Open Note Poetry Vocabulary Quiz

Vocabulary Quiz
1. Alliteration
2. Assonance
3. Atmosphere
4. Characterization
A. A long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds
B. The formation or use of words such that imitate the
sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.
C.. Contrast between what is expected to happen and what
actually does
D. The use of literary techniques to create a character
5. Consonance
6. Epic Poem
7. Foreshadowing
8. Hyperbole
9. Irony
10. Lyric Poem
11. Metaphor
12. Mood
13. Narrative Poem
E. The repetition of consonants or of a consonant pattern,
especially at the ends of words, as in blank and think or
strong and string.
AB. The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds
of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables,
as in “on scrolls of silver snowy sentences”
AC. The act of providing vague advance indications;
representing beforehand
AD. The emotion created in the reader by part or all of a
literary work
AE. A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for
emphasis or effect
BC. The dominant tone or mood of a work of art does
14. Onomatopoeia
15. Personification
BD. The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds,
especially in stressed syllables, with changes in the
intervening consonants, as in the phrase tilting at windmills.
16. Repetition
BE. A poem that tells a story and has a plot
17. Rhyme
CD. The act or process or an instance of repeating or being
18. Simile
CE. Direct comparison between two unlike objects
19. Symbol
DE. A short poem of songlike quality
ABC. Giving human characteristics to non human things
BCD. correspondence in the sounds of two or more lines
(especially final sounds)
CDE. Something that represents something else by
association, resemblance, or convention,
ACE. Direct comparison between two unlike objects using
the words like or as