MADAM: an example of how a modest public-private partnership can have a huge impact Public-private partnerships seem to be the new buzz words these days when it comes to talking about the future of the control of infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. Many private companies are deterred from taking action to form public-private partnerships as they falsely believe that the very term implies a large scale effort that, due to the current economic environment, is beyond However, Mama Dorcas Against Malaria (MADAM), the Seventh Day Adventist Church (ADRA), the East African Portland Cement Company (EAPCC), Roll Back Malaria, the Kenyatta National Hospital, National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) of Kenya and Bestnet Europe Ltd. recently joined together to run a free medical camp Kenya that demonstrated that even a modest effort can have an important impact locally. Background “In Africa, many parents in malaria-endemic areas have died from HIV/AIDS and the burden of raising their children is left to their grandmothers,” said Dr Tom Mboyo Owino, MADAM Coordinator and Africa Malaria Goodwill Ambassador. MADAM is a non-profit organization that was founded by Mama Sarah Obama, step-grandmother to US President Barack Obama. Also referred to in English as the “Grandmothers Against Malaria Initiative” (GAMI), MADAM’s principle mission is to educate grandmothers on healthcare issues, including malaria. “Along with being educated on the use of LLINs (long-lasting insecticidal nets),” Dr Owino said, “grandmothers are also being educated to stop using herbal medicines in favor of conventional anti-malarial drugs recommended by the Ministry of Health.” A child holds a net at the free medical clinic in Kenya. Main activities to date On December 20, 2010, in the Rachuonyo District of Kenya, MADAM, ADRA, EAPCC, Roll Back Malaria, the Kenyatta National Hospital, the Kenya NMCP and Bestnet Europe Ltd. ran a free one-day medical camp. The event was held to support the first launch of the Worldwide Project MADAM. The total attendance was 5000 people in six different stations/centres. Prior to the free clinic campaign people were educated about the benefits of being tested for malaria before taking medication as well as sleeping under a treated mosquito net. Results Mama Sarah Obama was an honored guest at the humanitarian event. Honored guests and featured speakers also included the Honourable Kapembwa Simbao, Minister of Health, Republic of Zambia, and Chairman of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board; Pr Robert Williams, Manchester SDA Church; Pr Lewis Ondiek, Executive Director, Kenya Lake Conference; Mark Ole Karbolo, Chairman of the EAPCC; and Dr Tom Mboyo Owino, MADAM Coordinator and Africa Malaria Goodwill Ambassador. Bestnet Europe Ltd. donated 500 Netprotect® LLINS for the event and, according to Dr Owino, “Every person who was treated at the Free Health Camp that day was provided with a free mosquito net.” Plans for the future “As a member of Roll Back Malaria, Bestnet is pleased to have been able to donate Netprotect® LLINs for this event. We look forward to opportunities to support future events with MADAM and ADRA,” said Trine Sig, Bestnet Europe Ltd. Managing Director. Sig continued: “We would also like to thank Esther Olumo, Healthcare and Scientific Marketing Manager of Joh Achelis & Söhne GmbH, our agent in Nairobi, Kenya, for her outstanding work in helping to coordinate the successful event.” As the results of this one event have shown, publicprivate partnerships, even on a modest scale, can have a huge impact locally when properly planned to include education as well as the free distribution of anti-malarial commodities needed to save lives. The private sector plays an important role in the fight against malaria and a recent publication demonstrates dramatic achievements. Business Investing in Malaria Control: Economic Returns and a Healthy Workforce for Africa, the sixth report in the Roll Back Malaria Progress & Impact Series, provides an in-depth analysis of how in malaria control has improved cost effectiveness and saved lives at companies operating in malaria-endemic regions in Africa. This report, and others in the series, can be accessed online at Trine Sig, Bestnet Europe Ltd., Managing Director Dr. Tom Mboyo Owino, MADAM Coordinator and Africa Malaria Goodwill Ambassador Esther Olumo, Healthcare and Scientific Marketing Manager of Joh Achelis & Söhne GmbH