Ways to start an essay: Food in Different Countries

Ways to Start an Essay: Carbon footprints
One side, other side
Most people consume energy freely without thinking about the
consequences, or footprints, they will leave behind. However,
nowadays more people are considering the effect their consumption will
have on the environment. This essay will describe my research into
carbon footprints and make recommendations on how to reduce them.
Past, Present
In the past, people did not have electricity, cars, or mass transport, so
they did not use up the earth’s natural resources. Today, we use so
many natural resources that most of us leave a carbon footprint of waste.
This essay will describe my research into carbon footprints and
recommend how to reduce our impact on the environment.
Our modern lifestyle produces a lot of carbon dioxide, or CO2. The
amount of CO2 that an individual produces is called his carbon footprint.
Carbon footprints are measured in Earths. This unit means how many
planets we would need if everyone in the world produced the same level
of CO2. In this report I’ll explain how I measured and compared my
own carbon footprint and make recommendations for lifestyle changes.
Story / Example
This morning I set the A/C to 22 degrees, took a hot shower and brushed
my teeth with an electric toothbrush. The water was boiling in the
electric kettle before the stove was hot enough to cook breakfast. When
I put on my crisply ironed clothes and stepped into my Hummer, I never
thought that I had used enough energy to support a small family for a
week. This report will discuss how to assess carbon footprints and how
to reduce them.
Question / Quotation
What is a carbon footprint? What purpose does it serve? Does it really
matter whether or not we conserve energy? In this essay I’ll define a
carbon footprint, explain how I measured mine, compare it to others,
and discuss what I can do to reduce my output of carbon dioxide waste.