Why Buy From A Log and Timber Homes Council Member? Blue Ridge Log Cabins photo By Abigail Klein Natural settings are beautiful, but can present some obstacles to the construction process. Log and Timber Homes Council members are adept at working with even the most challenging sites. countrysbestcabins.com NAHB_Advertorial_SmTrimSize.indd 1 | December 2014 | Country’s Best Cabins 1 10/7/14 10:57 AM RIGHT: Every type of buildable wood species and timber profile are represented in the LTHC. To find a log or timber home producer, you’ve got two great online resources at your disposal: nahb.org/ logandtimberdirectory and loghomes.org. For additional information, contact the LTHC at 800368-5242 ext. 8576. W monitor the quality of the materials. This about building your log 1. PART OF A PRESTIGIOUS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION The Log or timber home one of and Timber Homes Council is part construction meet the national standard the biggest questions of the National Association of Home for log home construction (called the ICC you may ask yourself is “who should I buy Builders (NAHB). Often called the 400-2012 Standard on the Design and from and work with to make my dream “voice of the housing industry” in the Construction of Log Structures) and re- home come true?” Competing for your United States, NAHB is a trade associa- gional building codes and the engineer- business are hundreds of companies in tion that encourages policies that make ing requirements behind them. the United States, Canada and beyond, housing a national priority. Since 1942, ranging from large companies and small NAHB has been serving its members, inspector looks at the attributes of the mom and pop shops, to local sawmills. the housing industry, and the public wood (knot clusters, slope of grain) and With so many options who do you trust at large. The Log and Timber Homes determines for what type of structural to get the job done properly? We suggest Council is part of the NAHB’s Building application that timber is best suited. It choosing a member of the Log and Timber Systems Councils, an association of is a way of being certain that the log will Homes Council. For nearly 40 years home manufacturers, vendors and builders do the job it is intended to do, in terms of buyers have trusted members of the Log who create log, timber, modular and strength and performance and provides and Timber Homes Council to make their panelized single- and multi-family a layer of protection for the home buyer dream home a reality. homes and commercial structures. As by establishing a standard level of quality the trade association for the housing for all logs used in the home. The companies that belong to the Log ensures the logs and timbers used in A visual log examination by a trained and Timber Homes Council have voluntari- industry, it is fully funded by voluntary ly adopted membership requirements that member support. The association and protect consumers during the buying and its individual councils receive no gov- 3. PROVIDING IN-DEPTH CONSTRUCTION MANUALS building process. They work together to ernment funds. Constructing a log and timber home is advance the industry, sponsoring re- far more complicated than just stacking courses of logs. To ensure homes building techniques and construction 2. YOU’RE GUARANTEED QUALITY LOGS & TIMBERS To belong to the Log code understanding. Here are the top 11 and Timber Homes Council, manufactur- building codes, all council members reasons to only buy from Log and Timber ers must grade their logs and timbers are required to develop and provide Homes Council members: by accredited third-party agencies to construction manuals to builders and search in energy performance, advanced NAHB_Advertorial_SmTrimSize.indd 2 are built to meet national or regional Satterwhite Log Homes photo ith all the decisions 10/7/14 10:57 AM contractors. The construction manuals member’s work in public, or take unfair 9. A STRICT CODE OF ETHICS All detail how the manufacturer’s building advantage over fellow members. Each members of the council have adopted system is to be employed in the field, member agrees to conduct his or her a strict ethics code. Upon joining the including fastening schedules, floor and business in a manner that avoids con- Council, members voluntarily agree to roof building techniques, and more. troversy, but that if controversy arises, produce well-designed, model-code to resolve the dispute through non-liti- complying structures. Members also 4. PROVIDING INFORMATION TO CONSUMERS All LTHC members gation mechanism wherever possible. agree that financial obligations and agree to offer free information to con- tivities with their customers would be sumers to help them make informed 7. MORE THAN THREE DECADES OF WISDOM & EXPERIENCE Founded in decisions during the buying and build- 1977, the original Log Homes Council is all parties concerned. Member compa- ing process. This includes the fund- one of the oldest organizations dedi- nies assume the responsibility to keep ing of LogHomes.org, which provides cated to promoting and improving log informed on laws, regulations, legisla- detailed information to consumers and timber building technologies. As tion, building codes and other essential through its Buyer’s Guide: The Perfect the industry and home buyer prefer- information that affect the log and Path to Your Dream Home. Information ences have evolved, so, too, as the timber industry. is also available at www.nahb.org/ Council, and the recent inclusion of the logandtimberhomes. timber framing industry to form the commitments regarding business acin writing, with copies distributed to 5. SPONSOR SCIENTIFIC STUDIES TO ADVANCE LOG & TIMBER CONSTRUCTION The Log and Timber that. Many of the original charter mem- 10. ETHICS COMMITTEE WILL ATTEMPT TO RESOLVE ANY DISPUTES What happens if there is bers are still active in the association a dispute involving a company that today, bringing a wealth of wisdom and belongs to the Log and Timber Homes Homes Council has sponsored numer- experience to log and timber home Council? After hearing all sides of ous scientific studies to improve the design, construction, and preservation an issue, the Log and Timber Homes technology and performance of log and serving as proof of the strength Council Ethics Committee will suggest structures. This has included measur- companies that belong to the LTHC. ways to resolve the issue and prevent Log and Timber Homes Council reflects ing the thermal performance of log future conflicts. The company in ques- construction (good news—log and 8. LTCH MEMBERS GIVE BACK tion may also receive a warning with timber homes stay cool in summer Log and Timber Homes Council mem- specific recommendations on bringing and warm in winter!), measuring sound bers firmly believe that they not only sell its actions into line with accepted in- transmission through log walls (good homes to the markets they serve, they dustry practices. If an agreement can- news again—log and timber homes are proudly give back to their communities not be reached, the Ethics Committee quieter than their stick built counter and those who fight to keep our nation will advise all parties to pursue legal parts), measuring the fire performance free. Over the years, members have solutions. If, however, a member of of log walls (yet more good news, logs come together to help provide housing the Council fails to live up to the ex- tend to protect occupants longer than for those less fortunate, to compile their pectations of the council, the Ethics stick framing) and more. culinary prowess to publish a cookbook Committee has the right to revoke or to help fight cancer, and, most recently, suspend the company’s membership. 6. FAIR COMPETITION FOR YOUR BUSINESS Members of the council to provide time, talent and materials to abide by the free enterprise system, Iraqi-war veterans and their families, 11. COMPLAINTS AGAINST NONMEMBERS ARE MONITORED While where companies compete on a level as well as the families of the fallen, with the Log and Timber Homes Council playing field for their clients’ business. partners, Operation Finally Home and has no way of mediating disputes Members agree that they will not at- the Structural Building Components with non-members, a file is kept on all tempt to injure, with malicious intent, Association. These moving and worth- non-member complaints. The Ethics either directly or indirectly, the profes- while projects are a key component to Committee reviews this file when con- sional reputation of other members, what the LTHC stands for and are a testa- sidering a log and timber home manu- nor to indiscriminately criticize another ment to the integrity of its membership. facturer for membership. NAHB_Advertorial_SmTrimSize.indd 3 build mortgage-free homes for disabled 10/7/14 10:57 AM ADVERTORIAL CLOCKWISE FROM TOP RIGHT: Southland Log Homes photo; Expedition Log Homes photo; Rocky Mountain Log Homes photo Log and Timber Home Council members will tailor your home’s design to meet all your aesthetic and structural needs. So whether you want a traditional log-on-log with chinking and a hewn finish (below), a sleek ranch with saddle-notched corners, (bottom right) or a hybrid that blends wood, stone and drywall (right), look to the LTHC to provide your legacy. You can find a member at loghomes.org or nahb.org/logdirectory. “When was the last time you bought DID YOU KNOW that log and timber homes are considered systems-built structures? This classification comes from the systematic approach to building the homes, as well as the controlled environments in which they are crafted. Other building systems methods include modular, panelized and concrete, and often these systems combine to make for a truly unique and high-performance house. The National Association of Home Builders’ Building Systems Councils represents all of these types of housing and the highly anything from anyone who not only harvests the raw materials, but also designs and crafts the finished product? You will find everyone from the sales rep to the owner of the company have something in common with you: They share the same passion for living in a log and timber home as you do.” skilled men and women who build them. For more information about building systems, please visit the Building Systems Councils’ website nahb.org/bsc NAHB_Advertorial_SmTrimSize.indd 4 -Doug Terrell, VP, Blue Ridge Log Cabins and 2014 chairman of the Log and Timber Homes Council 10/7/14 10:57 AM Presented by these members of the Log and Timber Homes Council. APPALACHIAN LOG STRUCTURES Appalachian Log Structures offers the latest technology available to custom design, precut and pressure treat log home building material packages. Over 65 standard floor plans are available. Cabins, log siding, log railing, and maintenance products are also available. ALSI offers several log profiles and corner styles. Visit us at www.applog.com or call (866) 564-4663 for more information. COVENTRY LOG HOMES, INC. CLH is factory direct supplying the best materials. We use pre-cut, kiln-dried logs that are certified and graded. Our complete packages are delivered for $1 in EST/CST. Packages include: Advantech sub-flooring, Andersen®’s best windows, Therma-Tru doors and more. Always the Best Quality & the Best Value. CELEBRATING 20 800-308-7505 info@coventryloghomes.com coventryloghomes.com 866-564-4663 applog.com YEARS Est. 1993 EXPEDITION LOG HOMES At Expedition Log Homes we pride ourselves on using a process that starts with raw logs harvested from sustainable forests. We control waste by cutting to yield, provide superior quality by kiln-drying and enhance the natural beauty by hand-crafting with a drawknife. Our national design services include engineer stamped plans for your custom home. Love where you live — Call or visit us today! 877-250-3300 ExpeditionLogHomes.com Reprint_Callbook.indd 5 GASTINEAU LOG HOMES Since the pioneer days, people have preferred the qualities of oak. Imagine the feelings of safety and security while being surrounded by this notorious wood. Wrap yourself in the strength, durability and beauty of an oak log home. The oak logs, beams, trim, stairs and railings all complete the picture… choose a Gastineau Log Home. 800-654-9253 sales@oakloghome.com oakloghome.com 10/3/14 3:04 PM HOCHSTETLER MILLING, LTD. HONEST ABE LOG HOMES, INC 800-368-1015 HochstetlerLogHomes.com 800-231-3695 info@honestabe.com honestabe.com Hochstetler Milling, Ltd. has been in business since 1986. Our mill-direct operation enables us to produce the finest quality log homes for a reasonable price. We offer over 40 standard plans or can custom design your home. Visit our models and experience the log home lifestyle yourself. Since 1979, Honest Abe Log Homes has designed and manufactured energy-efficient, custom log and timber frame homes. HALA’s building systems are precut, notched and numbered. Doors and windows, subfloor, second-story beams and tongue-and-groove, roofs, porch or deck materials, interior trim, interior doors and interior tongue-andgroove complete the package. R BE E IAT M ME C SO AS PERMA-CHINK SYSTEMS INC. ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOMES 800-548-3554 permachink.com 406-363-5680 sales@rmlh.com rockymountainloghomes.com Perma-Chink Systems Brings New Shades to Wood. For log home enthusiasts, nothing is more beautiful than rich tones of wood. With a nod to global trends in color and style, Perma-Chink Systems, a manufacturer of wood finishes, created Lifeline Accents. The newest member of the company’s Lifeline™ family, Accents offers a palette of colors to increase décor options inside or out, and bring new inspiration to wood homes. In addition, Perma-Chink Systems offers a complete line of specialized sealants, preservatives and cleaners made for the unique needs of log, timber and wood-trimmed homes. Reprint_Callbook.indd 6 In a world where anything can be reproduced, we celebrate the one material that has passed the test of time. Still, nothing matches wood in versatility or beauty. The color tones, textures, flexibility and even sound integrity has inspired artisans for thousands of years. We carry on a time-honored tradition, simply put—We Love Wood! We offer installation and turnkey construction management services. 10/3/14 3:05 PM Presented by these members of the Log and Timber Homes Council. SATTERWHITE LOG HOMES Featuring house logs made from dead standing timber, trees killed by natural causes. Environmentally responsible, superb quality and low cost. Satterwhite sells manufacturer direct, with no middlemen. An American family business serving American families. STONEMILL LOG & TIMBER HOMES StoneMill specializes in the design, fabrication and construction of log, timber frame and hybrid homes across the United States. For over 40 years, we have helped homeowners who are struggling to find the right company to turn their home vision into reality. Call us; we’re ready to begin! 800-777-7288 info@satterwhite.com satterwhite.com 800-438-8274 sales@stonemill.com stonemill.com Not Just Anyone CAN JOIN the TIMBERHAVEN LOG HOMES, LLC Your Dream... Our Passion. It’s not just our tagline. It’s our foundation for how we do business. • Kiln-Dried Laminated and Solid Logs • Graded and Certified Logs / Lifetime Warranty • Free custom-design services • Dozens of Log Profile & Corner Assembly Combinations • Name Brand Components & Most Complete Package We are ready when you are. Let’s get started! Photo©joesephhilliard.com LOG and TIMBER HOMES COUNCIL PEACE OF MIND comes standard when you buy from these companies. Grade logs and timbers to ensure structural soundness Adhere to a rigid code of ethics Provide a complete construction manual Offer training to builders and contractors Sponsor research to raise log and timber home standards nationwide 855-306-5678 timberhavenloghomes.com Reprint_Callbook.indd 7 Agree to offer truthful and accurate information to both buyers and builders Look for the Log and Timber Homes Council logo or visit loghomes.org for more information. 10/3/14 3:05 PM ADVERTISE WITH US PRINT MAGAZINES / DIGITAL MAGAZINES WEB SITES / SOCIAL MEDIA / EVENTS EVERY DAY our customers look to us for inspiration and information about building their log, timber and custom wood homes—at every stage of the process. ARE YOU in front of them, in print and digital magazines, online, events and social media EVERY DAY? Reach our AUDIENCE OF 3 MILLION log, timber and custom wood home buyers everywhere—THEY THEY ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! ACTIVE INTEREST MEDIA Contact Rob Clutter at rclutter@aimmedia.com or 931-235-4706 to find out more about how to GET MORE SALES THROUGH OUR NEW QUALIFIED BUYER PROGRAM! back page ad.indd 1 10/7/14 11:03 AM