Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (2011) 434 – 442 Continuous monitoring of dough fermentation and bread baking by magnetic resonance microscopy☆ Franci Bajd, Igor Serša⁎ Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia Received 24 August 2010; revised 23 September 2010; accepted 23 October 2010 Abstract The consumer quality of baked products is closely related with dough structure properties. These are developed during dough fermentation and finalized during its baking. In this study, magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) was employed in a study of dough fermentation and baking. A small hot air oven was installed inside a 2.35-T horizontal bore superconducting magnet. Four different samples of commercial bread mixes for home baking were used to prepare small samples of dough that were inserted in the oven and allowed to rise at 33°C for 112 min; this was followed by baking at 180°C for 49 min. The entire process was followed by dynamic T1-weighted 3D magnetic resonance imaging with 7 min of temporal resolution and 0.23×0.23×1.5 mm3 of spatial resolution. Acquired images were analyzed to determine time courses of dough pore distribution, dough volume and bread crust thickness. Image analysis showed that both the number of dough pores and the normalized dough volume increased in a sigmoid-like fashion during fermentation and decreased during baking due to the bread crust formation. The presented magnetic resonance method was found to be efficient in analysis of dough structure properties and in discrimination between different dough types. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Magnetic resonance microscopy; Bread dough; Fermentation; Baking 1. Introduction Bread making is basically a temperature-dependent twostep process, consisting of fermentation, in which CO2 production associated with yeast activity is manifested in a dough pore formation and a dough volume expansion, and baking, in which yeast activity is terminated and the bread structure is finalized. During baking, the internal temperature reaches 100°C and the void volume fraction of bread reaches a final value between 0.8 and 0.9, while gluten cross-links and starch granules are disrupted [1]. The final bread structure depends on dough ingredients, yeast activity, fermentation temperature and gas bubble evolution. Bread making has been extensively studied at different scales by various imaging modalities, such as flatbed scanning and conventional photography [2–4], as well as by more advanced high-resolution techniques, e.g., scanning ☆ The study was financially supported by the J4-2053 Slovenian Research Agency grant and by the EN-FIST Centre of Excellence. ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +38 6 1 477 3696; fax: +38 6 1 477 3191. E-mail address: igor.sersa@ijs.si (I. Serša). 0730-725X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.mri.2010.10.010 electron microscopy [5], X-ray computed tomography [2,6,7] and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Among these techniques, MRI has numerous advantages due to its noninvasiveness, accurate moisture content determination and a relatively high spatial resolution. For example, Ishida et al. [8] employed MRI to analyze differences in architecture between breads prepared from fresh and frozen dough. To enhance an image contrast and to shorten relaxation times, they soaked bread samples in acetone with added paramagnetic substances prior to imaging. One of the first MRI experiments with dynamic imaging of baking was done by Hong et al. [9] who introduced a specially designed MRI oven, constructed from nonmagnetic materials. This was used to study cookie baking in a lowfield MRI scanner (0.6 T). Another similar experiment was done by Wagner et al. [10] who used a spacious MRI oven compatible with a low-field MRI scanner (0.2 T) to monitor bread loaf fermentation and baking. De Guio et al. [11] used susceptibility effects in low-field MRI (0.2 T) to study the development of pores in different dough (yeasted and nonyeasted) during fermentation. Results of the study showed that pores have a Gaussian-like size (radii) F. Bajd, I. Serša / Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (2011) 434–442 distribution with a gradually increasing average size that is associated with the dough rise during fermentation. All the above-presented low-field MRI experiments have a good temporal resolution and image quality; however, they are lacking in spatial resolution. The resolution problem can be overcome by the use of high-field MRI scanners that allow magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) experiments. One such experiment was done by van Duynhoven et al. [12] who dynamically imaged dough fermentation using a 4.7-T MRI scanner with a spatial resolution of 0.27×0.27×3 mm3 and a temporal resolution of 2 min. An even higher magnetic field of 9.4 T was employed in experiments done by Bonny et al. [13] who imaged the same process at a resolution of 0.12×0.12×0.5 mm3, but with a lower temporal resolution of 8.5 min. A similar study was done also using 3D MR imaging with an isotropic resolution below 100 μm3 [14]. All these high-field MRI studies were constrained by ongoing sample volume changes, so that the optimal imaging parameters were chosen as the best compromise between the spatial resolution and the temporal resolution, i.e., too low a temporal resolution would result in motional blurring. Image processing routines are a powerful tool in analysis of dough texture properties. Standard image processing techniques (thresholding, particle counting, area and volume measurements) are insufficient to extract all available information on dough fermentation and baking [8]. Therefore, advanced image processing techniques, as for example mathematical morphology routines (dilation, erosion, closing, opening, etc.), are often used in addition to the standard ones [2,4,13,15]. The study presented here is a continuation of previous MRI studies on bread making and combines high-resolution 3D MRI in a high magnetic field with a sufficient temporal resolution that enabled dynamical monitoring of the entire process of bread making (fermentation and baking). The aim of the study was to show that dynamic 3D MRM is a powerful tool in analysis of bread mixes for home baking. 435 corresponding amount of water (3.25 g for mixed and seeded bread mix and 3.5 g for white bread mix and plain flour) was added to 5 g of bread mix or flour. The samples were manually kneaded for 5 min, which was sufficiently long to obtain uniform dough samples without flour clods. The samples were then reshaped into 4.20±0.05-g round balls (with the initial diameter of 20±1 mm) and then inserted into an MRM oven inside the magnet. The total dough preparation time was 9±1 min. From each bread mix (flour type) three identical samples were made and examined by dynamic MRM. 2.2. Dough fermentation and baking in the MRM oven The MRM oven consisted of a nonmagnetic heater, inserted into a thermally isolated air flow glass tube positioned between a radiofrequency (RF) saddle coil with an inner diameter of 25 mm and a 2-m-long plastic hose connected to an air pump (Fig. 1). The air pump (Fisher Scientific, Germany) provided a constant air flow with a volume rate of 150 L/h to the heater. This was connected to a temperature controller that regulated the heater power to maintain the constant temperature. The hot air jet temperature was measured by a copper-constantan thermocouple probe at the entrance to the RF coil. In order to prevent an excessive drying of dough samples during baking the samples were protected by a glass shield, i.e., they were placed into a 20-mm glass test tube with the closed end oriented towards the hot air outlet (Fig. 1). The samples in the MRM oven were allowed to ferment for 112 min at 33°C±0.5°C which was followed by 49 min of baking at 180°C±2°C. 2.3. MRM Protocol Dough fermentation and bread baking were dynamically monitored with an MRI scanner consisting of a 2.35-T (100-MHz proton frequency) horizontal bore Oxford superconducting magnet (Oxford Instruments, Oxon, UK) 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Preparation of dough samples Three different types of bread mixes for home baking — mixed wheat flour, white wheat flour and wheat flour with sesame and sunflower seeds (“Mešanica za pekovske izdelke”, Klasje d.d, Celje, Slovenia) as well as plain (nonyeasted) white wheat flour (Mlinotest, Ajdovščina, Slovenia) as a control — were included in the study. Ingredients of the mixes were as follows: mixed wheat flour (proteins 9.4%, carbohydrates 39.7%, sugars 3.5%), white wheat flour (proteins 9%, carbohydrates 43.5%, sugars 4.1%), seeded wheat flour (proteins 11.2%, carbohydrates 39.2%, sugars 3.9%) and plain flour (pastry wheat flour type, proteins 4.3%, carbohydrates 81.4%, sugars 0.6%). Dough samples were prepared at room temperature (22±0.5°C) from the bread mixes according to the manufacturer's recipe, i.e., Micro-imaging gradients RF coil Magnet Thermocouple probe Temperature controller Air flow Heating coil Dough sample Air pump Glass shield Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of the experimental setup, i.e., the dough sample in the MRM oven, consisting of the nonmagnetic heater inserted between the RF coil and the air pump. A constant temperature during fermentation (33°C) and baking (180°C) was maintained by the temperature controller. 436 F. Bajd, I. Serša / Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (2011) 434–442 equipped with a Bruker micro-imaging gradient system (Bruker, Ettlingen, Germany), with a top gradient of 250 mT/ m, using a TecMag NMR spectrometer and computer software (TecMag, Houston, TX, USA). All MR images were acquired with the standard 3D T1-weighted spin-echo imaging sequence using the following imaging parameters: echo time (TE)=3.2 ms, repetition time (TR)=200 ms, image matrix 128×128×16 and field of view=30×30×24 mm, so that the image resolution was 0.23×0.23×1.5 mm3. Typical parameters for T1-weighted imaging (short TR and TE) and no signal averaging resulted in a relatively short image scan time of 7 min, which was still fast enough to follow breadmaking dynamics. 2.4. Image processing Visual inspection of the acquired MR images was used to determine a threshold value between the sample signal and the background noise. The threshold value of the images in the 8-bit grayscale (with pixel values ranging from 0 to 255) was set to 50. Thresholding of the MR images was followed by the 8-pixel connectivity operator, i.e., a binary operator that fills all “signal holes” (regions with signals below the threshold value that are surrounded with pixels having signals above the threshold value) with a signal. Thus, a mask corresponding to the dough interior was made. To obtain the sample volume, the procedure of mask generation was repeated for all 16 slices and pixels of each mask were counted. The sample volume was then calculated as a product between the number of sample voxels (sum of pixel counts of all masks) and the voxel volume, which was equal to 0.08 mm3 (0.23×0.23×1.5 mm3). Crust formation was estimated based on the MR signal loss in the crust region that contained practically no water. The masks that corresponded to MR images acquired during baking included only the crumb region of the bread. Therefore the formation of the crust region during baking was estimated as a difference between the initial mask (of the last image of dough fermentation at t=112 min) and the current mask (of the image of dough baking at t N112 min). In addition, the crust thickness was estimated based on the assumption that the dough had a spherical shape throughout baking. Therefore, the equivalent crust thickness was calculated as a difference between the initial radius r112 (t=112 min) and the current radius r(t) (t N 112 min) of the dough cðt Þ = r112 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 3 V112 − r ðt Þ = 4p sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! 3 VðtÞ 1− ; t N 112min; V112 ð1Þ where V112 and V(t) are the initial and the current dough volumes, respectively. The equivalent bread crust thickness c(t) was then analyzed by linear-regression analysis, i.e., c(t)=k·t+n, to obtain the equivalent bread crust formation rate k. The MRM images of bread making were analyzed for the pore formation dynamics, i.e., the dough pore number was determined throughout the entire bread-making process. First, the dough images were inverted so that dough pores (signal voids) became signal regions. Then, these images were converted into binary images using the threshold value of 225 and multiplied by the corresponding masks of the dough interior. Isolated pixels, with intensities below the threshold, within a pore were considered as part of the pore (done by 8-pixel connectivity operator). Similarly, isolated pixels, with intensities above the threshold, within the dough region were not considered as pores and were omitted from the dough pore analysis. Finally, the dough pore number was obtained as a sum of pore counts from all slices. Both the dough pore number and the normalized dough volume during fermentation were analyzed for the best fit to the Boltzmann sigmoidal function yF ð t Þ = A + B: 1 + expð−ðt − t0 Þ = DÞ ð2Þ The function parameters A and B correspond to the amplitude and the offset, while t0 and Δ correspond to the time lag and to the transition interval, respectively. Mathematical morphology operations, which are conventionally used in image texture analysis, were used to obtain a dough pore size distribution. MRM images of the central slice relative to the samples (sixth slice out of 16) were transformed by successive application of the closing operator C(i) with an increasing closing element size i to obtain the granulometric curve, i.e., an average gray level as a function of the closing element size i. The closing operator C(i) consists of a dilation step D(i) immediately followed by an erosion step E(i) of the same closing element size [13]. The effect of the closing operator is similar to a sieving operation that removes dark objects smaller than the structuring element and preserves the general size of larger ones. Therefore, a granulometric curve corresponds to the size distribution of the image particles [2]. In our analysis, a square-like structuring element of sizes i=1…22 was used (i corresponds to the side of the square element in pixels). Image analysis was performed by the ImageJ (NIH, USA) and Matlab V7.1 (MathWorks, USA) software, while the statistical analysis was done by the Origin (OriginLab Corporation, USA) software package. Descriptive statistics were given as means±standard deviations. 3. Results Fig. 2 shows dynamically acquired T1-weighted MRM image sets of the bread-making process for four different dough samples: three prepared from bread mixes — mixed wheat flour (A), white wheat flour (B), wheat flour with sesame and sunflower seeds (C) — and one from nonyeasted, nongrained, white wheat flour (D). The first F. Bajd, I. Serša / Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (2011) 434–442 437 Fig. 2. Representative dynamically acquired T1-weighted central-slice MRM images of the bread-making process for mixed flour (A), white flour (B) and seeded flour (C) bread mix samples and for the control (nonyeasted) sample (D). The dough volume increase during fermentation is associated with the yeast activity (7– 112 min; enclosed with white lines), while the MRM signal attenuation during baking is associated with the bread crust formation (119–161 min). five images of each set (enclosed with white lines) correspond to dough fermentation. Comparison of the initial (7 min) with the final (112 min) image of dough fermentation shows an obvious dough volume increase that is associated with dough pore formation. It can clearly be seen that the dynamics of dough rise and pore formation are similar for both nonseeded bread mixes (Fig. 2A and C), while the bread mix with added seeds (Fig. 2B) develops fewer pores per volume during fermentation due to seed inclusions, which appear bright in T1-weighted MRM images due to increased fat content. Nonyeasted dough (Fig. 2D) performed quite differently; it did not rise nor develop pores. During baking (t N112 min), yeast activity was terminated, as well as the formation of new pores and with it the associated dough rise. The samples were progressively losing water in the forming crust region, which exhibited no MR signal. The thickness of the formed crust is proportional to dough porosity, i.e., the 438 F. Bajd, I. Serša / Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (2011) 434–442 crust formed on the porous dough (Fig. 2A–C) is thicker than the curst formed on the compact dough (Fig. 2D). Fig. 3 depicts the binary central-slice images of the dough samples with low MR signal intensity regions (black), which correspond to the bread crust, and with central high MR signal intensity regions (white), which correspond to the water-containing bread crumb and to fat-containing seeds. The samples of all bread mixes in Fig. 3A–C have a similar shape and dynamics to the forming bread crust; however, the seeded bread mix in Fig. 3C differs from the nonseeded mixes in Fig. 3A,B in a less uniform crust pattern due to inclusion of seeds. The formation of the bread crust was much slower in the nonyeasted plain flour sample (Fig. 3D) due to the higher water concentration and the dough compactness (absence of dough pores). Results of image analyses are shown in Fig. 4 with time dependency graphs of dough pore number (A); normalized dough volume (B); equivalent bread crust thickness c(t); (C) and correlation between dough pore number and normalized dough volume (D); each graph contains the measurements of mixed flour (blue), white flour (green) and seeded flour (red) bread mix samples and the control sample (black). In all bread mix samples, the dough pore number and the normalized dough volume were gradually increasing during fermentation in a sigmoid-like fashion, i.e., with slow dynamics at the beginning and at the end of fermentation and with fast dynamics in between. The best fit of the fermentation dynamics model [sigmoidal function in Eq. (2)] to the experimental data for the time dependency of the dough pore number and the normalized dough volume yielded the following model parameters: amplitude, offset, time lag and transition interval, which are presented in Table 1. The amplitude parameter (A) corresponds to the maximum dough pore number or to the maximum normalized dough volume; both maxima were reached just immediately before baking was started. The time lag parameter (t0) and the transition interval (Δ) were approximately identical for the dough pore number and for the normalized dough volume, with an average value of 46±5 vs. 55±8 min (time lag) and 13±2 vs. 14±4 min (transition interval). The nonyeasted control sample developed no pores and therefore preserved the initial volume during fermentation. During baking, the water-containing crumb region in the bread mix samples was shrinking due to the crust formation, which can be seen in the decrease of normalized dough volume (Fig. 4B). The same process is responsible for the apparent pore loss (Fig. 4A), i.e., pores in the crust are not detectable and are not included in the pore count. Analyzed crumb volumes during baking enabled calculation of the equivalent crust thickness as a function of the baking time (c(t), Eq. (1)). This was followed by the linear regression analysis in Fig. 4C, which yielded the equivalent bread crust formation rates k equal to 0.12±0.01, 0.13±0.01 and 0.12±0.01 mm/min for mixed flour, white flour and seeded flour bread mixes (R2N0.99), respectively, and 0.03± 0.01 mm/min for the control sample (R2N0.92). The graph in Fig. 4D depicts a correlation between the dough pore number and the normalized dough volume. This is linear and positive in all the bread mix samples with the Pearson correlation coefficient close to unity (rxy=0.98±0.01 in fermentation and Fig. 3. Binary central-slice images of the bread crust formation during baking for mixed flour (A), white flour (B) and seeded flour (C) bread mix samples and for the control (nonyeasted) sample (D). Dark regions correspond to the bread crust, while white regions surrounded by the dark crust correspond to the watercontaining bread crumb and to fat-containing seeds. A nonuniform crust formation is associated with the temperature gradient established along the MRM oven. The void arrow indicates the direction of the hot air jet. F. Bajd, I. Serša / Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (2011) 434–442 439 Fig. 4. Time dependency graphs of dough pore number (A), normalized dough volume (B) and equivalent bread crust thickness (C) as well as the correlation graph of normalized dough volume vs. dough pore number (D) for mixed flour (blue), white flour (green) and seeded flour (red) bread mix samples and for the control (nonyeasted) sample (black). The dough pore number (A) and the normalized dough volume (B) of the yeasted dough samples increased with time in a sigmoid-like fashion (Eq. (2)) during fermentation and decreased during baking due to the linear increase of the bread crust thickness (C). The normalized dough volume is in linear and positive correlation with the dough pore number (D) for the bread mix samples; no correlation is found for the control sample. The dashed vertical line in (A) to (C) denotes the last fermentation step (t=112 min), whereas the dashed horizontal line in (B) corresponds to the initial normalized dough volume. rxy=0.99±0.01 in baking). No correlation between the dough pore number and the normalized dough volume was found in the nonyeasted control sample (rxy=−0.55). Graphs of granulometric curves in Fig. 5 were obtained by application of the closing operator on the central-slice MRM images during fermentation (t=7, 49, 105 min) and Table 1 Best fit parameters of dough pore number and normalized dough volume, as obtained by analysis with the Boltzmann sigmoidal function (Eq. (2)) Flour type A B t0 (min) Δ (min) R2 Dough pore number Mixed flour bread mix White flour bread mix Seeded bread mix Plain white flour 498±15 496±14 298±4 78±4 0 0 0 0 46±2 51±1 42±1 128±1 15±1 14±1 11±1 5±1 0.99 0.99 N0.99 0.97 Normalized dough volume Mixed flour bread mix White flour bread Seeded bread mix Plain white flour 0.80±0.01 0.89±0.03 0.50±0.01 – 1 1 1 – 47±1 62±1 57±1 – 13±1 17±1 13±1 – N0.99 N0.99 N0.99 – baking (t=147 min). The graphs present the dough pore distribution of all the examined samples: mixed flour (A), white flour (B) and seeded flour (C) bread mix samples and of the control sample (D). With an increasing time of fermentation, the pore distributions of all bread mix samples indicate a progressive increase of pore sizes with the fermentation time. This can be seen in the graphs as a shift of the average pore size towards larger closing sizes, i.e., a proportion of smaller pores are decreasing on account of an increasing proportion of larger pores. During baking, pore geometry and size distribution were changed, which can be seen as a shift of the average pore area towards smaller closing sizes. The granulometric curve of the nonyeasted control sample remained practically unchanged during both fermentation and baking (Fig. 5D). 4. Discussion The principal findings of this work are that high spatialand temporal-resolution 3D MRM can be performed in high- 440 F. Bajd, I. Serša / Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (2011) 434–442 Fig. 5. Granulometric curves during fermentation (t=7, 49 and 105 min) and baking (t=147, void symbols) for mixed flour (A), white flour (B) and seeded flour (C) bread mix samples and for the control (nonyeasted) sample (D). The curves of all bread mix samples indicate that the pore size increased with time, while the control (nonyeasted) sample remained unchanged. temperature conditions (in an MRM-compatible oven) that allow continuous monitoring of the bread-making process. The dynamically acquired 3D T1-weighted images provide a detailed insight into the bread dough structure which can be analyzed further by means of mathematical morphology and thresholding operations. These enable relevant information about dough pore parameters (volume, size distribution, structure, connectivity, etc.) to be used in the development of more efficient baking ingredients and processes. The quality of MRM images, i.e., its signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), was limited by the need for a reasonable spatial and temporal resolution. In our experiments, where the conventional 3D T1-weighted spin-echo imaging sequence was used, the scan time of 7 min and the spatial resolution of 0.23×0.23×1.5 mm3, which yielded MRM images with an SNR of 10, were found to be a reasonable compromise between image quality and spatial and temporal image resolution. The temporal resolution of 7 min was high enough to avoid motion blurring in MRM images of dough fermentation. Another resolution problem is associated with slice thickness. Pores may be bigger than the slice thickness and in that case the same pore may appear in several slices. If they are smaller than the slice thickness, then pores may overlap in the slice and two or more pores may appear as one larger pore. In both cases, errors are made in pore counting, i.e., the large pores are counted more than once, while some of the small ones are not counted at all. In the study, the slice thickness was 1.5 mm, which is in the mid range of pore sizes. Thinner slices could be obtained by using a larger imaging matrix (for example 128×128×32); however, this would prolong the scan time. Another option would be to use another 3D imaging technique, as for example 3D RARE [16], which can acquire multiple k-space signal lines in one signal excitation. The fermentation and baking temperature (33°C and 180°C, respectively) were chosen to mimic the breadmaking conditions of a typical bread machine [17]. During fermentation, bread mix samples inflated due to a favorable temperature condition (33°C) for the yeast activity, which was manifested in CO2 production and with it the associated dough pore formation. Dough rise was initially unobstructed and was later (at fermentation times t N70 min) obstructed due to the 20-mm glass shield surrounding the dough sample, which imposed a cylindrical shape rise of the dough samples (Fig. 2). A consequence of the heat dissipation in the MRM oven is the negative temperature gradient along the air jet. This is associated with a nonuniform dough rise in the MRM oven during fermentation as well as with a nonuniform MR signal decrease during baking (180°C). Both dough rise and the MR signal decrease are more intense F. Bajd, I. Serša / Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (2011) 434–442 at the hot air inlet to the oven than at its outlet (Fig. 2). The same effect is quite apparent also in the study of the crust formation dynamics in Fig. 3 which shows again a nonuniform crust formation; the crust is thicker at the hot air inlet to the MRM oven than at its outlet. The temperature gradient inside the MRM oven can be reduced by the use of several hot air inlets uniformly distributed over the MRM oven or, alternatively, of more elaborate hot air paths that uniformly heat oven walls [10]. The time course of the dough pore number (Fig. 4A) and the normalized dough volume (Fig. 4B) of all dough samples during fermentation was modeled with the Boltzmann sigmoidal function (Eq. (2)), which is often used to describe growth in biological systems [18]. The dough pore number and the normalized dough volume were positively correlated, which is quite apparent from the correlation graph in Fig. 4D and from corresponding correlation coefficients that are close to unity. The sudden increase in dough pore number (Fig. 4A) and the normalized dough volume (Fig. 4B) in the last fermentation step (t=112 min) can be attributed to the increased yeast activity induced by a sudden temperature rise at the baking start. However, when the final baking temperature was established, the yeast activity and the dough rise stopped. This can be confirmed by MRM images of the seeded sample in which seeds kept their initial positions during baking, as can be clearly seen in Fig. 2B (119–161 min). A water concentration-based criterion (MR signal thresholding), which was used to determine the time course of the bread crust formation, was perhaps not optimal as it may result in an overestimated crust thickness (Fig. 4C). Visually, crust is defined by the change of the dough color from white (crumb) to brown (crust), which normally occurs in a region that is thinner than the dehydrated region on the dough surface. Formation of the crust is associated with the weight loss of the dough samples due to the evaporated water in baking. The dough samples were weighted before and after the bread-making process. The average mass of the dough samples after baking was reduced to 57%±1% (nonseeded) and 60%±1% (seeded) of the initial mass (4.20±0.05 g). The largest increase in the dough pore number (Fig. 4A) and the normalized dough volume (Fig. 4B) occurred in the nonseeded bread mix samples. The increase was somewhat lower in the seeded bread mix sample due to a lower amount of yeast per dough volume due to the added seeds. As expected, pores were not formed during fermentation in the control (nonyeasted) sample. However, it is interesting that pores were appearing in the sample during baking (t N128 min). The origin of the pores may be the thermal expansion of gases in the sample associated with water evaporation. 5. Conclusion This study demonstrates that MRM can provide an insight into processes that require extreme temperature conditions. 441 The method was presented by a series of dynamic 3D MRM experiments that mimicked home bread baking. It was shown that the acquired MR images provide useful information on dough structure, yeast activity, crust formation and optimal baking time. However, the same method can be applied to a large variety of other food products with a similar preparation method. The information provided by the method can help optimize food preparation processes and is useful in development and characterization of new food products. Acknowledgments The authors thank to Ana Sepe and Davorin Kotnik for technical assistance. References [1] Bloksma AH. Dough structure, dough rheology, and baking quality. Cereal Foods World 1990;35(2):237–44. [2] Lassoued N, Babin P, Della Valle G, Devaux MF, Reguerre AL. 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