Naxos, 27 July, 1982 Dear Earl, Your letter arrived

Naxos, 27 July, 1982
Dear Earl,
Your l e t t e r arrived t e l l i n g of the dinosaur and. giant
human footprints and I suppose by now you wi11 have gone off
to Paluxy River, The prospect of such material coming to light
is exciting. No thing would please me more than to confirm the
squeezing of the Cretaceous into the time of early man.
I'm sure you must have your trusty camera with you and wi11 taleke
every conceivable caution to satisfy the suspiciousand detect the
phony. Before leaving .America I read closely the reports of
Lucy and Mrs, Leakey's articles on hominid footprints for
The Ris e of Homo Schizo. I t seemed to me there was no reason
to c a l l the footprints other than human, but of course the
timing was too old by far. I decided to do so nevertheless.
I t ' s not enough to have two geologists say the footprints are
within days of each other; they must give their reasons,
testable ones i f possible. There's a young Dutch geologistPoulAndriessen,who
has been .here on Naxoa often and who Is now living at 835 Lewis
Drire, Lakewood, Colo. 80215 He is a radiochronologist butt
i s tempered by my company and has read Chaos and Creation; he is
not so far from the s i t e as to make a trip there impossible.
He knows plain old rocks well too. Then there is Frank Dachille
at Penn State U., state College, Pa. in the Earth. Sciences,
(phone 814-865- 1664.)
A l e t t e r of mine must have crossed yours. I have now
received the omnindex etc. but no diagrams yet.???
The printing situation gives three p o s s i b i l i t i e s : India,
Malcolm Lowery in England, (Typesetting) and the USA (outside
typesetting or Inside on leased or purchased equipment). I ' l l
know British situation well after stopping there late August
(c/o Brian Moore 011- 44-429-388-3898}, and then will have have
to decide very soon. I ' l l c a l l you before going ahead. I have
now to concern myself with getting eight books out at about the
same time. I ' l l lave figures ready for you on SB.Then we must
discuss plans such as you suggest for coop pub. Do you think there
r e a l l y will be sufficient tax savings for you to set up an
operation, a legal entity? Letts get together and figure i t all
You asked re limestone on Naxos, Therefs l i t t l e of i t but
a great deal of marbles; too, the limestone is of recent (tert& ary)
genesis and is on the west of the island; that i s , i t Is said to
have had nothing to do with the forming of themarblss. So a nice
hot fire roasted all the marbles, leaving nothing uncooked.
Brian Moore writes me that Victor Clube of the Edinburgh Observ.
spoke to SIS. He 's coauthored a book Cosmic Serpent, with the
interesting theory that a series of geological catastrophes have
occurred through comets inthe solar system, formed from galactic
debris which the system picked up as i t passed through the galactic
arms. GJhe comets collide, become asteroids, disintegrate. He a^sshows
s t a t i s t i c s placing the l a s t such interactions at the thi d to first
m i l l . B . C , Comet Enke. is remains of giant comet acting at that time
Clube expressed interest inmeetingme, says Moore, so perhaps
I ' l l pick up the book (? pubr. ) and get together while in U.K.
Moore is pleased, as. I think we are, in having new vigorous guys
enter our frame of reference. As toClube'sdust-collectingtheory
no one can beat our method. of gathering dust - - let's not l e t it
do so on the shelves, however.
Love to you a l l .