music - International Center

UC San Diego International Center Departmental Report 9500 Gilman Drive, M/C 0018 La Jolla, CA 92093-­‐0018 (858) 882-­‐0464 MUSIC UCSD GOAL: 50% of Undergrads Studying Abroad by Graduation 16 6% UCSD STUDENTS ABROAD Dept. Rank (out of 30) as a % of students abroad for 2009-­‐10 % of your students abroad in 2009-­‐10 There was a 233% increase in Music students studying abroad in 2009-­‐10. Out of the 1,258 UCSD students who went abroad to study in the 2009-­‐10 academic year, 10 students were from the Music Department. From your department 10 were undergraduates and zero were graduate students. Details about the types of programs in which your students participated are presented below. Music Students’ Top Countries by Popularity Music Department Students on Study Abroad Programs Number of Students 12 10 Total Students 8 EAP 6 OAP GS 4 Dept 2 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 09-­‐10 1 Spain 1 2 Italy 1 3 China 1 4 France 1 5 Japan 1 EAP – UC Education Abroad Program; OAP – Opportunities Abroad Program; GS – Global Seminars; Dept – Departmental Programs Academic Integration The Programs Abroad Office continues to work with departments on the comprehensive integration of study abroad programs and courses into the curricula. This is especially true for students in those fields who have traditionally not thought of study abroad as a viable option. The Programs Abroad Office conducted a survey of 0 Music majors who participated in study abroad programs over the past five years to better understand their academic integration needs. Did you take courses in your major while studying abroad?* NO 0% YES 0% If yes, did you expect to receive credit in your major for courses taken abroad?* NO 0% Did you actually receive credit in your major for courses taken abroad?* YES NO YES 0% 0% 0% NOT YET 0% *No student responses International Center • University of California, San Diego • 9500 Gilman Drive #0018 • La Jolla, CA 92093-0118 • USA
Phone (85dss8) 534-3730 • Fax (858) 534-0909 • Email • URL
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS There was a 23% decrease in international students in your department in 2009-­‐10. Out of the 2,591 international students on campus during the 2009-­‐10 academic year, the Music Department had 17 international students. International students in the department represented 13 countries. The top countries of origin are represented below. Music Students’ Top Countries of Origin 09-­‐10 1 2 3 4 5 Taiwan 3 South Korea 2 Iceland 2 Turkey 1 Mexico 1 4%
of total undergraduates at UC San Diego are international INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS 3 of total undergrad students in the Music Department are international Undergrad 17 of total graduate students at UC San Diego are international 14 of total grad students in the Music Department are international Grad 26% 17% Your department saw a decrease of 63% of international scholars in 2009-­‐10 UCSD had a total of 2,375 international scholars during the 2009-­‐10 academic year, of which 3 were in the Music Department. Below is a breakdown of your international scholars: Music InternaVonal Scholars 2009-­‐10 3 8 0% # of international scholars in your department 2009-­‐10 # of international scholars in your department 2008-­‐09 Post-­‐Doctoral Researchers Project/Research Sciencsts Visicng Scholars 33% 67% 0% Faculty Other Music Scholars’ Top Countries of Origin 09-­‐10 1 South Korea 1 2 Germany 1 3 France 1 