Page 1 of 4 Saint Paul College Community Budget Suggestions Cost Savings Categories 1 - Essential to core values, but need to improve their efficiencies and effectiveness 2 - Essential to core values, but different service model needed to reduce costs 3 - Potential restructuring or targeted reductions Timeframe Short-Term (Fiscal Year 2013) Division Budget Suggestion Academic Affairs Charge a fee for overdue library books. I say this as an offender! If we (borrowers) are irresponsible, we should expect to pay some fine in consequence. Consider giving overload in cases where an additional class will easily fill, giving the college more income. Last year, classes were cut to reduce overload, that normally would have filled. So, even though overload was high, extra classes could have earned the college money. Look into selling eBooks at the bookstore as an alternative format for texts. My students are starting to buy eBooks, and many will probably want to buy their text as an eBook, since it is now available in that format. If there is some way for the bookstore to be involved then we wouldn't lose the profit. My suggestion is that SPC increase it's portfolio of art related courses and design a curriculum for those interested in creative fields of employment. Compete with MCTC's Film making curriculum. Design a degree program that allows students to achieve most credits needed for a BFA by offering more art theory, history and studio arts. The Twin Cities arts community has been steadily growing and will continue to do so. It's time that people had an affordable way to pursue there creative goals. SPC can be that place. Sure it will be difficult and expensive, but adding to the already great staff of professors, proper promotion and a real involvement in the arts community would insure profitable returns. Offer test proctoring for students taking online classes at other institutions. There has been history in the United States that when companies start to feel the pinch of economic stress, most fail independently. Most try to support themselves on their own and it can be the death of many companies. In today’s economic struggle, the strength comes from local to federal government, private organizations, grants and medical communities where the pinch though hard, still maintains integrity. I believe that in order to satisfy the economic struggle we are face with, a quick answer would be an affiliation with private colleges should be brought into the picture. This means working with colleges such as Rasmussen, Globe University and others whom in the past, independently did their own. Also, working with Masters Degree programs such as Augsburg, Saint Mary's and Concordia where an affiliation can capture some of their students at a cost effective resource. We have multiple lab assistants that are very busy during the semester, but have availability during breaks when classes are not running. They could be used for additional campus projects during breaks. Revenue or Cost Savings Category Revenue Decision Complete Revenue Assessed Each Semester Revenue In Process Revenue In Process Revenue Implement in 2013 In Process Revenue Cost Savings See Category #1 Above Complete Page 2 of 4 Saint Paul College Community Budget Suggestions Cost Savings Categories 1 - Essential to core values, but need to improve their efficiencies and effectiveness 2 - Essential to core values, but different service model needed to reduce costs 3 - Potential restructuring or targeted reductions Timeframe Short-Term (Fiscal Year 2013) Division Budget Suggestion Academic Affairs Academic Affairs Total Finance and Operations Revenue or Cost Decision Savings Category There is a market for existing college graduates who already hold a BA or BS to acquire important Revenue Implement in technical skills. I think if we delivered that message to the right folks we would boost enrollment. 2013 We could infiltrate local private colleges and draw on students who are overpaying for courses that will transfer. Again we would need to create a marketing taskforce to do this well. If we make it easy for the students of private colleges to take courses that transfer, there is plenty of business for Saint Paul College. Devise a centralized process for faculty to obtain classroom and office supplies (printer paper, white board markers, etc.) that would be more efficient than buying it from the bookstore or ordering supplies by department. Cost Savings See Category #2 Above I recommend gathering contact information such as address and phone number of students on a regular basis so collecting on accounts is made easier once they graduate or move on. This information is essential for collectors. I think it is important to remind students that Financial Aid is a loan and not a gift so they can be prepared to repay their loans. Investigate rental of some facilities (i.e., theater) or, if they are available for rent, let people know it! Nothing on website. Especially invite community activities that will expose people to other programs. Look at the Wellstone Center ( for possible structure and marketing. Market our facility for outside use during off-peak times. We have a great location in proximity to hotels, downtown, catering facility, etc. Offering a conference or event host site and market to target groups. Example, the Cathedral holds weddings during off peak times for campus. We could do more to market and create vendor relationships for wedding receptions, etc. We could generate revenue for the college if we did more to promote this as a conference/meeting/event site. Offer catering on a website. Revenue MnSCU OfficeMax Contract Available Complete Revenue Complete Revenue Complete - put on website in 2013 Revenue Complete - put on website in 2013 Revenue Save lost & found items, solicit donations - have a couple of giant rummage sales annually. Revenue Implement in 2013 Auctions completed when needed Page 3 of 4 Saint Paul College Community Budget Suggestions Cost Savings Categories 1 - Essential to core values, but need to improve their efficiencies and effectiveness 2 - Essential to core values, but different service model needed to reduce costs 3 - Potential restructuring or targeted reductions Timeframe Short-Term (Fiscal Year 2013) Division Budget Suggestion Finance and Operations Some information has been going around regarding recycling. As far as my understanding goes, Saint Paul College receives money for the amount of recycling they produce. Posters, TV broadcasts and emails should be distributed regarding better recycling habits so the campus can make more while spending less on trash removal. Taking a look at our waste practices may provide more cost savings in other areas. We are always looking for ways to reduce our costs, one way we have developed is separating our scrap waste further than past practices to gain more value per pound. Saint Paul College is a geographically desirable location for events. We should market our cafe, grille, faculty dining room and windowed conference rooms to the public. My sister had her wedding reception on Summit Avenue - not far from here and paid top dollar. SPC view of the city is spectacular and, with decorating, I have seen the cafeteria look stunning. This is a completely untapped source of revenue. Consider offering free parking to weddings held at the cathedral who also have their reception here. I'm sure there are many other incentives that could be offered to compete with the Summit Ave mansions/downtown hotels. Maybe people can start picking up after themselves in the rest rooms and bend over to pick up a piece of paper or actually throw it away. I don't know why everyone else has to pick up for a select few. Cross train tuition, financial aid and enrollment services front line staff to create a one stop shop for students. Reduce salary budget. Finance and Operations Total Foundation I also think we should have little groups help fundraise for the school. If there were a huge festival, I'm sure a lot of people would pay to come. And I'm sure there are students more than willing to volunteer. Revenue or Cost Decision Savings Category Revenue Implement in 2013 Cost Savings See Category #2 Above Revenue In Process Revenue Complete - put on website in 2013 Cost Savings See Category #2 Above Implement clean campus campaign in 2013 Implement in 2013 Cost Savings See Category #2 Above Revenue In Process Fundraising committee assists Foundation Page 4 of 4 Saint Paul College Community Budget Suggestions Cost Savings Categories 1 - Essential to core values, but need to improve their efficiencies and effectiveness 2 - Essential to core values, but different service model needed to reduce costs 3 - Potential restructuring or targeted reductions Timeframe Short-Term (Fiscal Year 2013) Division Budget Suggestion Foundation Foundation Total Information Technology Saint Thomas draws on its alumni to raise capital. Why not use that relationship with your community to boost enrollment and create a Saint Paul College Foundation for tax deductible donations. There are a few ways to do that, the easiest would be to partner with an existing 501c3 with a similar mission and create a subsidiary part dedicated to raising money for Saint Paul College student scholarships. The Irwin Andrew Porter Foundation might be willing to talk with us about that possibility. Its founder is Amy Hubbard as I recall. This mini foundation can be managed by students of the college providing excellent career skills in the process. Consider setting computers to default gray scale printing and check printers gray-scale abilities for future printer purchases to reduce use of color cartridges. Information Technology Total Student For the past 20 years, we have charged $20.00 for a duplicate graduation award. Fee should be Development increased. Open second sections of filled classes. Identify online sections that fill early in the registration process and have a second section open. Possibly we would net more students who may at this time be signing up at other institutions. Student Development Total Workforce Start using the cleanroom for outside industry - In my opinion the best way to earn money in this Development area is to hire a part-time QUALIFIED person that can actually run samples or train outside users. Although it would initially cost money to hire someone, we would go from almost no use to potentially maximum usage. Workforce Development Total Revenue or Cost Savings Category Revenue Decision Foundation helps fundraise for scholarships Cost Savings See Category #2 Above Complete Revenue Implement in 2013 Completed each semester Revenue Revenue In Process This document is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by contacting Caidin Riley, Coordinator of Disability Services at 651.846.1547 or For TTY Communication, contact the Minnesota Relay Service at 7-1-1 or 1.800.627.3529. Saint Paul College is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator and a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.