Mr. Schwarzenegger ~ Advanced Placement United States History


Mr. Schwarzenegger ~

Advanced Placement United States History

~ 2013-2014


Prep book: Cracking the AP U.S. History Exam , The Princeton Review. Any edition will suffice, but the more recent the better (the most recent being 2013). These are available at any book store as well as My expectations before class begins are: a.

You will have read & highlighted PART I b.

You will use PART II to complete the Summer Assignment c.

You will use PART II to answer the multiple-choice questions at the end of each chapter

Do not complete PART III--the Practice Tests--until we begin to review for the Exam.

SUMMER ASSIGNMENT: To assist in managing the heavy course load of this course, you will create nearly 500 vocabulary notecards over the summer. If completed correctly, you will be permitted to use these notecards on vocabulary quizzes during the year & they obviously serve as a useful tool for studying test & exam material. The Summer

Notecards will be graded on quality of content--not simply completion--& will count as a test grade for the 1 st Quarter.

Permissible notecards must follow these guidelines: a.

Handwritten (no typed, printed, or pre-made notecards) b.

On the front (blank side):

Item(s) in large print

Corresponding number from the list (available on Edmodo)

Your name or initials c.

On the back :

Definition (answer Who? What? When? Where?)

Significance (answer Why? How? So what? Why is it important? What connections exist?)

More instructions for the Summer Notecards:

Definition (answer Who? What? When? Where?): this is basic information, fairly succinct

Significance (answer Why? How? So what? Why is it important? What connections exist?): this is much more complex information - higher-level thinking is required to apply these questions to the information provided in your definition. Use complete sentences as much as possible. * Note : you will not find this information “spelled out” for you – you must think it through yourself!

You are encouraged to use more than one source for this information. Do not solely rely on Wikipedia, it can be helpful for the easy questions such as when an event took place, however, it may provide an analysis that it completely irrelevant to our course of study. Please seriously consult your exam prep book for pertinent information.

I recommend you use 4x6 notecards. You will need to assess the information you find and determine an appropriate amount to include on your notecard. This is not necessarily an easy task, but learning how to be both comprehensive & concise is an essential skill in this class (& life in general ☺ ).

