Understanding Your Commercial Account



Understanding Your

Commercial Account

Analysis Statement

BBVA Compass is pleased to provide our business customers with an Account Analysis Statement which reflects an overview of your account relationship. Highlights of your Analysis Statement are listed below for easy reference.

We hope you find this Account Analysis Statement to be useful and informative. If you have any questions regarding your statement, please contact your Relationship Manager or visit your nearest BBVA Compass Banking Center.

A Accounts Included in Analysis Relationship

The group number represents your primary account number in “group” relationships. The “accounts included in analysis” relationship lists all other BBVA Compass accounts which have been included in the group. If it is a single account then only the single account information will be displayed.

B Balance Information

This section is a summary of your average balance information for the month including adjustments. An earnings credit is applied to the average positive collected balance less required reserves. This credit is then compared to charges for services performed during the month to determine if these charges can be offset by balances.

Average Ledger Balance - This figure is calculated by subtracting the average negative ledger balance (not shown) from the average positive ledger balance.

Average Float - This figure represents the average daily amount in the process of being collected during the cycle.

It is calculated by subtracting the average ledger balance from the average collected balance.

Average Collected Balance - This is the difference between the average positive collected balance and the average negative collected balance.

Average Negative Collected Balance - This reflects the total of all the negative collected balances during the cycle divided by the number of days in the cycle.

Average Positive Collected Balance - This is calculated by taking the total of all the positive collected balances during the cycle and dividing by the number of days in the cycle.

Reserve Requirement - This is the percentage of your positive collected balance that is being held as a reserve.

Balances Available for Services - This is the average positive collected balance less any reserves. This balance is used to calculate the earnings credit amount.

Earnings Credit - An earnings credit rate is applied to your balance available for services, which is your positive collected balance less reserves. The earnings credit is used to offset the cost of services during the monthly cycle.

Balance Available for Services x Earnings Credit Rate

Number of days in the year (365 or 366)

Number of cycle days in the month

Analyzed Services Performed - This is the total price of services used during the monthly cycle.

Total Fees Due This Month - This is the earnings credit less analyzed services. If this amount is negative, the charge will appear as illustrated. If this amount is positive, a service charge will not be reflected.

C Services Summary

A summary of all services rendered during the month and the balances required to support these services.

Services - A list of all the services used during the current monthly cycle.

Volume - The number of times each service was used during the current monthly cycle.

Price Per Item - The unit price of each service used.

Total Price - The extended price of services used (volume x unit price).

Balance Required - The balance required in order to support the current services rendered using the earnings credit rate for the month.

Analyzed Services Performed - The total cost of services used during the current monthly cycle.





See following side for second page of analysis statement, including balance information related to Analyzed Business Interest Checking and Public Funds Analyzed Interest Checking.

Analyzed Business Interest Checking Summary

Negative Balance Position - Service Charges Debited


If there are not sufficient balances to cover the cost of services you will see the amount your account will be debited as *** SERVICE CHARGE

AMOUNT . You will also see the ECR applied to the balances used to offset fees.

Positive Balance Position – Interest Paid

BBVA Compass is a trade name of Compass Bank, a member of the BBVA Group. Compass Bank, Member FDIC.


If there are sufficient balances to cover the cost of services you will see the interest amount your account will be credited as ***

INTEREST PAID . The interest rate will appear next to Net Available

Balance instead of showing an

Earnings Credit Rate.

Rev. 11/14
