whan Mrs. Cordon lihrlidi had 'wiili'ihe Scmcli Plains jinnip. Culler tilTlcers whn were introbeen preslileiu of chf Woman's duced included M r s . Coorjie cluh. Fisher, Male year hook chairman, Mrs, Edward Scluiak, ciuh Mrs. James Hell, nnrihern vice president, iiitroiiiu'iMihuofficers chairman of youih i-on-a-rwuinn, and department chairmen who both of Scotch R a i n s ; and Mrs, gave resumes of their activities, Frank Plrigyi of Curiurc-t, (uh Nesv members were urged to join district mumhership chairman. Scotch Plains Woman's Club those activities whose pursuits Mrs. William Carhe, chairman welcomed 18 prospective meminterested them. of the ciarhe I-'oundaUnn was bers at the annual membership Mrs. Alan Swenson of Warren, introduced to the new members. tea at the homo of Mrs, Hurry uth district vice president, Regrets were expressed lhat E. Bernstein, 1410 Cooper Road, brought greetings to the local Mrs. Leonard Ju/.orek, a long Scotch Plains. Mrs. Henry club, M r s . II. OrvilJe. Emmons time member of the club was English, past president and c u r - of llrlelle, state drama chairman, moving to Florida, rent membership chairman^ recalled her former association introduced Mrs. Arthur Taylor,' Mrs. Rayland Nelson, Mrs, Peter Dulak, Mrs. Paul Yentz, Mrs. Robert Stuart, Mrs. W.F. Llnfie, Mrs. Clarence Ciffen, M r s . Phillip Wettersten, Mrs. David Schnur, Mrs, Robert Currie, "THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Mrs. Robert Davle,, Mrs, Edjiar Bagley, Mrs. Murray Scuser, WHEN THEY WANT",,, Mrs, F, Raymond Stoveken, Mrs, Robert Sieloff, M r s , Wilfred Leahy, Mrs, Patrick Cozzi and Mrs, F, Raymond Osborne, It was noted that this was the 17th consecutive membership tea that had been held at the home of M r s , Bernstein, The practice had been instituted Woman's Club Welcomes New Members Artist Will Speak U ac 3 o Poling Oil Co Mountainside artist, Harry Devlin poses in front of one of his studies of American homes. The Scotch Plains Woman's Club will hold their monthly meeting at the Scotch Hills Country Club, Wednesday, November 11th. Mr, Harry A, Devlin of Mountainside will speak on his architectual findings of old homes in America which have led him to write tsvo books on American architecture as well as to do paintings and illustrations of these dwellings found throughout the United States; A native of Elizabeth and a graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School, Mr, Devlin majored in fine arts at Syracuse University and was commissioned an artist in the Navy in 1942, Following his discharge from the Navy, Mr, Devlin was cartoonist Add It To Your Grocery List Ralph F, Batch, Executive Director of the New jersey State Lottery Commission, has announced that ''overwhelming" response has been received from department store and supermarket chains wishing to become sales agents for tickets in the weekly lottery that begins later this year. According to Batch, the anticipated figure of 1,000 "starting agents" has already been e x ceeded and the commission is accepting applications for the remaining vacancies. Established commercial and retail outlets interested in b e coming Lottery sales agents may apply to the New jersey Lottery C o m m i s s i o n , State House, Trenton, 08625, . 609-292-4331, Supermarket and department store chains already accepted by the Lottery Commission as potential sales agents are AS I1, _ACMli, F'^od Fair, Grand Union, Kings Market, S, Klein and Steinbach's, Ticket sales in these stores will be made manually by store personnel, either at ciieckout counters or special cashier s t a tions, in accordance with what is most suitable for each store's particular situation, Because of the high volume customer traffic in these stores, it is expected they will be the prime sales agents for the Lottery tickets. Thirty percent of the Lottery receipts, as required by .State lasv, will go to state aid to education and institutions, The top Lottery prize, $50,000, will be awarded weekly, along with 9,999 other prizes to holders of tickets svith winning numbers. Nine will receive 14,000 each; 90 svill get $400 each and 900 will receive $40 each. There will also be 9,000 prizes consisting of a ticket in the Millionaire Lottery to be held twice a year, beginning in 1971. Tickets for the weekly Lottery are 50 cents each, for the Daily News and Collier's magazine. He also drew "Raggrnopp'' a comic strip for The Daily journal and has i l lustrated numerous books including "The Old Black Witch" and "The Knobby Boys to the Rescue", written with his wife Dorothy Wende Devlin, Odd Fact In an automobile company in Detroit, a huge sign says: "Emergency Exit—Not To Be Used U n d e r Any Circumstances," COMPLETE BURNER SERVICE SALES - INSTALLATION HUMIDIFIERS E$T " 233-4141 2285 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD Sock it away THE WITED STATES 0 OTO Join Suburban Trust's 1971 Christmas Club It's the best way to save money a little at a time . . And tor your .ulck-d i onvcniciic r, we will .itiloiii.itii .illy di'dm 1 ynur p liom your Submh.m 11ust Clii-ckinK Ac count, i) you wish. UAHlAtMUl TRUST COMPANY CRANFORD , GARWOOD • PLAINFIELD . SCOTCH PLAINS « WESTFIELD MiMBER FEDiRAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION