6-2 Allocation to Risky Assets • Investors will avoid risk unless there is a reward. Risk Aversion and Capital Allocation to Risky Assets • The utility model gives the optimal allocation between a risky portfolio and a risk-free asset. 6-3 Risk and Risk Aversion • Speculation – Taking considerable risk for a commensurate gain – Parties have heterogeneous expectations 6-4 Risk and Risk Aversion • Gamble – Bet or wager on an uncertain outcome for enjoyment – Parties assign the same probabilities to the possible outcomes 6-5 6-6 Table 6.1 Available Risky Portfolios (Riskfree Rate = 5%) Risk Aversion and Utility Values • Investors are willing to consider: – risk-free assets – speculative positions with positive risk premiums • Portfolio attractiveness increases with expected return and decreases with risk. • What happens when return increases with risk? Each portfolio receives a utility score to assess the investor’s risk/return trade off 6-7 Utility Function U = utility E ( r ) = expected return on the asset or portfolio A = coefficient of risk aversion s2 = variance of returns ½ = a scaling factor U E (r ) 6-8 Table 6.2 Utility Scores of Alternative Portfolios for Investors with Varying Degree of Risk Aversion 1 As 2 2 6-9 Mean-Variance (M-V) Criterion Estimating Risk Aversion • Portfolio A dominates portfolio B if: • Use questionnaires E rA E rB • And 6-10 • Observe individuals’ decisions when confronted with risk sA sB • Observe how much people are willing to pay to avoid risk 6-11 Capital Allocation Across Risky and RiskFree Portfolios Asset Allocation: • Is a very important part of portfolio construction. • Refers to the choice among broad asset classes. 6-12 Basic Asset Allocation Total Market Value $300,000 Risk-free money market fund $90,000 Equities Bonds (long-term) $113,400 $96,600 Controlling Risk: • Simplest way: Manipulate the fraction of the portfolio invested in risk-free assets versus the portion invested in the risky assets $113,400 WTotal E risk assets 0.54 $210,000 W $96,600 0.46 $210,00 B $210,000 6-13 The Risk-Free Asset Basic Asset Allocation • Only the government can issue default-free bonds. • Let y = weight of the risky portfolio, P, in the complete portfolio; (1-y) = weight of risk-free assets: y E: $210,000 0.7 $300,000 $113,400 .378 $300,000 – Risk-free in real terms only if price indexed and maturity equal to investor’s holding period. $90,000 1 y 0.3 $300,000 B: 6-14 • T-bills viewed as “the” risk-free asset • Money market funds also considered risk-free in practice $96,600 .322 $300,000 6-15 Figure 6.3 Spread Between 3-Month CD and T-bill Rates 6-16 Portfolios of One Risky Asset and a Risk-Free Asset • It’s possible to create a complete portfolio by splitting investment funds between safe and risky assets. – Let y=portion allocated to the risky portfolio, P – (1-y)=portion to be invested in risk-free asset, F. 6-17 6-18 Example Using Chapter 6.4 Numbers rf = 7% srf = 0% E(rp) = 15% sp = 22% y = % in p (1-y) = % in rf Example (Ctd.) The expected return on the complete portfolio is the risk-free rate plus the weight of P times the risk premium of P E (rc ) rf y E (rP ) rf E rc 7 y15 7 6-19 6-20 Example (Ctd.) Example (Ctd.) • Rearrange and substitute y=sC/sP: • The risk of the complete portfolio is the weight of P times the risk of P: s C ys P 22 y E rC rf Slope sC ErP rf 7 228 s C sP E rP rf sP 8 22 6-21 Figure 6.4 The Investment Opportunity Set 6-22 Capital Allocation Line with Leverage • Lend at rf=7% and borrow at rf=9% – Lending range slope = 8/22 = 0.36 – Borrowing range slope = 6/22 = 0.27 • CAL kinks at P 6-23 Figure 6.5 The Opportunity Set with Differential Borrowing and Lending Rates 6-24 Risk Tolerance and Asset Allocation • The investor must choose one optimal portfolio, C, from the set of feasible choices – Expected return of the complete portfolio: E (rc ) rf y E (rP ) rf – Variance: s C2 y 2s P2 6-25 6-26 Figure 6.6 Utility as a Function of Allocation to the Risky Asset, y Table 6.4 Utility Levels for Various Positions in Risky Assets (y) for an Investor with Risk Aversion A = 4 6-27 Table 6.5 Spreadsheet Calculations of Indifference Curves 6-28 Figure 6.7 Indifference Curves for U = .05 and U = .09 with A = 2 and A = 4 6-29 Figure 6.8 Finding the Optimal Complete Portfolio Using Indifference Curves 6-30 Table 6.6 Expected Returns on Four Indifference Curves and the CAL 6-31 Passive Strategies: The Capital Market Line • The passive strategy avoids any direct or indirect security analysis • Supply and demand forces may make such a strategy a reasonable choice for many investors 6-32 Passive Strategies: The Capital Market Line • A natural candidate for a passively held risky asset would be a well-diversified portfolio of common stocks such as the S&P 500. • The capital market line (CML) is the capital allocation line formed from 1-month T-bills and a broad index of common stocks (e.g. the S&P 500). 6-33 Passive Strategies: The Capital Market Line • The CML is given by a strategy that involves investment in two passive portfolios: 1. virtually risk-free short-term T-bills (or a money market fund) 2. a fund of common stocks that mimics a broad market index. 6-34 Passive Strategies: The Capital Market Line • From 1926 to 2009, the passive risky portfolio offered an average risk premium of 7.9% with a standard deviation of 20.8%, resulting in a reward-to-volatility ratio of .38. 7-36 The Investment Decision • Top-down process with 3 steps: Optimal Risky Portfolios 1. Capital allocation between the risky portfolio and risk-free asset 2. Asset allocation across broad asset classes 3. Security selection of individual assets within each asset class 7-37 7-38 Figure 7.1 Portfolio Risk as a Function of the Number of Stocks in the Portfolio Diversification and Portfolio Risk • Market risk – Systematic or nondiversifiable • Firm-specific risk – Diversifiable or nonsystematic 7-39 Figure 7.2 Portfolio Diversification 7-40 Covariance and Correlation • Portfolio risk depends on the correlation between the returns of the assets in the portfolio • Covariance and the correlation coefficient provide a measure of the way returns of two assets vary 7-41 Two-Security Portfolio: Return rp rP Portfolio Return wr D D Two-Security Portfolio: Risk wEr E s p2 wD2 s D2 wE2s E2 2wD wE CovrD , rE wD Bond Weight rD s D2 = Variance of Security D Bond Return wE Equity Weight rE 7-42 s E2 = Variance of Security E Equity Return CovrD , rE = Covariance of returns for E (rp ) wD E (rD ) wE E (rE ) Security D and Security E 7-43 Two-Security Portfolio: Risk 7-44 Covariance Cov(rD,rE) = DEsDsE • Another way to express variance of the portfolio: s P2 wD wDCov(rD , rD ) wE wE Cov(rE , rE ) 2wD wE Cov(rD , rE ) D,E = Correlation coefficient of returns sD = Standard deviation of returns for Security D sE = Standard deviation of returns for Security E 7-45 Correlation Coefficients Correlation Coefficients: Possible Values • When ρDE = 1, there is no diversification Range of values for 1,2 + 1.0 > 7-46 s P wEs E wDs D > -1.0 If = 1.0, the securities are perfectly positively correlated • When ρDE = -1, a perfect hedge is possible wE If = - 1.0, the securities are perfectly negatively correlated sD 1 wD s D s E 7-47 Table 7.2 Computation of Portfolio Variance From the Covariance Matrix 7-48 Three-Asset Portfolio E (rp ) w1E (r1 ) w2 E (r2 ) w3 E (r3 ) s p2 w12s 12 w22s 22 w32s 32 2w1w2s 1, 2 2w1w3s 1,3 2w2 w3s 2,3 7-49 Figure 7.3 Portfolio Expected Return as a Function of Investment Proportions 7-50 Figure 7.4 Portfolio Standard Deviation as a Function of Investment Proportions 7-51 The Minimum Variance Portfolio • The minimum variance portfolio is the portfolio composed of the risky assets that has the smallest standard deviation, the portfolio with least risk. • When correlation is less than +1, the portfolio standard deviation may be smaller than that of either of the individual component assets. • When correlation is 1, the standard deviation of the minimum variance portfolio is zero. 7-52 Figure 7.5 Portfolio Expected Return as a Function of Standard Deviation 7-53 7-54 Figure 7.6 The Opportunity Set of the Debt and Equity Funds and Two Feasible CALs Correlation Effects • The amount of possible risk reduction through diversification depends on the correlation. • The risk reduction potential increases as the correlation approaches -1. – If = +1.0, no risk reduction is possible. – If = 0, σP may be less than the standard deviation of either component asset. – If = -1.0, a riskless hedge is possible. 7-55 The Sharpe Ratio • Maximize the slope of the CAL for any possible portfolio, P. • The objective function is the slope: SP E (rP ) rf sP • The slope is also the Sharpe ratio. 7-56 Figure 7.7 The Opportunity Set of the Debt and Equity Funds with the Optimal CAL and the Optimal Risky Portfolio 7-57 Figure 7.8 Determination of the Optimal Overall Portfolio 7-58 Markowitz Portfolio Selection Model • Security Selection – The first step is to determine the riskreturn opportunities available. – All portfolios that lie on the minimumvariance frontier from the global minimum-variance portfolio and upward provide the best risk-return combinations 7-59 Figure 7.10 The Minimum-Variance Frontier of Risky Assets 7-60 Markowitz Portfolio Selection Model • We now search for the CAL with the highest reward-to-variability ratio 7-61 Figure 7.11 The Efficient Frontier of Risky Assets with the Optimal CAL 7-62 Markowitz Portfolio Selection Model • Everyone invests in P, regardless of their degree of risk aversion. – More risk averse investors put more in the risk-free asset. – Less risk averse investors put more in P. 7-63 Capital Allocation and the Separation Property • The separation property tells us that the portfolio choice problem may be separated into two independent tasks – Determination of the optimal risky portfolio is purely technical. – Allocation of the complete portfolio to Tbills versus the risky portfolio depends on personal preference. 7-64 Figure 7.13 Capital Allocation Lines with Various Portfolios from the Efficient Set 7-65 The Power of Diversification The Power of Diversification n • Remember: s 2 P i 1 n w w Cov(r , r ) j 1 i j i • We can then express portfolio variance as: j • If we define the average variance and average covariance of the securities as: 1 n s P2 s 2 1 n s s i2 n i 1 2 Cov n 1 n(n 1) j 1 j i 7-66 n 1 Cov n n Cov(r , r ) i 1 i j 7-67 Table 7.4 Risk Reduction of Equally Weighted Portfolios in Correlated and Uncorrelated Universes 7-68 Optimal Portfolios and Nonnormal Returns • Fat-tailed distributions can result in extreme values of VaR and ES and encourage smaller allocations to the risky portfolio. • If other portfolios provide sufficiently better VaR and ES values than the mean-variance efficient portfolio, we may prefer these when faced with fat-tailed distributions. 7-69 Risk Sharing Risk Pooling and the Insurance Principle • Risk pooling: merging uncorrelated, risky projects as a means to reduce risk. – increases the scale of the risky investment by adding additional uncorrelated assets. • As risky assets are added to the portfolio, a portion of the pool is sold to maintain a risky portfolio of fixed size. • Risk sharing combined with risk pooling is the key to the insurance industry. • The insurance principle: risk increases less than proportionally to the number of policies insured when the policies are uncorrelated • True diversification means spreading a portfolio of fixed size across many assets, not merely adding more risky bets to an ever-growing risky portfolio. – Sharpe ratio increases 7-71 Investment for the Long Run Long Term Strategy Short Term Strategy • Invest in the risky portfolio for 2 years. • Invest in the risky portfolio for 1 year and in the risk-free asset for the second year. – Long-term strategy is riskier. – Risk can be reduced by selling some of the risky assets in year 2. – “Time diversification” is not true diversification. 7-70