Dinamika Masyarakat Papua pada Era Otonomi

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Universitas Negeri Malang
Index Jurnal
Dinamika Masyarakat Papua pada Era Otonomi Khusus
Label Bendel
Danny Erlis Waimbo
Kritis Jurnal Studi Pembangunan Interdisiplin : Program
Pascasarjana UKSW, No 1, Vol XXI, Januari-2012
378.05 KRI 2012
Abstrak / Anotasi
Reformation became the starting point of change and progress towards improving the condition of the nation. Reformation in
various fields one of which bureaucratic reformation. To earn success of the bureaucratic reformation it is necessary to employ
staffing reform (civil servants). However, civil servants tend to violate the provitions of work and work time. Civil servants looks
relaxed, lazy and ineffective at works. Therefore, the authors are interested in researching about Study of Civil Servant Work
Effectiveness based on Workload Analysis in Regional Secretariat of Salatiga City, This research is a qualitative research. Unit
of analysis in this research is the effectiveness of work. We explored the workload and work time of civil servant at the regional
secretary department. From this research, we come to the conclution that work effectiveness of the regional secretariat of civil
servants based on analysis workload is 1034,18 with a predicate C (enough). Besad that we found that regional secretariat of
civil servant are disguised unemployment, therefore the work effetiveness of civil servant should be increased to achieve optimal
function of bureaucratic organizations. An effort that can be dont to improve the work effectiveness of civil servatns are to
arrange the main tasks and functions, organizational structure work prosedures, and placement of civil servants according to the
needs of the organization.
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