DNB Working Paper No. 346 / July 2012 DNB W O R K I N G P A P E R Leo de Haan and Jan Willem van den End Bank liquidity, the maturity ladder, and regulation Bank liquidity, the maturity ladder, and regulation Leo de Haan and Jan Willem van den End * * Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official positions of De Nederlandsche Bank. Working Paper No. 346 July 2012 De Nederlandsche Bank NV P.O. Box 98 1000 AB AMSTERDAM The Netherlands Bank liquidity, the maturity ladder, and regulation Leo de Haana, Jan Willem van den End a a De Nederlandsche Bank, Economics and Research Division, P.O. Box 98, 1000 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands. July 2012 Abstract We investigate 62 Dutch banks’ liquidity behaviour between January 2004 and March 2010, when these banks were subject to a liquidity regulation that is very similar to Basel III’s Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR). We find that most banks hold more liquid assets against their stock of liquid liabilities, such as demand deposits, than strictly required under the regulation. More solvent banks hold fewer liquid assets against their stock of liquid liabilities, suggesting an interaction between capital and liquidity buffers. However, this interaction turns out to be weaker during a crisis. Although not required, some banks consider cash flows scheduled beyond one month ahead when setting liquidity asset holdings, but they seldom look further ahead than one year. Keywords: Banks, Liquidity, Regulation JEL Classification: G21, G28, G32 Corresponding author. Phone +31 20 5243539, Fax +31 20 5242526. Email addresses: l.de.haan@dnb.nl (L. de Haan), w.a.van.den.end@dnb.nl (J.W. van den End). The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official positions of DNB. We thank Paul Baneke, Ryan Banerjee, Clemens Bonner, Jakob de Haan, Paul Hilbers, Giulia Iori, Hanne Meihuizen, Steven Ongena, Enrico Perotti, Lev Ratnovski, Iman van Lelyveld, seminar participants at DNB and participants of the BOK/BIS/IMF Conference on ‘Macrofinancial Linkages’ (Seoul, 2012) for comments and advice. Jack Bekooij and Franka Liedorp kindly provided data. 1 1. Introduction The crisis that plagues the financial system since 2007 is to some extent a liquidity crisis (Banque de France, 2008), caused by a collapse in confidence in the sustainability of high leverage and maturity mismatches in banks’ balance sheets. Wholesale funding has almost completely dried up, in particular long-term funding, leading to an increase of the maturity mismatch on banks’ balance sheets. Banks responded to this by hoarding high-quality assets as a buffer against the risk of maturity mismatch and rollover risk of short-term interbank borrowing (Acharya, 2011). To strengthen banks’ liquidity profiles, Basel III introduces the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR). The LCR prescribes that banks hold a sufficient level of high-quality assets against the net outflow of liquidity expected in stress conditions during a 30 days period. More specifically, a sufficiently high level of liquid assets should ensure that banks survive an acute stress scenario lasting for one month (BCBS, 2009). The NSFR creates additional incentives for banks to address liquidity mismatches by funding their activities with more stable sources of funding. Currently, it is foreseen that Basel III’s LCR proposal will be implemented in 2015. As of yet, there is little empirical evidence on how banks have responded or will respond to such a LCR requirement. This raises the question how the LCR relates to existing national supervisory liquidity rules, if any, and how the LCR relates to banks’ actual liquidity behaviour. The influence of liquidity regulation on bank behaviour may have wider consequences for the financial sector, financial markets and the real economy. Also from that perspective, insight into the interaction between liquidity regulation and bank behaviour is useful. This paper contributes to our understanding of how banks will react to the LCR by investigating banks’ actual liquidity behaviour under the quantitative liquidity requirement that has been in operation in the Netherlands since 2003, which resembles the Basel III proposal. According to the Dutch liquidity regulation, a bank’s actual liquidity must exceed required liquidity, at horizons of both one week and one month. Actual liquidity is defined as the stock of liquid assets minus haircuts plus recognised cash inflows weighted by degree of liquidity. Required liquidity is defined as the assumed calls on contingent liquidity lines, 2 assumed withdrawals of deposits, assumed drying up of wholesale funding and derivative funding during a period of combined market and idiosyncratic stress. The Dutch liquidity requirement, the so-called Liquidity Balance (LB), conceptually resembles Basle III’s LCR. We examine banks’ liquidity management under the Dutch regulatory LB rule. Our sample contains 62 Dutch banks, taking account of nearly 99% of total assets of the Dutch banking sector, and our sample period is January 2004 to March 2010, after which the Dutch regulatory system was changed. Our contribution is the first to empirically relate liquid asset holdings by banks to the full maturity ladder of future cash flows. The empirical literature until now has not considered maturity transformation as a determinant of banks’ liquid asset holdings. This seems striking as liquidity transformation, and the liquidity risk resulting from it, is the primary reason for banks to hold liquid assets (Goodhart, 2008). To estimate our model, we use unique monthly data on liquid assets and liabilities and scheduled cash flows for maturities ranging from one month to beyond one year. In addition, we confront the estimated empirical relationship with the relationships implied by Dutch and international liquidity rules, which link required liquid asset holdings to future cash flows for the coming month. Finally, we examine the effects of the crisis and bank characteristics, as well as their interaction, on liquidity behaviour. The paper is structured as follows. After a short literature review, we discuss the liquidity regulation that has been operative since 2003 in the Netherlands and compare the Dutch system with the proposed system under Basel III. Next, we present a model of banks’ liquidity behaviour, according to which banks hold liquid assets as a buffer against maturity mismatch risk. After discussing the data, we estimate this model and subsequently examine how the estimated model relates to both Dutch regulation and regulation as proposed under Basel III. Then, we examine whether liquidity behaviour was different before and after the crisis. Finally, we test how bank characteristics affect liquidity management, followed by the conclusion. 3 2. Short literature review Maturity mismatches are inherent to banks, owing to the transformation of liquid liabilities (e.g. deposits) into illiquid assets (e.g. long-term loans). This gives rise to market and funding liquidity risk, as shown by Diamond and Dybvig (1983). Market liquidity risk relates to the ability to convert assets into cash at a given price at short notice, while funding liquidity risk refers to the ability to raise cash to fund asset holdings. Rajan and Bird (2003) demonstrate that maturity transformation is inherent to banks and does not depend on implicit safety nets. Mink (2011) argues that through facilitating maturity transformation, the lender of last resort gives banks an incentive to lever, diversify, and lower their lending standards. Empirically, Aspachs et al. (2005) analyse 57 UK banks’ liquidity policy over the period 1985Q1 to 2003Q4 and find that the greater the potential support from the central bank in case of liquidity crises, the lower the liquidity buffer the banks hold. Van Lelyveld and Zymek (2009), using balance sheet data for 7,000 banks from 30 OECD countries in 1998-2007, report that the observed variation in liquid reserves is affected by (a dummy variable for) the presence of regulatory liquidity requirements, the extent of deposit insurance, disclosure practices and banking sector concentration. Schertler (2010), using quarterly data for 2,000 German banks from 2000-III to 2008-IV, examines banks’ adjustment of securities holdings, loan repayments and long-term lending, respectively, in response to payment obligations in the coming month. She finds that most banks perform ‘asset-side accounting exchanges’ by reducing their new long-term loans when they need more liquid assets. It is quite striking that none of these empirical studies consider maturity transformation as a determinant of banks’ liquid asset holdings even though liquidity transformation, and the liquidity risk resulting from it, is the primary reason for banks to hold liquid assets (Goodhart, 2008). Maturity transformation is hard to measure, however. Moreover, data on maturities of banks’ assets and liabilities is scarce. Deep and Schaefer (2004) proxy liquidity transformation by the difference between liquid liabilities and liquid assets as a percentage of total assets, which they call the liquidity transformation gap. Berger and Bouwman (2009), focusing on the extent to which banks transform illiquid assets into liquid liabilities, construct (four) liquidity creation measures, by classifying bank assets and liabilities as liquid, semiliquid, or illiquid, and weighting these together. Both studies do not use actual maturity data. To the best of our knowledge, the only study employing maturity data is Gambacorta and 4 Mistrulli (2004), who show the development of the weighted average for the maturity of (Italian) bank assets and liabilities. Our contribution is to empirically estimate a model relating liquid asset holdings by banks to the full maturity ladder of future cash flows, using unique monthly data on maturity buckets ranging from one month to beyond one year. We confront the estimated empirical relationship with the relationship implied by Dutch and international liquidity rules. Further, we examine the effects of the crisis and bank characteristics on banks’ liquidity behaviour. 3. Liquidity regulation 3.1 Dutch regulation In 2003, the Dutch banking regulator introduced a new quantitative liquidity supervisory system. According to this regulation, banks should have a so-called Liquidity Balance (LB) greater than or equal to zero at all times. The liquidity balance, LB, is defined as: LB Available liquidity Required liquidity Required liquidity (R1) where: Available liquidity = Weighted stock of liquid assets + Weighted cash inflow scheduled within the coming month (R1a) and Required liquidity = Weighted stock of liquid liabilities + Weighted cash outflow scheduled within the coming month (R1b) Hence, for the numerator of (R1) we can write: 5 Weighted stock of liquid assets – Weighted stock of liquid liabilities + Weighted cash inflow scheduled within the coming month – Weighted cash outflow scheduled within the coming month (R1c) The adjective ‘weighted’ refers to the fact that the items are weighted by regulatory weights according to their liquidity and withdrawal rates. This will be explained below. First, we elucidate the nature of the items themselves. The stock of liquid assets consists of banks’ assets that can be turned into cash on short notice, such as liquid bonds and asset-backed securities. The stock of liquid liabilities consists of banks’ debt that can be called upon immediately, such as demand deposits without a fixed term. Cash inflows are receipts of payments due within 1 month, for example one month reverse repo transactions. Cash outflows scheduled within the coming month are payments that are due within one month, for example one-month time deposits. Concerning the weightings applied, the liquidity regulator takes into account both market and funding liquidity risks, by applying so-called regulatory weights on assets, liabilities, cash inflows and outflows. Liquid assets and cash inflows are weighted by their liquidity in times of stress. For example, asset-backed securities get a lower weight than high-quality bonds (or, stated differently, get a larger haircut). Thus, the regulator accounts for the risk that in case of financial stress, market liquidity may be so low that certain assets can only be sold immediately at a loss. Liquid liabilities and cash outflows are also weighted to reflect the probability of withdrawal. In this way, the regulator accounts for differences in funding liquidity risk between, for example, retail deposits and wholesale deposits. The weights, dictated by the regulator, have been kept fixed during the sample period. The regulatory weights for all liquid assets, liabilities, and cash flows are given in Appendix A.1 To give some numerical examples: for the liquidity test for the coming month, fixed-term savings deposits of households are weighted by a run-off rate of 20% and lower quality corporate bonds get a haircut of 20%. Banks know their liquidity position vis-à-vis the regulatory requirements. LB according to (R1c) can be written as a function of liquid assets, liabilities, cash flows and regulatory weights: 1 See Van den End and Tabbae (2012) for background information on these weights. 6 LBit a j ASSETijt bk LIABikt clM 1 INFLOWiltM 1 d mM 1 OUTFLOWimtM 1 (R2) j k l m ASSETijt denotes j liquid asset items and LIABikt k liquid liability items for bank i at time t. Both are stock items without an agreed payment schedule. INFLOWiltM 1 denotes l cash inflow items with maturities of one month and less and OUTFLOWimtM 1 m cash outflow items with maturities of one month and less (hence, suffix ‘M = 1’). Both are payments scheduled to take place in the future, in this case within the coming month. a j , bk ,clM 1 ,d mM 1 are the respective regulatory weights. The regulator requires the banks to have a liquidity balance greater than or equal to zero: LBit 0 (R3) For our purposes, we wish to rewrite the regulatory requirements in terms of the minimum required liquid asset holdings. To achieve this, we take a number of steps. First, we combine equations (R2) and (R3) and rearrange, to get the following expression for liquid assets: a j j M 1 ASSETijt bk LIABikt clM 1 INFLOWiltM 1 d mM 1 OUTFLOWimt k l (R4) m Next, summing up over all j assets, k liabilities, l cash inflows and m cash outflows, we get: ait Ait bit Lit citM 1 I itM 1 ditM 1 OitM 1 (R5) where a ASSET ASSET j ait b LIAB LIAB ijt j k ikt k , bit ijt , citM 1 ikt j k c INFLOW INFLOW M 1 l l M 1 ilt Ait ASSETijt , Lit LIABikt , I it INFLOW k l 7 d OUTFLOW OUTFLOW M 1 m , ditM 1 l M 1 ilt j M 1 ilt , Oit OUTFLOW m j M 1 imt m M 1 imt M 1 imt . , Note that coefficients ait , bit , citM 1 , ditM 1 are weighted averages of the respective regulatory weights a j , bk , clM 1 , d mM 1 , with the relative shares of the different balance sheet and cash flow items as weights. Therefore, as the composition of balance sheet and cash flows may differ between banks and change over time, these coefficients a j , bk , clM 1 , d mM 1 vary over time t and across banks i as well. Finally, dividing (R5) by ait yields: bit Lit citM 1 I itM 1 ditM 1 OitM 1 Ait ait (R6) which tells us that the minimum required holdings of liquid assets are: AitR itLB Lit itLB I itM 1 itLB OitM 1 (R7) where itLB bit c M 1 d M 1 0, itLB it 0, itLB it 0 ait ait ait (R7) gives the minimum required liquid asset holdings AitR of bank i at time t, given the size and composition of liquid liabilities, cash inflows and outflows up to one month, and given the regulatory weights. Coefficients itLB , itLB , itLB are hypothetical, or theoretical, in that they relate liquid liabilities, cash inflows and cash outflows to the stock of liquid assets under the assumption that banks hold exactly the minimum required levels of stock liquid assets at all times; no more, no less. In the remainder of this paper we will denote them as ‘regulatory coefficients’. 8 3.2 Basel III Basel III has proposed two ratios for monitoring bank liquidity: the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR). The LCR is defined as: LCR Stock of high-quality liquid assets Net cash outflows scheduled within 1 month (R8) Using the same notation as for LB, the LCR can be written as: LCRit e f k j ASSETijt j k M 1 LIABikt glM 1 INFLOWiltM 1 hmM 1 OUTFLOWimt m (R9) m As mentioned in Section 3.1, LIABikt are stock items without an agreed payment schedule, such as demand deposits. By applying assumed run-off rates f k to such items they are de facto transformed into cash outflows. The regulator requires the banks to have an LCR greater than or equal to 1 at all times: LCRit 1 (R10) Combining equations (R9) and (R10) and rearranging, we get the following expression for liquid assets: e j j ASSETijt f k LIABikt glM 1 INFLOWiltM 1 hmM 1 OUTFLOWimtM 1 k l (R11) m Note that the equation for LCR, (R11), is very similar to (R4), the expression for LB. This is because the regulatory philosophies behind LB and LCR are the same. However, the regulatory weights for LCR may differ from those for LB. For example, the composition of the stock of high-quality liquid assets is defined more narrowly for the LCR than for the LB (compare the tables in Appendix A). Analogously to (R7), Equation (R11) can be rewritten in terms of the minimum required holdings of liquid assets: 9 AitR itLCR Lit itLCR I itM 1 itLCR OitM 1 (R12) Thus, we now have two regulatory models, (R7) for Dutch regulation and (R12) for Basel III, which are almost identical except for the coefficients (which are therefore equipped with suffixes ‘LB’ and ‘LCR’, respectively). The second liquidity indicator of Basel III, the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR), is defined as: NSFR Available amount of stable funding Required amount of stable funding (R13) This ratio is the proportion of long-term assets which are funded by long-term, stable funding. NSFR is different from both LB and LCR in that it focuses on the long term. Cash flows shorter than one month are not considered. Therefore, in the remainder of this study, we will focus on LB and LCR. 4. Model Maturity transformation is risky, because it implies a maturity mismatch between the assets and the liabilities on the bank’s balance sheet. This is the reason for a bank to hold a buffer stock of liquidity, i.e. high quality assets which can be sold or pledged immediately or at short notice. This is also the reason for a regulator to prescribe minimum liquidity holdings to banks under supervision. The regulatory buffer requirements may be greater since the social optimum for bank liquidity usually lies higher than the private optimum (Acharya et al., 2009), as banks’ liquidity buffers may prevent a systemic crisis or mitigate its effects on the real economy. In principle, the capacity for maturity transformation is greater when a bank holds a larger stock of liquid assets, since the funding pressure can be met by selling or pledging these assets. As Goodhart (2008, p. 43) states: “There is a trade off between stock liquidity and maturity transformation. What, perhaps, we need is a menu of relationships between stock 10 liquidity and maturity transformation, such as if maturity transformation is measured from 0 (no transformation) to infinite, and stock liquidity is measured as a percentage of assets (…)”. However, Goodhart (op. cit.) notes that there is an immediate problem: “this assumes that there is a single accepted scale of measurement, whether cardinal or ordinal, for both maturity transformation and stock liquidity, and this is not so.” He mentions that one way to look at maturity transformation is by means of maturity ladders, where one looks at the net liquidity positions of banks over differing horizons. He also sees some problems with this, though. To name one (Goodhart, op. cit.): “What does one do about retail deposits, demandable on sight but normally the most stable and reliable of all liabilities”? Yet, in the real world, banks do link their stock of liquid assets to maturity ladders. According to a survey conducted by the ECB (2002, pp 23-24), “some banks tie their cash flow limits to their stock of liquid assets, for example by imposing a minimum ratio between the two elements. Volume limits for individual maturity buckets are often interrelated: lower for short-term maturities and higher for long-term maturities.” This approach is also one of the several bank liquidity management techniques that are in use as discussed by Van Greuning and Brajovic Bratanovic (2000, p. 167): “Liquid assets actually held can then be compared to the local currency value of the short-term mismatch in order to assess how much of the latter is in fact covered by a buffer stock of high-quality liquid assets.” Following the above line of reasoning, we postulate the following benchmark model for the actual liquid asset holdings by banks: 5 Ait i Lit iM s ( I itM s OitM s ) i (M1) s 1 where Ait is the stock of liquid assets, Lit the stock of liquid liabilities, I itM s the future cash inflows with maturity s, and OitM s the future cash outflows with maturity s, for bank i at time t. Hence, ( I itM s OitM s ) stands for future net cash flows with maturity s. Maturity s in our model has five values for each of the five maturity buckets that are defined in the Dutch liquidity report: 11 M = 1: One month or less M = 2: Between one month and three months M = 3: Between three and six months M = 4: Between six and twelve months M = 5: Longer than one year i , i , iM s are bank-specific parameters, i is a bank-specific intercept. Because we expect a bank to be willing to hold more liquid assets the more obligations it has, we assume i 0, iM s 0 . As banks’ liquidity management may differ across banks or bank groups, all parameters have suffix i. We also postulate two alternative specifications. In the first, we split net cash flows up to one month (M = 1) into cash inflows and cash outflows. The reason to do this is that, as we have seen in Section 3, both Dutch and Basel III’s liquidity regulation treat future cash inflows and outflows with maturities within one month separately. Hence, we write for the second model: Ait i Lit i I M 1 it i O M 1 it 5 iM s ( I itM s OitM s ) i (M2) s 2 where i 0, i 0 In the third model, we exclude net cash flows with maturities longer than one month and drop the constant i . In this way, we fully replicate the regulatory specifications (R7) and (R12), respectively: Ait i Lit i I itM 1 i OitM 1 (M3) Before we estimate these alternative models, we first discuss the data. 12 5. Data We use monthly consolidated data on liquid assets, liabilities, cash inflows and outflows of Dutch banks over the period January 2004 to March 2010, the last month in which the Dutch regulatory system was left unchanged. This period encompasses both the pre-crisis and the crisis period. Our variables of interest are summarized and defined in Appendix B. All balance sheet variables have been scaled by total assets, to remove any trends. The data source is De Nederlandsche Bank’s (DNB) prudential liquidity report (DNB, 2003). This data source contains end-of-month data on liquid assets, liabilities and cash flows for all Dutch banks (including branches and foreign branches) under supervision, with a detailed breakdown per balance sheet item. These data are unique for two reasons. First, there is information on the maturities of the expected cash inflows and outflows in case there is an underlying payment schedule. The maturity buckets are as defined in Section 4: 1) one month or less, 2) between one month and three months, 3) between three and six months, 4) between six and twelve months, and 5) longer than one year. Second, there is detailed information on the regulatory weights of all asset, liability and cash flow items. Not every item is reported by every bank, since some banks do not have exposures in all categories. Also, the data is highly unbalanced. For that reason, we use data of 62 banks out of a total of 107, for which data is mostly available for the whole sample period. Our sample of 62 banks accounts for 99% of total assets of all banks and consists of four types of banks. First, there is the ‘top-5’ group consisting of the five largest Dutch banks: ABN Amro, ING, Fortis, Rabo and SNS.2 These five banks take account of 85% of the Dutch banking sector’s total assets. The second is 19 ‘other Dutch banks’, comprising a diverse group of mediumsized institutions. The rest of the sample consists of foreign banks: 19 ‘foreign subsidiaries’ form the third group, and 19 ‘foreign branches’ make up the fourth group. Foreign branches can rely on their mother bank for liquidity support and may therefore show very different behaviour. For instance, they may have less need for self-insurance by holding liquid asset buffers, since in stressed markets they can resort to liquidity lines provided by the mother bank (Heijmans, 2012). 2 In 2008, Fortis was merged into ABN-Amro and ceased to exist as a separate bank. 13 Figure 1 shows, for the aggregate of our sample, liquid assets, liabilities and future cash flows. Panel a shows the stocks of liquid assets and liabilities. The stock of liquid assets comprises mostly bonds, including asset-backed securities, eligible as collateral at the central bank. The stock of liquid liabilities comprises mostly (retail and wholesale) demand deposits without a fixed term. This is the balance sheet item Goodhart (2008) did not know how to deal with (see above). As it is demandable on sight and has no fixed maturity, it cannot be categorized into one of the maturity buckets. Therefore, we consider it to be stock liquidity on the liability side. An option could be to subtract the stock of liquid liabilities from the stock of liquid assets, so that a sort of ‘net stock liquidity position’ is obtained. However, we prefer to consider the stocks of liquidity assets and liabilities separately in our analysis, as this is also done by the regulator who distinguishes between market liquidity and withdrawal risks. Panel b of Figure 1 shows the cash inflows and cash outflows scheduled for the coming month, as well as their difference: the net cash flows for the coming month. Panel c of Figure 1 shows the net cash flow positions for maturities longer than one month: between 1 and 3 months, 3 to 6 months, 6 to 12 months, and longer than one year, respectively. Net cash flows for maturities until one year are mostly negative (however, note that this is for the aggregate of our sample of 62 banks), while the maturity bucket beyond one year is positive. This asymmetric distribution over short-term and long-term maturity buckets reflects banks’ maturity transformation (funding short-term, lending long-term, implying that repayments, i.e. cash inflows, are received over a longer horizon). Negative mismatches appear to be greatest for maturities until one month and between one and three months. [insert Fig. 1 about here] Figure 2 shows the Liquidity Balance (LB), aggregated for our sample of Dutch banks. For all banks and bank types, there was a surplus during the whole sample period (for the aggregate). ‘All banks’ and the ‘top-5’ move closely together, which is to be expected as the top-5 account for the bulk of the banking sector, and show a relatively small but stable surplus. The surplus of all banks taken together declined from 0.15 in 2004 to 0.06 in 2007 after which it increased until mid-2009, levelling off around the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. The liquidity surplus of other Dutch banks is much higher and more volatile. This also holds for foreign subsidiaries. Foreign branches take a position in the middle (both are subject to the DNB liquidity regulation). 14 [insert Fig. 2 about here] Figure 3 shows the Dutch regulatory minimum required stock of liquid assets, AR , aggregated for our sample of 62 Dutch banks, and scaled by total assets. This ratio has been calculated using equation (R7). We also include actual liquidity holdings into this figure, which is identical to the series depicted in the top panel of Figure 1. The difference between the minimum required and actual liquidity holdings is also shown in the figure.3 It shows how it is possible that banks managed to fulfil the regulatory liquidity requirements during the crisis that hit in the fall of 2007. Actual liquidity dropped during the first part of the crisis (August 2007 – February 2009), but recovered after that. Required liquidity also dropped during the first part of the crisis, but even more quickly than actual liquidity, and moreover stayed on this lower level thereafter. The drop of required liquidity relates to the decline of short-term wholesale and repo funding. As a result, the difference between actual and required liquidity improved during the crisis. The sharp decrease in required stock liquidity was mostly obtained by a cut in wholesale lending and a flight into more liquid assets (De Haan and Van den End, 2011). [insert Figure 3 about here] Figure 4 shows an approximation of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) for the aggregate of our sample of 62 banks as well as for the four bank types. Because the Dutch regulatory reporting is not yet fully compatible with Basel III, the mapping of the Dutch data is not perfect. Therefore, these figures must be interpreted with some caution. The LCR is somewhat below the required minimum of 1 for all banks and the top-5 banks during the sample period. This picture contrasts with the surpluses for the LB of these bank types shown earlier in Figure 2. The lower LCR values are mainly due to the fact that some items, especially asset backed securities, such as residential mortgage backed securities (RMBS), are included in the liquid asset definition of the LB but not in the LCR. The aggregate LCR for all banks declined from 0.8 in 2004 to 0.4 at the end of 2007, after which it recovered to 0.7 beginning of 2010. The LCR of ‘other Dutch’ banks is higher than 1 most of the sample period, and shows an increase in 2009-2010. The LCR of foreign branches is mostly negative and very volatile. 3 Its shape is similar to but different from that of the liquidity balance as shown in Figure 2. The difference in shape has two reasons: (1) Scaling: Fig. 2 shows ratios of required liquidity, while Fig. 3 shows ratios of total assets; (2) Regulatory weighting of assets: Fig. 2 is after regulatory weighting, Fig. 3 before regulatory weighting. 15 These negative values (marked on the right axis) reflect the fact that foreign branches as a whole have net cash inflows instead of net cash outflows scheduled for the coming month, so that the numerator of LCR is negative instead of positive. [insert Fig. 4 about here] Panel A of Table 1 presents medians and standard deviations of the variables used in models (M1) - (M3). Median stocks of liquid assets are of similar magnitude for the different bank types: around 0.2 to 0.3 of total assets. Median stocks of liquid liabilities are around 0.4 for all banks except ‘other Dutch banks’ (0.3). Standard deviations are relatively large for both liquid assets and liabilities. Median cash inflows and outflows scheduled within the coming month are larger for the top-5 banks than for the ‘other Dutch banks’. Median net cash flows for maturities beyond one month are around zero, except for the maturity beyond one year, which is positive especially for the top-5 banks and the category of ‘other Dutch banks’. [insert Table 1 about here] 6. Estimation results In this section we estimate the models presented in Section 4. The empirical specifications of (M1) and (M2) are obtained by adding time effects t and residuals it , so that the resulting equations are, respectively: 5 Ait Lit M s ( I itM s OitM s ) i t it (E1) s 1 5 Ait Lit M 1 I itM 1 M 1OitM 1 M s ( I itM s OitM s ) i t it (E2) s2 All variables are scaled by total bank assets, so that they are stationary.4 4 The Im-Pesaran-Shin unit root test strongly rejects the null hypothesis of a unit root for all panels. Results are available on request. 16 In equations (E1) and (E2), all coefficients are assumed to be equal across banks. However, as mentioned in Section 4, liquidity management may differ between banks or bank groups. Therefore, we will proceed in two steps. First, we will estimate the models using the standard assumption of equal coefficients across all banks. Second, we will estimate the models for the different bank groups to be distinguished by bank type and bank characteristics. Table 2 presents the estimation results for (E1) and (E2). These models explain the within variation of stock liquid asset holdings well, according to the within-R2 of around 0.78 and 0.83 for the whole sample. The model fit is better for Dutch banks (especially ‘other Dutch banks’, 0.99) than for foreign banks (especially foreign branches, 0.59). Many coefficients are significant and have the expected signs. The coefficients of liquid liabilities and net cash flows for maturities longer than one month turn out to be robust to the inclusion of gross cash inflow and outflow within one month (E2) instead of net cash flow within one month (E1). Therefore, in the remainder of this paper, we use equation (E2), because this relates more closely to regulation which also looks at gross cash flows within one month. [insert Table 2 about here] Overall, the results indicate that banks hold a stock of liquid assets as a buffer against the stock of liquid liabilities. When banks have cash inflows in the coming month, they hold fewer liquid assets. However, on average, they do not fully reduce their liquid asset holdings when there is an inflow of cash scheduled within the coming month. Banks hold more liquid assets if 1-month cash outflows are higher. However, banks look at cash flows further than one month ahead. Net cash inflows of several maturities longer than one month are significant for various banks types. The top-5 banks seem to manage their stock liquidity with an eye on maturities between 3 and 12 months. Banks in the category of ‘other Dutch banks’ seem to look at maturities between 3 and 6 months and beyond one year. For foreign subsidiaries maturities between 1 and 3 and beyond 6 months are significant.5 Hence, only the ‘other Dutch banks’ and foreign subsidiaries seem to look further than one year ahead. For both bank types the standard deviation of net cash inflows beyond one year is relatively high (see Table 1). As these banks have more variability over time they are likely to behave differently. We 5 Due to this heterogeneity in bank behavior across different bank types, none of the coefficients for net cash inflows beyond one month are statistically different from zero for the whole sample. 17 conclude that our findings are consistent with a survey finding of ECB (2002), that banks seldom look further ahead than one year for liquidity management purposes.6 One might wonder whether the estimation results could suffer from an endogeneity problem, which would arise when the independent variables are not exogenous but endogenous. The independent variables would then be correlated with the error term leading to a bias in the estimated coefficients. The following economic arguments suggest that our independent variables are exogenous. The stock of liquid liabilities consists mostly of retail demand deposits, which are notoriously sluggish and cannot easily be manipulated by the bank in the short run.7 The future cash inflows and outflows scheduled within the coming month are contractually fixed obligations with the bank’s debtors and creditors, respectively, and as such cannot be easily breached by the bank. The same holds for the future net cash flows scheduled beyond one month. Hence, our independent variables seem to be exogenous in the bank’s decision process, in contrast to the dependent variable, the stock of liquid assets, which consists of the stock of liquid bonds and asset-backed securities that can easily be adjusted by the bank.8 7. How does liquidity behaviour relate to liquidity regulation? In this section we investigate how banks’ liquidity management relates to bank liquidity regulation, both Dutch and Basel III. To do this, we proceed in three steps: First, we estimate an empirical specification of the regulatory model (M3), introduced in Section 4. Unlike (E1) and (E2), we do not add fixed bank and time effects because we wish to approximate as closely as possible the regulatory model, lacking such elements. Hence, we specify: 6 ECB (2002, p. 24): “Operational liquidity management typically focuses on periods from one day to between one and three months. (…) Strategic liquidity management focuses on periods up to one year (…). It is uncommon for banks to look further than one year ahead (…).” 7 As mentioned before, Goodhart (2008) denotes retail deposits as “the most stable and reliable of all liabilities”. Retail deposits are relatively stable (Schleifer and Vishny, 2010), also since they are insured by the government (Huang and Ratnovski, 2011). Their ‘stickiness’ is also related to switching costs and the transaction services that retail depositors receive from banks (Kim et al., 2003). 8 Still, we did a robustness check with respect to the endogeneity problem. We ran an instrumental variables regression, instrumenting the stock of liquid liabilities, the 1-month cash inflow and the 1-month cash outflow by their lagged values plus all other model variables. The magnitudes of the coefficient estimates (see Appendix C) remained more or less the same, indicating that the original estimates do not suffer from simultaneity bias. 18 Ait Lit I itM 1 OitM 1 it (E3) The estimation results for (E3) are presented in Table 3, under the heading ‘estimated’. These may differ from the corresponding coefficients in Table 2, as model (E3) is specified differently from (E1) and (E2). (E3) is an empirical representation of the relationship between the actual stock of liquid assets on the one hand and liquid liabilities and cash flows for the coming month on the other, disregarding cash flows beyond one month ahead as does regulation. (E1) and (E2), on the other hand, consider the full range of maturity buckets, both until one month and beyond. Second, we compile ‘regulatory’ coefficients from the regulatory models (R7) and (R12) introduced in Section 3. We calculate the regulatory coefficients for LB and LCR as follows. Assuming AitR Ait , the regulatory coefficients are defined as: LB it Ait itLB I itM 1 itLB OitM 1 LB Ait itLB Lit itLB OitM 1 LB Ait itLB Lit itLB I itM 1 ; it ; it Lit I itM 1 OitM 1 (R7’) LCR it Ait itLCR I itM 1 itLCR OitM 1 LCR Ait itLCR Lit itLCR OitM 1 LCR Ait itLCR Lit itLCR I itM 1 ; it ; it Lit I itM 1 OitM 1 (R12') The sample means of the calculated regulatory coefficients are presented in Table 3 with their standard errors and significance levels, under the headings ‘LB’ and ‘LCR’, respectively. Third, we compare the estimated coefficients and the calculated regulatory coefficients to gain insight into the way banks’ liquidity management deviates from the liquidity behaviour implied by the regulatory minimum standards. To facilitate this comparison, we align the number of observations used in the regressions with the number of observations available for the calculated regulatory coefficients, which is limited due to the occurrence of zero values for the denominators in (R7’) and (R12’). This means dropping 10% of the original sample, 19 especially observations in the categories of ‘other Dutch banks’ (13%) and foreign branches (18%).9 [insert Table 3 about here] Let us first compare the estimated coefficients with the calculated regulatory coefficients based on LB. The LB coefficient of liquid liabilities is lower than the estimated one for all banks and all bank types. This means that banks, on average, hold more liquid assets against liquid liabilities than strictly required according to LB, probably for precautionary reasons. This is especially the case for ‘other Dutch banks’ and foreign subsidiaries. The picture for the cash flow coefficients is more mixed. The LB coefficient of 1-month cash inflow is quite similar for all banks, ‘other Dutch banks’ and foreign subsidiaries. However, in absolute terms, it is greater than its estimated counterpart for the top-5 banks and the foreign branches. The LB coefficient of cash outflows scheduled within one month is larger than the estimated counterpart for the top-5 banks and for foreign branches, while it is smaller for ‘other Dutch banks’. Next, we compare the estimated coefficients with the calculated regulatory coefficients based on LCR. While interpreting these coefficients, three things should be kept in mind. First, as mentioned in Section 5, the definition of the stock of assets, adopted from the regulatory definitions under LB, is wider than under LCR, since the former includes asset-backed securities such as RMBS. Second, LCR is not in operation yet. Therefore, the comparison with LCR coefficients is hypothetical because banks did not have to meet this rule at the time. The goal of the exercise is to assess whether and how actual liquidity behaviour of Dutch banks deviated from the new Basel III liquidity standard. Third, the mapping of the regulatory weights from LCR on the Dutch regulatory despatches is imperfect, as mentioned in Section 5. Therefore, the LCR coefficients should be interpreted with caution. We observe that the estimated coefficient of the stock of liquid liabilities is greater than the LCR coefficient for ‘other Dutch banks’. This may be the result of the wider definition of liquid assets in the LB, which recognises asset-backed securities to some extent as liquid assets, while the LCR does not. The estimated and calculated regulatory coefficients are similar in magnitude (around 9 The effect of the smaller sample selection on the estimated coefficients is negligible for ‘other Dutch banks’ but non-negligible for foreign branches. Using the original sample sizes, the coefficients of liquid liabilities, cash inflows and cash outflows were, respectively, 0.858, -0.851 and 1.036 for other Dutch banks and 0.224, -0.049 and 0.352 for foreign branches. 20 0.47) for the top-5 banks. For foreign banks, especially foreign branches, the estimated coefficient of the stock of liquid liabilities is smaller than the LCR coefficient. Foreign banks are probably less inclined to hold liquid assets, since they usually can count on cash inflows from the parent bank when necessary. The LCR coefficients of 1-month cash inflows are larger in absolute terms than their estimated counterparts for all banks and bank types. The same holds for the LCR coefficients of 1-months cash outflows. The magnitudes of the LCR cash flows coefficients for foreign subsidiaries seem out of line, which may be due to the imperfect mapping of LB despatches to LCR rules. For that reason, we abstain from an economic interpretation of these differences. Finally, we compare the calculated regulatory coefficients of the LCR with those of the LB. The LCR coefficient of stock liquid liabilities is greater than the LB coefficient. Hence, under the LCR standard, banks have to maintain a greater buffer of liquid assets against their stock of liquid liabilities. This can be explained by the stricter definition in the LCR of the stock of liquid assets that should cover the expected liquidity outflow. For the top-5 banks, this difference is relatively small, though. 8. Liquidity management in the crisis In this section, we examine how the crisis affected their liquidity management in terms of their stock of liquidity holdings. For this, we re-specify (E2) as follows: Ait 1 Lit 2 Lit Ct 1M 1 I itM 1 2M 1 I itM 1Ct 1M 1OitM 1 2M 1OitM 1Ct 5 M s ( I itM s OitM s ) Ct i t it (E4) s 2 where Ct is a dummy variable ‘Crisis’, which has value 1 from August 2007 to the end of the sample (March 2010) and 0 before. This dating is based on the sudden rise of CDS and Euribor spreads for Dutch banks since August 2007 (Figure 5). [insert Figure 5 about here] 21 Table 4 presents the estimation results. Our interest especially concerns the significance and magnitude of the interaction term coefficients, 2 , 2 , 2 .10 For all banks and the top-5 banks the coefficient of the stock of liquid liabilities interacted with Crisis, 2 , is -0.137 and -0.133, respectively. For foreign branches it is statistically different from zero but small in economic terms (-0.043). For ‘other Dutch banks’ and foreign affiliates it is not significant. This means that especially large banks hold less liquid assets against their stock of liquid liabilities during the crisis than before. The estimated coefficients of the interaction terms of cash inflows and outflows with Crisis, 2 and 2 , are not significant for most banks, except 2 for foreign branches (but only at the 10% significance level). We conclude that the crisis seems to have affected liquidity management for the largest banks, in particular with regard to the stock of liquid liabilities. Banks hold less liquid assets against the stock of liquid liabilities during the crisis than before. This finding can be explained as follows. The stock of liquid liabilities consists mostly of retail demand deposits. Relative to total assets, their level was stable and even increased somewhat during the crisis (see, for the Netherlands, e.g. De Haan and Van den End, 2011, and for Europe ECB, 2009)11. This resulted in lower levels of liquid asset holdings, relative to retail demand deposits. Figure 1 confirms this interpretation. During the first phase of the crisis (2007-2008), both liquid assets and liquid liabilities decreased, but assets more so than liabilities. In the following phase (2009-2010), both items recovered, but liabilities more than assets. Consequently, the stock of liquid assets decreased relative to the stock of liquid liabilities in the crisis. [insert Table 4 about here] 9. Liquidity management and bank characteristics In this section we examine whether liquidity management depends on bank characteristics, other than bank type. To limit the number of variables characterising banks, we apply factor analysis. From a larger set of variables we selected four variables (retail deposits, retail 10 Coefficient is not interesting in itself, for Ct has only been added to facilitate sensible interpretation of the coefficients 2 , 2 , 2 (Brambor et al., 2006). In contrast, liabilities with fixed maturities that are not part of the liability stock, i.e. mostly wholesale debt, were reduced sharply, together with wholesale lending. 11 22 demand deposits, equity ratio and Z-score) that are available for all banks in our sample and for the whole sample period. Applying factor analysis on these four variables, we obtain two ‘common factors’ contributing substantially to the variance of these four variables and having economically interpretable and significant factor loadings. The first factor has high loadings on retail deposits and retail demand deposits, both scaled by total assets (Table 5). Therefore, we label factor 1 ‘Retail funding’. The second factor has high loadings on the equity ratio and the Z-score, a measure of distance to default. Hence, we label factor 2 ‘Safe’. Panel B of Table 1 gives their medians and standard deviations. [insert Table 5 about here] We add to our earlier model (E2) interaction terms for each of two factor variables, Rit for ‘Retail funding’, and Sit for ‘Safe’, respectively. The specification of the two interaction models is as follows: Ait 1 Lit 2 Lit Rit 1M 1 I itM 1 2M 1 I itM 1 Rit 1M 1OitM 1 2M 1OitM 1 Rit 5 M s ( I itM s OitM s ) Rit i t it (E5) s 2 Ait 1 Lit 2 Lit Sit 1M 1 I itM 1 2M 1 I itM 1Sit 1M 1OitM 1 2M 1OitM 1Sit 5 M s ( I itM s OitM s ) Sit i t it (E6) s 2 Tables 6 and 7 present the estimation results for (E5) and (E6), respectively. The interaction terms with ‘Retail funding’ are not statistically significant at conventional levels (disregarding the puzzling interaction with 1-month cash outflow for the whole sample which is not found in the underlying groups of bank types; Table 6). The interaction with the second factor, ‘Safe’, yields more significant results (Table 7). The negative sign of the coefficient of stock liquid liabilities interacted with this factor (for all banks: -0.269) suggests that banks that are safer keep less liquid assets as a buffer against the stock of liquid liabilities. This is found for all bank groups, although for the top-5 and the foreign branches the effect is not significant. On the other hand, safer banks reduce their liquid asset holdings by less against 1-month cash inflows (as implied by the positive sign of the interaction coefficient). Foreign branches and the top-5 banks are an exception again: safer banks reduce their liquid assets by more, instead 23 of less, against 1-month cash inflows (though this is not significant for foreign branches). Finally, the interaction with 1-month cash outflows is only significant and positive for the top5 banks. [insert Table 6 and 7 about here] For ease of interpretation, Figure 6 shows, for the whole sample, the coefficients of liquid liabilities, 1-month cash inflows and 1-month cash outflows by degree of bank safety. Moving from left to right on the horizontal axis, i.e. from banks with lower degrees of safety towards banks with higher degrees of safety, liquid liabilities have lower positive marginal effects on liquid asset holdings while 1-month cash inflows have less negative marginal effects. Safety has no significant influence on the coefficient of the 1-month cash outflows,. From this we conclude that banks that are more ‘safe’ are less inclined to keep liquidity buffers against their liquid liabilities (possibly because safe banks are less vulnerable to demand deposit run-offs), but are less inclined to reduce their buffers when expected inflows increase (possibly indicating more conservative liquidity management). These results suggest an interaction between capital and liquidity buffers. Such an interaction has been recently recognized (but not accounted for) in simulation exercises (e.g., MAG, 2010; Barnhill and Schumacher, 2011). There are also studies, initiated by Diamond (1991), suggesting a link between liquidity and solvency. Diamond argues that short-term debt exposes the firm to rollover risk, forcing the firm into liquidation even when it is solvent in the long run. Likewise, He and Xiong (2010) argue that short-term debt can lead to a run on the firm and undermine its credit quality, independently of the firm’s solvency position. [insert Figure 6 about here] We finally re-estimated model (E2) interacting with both the crisis dummy and the indicator of bank safety: 24 Ait 1 Lit 2 Lit Ct 3 Lit Sit 4 Lit Ct Sit 1M 1 I itM 1 2M 1 I itM 1Ct 3M 1 I itM 1Sit 4M 1 I itM 1Ct Sit 1M 1OitM 1 2M 1OitM 1Ct 3M 1OitM 1Sit 4M 1OitM 1Ct Sit 5 + M s ( I itM s OitM s ) 1Ct 2 Sit 3Ct Sit i t it s 2 (E7) The estimation results are presented in Table 8. The double interaction terms, with both Crisis and Safe, are only statistically significant at conventional levels for the stock of liquid liabilities for all banks (0.214). For ease of interpretation, Figure 7 shows, for the whole sample, the coefficients of liquid liabilities, 1-month cash inflows and 1-month cash outflows by degree of bank safety, both before and during the crisis. The picture is similar to Figure 6: moving from left to right on the horizontal axis, i.e. from banks with lower degrees of safety towards banks with higher degrees of safety, liquid liabilities have lower positive marginal effects on liquid asset holdings while 1-month cash inflows have less negative marginal effects. However, the slopes of these lines differ for the pre-crisis and the crisis period, although only significantly for liquid liabilities. For liquid liabilities, the negative slope is steeper before the crisis than during the crisis. Hence, the negative trade-off between holding liquid assets against liabilities and bank safety is weaker in the crisis. Possibly, the increased volatility of the deposit base in the crisis makes even the more solvent banks more cautious in managing their liquidity. For cash inflows and outflows, the lines are not significantly different from each other. [insert Table 8 and Figure 7 about here] 10. Conclusion This paper examines liquidity management of 62 Dutch banks, subject to the Dutch liquidity supervisory framework, in operation since 2003. The sample period is January 2004 to March 2010. The Dutch quantitative liquidity requirement, the so-called Liquidity Balance (LB), resembles the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) proposed by Basel III. 25 We find an empirical relationship between the stock of liquid assets and maturity transformation, measured by a maturity ladder. Banks keep liquid assets, mostly bonds, as a buffer against both the stock of liquid liabilities without a fixed term (i.e., mostly demand deposits), and against net cash outflows of different maturities. This relationship is stronger for Dutch banks than for foreign banks, especially foreign branches. Banks tend to decide how much liquid assets to hold by taking into account their future cash flows, mostly until one year ahead. When banks have cash inflows in the coming month, they hold fewer liquid assets. However, on average, they do not fully reduce their liquid asset holdings when there is an inflow of cash within the coming month. This indicates prudent liquidity risk management. Banks hold more liquid assets when the 1-month cash outflows are higher. We find that only smaller Dutch banks (i.e. excluding the top-5) and foreign subsidiaries manage their liquid assets with an eye on net cash flows beyond one year, which is consistent with the earlier survey finding of ECB (2002) that banks seldom look further ahead than one year for liquidity management purposes. Confronting liquidity behaviour with regulation, we find that banks, on average, hold more liquid assets against liquid liabilities than strictly required according to the Dutch LB. This is especially the case for smaller Dutch banks and foreign subsidiaries. For smaller Dutch banks, the estimated coefficient of the stock of liquid liabilities is greater than the LCR coefficient, which may reflect the wider definition of liquid assets in the Dutch liquidity regulation. For the top-5 banks, the estimated coefficient of the stock of liquid liabilities is similar in magnitude to the LCR coefficient. For foreign banks, especially foreign branches, the estimated coefficient of the stock of liquid liabilities is smaller than the LCR coefficient. Foreign branches are probably less inclined to hold liquid assets as they can usually count on cash inflows from the parent bank. We find that the crisis has negatively affected liquid asset holdings against liquid liabilities, especially for the top-5 banks. This reflects the fact that the level of retail demand deposits, which form a major part of the stock of liquid liabilities and which are sluggish, was relatively unaffected during the crisis. Further, we find that safer banks, in terms of higher capitalization and greater distance to default, hold less liquid assets against their stocks of liquid liabilities. However, this effect of 26 bank safety is smaller during the crisis period. 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Net cash flows >‐ 1 month 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 ‐0.05 ‐0.1 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Net cash flow 1 ‐< 3 months Net cash flow 3 ‐< 6 months Net cash flow 6 ‐< 12 months Net cash flow >‐ 1 year 31 Fig. 2. Liquidity Balance 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2004 2005 All Top‐5 2006 2007 Other Dutch Foreign subsidiaries 2008 2009 Foreign branches Explanatory note: Liquidity balance = (Available liquidity - Required liquidity)/Required liquidity. 32 2010 Fig. 3. Stock of liquid assets (Ratio of total assets) 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 2004 2005 2006 Required 2007 Actual 33 2008 Difference 2009 2010 Fig. 4. Liquidity Coverage Ratio 5 7 6 0 5 ‐5 4 ‐10 3 ‐15 2 ‐20 1 0 ‐25 2004 All 2005 Top‐5 2006 Other Dutch 2007 Foreign subsidiaries 2008 2009 2010 Foreign branches (right axis) Explanatory note: Liquidity Coverage Ratio = Stock of high-quality liquid assets/Net cash outflow scheduled within 1 month. Due to data limitations, the series are approximations of the LCR. 34 Fig. 5. CDS and Euribor spread, Dutch banks (Basis points) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 CDS Euribor spread 35 2008 2009 2010 Fig. 6. Coefficients, by bank safety (Whole sample) Coefficient of liquid liabilities 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 Safe 0.5 0.75 1 Coefficient of 1-month cash inflow 0 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 Safe Coefficient of 1-month cash outflow 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 Safe 0.5 0.75 36 1 Fig. 7. Coefficients, by crisis/non-crisis period and bank safety (Whole sample) Coefficient of liquid liabilities 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 Safe 0.5 0.75 1 Coefficient of 1-month cash inflow 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 Safe 0.5 0.75 1 Coefficient of 1-month cash outflow 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 Safe 0.5 0.75 Pre-crisis with 95% confidence bands Crisis with 95% confidence bands 37 1 Tables Table 1. Summary statistics Whole sample Panel A Stock of liquid assets Stock of liquid liabilities Cash inflow < 1 month Cash outflow < 1 month Net cash inflow < 1 month Net cash inflow 1 -< 3 months Net cash inflow 3 -< 6 months Net cash inflow 6 -< 12 months Net cash inflow > 12 months Panel B Equity ratio Z-score Retail deposits Retail demand deposits Number of obs./banks Median Standard deviation Of which: Top-5 banks Median Standard deviation 0.249 1.301 0.299 0.145 0.216 2.062 0.258 0.979 0.229 0.529 0.398 1.534 0.393 0.175 0.295 1.301 0.441 0.992 0.409 2.219 0.167 0.766 0.249 0.146 0.108 1.322 0.240 0.268 0.129 0.273 0.143 1.120 0.351 0.187 0.065 1.983 0.231 0.251 0.102 0.249 0.000 0.472 -0.061 0.082 0.006 0.822 0.002 0.150 0.000 0.152 0.006 0.162 -0.035 0.029 0.000 0.171 0.035 0.151 0.010 0.178 0.000 0.064 -0.015 0.019 0.000 0.069 0.010 0.071 0.000 0.055 0.000 0.068 -0.010 0.025 0.000 0.071 0.014 0.072 0.000 0.065 0.059 0.205 0.219 0.093 0.126 0.179 0.070 0.280 0.001 0.125 0.061 49.438 0.000 0.000 0.166 113.444 0.243 0.217 0.032 118.724 0.171 0.147 0.012 96.136 0.093 0.084 0.067 61.019 0.067 0.037 0.204 164.035 0.316 0.304 0.078 52.032 0.002 0.000 0.113 72.172 0.215 0.150 0.032 20.472 0.000 0.000 0.181 69.870 0.148 0.138 4631 62 375 5 1408 19 1425 19 1423 19 Other Dutch banks Median Standard deviation Foreign subsidiaries Median Standard deviation Foreign branches Median Standard deviation Note: All variables have been scaled by total assets. Variable definitions are given in Appendix B. 38 Table 2. Estimation results, for Equations (E1) and (E2), respectively. Dependent variable is stock of liquid assets. Whole sample Stock of liquid liabilities Eq. (E1) Eq. (E2) Of which: Top-5 banks Eq. (E1) Eq. (E2) 0.526** (0.213) 0.436** (0.171) 0.575*** (0.115) 0.562*** (0.093) Other Dutch banks Eq. (E1) Eq. (E2) Foreign subsidiaries Eq. (E1) Eq. (E2) Foreign branches Eq. (E1) Eq. (E2) 0.989*** (0.008) 0.683*** (0.057) 0.198*** (0.032) 0.901*** (0.083) 0.661*** (0.067) 0.191*** (0.033) Cash inflow < 1 month -0.420*** (0.157) -0.838** (0.230) -0.912*** (0.092) 0.128 (0.481) -0.340* (0.172) Cash outflow < 1 month 0.938*** (0.072) 0.897*** (0.124) 1.007*** (0.008) -0.379 (0.623) 0.184 (0.143) Net cash inflow < 1 month -1.299*** (0.143) -0.908*** (0.126) -1.016*** (0.009) 0.310 (0.606) -0.199 (0.160) Net cash inflow 1 -< 3 months -0.087 (0.745) -1.105 (0.683) -0.163 (0.201) -0.170 (0.225) 0.255 (0.200) 0.196 (0.196) -1.876* (1.031) -1.738* (0.885) -0.527 (0.343) -0.408 (0.302) Net cash inflow 3 -< 6 months -0.318 (0.375) 0.167 (0.375) -0.677** (0.187) -0.704*** (0.146) -1.112*** (0.130) -1.023*** (0.137) 0.338 (0.543) 0.232 (0.456) -0.091 (0.112) -0.114 (0.100) Net cash inflow 6 -< 12 months -0.211 (0.184) -0.292 (0.180) -1.048** (0.248) -1.056** (0.236) -0.064 (0.123) -0.054 (0.109) -0.672** (0.285) -0.693** (0.292) -0.135 (0.136) -0.092 (0.129) Net cash inflow > 12 months 0.010 (0.292) -0.137 (0.190) -0.112 (0.079) -0.128 (0.116) -0.623*** (0.067) -0.602*** (0.068) -0.312*** (0.103) -0.288** (0.116) -0.238 (0.210) -0.218 (0.184) R2 -within Number of obs. Number of banks 0.779 4631 62 0.833 4631 62 0.830 375 5 0.832 375 5 0.994 1408 19 0.994 1408 19 0.724 1425 19 0.726 1425 19 0.590 1423 19 0.598 1423 19 Note: Two-way fixed bank and time effects regression. Robust standard errors, adjusted for clustering, are given within parentheses; ***, **, * denote that their p-values are less than or equal to 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. All variables have been scaled by total assets. Variable definitions are given in Appendix B. 39 Table 3. Comparison of estimated coefficients (Equation (E3)) with means of calculated regulatory coefficients for the Liquidity Balance (LB) and the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) - Equations (R7’) and (R12’), respectively Whole sample Stock of liquid liabilities Estimated Eq. (E3) 0.633*** (0.071) LB Eq. (R7’) 0.236*** (0.002) LCR Eq. (R12’) 0.904*** (0.061) Of which: Top-5 banks Estimated Eq. (E3) 0.477*** (0.015) Cash inflow < 1 month -0.835*** (0.077) -0.839*** (0.003) -2.612*** (0.285) -0.012 (0.054) -0.994*** (0.002) -0.641*** (0.013) -0.862*** (0.038) -0.899*** (0.006) -1.405*** (0.117) Cash outflow < 1 month 1.145*** (0.027) 0.785*** (0.004) 3.057*** (0.445) 0.244*** (0.037) 0.974*** (0.005) 0.696*** (0.009) 1.035*** (0.015) 0.819*** (0.009) 1.191*** (0.040) Number of obs. Number of banks 4145 62 4146 62 4146 62 375 5 375 5 375 5 1224 19 1225 19 1225 19 Stock of liquid liabilities Foreign subsidiaries Estimated LB Eq. (E3) Eq. (R7’) 0.851*** 0.196*** (0.077) (0.003) LCR Eq. (R12’) 1.241*** (0.169) Foreign branches Estimated LB Eq. (E3) Eq. (R7’) 0.316*** 0.296*** (0.055) (0.006) LCR Eq. (R12’) 0.980*** (0.096) Cash inflow < 1 month -0.902*** (0.088) -0.831*** (0.005) -5.246*** (0.876) -0.225** (0.105) -0.779*** (0.006) -1.545*** (0.095) Cash outflow < 1 month 0.757*** (0.054) 0.749*** (0.006) 7.046*** (1.339) 0.435*** (0.078) 0.734*** (0.007) 1.104*** (0.037) Number of obs. Number of banks 1375 19 1375 19 1375 19 1171 19 1171 19 1171 19 LB Eq. (R7’) 0.316*** (0.010) LCR Eq. (R12’) 0.471*** (0.012) Other Dutch banks Estimated LB Eq. (E3) Eq. (R7’) 0.871*** 0.236*** (0.026) (0.005) LCR Eq. (R12’) 0.604*** (0.035) Note: The estimated coefficients are pooled estimates; robust standard errors within parentheses. LB and LCR coefficients are sample means of coefficients calculated using regulatory weights; standard errors (within parentheses) are the standard deviations of these sample means. ***, **, * denote significance levels of 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. 40 Table 4. Estimation results for Equation (E4), the effect of the crisis. Dependent variable is stock of liquid assets. Whole sample Stock of liquid liabilities 0.493*** (0.177) Of which: Top-5 banks 0.654*** (0.067) Stock of liquid liabilities x Crisis -0.137** (0.059) -0.133*** (0.016) 0.012 (0.040) 0.181 (0.219) -0.043*** (0.004) Cash inflow < 1 month -0.475*** (0.174) -0.904** (0.229) -0.934*** (0.089) 0.248 (0.532) -0.408** (0.175) Cash inflow < 1 month x Crisis -0.077 (0.176) 0.219 (0.167) 0.148 (0.110) -0.303 (0.208) 0.221* (0.124) Cash outflow < 1 month 0.947*** (0.066) 0.956*** (0.118) 1.016*** (0.013) -0.447 (0.592) 0.250 (0.156) Cash outflow < 1 month x Crisis 0.092 (0.111) -0.083 (0.127) -0.093 (0.076) 0.241 (0.209) -0.043 (0.118) Net cash inflow 1 -< 3 months -0.946 (0.606) -0.255* (0.111) 0.173 (0.148) -1.768* (0.877) -0.467 (0.282) Net cash inflow 3 -< 6 months 0.068 (0.331) -0.661*** (0.136) -1.009*** (0.113) 0.197 (0.433) -0.193* (0.096) Net cash inflow 6 -< 12 months -0.301* (0.164) -0.834** (0.223) -0.084 (0.084) -0.716** (0.308) -0.124 (0.114) Net cash inflow > 12 months -0.160 (0.182) -0.130 (0.094) -0.599*** (0.064) -0.277** (0.131) -0.220 (0.156) Crisis 0.233* (0.133) 0.843 4631 62 0.043 (0.043) 0.850 375 5 0.159 (0.096) 0.994 1408 19 -0.184 (0.136) 0.727 1425 19 -0.018 (0.068) 0.627 1423 19 R2 –within Number of obs. Number of banks Other Dutch banks 0.910*** (0.074) Foreign subsidiaries 0.653*** (0.077) Foreign branches 0.223*** (0.034) Note: Two-way fixed bank and time effects regression. Robust standard errors, adjusted for clustering, are given within parentheses; ***, **, * denote that their p-values are less than or equal to 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. All variables have been scaled by total assets. Variable definitions are given in Appendix B. Crisis is a dummy variable with value 1 in the period August 2007 to end of sample (March 2010) and 0 in the pre-crisis period January 2004 to July 2007. 41 Table 5. Factors and factor loadings Factor 1: Factor 2: ‘Retail funding’ ‘Safe’ Equity ratio -0.126 0.400 Z-score 0.069 0.413 Retail deposits 0.955 0.046 Retail demand deposits 0.955 -0.022 Eigenvalue 1.843 0.333 Cumulative proportion of variance explained 0.953 1.125 Variable definitions are given in Appendix B. Factor loadings have been rotated using orthogonal Varimax. Factor loadings equal to or higher than 0.4 have been printed in bold. 42 Table 6. Estimation results Equation (E5), interaction with Retail funding. Dependent variable is stock of liquid assets. Whole sample Stock of liquid liabilities 0.283* (0.167) Of which: Top-5 banks 0.506** (0.124) Stock of liquid liabilities x Retail funding -0.265* (0.145) -0.236 (0.253) -0.063* (0.035) 0.034 (0.160) -1.330 (1.039) Cash inflow < 1 month -0.206 (0.205) -0.644* (0.261) -0.976*** (0.083) 0.105 (0.501) -0.290 (0.210) Cash inflow < 1 month x Retail funding 0.259 (0.227) -0.048 (0.410) -0.032 (0.056) 0.127 (0.173) 0.261 (0.201) Cash outflow < 1 month 0.533** (0.227) 0.764*** (0.132) 0.991*** (0.047) -0.349 (0.622) -0.641 (0.545) Cash outflow < 1 month x Retail funding -0.669** (0.273) 0.067 (0.266) -0.068 (0.070) -0.034 (0.248) -1.246 (0.980) Net cash inflow 1 -< 3 months -1.278 (0.825) -0.185 (0.103) 0.264 (0.239) -1.747* (0.990) -0.245 (0.271) Net cash inflow 3 -< 6 months 0.083 (0.396) -0.670** (0.203) -1.035*** (0.129) 0.241 (0.475) -0.165 (0.138) Net cash inflow 6 -< 12 months -0.292* (0.172) -0.676** (0.231) -0.058 (0.161) -0.725** (0.343) 0.053 (0.197) Net cash inflow > 12 months -0.209 (0.194) -0.271* (0.106) -0.619*** (0.084) -0.424*** (0.061) -0.433 (0.256) Retail funding 0.345*** (0.111) 0.755 4213 62 0.136 (0.208) 0.764 375 5 0.059 (0.051) 0.992 1328 19 -0.046 (0.143) 0.711 1316 19 0.568 (0.351) 0.606 1194 19 R2 –within Number of obs. Number of banks Other Dutch banks 0.953*** (0.076) Foreign subsidiaries 0.680*** (0.043) Foreign branches -0.538 (0.543) Note: Two-way fixed bank and time effects regression. Robust standard errors, adjusted for clustering, are given within parentheses; ***, **, * denote that their p-values are less than or equal to 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. All variables have been scaled by total assets. Variable definitions are given in Appendix B. Retail funding is an unobserved summary variable obtained by factor analysis. 43 Table 7. Estimation results for Equation (E6), interaction with Safe. Dependent variable is stock of liquid assets. Whole sample Stock of liquid liabilities 0.561*** (0.146) Of which: Top-5 banks 0.556** (0.149) Stock of liquid liabilities x Safe -0.269** (0.101) -0.004 (0.115) -0.248** (0.092) -0.391*** (0.095) -0.085 (0.052) Cash inflow < 1 month -0.811*** (0.156) -0.583*** (0.119) -0.962*** (0.039) 0.085 (0.501) -0.508*** (0.085) Cash inflow < 1 month x Safe 0.562*** (0.159) -0.488*** (0.062) 0.344*** (0.100) 0.715* (0.347) -0.272 (0.306) Cash outflow < 1 month 0.969*** (0.211) 0.741*** (0.054) 1.048*** (0.021) -0.202 (0.527) -0.002 (0.178) Cash outflow < 1 month x Safe -0.018 (0.184) 0.552*** (0.107) -0.038 (0.027) 0.134 (0.855) -0.280 (0.224) Net cash inflow 1 -< 3 months -0.705* (0.404) -0.268* (0.106) 0.040 (0.105) -1.603* (0.842) -0.315 (0.215) Net cash inflow 3 -< 6 months -0.195 (0.242) -0.639*** (0.162) -0.937*** (0.163) 0.313 (0.477) -0.290 (0.179) Net cash inflow 6 -< 12 months -0.192 (0.130) -0.877** (0.211) -0.041 (0.129) -0.507** (0.213) -0.121 (0.168) Net cash inflow > 12 months -0.381*** (0.088) -0.210 (0.139) -0.677*** (0.097) -0.407*** (0.064) -0.423 (0.253) Safe 0.108 (0.090) 0.831 4213 62 -0.089** (0.024) 0.791 375 5 0.060 (0.079) 0.994 1328 19 0.080 (0.140) 0.719 1316 19 0.600 (0.359) 0.639 1194 19 R2 –within Number of obs. Number of banks Other Dutch banks 0.906*** (0.029) Foreign subsidiaries 0.604*** (0.079) Foreign branches 0.207** (0.100) Note: Two-way fixed bank and time effects regression. Robust standard errors, adjusted for clustering, are given within parentheses; ***, **, * denote that their p-values are less than or equal to 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. All variables have been scaled by total assets. Variable definitions are given in Appendix B. Safe is an unobserved summary variable obtained by factor analysis. 44 Table 8. Estimation results for Equation (E7), interaction with Crisis and Safe. Dependent variable is stock of liquid assets. Whole sample Stock of liquid liabilities 0.643*** (0.072) Of which: Top-5 banks 0.501** (0.167) Stock of liquid liabilities x Crisis -0.299*** (0.063) 0.007 (0.176) -0.029 (0.031) 0.214* (0.117) -0.045 (0.070) Stock of liquid liabilities x Safe -0.326*** (0.046) -0.727 (0.674) -0.181*** (0.047) -0.298*** (0.086) -0.118* (0.058) Stock of liquid liabilities x Crisis x Safe 0.214*** (0.061) 0.849 (0.742) -0.067 (0.102) -0.646 (0.492) 0.044 (0.052) Cash inflow < 1 month -0.885*** (0.149) -0.453** (0.177) -0.995*** (0.031) 0.049 (0.439) -0.630*** (0.163) Cash inflow < 1 month x Crisis 0.264** (0.130) -0.047 (0.261) 0.164* (0.091) -0.452** (0.180) 0.235 (0.251) Cash inflow < 1 month x Safe 0.617*** (0.152) 0.184 (0.680) 0.290*** (0.064) 0.646** (0.247) -0.320 (0.395) Cash inflow < 1 month x Crisis x Safe -0.083 (0.188) -0.478 (0.542) 0.166 (0.142) 0.578 (0.546) 0.201 (0.447) Cash outflow < 1 month 0.990*** (0.190) 0.686** (0.125) 1.053*** (0.022) -0.151 (0.362) -0.009 (0.249) Cash outflow < 1 month x Crisis -0.209 (0.131) 0.040 (0.152) -0.086 (0.078) 0.227 (0.182) 0.285 (0.260) Cash outflow < 1 month x Safe -0.035 (0.169) 0.290 (0.282) -0.043 (0.027) -0.289 (0.591) -0.409 (0.278) Cash outflow < 1 month x Crisis x Safe 0.303* (0.174) 0.240 (0.201) -0.023 (0.137) 0.845 (0.616) 0.321 (0.345) Net cash inflow 1 -< 3 months -0.623** (0.311) -0.282** (0.065) -0.022 (0.065) -1.434** (0.657) -0.337 (0.217) Net cash inflow 3 -< 6 months -0.242 (0.198) -0.561** (0.148) -0.975*** (0.129) 0.321 (0.378) -0.266** (0.107) Net cash inflow 6 -< 12 months -0.215 (0.138) -0.626* (0.113) -0.189* (0.093) -0.502** (0.184) -0.087 (0.161) Other Dutch banks 0.929*** (0.023) Foreign subsidiaries 0.542*** (0.076) Foreign branches 0.258** (0.113) 45 Table 8. Continued. Whole sample Net cash inflow > 12 months -0.388*** (0.085) Of which: Top-5 banks -0.210 (0.156) Crisis 0.094*** (0.028) 0.024 (0.056) -0.031 (0.048) 0.852 4213 62 0.022 (0.063) 0.174 (0.237) -0.354 (0.249) 0.818 375 5 Safe Crisis x Safe R2 –within Number of obs. Number of banks Other Dutch banks -0.631*** (0.089) Foreign subsidiaries -0.325*** (0.109) Foreign branches -0.391 (0.209) 0.011 (0.014) 0.040 (0.052) 0.033 (0.029) 0.995 1328 19 -0.109* (0.062) 0.167 (0.105) -0.013 (0.189) 0.728 1316 19 -0.144 (0.088) 0.708 (0.430) -0.300 (0.247) 0.673 1194 19 Note: Two-way fixed bank and time effects regression. Robust standard errors, adjusted for clustering, are given within parentheses; ***, **, * denote that their p-values are less than or equal to 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. All variables have been scaled by total assets. Variable definitions are given in Appendix B. Safe is an unobserved summary variable obtained by factor analysis. 46 Appendix A Dutch LB regulatory weights The values in columns WEEK and MONTH represent haircuts on assets and run-off rates of liabilities. For the liquidity test for the full month, a distinction is made between non-scheduled items and scheduled items. In contrast to non-scheduled items, scheduled items are included on the basis of their possible or probable due dates. For the liquidity test for the first week, scheduled items are only included if they are explicitly taken into account in day-to-day liquidity management (treasury operations). In the following table, scheduled items are indicated by the letter M. GROUP ASSETS Banknotes/coins 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 M MONTH 100 Receivables from central banks (including ECB) 1Demand deposits 2Amounts receivable 3Receivables in respect of reverse repos 4Receivables in the form of securities or tier 2 eligible assets M M M 100 100 100 d* 100 100 100 d* Collection documents 1Available on demand 2Receivable M 100 100 100 100 95** 85** 85 95 70 95** 85** 85 95 70 90** 80** 90 90** 80** 90 70 70 90** 80** 90 90** 80** 90 70 70 M) M 50 100 100 100 100 90 M) M 50 100 100 100 100 90 M) M 50 100 100 100 100 90 M) M 50 100 100 100 100 90 0 0 100 90 Readily marketable debt instruments/ECB eligible assets Issued by public authorities and central banks 1ECB tier 1 and tier 2 eligible assets 2ECB tier 2 eligible assets, deposited 3ECB tier 2 eligible assets, not deposited 4Other readily marketable debt instruments, Zone A 5Other readily marketable debt instruments, Zone B Issued by credit institutions 1ECB tier 1 eligible assets 2ECB tier 2 eligible assets, deposited 3Other debt instruments qualifying under the CAD (Capital Adequacy Directive) 4Other liquid debt instruments Issued by other institutions 1ECB tier 1 eligible assets 2ECB tier 2 eligible assets, deposited 3Other debt instruments qualifying under the CAD (Capital Adequacy Directive) 4Other liquid debt instruments Amounts receivable Branches and banking subsidiaries not included in the report 1Demand deposits 2Amounts receivable in respect of securities transactions 3Other amounts receivable 3 3 3 Other credit institutions 1Demand deposits 2Amounts receivable in respect of securities transactions 3Other amounts receivable Public authorities 1Demand deposits 2Amounts receivable in respect of securities transactions 3Other amounts receivable 3 3 3 Other professional money market players 1Demand deposits 2Amounts receivable in respect of securities transactions 3Other amounts receivable 3 3 3 WEEK 100 Other counterparties 1Demand deposits 2Amounts receivable in respect of securities transactions M) 47 4 3Other amounts receivable, including premature redemptions M 50 40 5 5 Receivables in respect of repo and reverse repo transactions Reverse repo transactions (other than with central banks) 1Receivables in respect of bonds 2Receivables in respect of shares M M 100 100 100 100 5 5 Repo transactions (other than with central banks) 1Receivables in the form of bonds 2Receivables in the form of shares M M 90/d*/** 70 90/d*/** 70 100 100 100 100 70 0 100 90 70 0 100 90 100 100 M *** *** 5 5 6 6 2 Securities lending/borrowing transactions 1Securities stock on account of securities lending/borrrowing transactions 2Securities receivable on account of securities lending/borrowing transactions Other securities and gold 1Other liquid shares 2Unmarketable shares 3Unmarketable bonds 4Gold 14 Official standby facilities 1Official standby facilities received 14 Receivables in respect of derivatives M M Total M WEEK MONTH 7 7 LIABILITIES Moneys borrowed from central banks 1Overdrafts (payable within one week) 2Other amounts owed M 100 100 100 100 8 8 Debt instruments issued by the bank itself 1Issued debt securities 2Subordinated liabilities M M 100 100 100 100 9 9 Deposits and fixed-term loans Branches and banking subsidiaries not included in the report 1Amounts owed in respect of securities transactions 2Deposits and other funding – fixed maturity M) M 100 100 100 90 9 9 Other credit institutions 1Amounts owed in respect of securities transactions 2Deposits and other funding – fixed maturity M) M 100 100 100 90 M) M 100 100 100 90 M) M M 100 50 20 100 40 20 M M 100 100 100 100 M M 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9 9 Other professional money market players 1Amounts owed in respect of securities transactions 2Deposits and other funding – fixed maturity – plus interest payable 11 11 Other counterparties 1Amounts owed in respect of securities transactions 2Deposits and other funding – fixed maturity – plus interest 3payable Fixed-term savings deposits Liabilities in respect of repo and reverse repo transactions Repo transactions other than with central banks 1Amounts owed in respect of bonds 2Amounts owed in respect of shares 11 11 Reverse repo transactions other than with central banks 1Amounts owed in the form of bonds 2Amounts owed in the form of shares 10 10 11 11 Securities lending/borrowing transactions 1Negative securities stock on account of securities lending/borrowing transactions 2Securities to be delivered on account of securities lending/borrowing transactions Credit balances and other moneys borrowed with an indefinite effective term 48 M 12 Branches and banking subsidiaries not included in the report 1Current account balances and other demand deposits 50 100 12 12 12 Other credit institutions 1Balances on vostro accounts of banks 2Other demand deposits 50 50 50 100 12 Other professional money market players 1Demand deposits 50 100 WEEK MONTH 13 LIABILITIES (continued) Savings accounts 1Savings accounts without a fixed-term 2.5 10 5 20 5 20 100 100 *** *** *** *** 2.5 10 100 2.5 1.25 1.25 100 10 5 5 13 13 Other 1Demand deposits and other liabilities 2Other amounts due and to be accounted for, including the balance of forward transactions and amounts due in respect of social and provident funds 14 Official standby facilities 1Official standby facilities granted 14 14 Liabilities in respect of derivatives 1Known liabilities in respect of derivatives 2Unknown liabilities in respect of derivatives 14 14 14 14 14 M M Other contingent liabilities and irrevocable credit facilities 1Unused irrevocable credit facilities, including underwriting of issues 2Bills accepted 3Credit-substitute guarantees 4Non-credit-substitute guarantees 5Other off-balance-sheet liabilities M Total M = Scheduled item. M) = Settlement due within one week or open-ended, including first week or as scheduled. * = Less applicable discount. ** = Either at stated percentage or at percentages applicable for ECB/ESCB collateral purposes. *** = Calculated amount for the period concerned. 90/d*/** = 90% OR: less applicable discount (provided the method is consistently applied). 49 Basel III LCR regulatory weights 50 Source: BCBS (2009). 51 Appendix B. Definition of variables. Variable Cash inflow, maturities Definition different (Claims with fixed maturities + Claims on behalf of security transactions + Retail loans + Secured wholesale loans + Illiquid bonds + Claims on behalf of derivatives)/Total assets Cash outflow, different (Liabilities to Central Bank due beyond one week + Issued maturities securities + Wholesale fixed term deposits + Retail fixed term deposits + Secured wholesale borrowing + Liabilities on behalf of derivatives)/Total assets Crisis Dummy variable with value 1 for August 2007 to end of sample (March 2010), and value 0 before August 2007 Equity ratio Equity/Total assets Retail deposits (Retail demand deposits + Retail fixed term deposits)/Total assets Retail demand deposits Retail demand deposits/Total assets Retail funding Unobserved summary variable obtained by factor analysis, with high factor loadings on Retail deposits/Total assets and Retail demand deposits/Total assets Safe Unobserved summary variable obtained by factor analysis, with high factor loadings on Equity ratio and Z-score Stock of liquid assets (Cash + Claims demandable on short notice + Liquid debt instruments eligible as ECB collateral + Other liquid debt instruments + Securities + Liquid stocks)/Total assets Stock of liquid liabilities (Liabilities to Central Bank due within one week + Wholesale demand deposits + Retail demand deposits + OBS liabilities)/Total assets Z-score Distance to default, measured as (Return on assets + Equity ratio)/Standard deviation of Return on assets over previous 36 months 52 Appendix C Table C1. Estimation results for Equation (E2): comparison of original results from Table 2 with alternative 2SLS results. Dependent variable is stock of liquid assets. Whole sample Of which: Top-5 banks Original 2SLS (Table 2) Other Dutch banks Original 2SLS (Table 2) Foreign subsidiaries Original 2SLS (Table 2) Foreign branches Original 2SLS (Table 2) Original (Table 2) 2SLS Stock of liquid liabilities 0.436** (0.171) 0.451*** (0.007) 0.562*** (0.093) 0.559*** (0.034) 0.901*** (0.083) 0.897*** (0.020) 0.661*** (0.067) 0.681*** (0.042) 0.191*** (0.033) 0.172*** (0.006) Cash inflow < 1 month -0.420*** (0.157) -0.510*** (0.129) -0.838** (0.230) -0.950*** (0.099) -0.912*** (0.092) -0.901*** (0.043) 0.128 (0.481) -0.232 (0.404) -0.340* (0.172) -0.563*** (0.169) Cash outflow < 1 month 0.938*** (0.072) 0.984*** (0.087) 0.897*** (0.124) 0.956*** (0.065) 1.007*** (0.008) 0.999*** (0.034) -0.379 (0.623) -0.531* (0.320) 0.184 (0.143) 0.159 (0.153) Net cash inflow 1 -< 3 months -1.105 (0.683) -0.989*** (0.152) -0.170 (0.225) -0.120 (0.117) 0.196 (0.196) 0.173** (0.085) -1.738* (0.885) -1.326*** (0.283) -0.408 (0.302) -0.205* (0.119) Net cash inflow 3 -< 6 months 0.167 (0.375) 0.149 (0.133) -0.704*** (0.146) -0.767*** (0.161) -1.023*** (0.137) -1.014*** (0.071) 0.232 (0.456) -0.007 (0.291) -0.114 (0.100) -0.149 (0.129) Net cash inflow 6 -< 12 months -0.292 (0.180) -0.299*** (0.112) -1.056** (0.236) -1.071*** (0.134) -0.054 (0.109) -0.054 (0.062) -0.693** (0.292) -0.757*** (0.198) -0.092 (0.129) -0.028 (0.121) Net cash inflow > 12 months -0.137 (0.190) -0.091 (0.062) -0.128 (0.116) -0.092* (0.048) -0.602*** (0.068) -0.602*** (0.035) -0.288** (0.116) -0.360*** (0.100) -0.218 (0.184) -0.215** (0.086) R2 -within Number of obs. Number of banks 0.833 4631 62 0.838 4569 62 0.832 375 5 0.829 370 5 0.994 1408 19 0.994 1389 19 0.726 1425 19 0.775 1406 19 0.598 1423 19 0.572 1404 19 Note: Two-way fixed bank and time effects regression. Robust standard errors, adjusted for clustering, are given within parentheses; ***, **, * denote that their p-values are less than or equal to 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. All variables have been scaled by total assets. Variable definitions are given in Appendix B. In the 2SLS regression, Stock liquid liabilities, Cash inflow < 1 month and Cash outflow < 1 month have been instrumented, using their lagged values and all model variables as instruments. 53 Previous DNB Working Papers in 2012 No. 335 No. 336 No. 337 No. 338 No. 339 No. 340 No. 341 No. 342 No. 343 No. 344 No. 345 Mark Mink and Jakob de Haan, Contagion during the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis Paul Cavelaars en Joost Passenier, Follow the money: what does the literature on banking tell prudential supervisors on bank business models? Michael Ehrmann and David-Jan Jansen, The pitch rather than the pit: investor inattention during FIFA World Cup matches Janko Gorter and Paul Schilp, Risk preferences over small stakes: Evidence from deductible choice Anneke Kosse, Do newspaper articles on card fraud affect debit card usage? Robert Vermeulen and Jakob de Haan, Net Foreign Asset (Com)position: Does Financial Development Matter? Maarten van Oordt, Securitization and the dark side of diversification Jan Willem van den End and Mark Kruidhof, Modelling the liquidity ratio as macroprudential instrument Laura Spierdijk and Jacob Bikker, Mean Reversion in Stock Prices: Implications for LongTerm Investors Theoharry Grammatikos and Robert Vermeulen, The 2007-2009 Financial Crisis: Changing Market Dynamics and the Impact of Credit Supply and Aggregate Demand Sensitivity Pierre Lafourcade and Joris de Wind, Taking Trends Seriously in DSGE Models: An Application to the Dutch Economy DNB Working Paper No. 35/April 2005 DNB W O R K I N G P A P E R Jan Kakes and Cees Ullersma Financial acceleration of booms and busts De Nederlandsche Bank