PGI Instructions

PGI Instructions
Last Updated February 20, 2013
Please review all of the instructions and report forms carefully before completing
your mystery shop. If you have any questions after reading these instructions and
reviewing the report form please contact the Platinum Guild Team at 1-800-8002704 or email
Shop date:
You must conduct this Mystery Shop on the day you are confirmed to complete it. If
for any reason you cannot perform the shop, please contact us as soon as possible.
Also, you will need to call the store location prior to attempting your shop in
order to ensure they will be open for business during the time frame you
plan on completing the shop. If you fail to do so, and they are closed when
you arrive at the location, we will not be able to pay you.
Your Main Objective:
When you and your partner arrive at the store, you will present the associate with
the scenario that you are interested in purchasing a setting for a wedding ring in
the $1,800 - $5,000 price range. Please indicate that you already have the
stone. The stone you have is a round cut diamond, approximately one
carat in size. At this point, you will not inquire about any specific brand, model
or type of metal, as we would like to see if they offer Platinum first. If they do not
show you Platinum, then you MUST mention being interested in Platinum. You will
report on what the associate says about the Platinum settings available, the
customer service and the associate’s knowledge on Platinum.
Please keep in mind you are conducting the shop using the mind set that you are
actually going to purchase a setting for a wedding ring (within the price range of
$1,800-$5,000). We kindly ask that you dress and play the part, as well.
Make sure to review the Blank Form prior to conducting your shop so that you
may be able to give us a thorough and clear understanding of what events took
place during your visit. The questions on the report form range from the time you
enter the store, until you leave, so please make mental notes throughout the
visit. You should keep a copy of your completed report for your records, but the
final report is to be submitted online and therefore a computer and Internet
access are a must for this Mystery Shop.
Your Mystery Shop Scenario:
Acting as a normal customer, you will visit your assigned location with the intention
of purchasing a setting for a wedding ring.
 This shop MUST be completed by a couple (one male and one female).
Initially, you will not ask about any specific metals (gold, white gold, etc).
You will simply tell the associate that you are looking for a setting for your
wedding ring and you have a budget of about $1,800-$5,000. Indicate
you have a stone already.
Let the associate show you and inform you about the different settings
they recommend.
DO NOT mention that you want to see Platinum at first. Let them show you
what metals (gold, silver, platinum) they choose.
If they do not show you Platinum first:
o Let the associate tell you about the metal of their choosing. Pay
attention to the type of metal shown, as well as exactly what
the associate says about the setting itself.
If the associate does not show you a Platinum setting first, you will then
have to ask about Platinum. You will tell the associate that you have heard
about Platinum settings from a friend or you have seen photos of Platinum
settings on the internet and would like to see Platinum settings.
Make sure you pay attention to exactly what the associate says about the
Platinum settings.
Once you see the Platinum settings (whether it was the first metal shown or
the second metal shown), you MUST obtain a business card
Your report WILL NOT be accepted without a business card.
The associate should display extensive knowledge on Platinum and the features that
Platinum offers such as purity, rarity, and uses words such as long lasting. The
advantages and the benefits should be discussed. The associate should inform you of
the differences between Platinum and other metals.
 Pay attention to the associate you talk to. Take note of his or her body
language to ensure associate is confident and knowledgeable about the product.
“Customers and Associates”
 Pay attention to how many customers were in the store (including yourself)
when you entered the location.
 Pay attention to how many associates are visible to you upon entering.
How to submit your report:
The report for this Mystery Shopping Program will be submitted online and through
our website at . You will need your password and
your last name to submit your report. If you have been scheduled to complete a
mystery shop for PGI, but do not have access to the PGI link, please contact your
Tacori Scheduler ASAP. Please follow these instructions in order to submit your
important observations:
Visit our website
Scroll down to “SHOPPERS LOGIN HERE”
Enter your last name and password
Go to "Submit Report", choose the correct month, then click the grey box at
the bottom of the next page labeled "Search Assignments"
Click on the "Submit Report" link
Make sure the address shown is for the location which you shopped
On the calendar select the date you completed your shop
Make note of the report number after completing and submitting your report
Once you submit the report, you will be given a report number. At that point,
scroll back up to the top of the page and click the upload image option to
upload your business card to the report. You MUST upload these to every
report or you will not be paid!
Payment for your Properly Completed Mystery Shop:
The shop payment is $15.
To ensure payment, your shop must be completed within the time frame
scheduled and agreed upon between you and your Scheduler.
The shop must be properly completed following all the above guidelines.
The report must be submitted online within twelve (12) hours of the shop
being completed.
You will need to upload a photo of:
o the business card.
There is no purchase required for this shop therefore there is no
reimbursement for this shop.
Any questions you may have should be promptly directed to your Platinum
Guild Scheduler who can be reached at (800) 800-2704.
Thank you for shopping with National Shopping Service!