Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives for AUL/Collection Development and Management and CDC, 2007/08 Academic Excellence I Strategic Goal I : Improve the quality of scholarly resources and information services that support the advancement of academic excellence at Rutgers I.A. Expand the collections both electronic and in print to the level of our peer institutions I.A. Comment: primarily, but not exclusively, dependent on funding I.A. Objective 1: Build case for increased funding using data from aspirant institutions, compiling lists of requested items that can't be funded, especially for databases and e-journals, and identifying new areas of academic growth I.A. AUL/CDM Measurable Outcome: Prepare collections budget request statement reflecting data from aspirant institutions, identifying specific major gaps in collection, and new areas of academic growth. CDC Measurable outcome: CDC Subject Team Heads will comply lists of requested databases and ejournal not able to purchase; CDC members (and I.A. others) will help comply comparative data from aspirant institutions on databases availability in specific subject areas, help identify new areas of academic growth. I.A. Objective 2: Seek out grant and donation opportunities for collections both cash and gifts in kind. I.A. AUL/CDM Measurable Outcome: Work with RUL D.O.D. officer to pursue grant and fundraising opportunities for collections. Oversee the preparation of NEH Challenge Grant for global and international studies. I.A. CDC Measurable outcome: Inform AUL/CDC about potential cash or gifts-in-kind related to collections I.A. Objective 3: Identify opportunities to better integrated freely available scholarly and informational resources from the internet into RUL's information network I.A. CDC Measurable Outcome: Review policies related to the criteria for selecting and cataloging of freely available internet resources. Identify google books that can be added links to 856 file in existing RUL MARC records Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives for AUL/Collection Development and Management and CDC, 2007/08 Academic Excellence I Strategic Goal I : Improve the quality of scholarly resources and information services that support the advancement of academic excellence at Rutgers I.A. Objective 4: Create new finding aids or subject research guides that are needed, especially in areas of interdisciplinary research and teaching Measurable Outcome: Creation of at least 3 new finding aid: possible topics are water resources, global warming, stem cell research (including ethical, political I.A. and legislative aspects), transportation, immigration and migration studies. Identify interns or graduate assistants who could work on this project. Adopt or develop tools that provide easy, seamless, reliable, and convenient access to both online and traditional scholarly resources, I.B. wherever they are located, such as cross-database searching, link resolvers, and citation software I.B. N/A I.C Address information competency standards for students through information literacy materials, services, and programs in partnership with the teaching faculty I.C N/A I.D Support academic excellence and a richer intellectual life at the university through increased diversity of the Libraries’ workforce I.D CDC Objective 1: Identify collection areas where foreign language expertise is lacking I.D CDC measurable outcome: Produce list of areas where foreign language expertise is lacking I.E Build a preservation program for the collections in all formats to ensure that critical and unique collections remain available in perpetuity I.E Objective 1: Establish preservation program as part of the reorganization of RUL AUL/CDC Measurable Outcome: Finalize Preservation Plan and Implementation of the preservation program including establishing a full-time preservation I.E librarian (administrator) and change budget lines to support preservation program. Create preservation fund for systemwide use. Revive Preservation Committee. Create new preservation policies where necessary. I.E CDC Measurable Outcome: Review preservation plan and policies Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives for AUL/Collection Development and Management and CDC, 2007/08 Academic Excellence I Strategic Goal I : Improve the quality of scholarly resources and information services that support the advancement of academic excellence at Rutgers I.F. Focus the creation of digital resources on the Libraries' unique collections and on the output of Rutgers University, with an emphasis on support for the faculty research process I.F. Comment: This is an area that will be developed in coordination with the new Committee on Scholarly Communication, so can't at this time identify specific objectives I.G. Develop services that facilitate scholarly communication and support the research in process among researchers at Rutgers I.G. Comment: This is an area that will be developed in coordination with the new Committee on Scholarly Communication, so can't at this time identify specific objectives I.G. CDC Objective 2: Estabish collection development policies/critera for digital projects from RUL collections for RUCore I.G. CDC Measurable Outcome: Complete collection development policies for digital projects from RUL collections for RUCore I.G. CDC Objective 2: Decide on what the major digital projects from RUL resources should be selected for RUCore I.G. CDC Measurable Outcome: Selector one or two major digital projects I.H. Advocate for university and faculty participation in the open access movement to increase the impact of our faculty’s research and expand access to scholarly information I.H. Comment: This is an area that will be developed in coordination with the new Committee on Scholarly Communication, so can't at this time identify specific objectives I.I Enhance the reciprocal partnerships, including collaboration with UMDNJ and NJIT, that provide Rutgers faculty and students seamless access to collections outside the university I.I N/A I.J. Continuously improve services by utilizing assessment and accountability indicators that measure needs and impact I.J. Objective 1: Identify collection measures to use in assessment and accountability indicators using Director's Stations, MINES, etc. I.J. CDC Measurable Outcome: Finalize collection measures for assessment