Save the Date Threat Management Conference August 17-20, 2010 Disneyland Hotel 1150 Magic Way Anaheim, CA Visit www.atapworldwide.org for more information atap chapter updates arizona chapter There have been some recent changes to the Arizona Chapter Board of Directors. Jeff Gentry was appointed Secretary to the National Board of Directors, creating a vacancy in the Vice-President position with the Arizona Chapter Board. Tony Mapp ascended from Sergeant at Arms to fill the VP role, and Kevin Thomas moved in to fill the Sergeant at Arms position. Kevin is a Detective with the MCSO Threats Unit and has been very active in the Arizona Chapter. Congratulations to Jeff on your appointment to the National Board, and welcome Kevin! Dr. Richard Gray recently hosted a seminar on School Violence for the Deer Valley School District featuring Dr. Kris Mohandie. Dr. Gray graciously opened seats to any interested Arizona Chapter members and affiliates from out of state. The chapter will continue to collaborate with other local professional organizations to broaden training opportunities for ATAP members across all disciplines. The Arizona Chapter has followed the lead of the Northwest Chapter in sending the Great Plains Chapter a check to feather its budget nest for start-up. Congratulations Great Plains Chapter members, and welcome! Upcoming Arizona Chapter meetings for 2010: Meetings will be held the 3rd Wednesday of odd months. The meeting time is 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., and meetings will be held at rotating locations TBA. Wednesday, Jan. 21 Wednesday, March 18 Spring Mini-conference TBA Wednesday, May 20 Wednesday, July 15 Wednesday, Sept. 16 Wednesday, Nov. 18 atlanta-southeast chapter The Atlanta-Southeast Chapter President Debbie Hollan retired from the Cobb County Police Department on Dec. 31 after a long and distinguished career. The chapter wishes her the very best. Upcoming Atlanta Southeast Chapter meetings for 2010: Thursday, Jan. 14 Thursday, March 18 Thursday, May 13 Thursday, July 15 Thursday, Sept. 16 November (TBD) continued on page 4 atap chapter updates continued colorado chapter los angeles chapter After joining ATAP this summer, Dr. Lee Bird has agreed to step into the vacant Vice-President position in the Colorado Chapter. Dr. Bird is currently the Vice President for Student Affairs at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, a post she has held for more than eight years. The Los Angeles Chapter is finishing up another very exciting year. The chapter meetings in 2009 were very informative and provided members with opportunities to network with their peers, and learn from some outstanding speakers. The chapter feels that 2010 will prove to be equally as powerful. Dr. Bird also serves as the Chair of the campus-wide Behavioral Assessment Committee and is a member of the Threat Assessment Team. She is also a CERT instructor and President of the Payne County Red Cross. She earned both her Bachelor of Science in Education and her Ph.D. in Higher Education at the University of Arizona. She earned her master’s at the University of Wisconsin. The Colorado Chapter welcomes Dr. Bird to the Board. In particular, the 2010 Sixth Annual March Training Symposium is shaping up, and the chapter hopes to be able to announce the speakers very soon. Upcoming Colorado Chapter meetings for 2010: The Colorado Chapter meeting schedule will continue to be on the 2nd Thursday of odd months, from 8 a.m. to noon. Meetings will be held in the Arvada City Council Chambers, 8101 Ralston Road, Arvada, Colo. Thursday, Jan. 14 Thursday, March 11 Thursday, May 13 Thursday, July 8 Thursday, Sept. 9 Thursday, Nov. 11 great plains chapter The December meeting of the Great Plains Chapter featured an educational portion of the meeting with an overview of the Nebraska State Patrol’s program in protective detail operations, presented by Don Buettner, ATAP member. To learn more about this new chapter, read the article “Welcome Great Plains Chapter!” on page 5. While all meetings are well-attended, the November meeting seems to be particularly popular as members all receive gifts from the Board and have the opportunity to win raffle items donated by member organizations. Here is a recap of the speakers that presented at the 2009 meetings: January “Corporate Restraining Order as a Management Tool” Vivienne Swanigan & Hugo Rossiter, Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office continued on page 5 welcome great plains chapter! The Great Plains Chapter held its kickoff meeting Friday, Oct. 16 at the Lied Center for the Performing Arts on the University of NebraskaLincoln campus. Lt. Governor Rick Sheehy, a staunch advocate of threat assessment programs in Nebraska, opened the meeting with congratulatory remarks. Northwest Chapter President Dave Okada gave a well-received presentation about the value of multi-disciplinary threat assessment teams. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Chief Owen Yardley followed with an example of threat assessment in action in a presentation about stadium security. There were 80 ATAP members and potential members representing four states in attendance. The attendees were treated to lunch in conjunction with the noon business meeting, which included an election of officers and discussion about how the new chapter will function. ATAP President Rachel Solov gave a presentation on the use of threat assessment in prosecution cases. Standing on deck outside the stadium skybox overlooking the Nebraska football game. (L-R) Rachel Solov and Dave Okada. continued on page 6 los angeles chapter, atap chapter updates continued March “Campus Violence, Prevention, Intervention and Response” Eugene A. Rugala, Center for Personal Protection & Safety “Challenges in a Changing Global Environment” Mark Kroeker, The Walt Disney Company November “Domestic Intelligence Community: Information Sharing With a Security Mindset” Sergeant Peter Jackson, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Upcoming Los Angeles Chapter meetings for 2010: “Threat Assessment: From a Forensic Linguistic Perspective” James R. Fitzgerald, M.S., Academy Group Inc. May “Substance Abuse and Violence: Recognition and Response” Sergeant Michael Delgadillo, Los Angeles Police Department July “Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs-Coming to a Workplace Near You!” Detective Chris Rose, Long Beach Police Department September “Digital Risk: Internet Based Risk Assessment Tools” Ray Pezolt, Pinkerton Consulting and Investigations The 2010 meetings will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., which will include lunch and a speaker presentation. Thursday, Jan. 21 Thursday, March 18 (Full training day; counts as two meetings for membership requirements) Thursday, May 20 Thursday, July 15 Thursday, Sept. 16 Thursday, Nov. 18 continued on page 6 welcome great plains chapter continued The afternoon concluded with a networking reception. Dave and Rachel stayed over to watch Saturday’s Nebraska vs. Texas Tech football game as guests of University Police. The December meeting of the Great Plains Chapter featured an educational portion of the meeting with an overview of the Nebraska State Patrol’s program in protective detail operations, presented by Don Buettner, ATAP member. atap chapter updates continued Meet the Charter Officers for the Great Plains Chapter northeast chapter The Northeast Chapter held a chapter meeting on Oct. 19. Dr. David Bernstein presented on “Workplace Violence, Identifying Risk Factors.” More than 30 members and guests attended the meeting. The most recent chapter meeting was held Nov. 30. The meeting was held at the 92 Street Y, located at 1395 Lexington Avenue, in the Warburg Art Gallery. Lunch was provided and ATAP members visiting the NYC area were invited to attend. northern california chapter The Northern California Chapter held a “double meeting” on Tuesday, Oct. 13, hosted by Palm, Inc. in Sunnyvale, Calif. There were approximately 40 members present and the morning session guest speakers were from the United States Secret Service. The speakers were Jean Mitchell, Special Agent in Charge of the San Francisco Field Office, and Dan Schott, Special Agent in Charge of the San Jose Field Office. continued on page 7 Owen Yardley, President Owen has been the Chief of Police at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln since June 2001. He has 30 years experience in law enforcement, leading uniformed patrol, criminal investigations, and tactical response unit. Owen has overseen development of programs to improve public safety including campus wide CCTV; geographic information systems (GIS) for daily and special events use, such as the 85,000 capacity football stadium; enhanced dispatch systems; and a threat management and protection program. He has conducted security assessments, presented on security issues, threat assessment teams, special event operations and other campus issues. Mario Scalora, Vice President Dr. Mario Scalora currently serves as an Associate Professor of Psychology with the Clinical Training and Law-Psychology Programs at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. With colleagues such as Dr. Denise Bulling, chapter secretary, he supervises research regarding various aspects of targeted violence, including threat assessment and management, counterterrorism, as well as campus and school violence. Dr. Scalora has an extensive background as a consultant to various law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal levels. He currently serves as the consulting psychologist to the United States Capitol Police, assisting with case consultation and research activity related to threatening activity toward members of Congress. continued on page 7 northern california chapter, atap chapter updates continued welcome great plains chapter continued Dr. Scalora also serves as a consulting psychologist with the University of Nebraska Police Department regarding campus safety, threat management, as well as emergency preparedness. He also provides training to a range of public and private organizations. Denise Bulling, Secretary Dr. Denise Bulling is a senior research director with the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center. She has collaborated with Dr. Scalora, chapter vice president, and others in research—exploring insider threats, source assessment in intelligence operations, and threats in postsecondary campus settings. Dr. Bulling is a licensed mental health professional and has been an ATAP member since 1998. She enjoys applying her practical experience in clinical assessment of dangerousness, mental illness and threats to research that directly impacts policy. Charlotte Evans, Treasurer Charlotte has been with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department for 18 years. She spent the first 10 years of her career in the uniformed patrol division before moving on to supervise the support functions of the department. As Director of Support Services, Charlotte provides oversight to the areas of Investigations, Threat Assessment, Officer Education, Crime Prevention, Communications, Technology, Evidence/Supply, and departmental budgeting. She is very involved in the threat assessment activities of the department, including threat assessment investigations, coordination and planning with campus threat assessment partners, infrastructure vulnerability assessments, and internal and statewide threat assessment training. Standing on deck outside the stadium skybox at the Nebraska football game. (L-R) Mario Scalora, Rachel Solov, Dave Okada, Denise Bulling, and Owen Yardley. The afternoon speaker was Chapter President Ricco Ches, who was filling in for FBI Special Agent in Charge, Stephanie Douglas, of the San Francisco Office. She had an FBI-related emergency and was unable to be a speaker. Ricco’s presentation was on “The Active Shooter” and covered the Salt Lake City and Omaha “active shooters” at malls. At the December meeting, elections were held and Rachel Solov, ATAP President, attended as guest speaker and Honored Guest. Upcoming Northern California Chapter meetings for 2010: Tuesday, Feb. 9 Tuesday, April 13 Tuesday, June 8 Tuesday, Oct. 12 – Double Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 14 – Holiday Lunch Meeting northwest chapter The Northwest Chapter had its last meeting of 2009 on Nov. 4 at the Oregon Health Sciences University. More than 70 members and guests were in attendance to hear NW Chapter member Dr. Frank Colistro give a review of the Virginia Tech Shootings. The next chapter meeting for will be Jan. 13 in Renton, Wash. The presenter will be NW Chapter member Hugues Herve of The Forensic Alliance out of British Columbia. The NW Chapter typically meets on the first Wednesday of odd months, but sometimes defers to the second week in January and July due to holidays. continued on page 8 continued on page 8 northwest chapter, atap chapter updates continued The chapter will be co-sponsoring the 9th Annual Safe Communities and Schools Summit, held Feb. 18 in Salem, Ore. One of the featured presenters will be Past President James Cawood, who will be giving a presentation on Violence Risk Assessments, to include the RAGE V, and a two-part session on the practical process of case management. The FBI will also be presenting at this proactive summit, which is open to all ATAP members. More details will be available on the ATAP Web site and listserv. san diego chapter The San Diego Chapter’s 2009 meetings featured speakers on the following topics: police suicides, neo-Nazi groups, a live threat assessment psychodrama exercise and fitness for duty evaluations. The San Diego Chapter’s 2010 meetings will feature speakers on religious facility security, arson profiles, cyber-stalking, animal rights activists and intelligence gathering “fusion centers.” continued on page 9 welcome great plains chapter continued Great Plains Chapter kick-off held at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska. Approximately 80 attendees at the full-day session. Joe Wright, Sergeant at Arms Joe is a 23 year veteran of the Lincoln Police Department. He holds the rank of Captain and is currently assigned as a Shift Commander. Prior to this assignment Joe has worked as a cruiser officer, street sergeant and spent eight years as a detective. Joe teaches at the Lincoln and state academy in the area of mental health. Joe is a member and past president of our home region’s Behavioral Health Advisory Council, a body which advises elected officials in the area of creating and maintaining mental health services. Joe is also a member of our state’s Suicide Prevention Coalition. During his tenure with the Nebraska State Patrol, he developed and managed the state’s threat assessment response for high-ranking government officials and celebrities, and implemented the state’s Sex Offender Registry and Cold Case Squad. Robin Zagurski, Training Coordinator Robin Zagurski is a social worker/ therapist with the Child and Adolescent Division of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She has coordinated the annual Nebraska Disaster Behavioral Health Conference for the past six years. Gary Plank M.A., Recruitment Coordinator Gary Plank is an Assistant Professor of Forensic Science at Nebraska Wesleyan University (NWU) in Lincoln, Neb. Gary heads the behavioral sciences track for She first trained in threat assessment the NWU Master of Forensic Science degree. in 1999, and is currently working on Gary retired from the Nebraska State Patrol after 28 years, including 24 years in her PhD, focusing on disaster prethe Investigative Services Division. In 1990, he had the opportunity to attend the paredness issues including threat asFBI’s year-long National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime Police Fellowship sessment. Program. The last 17 years of Gary’s law enforcement career were spent working in the Criminal Investigative Analysis Unit as the state’s only behavior profiler. atap 2009 award recipients Distinguished Achievement Award Dr. Stephen D. Hart The Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Dr. Stephen D. Hart at the 19th annual Threat Management Conference on Thursday, Aug. 13. Each year there is only one recipient of this award. Nominees must have made an outstanding contribution to the development and/or understanding of threat assessment or violence prediction. Dr. Hart was presented with this award for his tremendous work and contributions to the field of violence risk assessment. Dr. Hart is a professor in the Department of Psychology and a member of the Mental Health, Law and Policy Institute at Simon Fraser University in Canada, and also a visiting professor of Psychology at the University of Bergen in Norway. He is the author or co-author of more than 125 articles, chapters and books. He has served as President of the American Psychology-Law Society and a director of the Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals. Dr. Hart has conducted more than 200 training workshops for mental health, law enforcement, corrections, and legal professionals in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. He is one of the foundational cadre of influential thinkers in the area of violence risk assessment. From Dr. Hart’s work on the PCL-R, while a student of Dr. Robert Hare, to his work on creating and validating the PCL-SV, to work defining and validating the concept of Structured Professional Judgment with the creation of the HCR20, he has been and continues to be one of the most practical and innovative thinkers in the field. His help in creating and launching CATAP added another dimension to his many achievements, as it extended the concept of multi-disciplinary professional organizations centered on violence risk assessment into the international realm. continued on page 10 san diego chapter, atap chapter updates continued Upcoming San meetings for 2010: Diego Chapter Meetings will be held at 1130 hours to 1300 hours, the first Wednesday of every other month, at the Admiral Baker Country Club. Wednesday, Feb. 3 Wednesday, April 7 Wednesday, June 2 Wednesday, Aug. 4 Wednesday, Oct. 6 Wednesday, Dec. 15 washington, d.c. chapter The Washington, D.C. Chapter held its Holiday Party at 5 p.m., Dec. 17 at The Dubliner on Capitol Hill. Upcoming Washington, D.C. Chapter meetings for 2010: Wednesday, Jan. 27 Wednesday, March 24 Wednesday, May 26 Wednesday, July 28 Wednesday, Sept. 22 Wednesday, Nov. 17 atap code of ethical conduct The Code of Ethical Conduct draft was e-mailed to all ATAP members in September and November. Members had the opportunity to review the draft and submit questions, comments, or concerns by Nov. 30. The Ethics Committee is currently reviewing all of the received comments and will determine what changes should be made before submitting the final document to the Board of Directors for approval. The Code is intended to guide Association Members through difficult issues, as well as to provide enforceable expectations of appropriate conduct within our association. The Ethics Committee responsible for drafting the code was headed by Past-President Jim Cawood, President Rachel Solov, Debbie Hollan, Pat Prince, Dave Okada, Chuck Tobin, Mario Scalora, and Kim Berthiaume of CATAP. atap 2009 award recipients continued Meritorious Service Award Paul Bristow The Meritorious Service Award was presented to Paul Bristow at the 19th annual Threat Management Conference on Thursday, Aug. 13. This award was established in 2004 to recognize ATAP members who have made extraordinary contributions to the mission of ATAP. Each year there is only one recipient of this award. Paul was presented with this award because of his continued dedication to ATAP. He has served for more than 14 years in a variety of Board positions both with the Los Angeles Chapter and the Executive Board. For several years, Paul has been responsible for coordinating the committee responsible for identifying and managing vendors and sponsors at national conferences. While employed at Fox Entertainment Group as the Security Director, Paul was instrumental in coordinating the company’s support of the ATAP national conferences for many years. Without this support, ATAP would not have been able to maintain the conference pricing structure, which has helped to make the events affordable to so many public sector agencies. Paul has dedicated an enormous amount of time and energy toward the successful operation of ATAP and the annual Threat Management Conference. Many of Paul’s efforts have taken place “behind the scenes,” without him receiving the recognition and appreciation that he is so deserving of. ATAP President Rachel Solov presents Paul Bristow with the Meritorious Service Award. 10 member news Have you recently switched jobs, been promoted, received an award, had a paper published, or have any other exciting news? If so, please contact Krista Giaccio at kgiaccio@supremecourt.gov to be featured in the next newsletter. Steve Albrecht reviewed the book “Threat Assessment and Management Strategies: Identifying the Hunter and Howlers,” written by Dr. Fred Calhoun and Steve Weston. The review was featured in the September 2009 issue of Security Management magazine. Steve also wrote the cover story for the November 2009 issue of Law Officer magazine, focusing on police contact and cover roles. Steve is the San Diego Chapter President. Thomas L. Barnes has left his position with Cox Corporate Security in Atlanta, Ga. Thomas has accepted a position as Director of Corporate Security with the Columbus Regional Healthcare System. His new contact information is P.O. Box 951, Columbus, Ga. 31901, 706-571-1000. The Atlanta Southeast Chapter wishes him the best! Dr. Lee Bird has agreed to step into the vacant Vice-President position in the Colorado Chapter. Dr. Bird is currently the Vice President for Student Affairs at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, a post she has held for more than eight years. Dr. Bird also serves as the Chair of the campuswide Behavioral Assessment Committee and is a member of the Threat Assessment Team. She is also a CERT instructor and President of the Payne County Red Cross. She earned both her Bachelor of Science in Education and her PhD in Higher Education at the University of Arizona. She earned her master’s at the University of Wisconsin. The Colorado Chapter welcomes Dr. Bird to the Board. Kathy Ryan has been promoted to Assistant Chief with the NYPD. Chief Ryan has been a member of the NYPD for 29 years and currently serves as the Commanding Officer of the Domestic Violence Unit. She has been a longstanding member and great supporter of the Northeast Chapter. Robert (Bob) Brand, Vice President of Corporate Security, announced his retirement from Cox Enterprises, Inc., effective Dec. 1, 2009. After 11 years with the company, Bob has serious plans to spend his time golfing and fly fishing. The Atlanta Southeast Chapter wishes him the best! Dr. Brian Spitzberg, a San Diego Chapter member and CSU, San Diego communications professor, and San Diego Chapter President Jeff Gentry was appointed Secretary to the ATAP Board of Directors. Jeff was the former Vice President of the Arizona Chapter. Debbie Hollan retired from the Cobb County Police Department on Dec. 31 after a long and distinguished career. Debbie is the AtlantaSoutheast Chapter President. Rich Wilson was recently invited to participate in a symposium on campus safety and technology, hosted by Stanford University. Other peer institutions participating in the discussion group included Harvard, Cornell, USC, University of Washington and tech companies Lenel and Northland Control Systems. Rich is the Arizona Chapter President. Paul Purcell, of Info Quest, was recently flown to New York and appeared on “The Dr. Oz Show.” The episode aired Thursday, Oct. 29. Paul is a member of the Atlanta-Southeast Chapter. Ming Yao, Director of Corporate Security for Cox Enterprises, Inc., will assume dayto-day responsibilities for security services upon retirement of Bob Brand. The Atlanta Southeast Chapter wishes Ming the best! Steve Albrecht developed a slightly sarcastic list of “The 10 Commandments for the Potential Workplace Violence Perpetrator.” calendar of events January 13 – Northwest Chapter Meeting Note: NW Chapter meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of odd months, but sometimes defers to the second week in January and July due to holidays. 14 – Atlanta-Southeast Chapter Meeting Colorado Chapter Meeting 21 – Arizona Chapter Meeting Los Angeles Chapter Meeting 27 – Washington, D.C. Chapter Meeting February 3 – San Diego Chapter Meeting 18 – Atlanta-Southeast Chapter Meeting Los Angeles Chapter Meeting 9 – Northern California Chapter Meeting 24 – Washington, D.C. Chapter Meeting 18 – 9th Annual Safe Communities and Schools Summit, Co-sponsored by the Northwest Chapter April March 11 – Colorado Chapter Meeting 18 – Arizona Chapter Meeting 7 – San Diego Chapter Meeting 12-16 – Association of European Threat Assessment Professions (AETAP) Conference 13 – Northern California Chapter Meeting continued on page 12 11 Association of Threat Assessment Professionals 1215 K Street, Suite 2290 Sacramento, CA 95814 calendar of events May 3-4 – ATAP Sping Regional 2010, Chicago, Illinois 13 – Atlanta-Southeast Chapter Meeting Colorado Chapter Meeting August 4 – San Diego Chapter Meeting November 11 – Colorado Chapter Meeting 17 – Washington, D.C. Chapter Meeting 26 – Washington, D.C. Chapter Meeting 2 – San Diego Chapter Meeting 6 – San Diego Chapter Meeting 17-20 – Threat Management Conference 12 – Northern California Chapter Double Meeting 20 – Arizona Chapter Meeting Los Angeles Chapter Meeting June October September 18 – Arizona Chapter Meeting Los Angeles Chapter Meeting 9 – Colorado Chapter Meeting TBD – Atlanta-Southeast Chapter Meeting 8 – Northern California Chapter Meeting 16 – Arizona Chapter Meeting Atlanta-Southeast Chapter Meeting Los Angeles Chapter Meeting July 8 – Colorado Chapter Meeting 15 – Arizona Chapter Meeting Atlanta-Southeast Chapter Meeting Los Angeles Chapter Meeting 28 – Washington, D.C. Chapter Meeting 12 22 – Washington, D.C. Chapter Meeting December 14 – Northern California Holiday Lunch Meeting 15 – San Diego Chapter Meeting Sept. / Oct. (Dates TBD) – Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (CATAP) Annual Conference interested in contributing to the next issue of the atap newsletter? If you have an article you’ve recently written, member news you’d like to share, or know of anything that may be of interest to ATAP members, please contact Krista Giaccio at kgiaccio@ supremecourt.gov. We’re always looking for a variety of voices and topics! Here are the deadlines for the 2010 issues: Vol. 2, Issue 1: Jan. 18 Vol. 2, Issue 2: April 19 Vol. 2, Issue 3: July 19 Vol. 2, Issue 4: Nov . 15