Name Block Total /55 YEAST BREAD MAKING Reference: Management and Foods, pp. 294-309 Demonstration /1 1. Why does the quantity of flour used in bread making vary? /2 2. Name the 2 flour proteins, when well moistened, form gluten: a) b /3 3. List the 3 things yeast needs to grow: a) b) c) /1 4. Why is milk heated until it is very warm, but NOT hot ? /3 5. What are the 3 main steps in dough preparation? a) b) c) /4 . . . . . 6. What are 4 purposes of shortening (fat) in bread making? a) b) c) d) /2 7. What type of bread is made with no fat and what is its crust like? /1 8. How can you tell if enough flour has been added to the dough? /2 9. Describe the method of kneading. /2 10. List the 2 reasons of kneading dough. a) b) /3 11. List the 3 characteristics of well-kneaded dough: a) b) c) . . . . /1 12. Why is a bowl greased before placing dough into it for the first rising period? /1 /2 13. a) The name of the first rising period in bread making is b) Why is the dough allowed to rise during this period? /1 c) How can you tell if the dough has risen enough? . /2 14. Why is dough punched down after the first rising? 2 reasons a) b) /1 15. How is dough punched down? /2 16. Describe how a loaf of bread is shaped. /2 17. Define the term “proofing”. Why is it done? /2 18. Give 2 ways in which you can tell if proofing is completed. a) b) /3 19. Draw, label, and define the bloom and break on a loaf of bread. /1 20. What is “oven spring”? /3 21. How can you tell if bread has been baked long enough? a) b) c) . . . . /1 22. Why is bread removed from the pan immediately? /1 23. What is the final product like if too much flour was added? /1 24. What happens to the dough if it is allowed to rise more than double in bulk? /1 25. Why are loaf pans greased with shortening and NOT margarine? /1 26. Why is bread baked in the centre of the oven? /5 27. What are the standards for good bread? a) Shape b) Crust c) Exterior Colour d) Texture e) Interior Colour -