Physical Education Content Standards Seventh Grade Movement

Physical Education Content Standards
The physical Education/Fitness program focuses
on physical fitness and skills development in a
variety of team and individual sports. An
emphasis is placed on working cooperatively,
following directions, playing safely, and life
long health. The State physical education
framework for California public schools,
Healthy Kids/Healthy California, is the basis for
standards in Physical Education/Fitness.
Units covered include: Flag Football, Volleyball,
Soccer, Basketball, Aerobics/Dance, Tumbling,
Softball, Track and Field, Tennis and Paddle
Tennis, and Weight Training/Fitness.
Uniforms are required for Physical
Lockers are provided in the dressing rooms for
Seventh Grade
The seventh grade student will understand how
and why they move in a variety of situations and
use this information to enhance their own skills.
Recognize general characteristics of
movement that can be applied to specific
Use basic offensive and defensive
strategies in easy settings
Set goals and monitor change
Apply scientific principals to learning
skills for individual and dual sports
(Newton’s Law)
J Teacher Assessments
Teacher observation
Movement Skill and Movement
Assign student to observe a game of
tennis/paddle tennis and record points for the
use of two different offensive strategies and one
defensive strategy. Student should try to
observe both players.
Motor Learning:
The seventh grade student will be competent in
many movement activities.
Student/teacher set goals for specific skills,
practice change if needed and teacher
observation test.
Leap, roll, balance, transfer weight, bat,
hand dribble, foot dribble, strike a ball
with a paddle, and throw
Teacher explain/lecture on types of spin, force,
speed etc., depending on sport, then include on a
written test.
Adapt and combine skills to the demands
of increasingly complex movement
activities (agility)
Perform a variety of simple folk and
aerobic dances
J Teacher Assessments
Exercise Physiology:
The seventh grade student will achieve and
maintain a health-enhancing level of physical
Participate in a vigorous activity for a
substantial period of time while
maintaining a target heart rate.
Participate in a variety of sport activities starting
with skill instruction and moving into games
and strategy.
Identify proper warm-up, conditioning,
and cool down techniques and the reasons
for using them.
Have student create their own dance and
perform four eight-counts to music of their
Meet the health-related fitness standards as
defined by the Fitnessgram.
Teacher observation
Physical Education Content Standards
Identify the impact of nutrition, relaxation
and stress on the bodies ability to
participate in physical activity.
Student should understand what happens
physiologically when one smokes, drinks
alcohol or uses drugs.
J Teacher Assessments
Student determine their own maximal heart rate.
By doing this, the student can determine their
appropriate training zone.
Seventh Grade
J Teacher Assessments
Teacher Observation
Teacher encouragement for participation in
outside activities.
Student selects an adult to interview who
regularly engages in a personal activity
a. What exercise do they do?
b. How long have they done it?
Teacher demonstration, explanation, lecture and
c. Why do they do it?
Pre and post test with practice two times per
week on various fitness tests, then test at end of
course. Establish goals for improvement.
d. What motivates them to continue?
e. How did they get started?
Students make a collage using pictures of
healthy food, people and activities to show they
understand the objective.
Students then write a brief paper explaining
their findings and what impact it has on them
General discussion on a running day. Short and
simple teacher lecture. Student use a short
questionnaire regarding an interview with a
Dance unit students make up their own dance,
perform it, then describe what their movements
and music are communicating.
Teacher explanation, Videos, Students share
Self-Image and Personal Development
Human Growth and Development:
The seventh grade student will exhibit a
physically active lifestyle and will understand
that physical activity provides opportunities for
enjoyment, challenge and self-expression.
Participate in games, sports, dance, and
outdoor pursuits both in and out of school,
based upon individual interests and
Describe the relationship between a
healthy lifestyle and feeling good.
Describe ways to use the body and
movement activities to communicate ideas
and feelings.
Introduce outdoor skills.
The seventh grade student will demonstrate
responsible personal behavior while
participating in movement activities.
Accept and respect decisions made by
game officials whether they are student,
teachers or officials.
Analyze potential consequences when
confronted with a behavior choice.
J Teacher Assessments
During a game, an “official” will score both the
game and behavior points. Points are awarded
for every overt example of supportive, ethical
behavior (1 pt.) and lose 1 point for every
example to the contrary. Students try to
demonstrate supportive behavior to a teammate
Physical Education Content Standards
or an opponent, e.g. provide verbal or nonverbal
feedback to others.
Ask class for examples of what they might do as
a teacher in assigning behavior discipline.
Value the development of the aesthetic
features of their performance.
Enjoy the process of developing new skills
Value the progress made by their
classmates in acquiring new skills
Be willing to try new activities
Develop trusting relationships with
classmates and instructor
Social Development
The seventh grade student will demonstrate
acceptable social behavior while participating
in movement activities. The student will
understand the importance of respect for all
Work cooperatively and productively in a
group to accomplish a set goal in both
cooperative and competitive activities.
Handle conflicts that arise with others
without confrontation.
Work cooperatively with more and less
skilled peers.
J Teacher Assessments
Students could create a list of actions, both
positive and negative in nature, that they have
observed during involvement in physical
activity over the past week for each of the
following behaviors: conflicts with peers,
language, preparation, promptness, safety, and
support for others. For those actions considered
to be negative, students will suggest an
alternative action that would be more
Seventh Grade
Historical Perspectives:
The seventh grade student will understand the
relationship between history and culture with
games, sports, dance and play.
Describe physical education in historical
times, such as medieval times.
Include questions on a written test
regarding what they have learned about
the history of the sport on the test.
Students choose two sports that had
origins in medieval times. They will
prepare a report that briefly describes the
similarities and differences in how the two
sports were originally played and how
they are played in this country. They can
also identify how they were played then
and how they are currently played.
J Teacher Assessments
Teacher observation
Teacher and students review student reports
Video or teacher explanation
Include questions on a written test regarding
what they have learned about the history of the
sport on the test.
Physical Education Content Standards
Seventh Grade
Physical Education Content Standards
At 8th grade, Physical Fitness/Health focuses on
physical fitness and skill development in a
variety of team and individual sport activities.
Skills learned in the 7th grade are extended in
the 8th grade. A heavy emphasis is placed on
working cooperatively, following directions,
playing safely, and learning life long health.
The Health Education component of Healthy
Kids/Healthy California is offered at this level
by integrating the curriculum into Physical
Fitness/Health throughout the year.
Instructional units in both Physical
Fitness/Health include: Flag Football,
Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball,
Aerobics/Tumbling, Softball, Track and Field,
Tennis and Paddle Tennis, and Weight
Lifting/Fitness. Uniforms are required for
Physical Fitness/Health.
Eighth Grade
Student play a 4 on 4 cooperative volleyball
game. The intent is for the players to keep
the ball going back and forth across the net
as many times as possible before it hits the
ground. There must be at least two hits on
each side before the ball can cross the net.
Student will successfully pass the ball across
the net, use combination passes and sets and
serve successfully.
The eighth grade student will understand how
and why they move in a variety of situations and
use this information to enhance their own skills.
Understand and apply more advanced
movement and game strategies
Lockers are provided in the dressing rooms for
Identify the critical elements of more
advanced movement skills
Movement Skills and Movement
Apply scientific principles to learning
skills for individual and dual sports
(Newton’s Laws)
Describe principles of practice for specific
physical activities
Motor Learning:
The eighth grade student will be competent in
many movement activities.
J Teacher Assessments
Explain and demonstrate game strategies
involved in playing tennis doubles
Use basic offensive and defensive
strategies in a modified version of a team
sport and an individual sport.
Describe the critical elements of a sprint start in
Demonstrate competence in modified
versions of a variety of movement forms.
Teacher explanation and/or reading assignment
Demonstrate beginning strategies for net
and other games
Describe principles of training and conditioning
for specific physical activities
J Teacher Assessments
Participation in a variety of different sports and
Student are asked to create a performance using
three dances of their choice that they have
previously learned. Student will practice and
perform smoothly and with the appropriate
Exercise Physiology:
The eight grade student will achieve and
maintain a health-enhancing level of physical
Describe how to improve and maintain
healthy body composition
Assess physiological indicators of exercise
during and after physical activity
Physical Education Content Standards
Meet the health-related fitness standards as
defined by the Fitnessgram.
Identify the impact of nutrition, relaxation
and stress on the bodies ability to
participate in physical activity
Understand and apply basic principals of
training to improving physical fitness
J Teacher Assessments
Use caliper, explain charts - what is healthy?
Use pulse rate (teacher explanation)
Using the results of a fall fitness test, student
develops a 6 week plan for improving personal
fitness level on the weakest component. Student
is tested for fitness to see if he meets the criteria
established for age/gender.
Eighth Grade
must attend that activity, first as an observer and
later as a participant, at least three times and
write a report on it, describing the activity, the
equipment, cost and where the activity is
Student selects an adult to interview who
regularly engages in a personal activity
a. What exercises do they do?
b. How long have they done it?
c. Why do they do it?
d. What motivates them to continue?
e. How did they get started?
Student then writes a brief paper explaining
their findings and what impact it has on them
Student will complete a log for 7 consecutive
days, on a least three occasions during the
school year.
Discuss (realistic) goal setting and have
student write their goals in a log book.
Set goals, keep a log of improvement.
The eighth grade student will demonstrate
responsible personal behavior while
participating in movement activities.
Self-Image and Personal Development
Human Growth and Development:
The eighth grade student will exhibit a
physically active lifestyle and will understand
that physical activity provides opportunities for
enjoyment, challenge and self-expression.
Explore a variety of new physical
activities for personal interest in and out of
the physical education class
Describe the relationship between a
healthy lifestyle and feeling good
Establish personal physical activity goals
Participate regularly in health-enhancing
physical activities to accomplish these
J Teacher Assessments
Student identify two new activities available in
the community with which they have no
experience, but think they might enjoy. They
Identify positive and negative peer
Play within the rules of the game or
Handle conflicts that arise without
Finds positive ways to exert independence
Makes choices based on the safety of self
and others
J Teacher Assessments
Teacher observation
The teacher observes student performances
during the class and records unsafe or
undesirable behavior in an activity.
Leadership opportunities such as exercise
leader, team captain, possible demonstration.
Physical Education Content Standards
When a student does not carry out a certain task,
he can discuss the reason with a teacher,
focusing on ways to prevent the action from
happening again.
Eighth Grade
Work cooperatively and productively in a
group to accomplish a set goal in both
cooperative and competitive activities
Handle conflicts that arise with others
without confrontation
The eighth grade student will appreciate the
value and enjoy movement resulting from the
improvement of movement skills.
Work cooperatively with more and less
skilled peers
Display sensitivity to the feelings of others
during interactions
Value personal identity and the
development of the aesthetic features of
their performance skills.
Willingly join others of diverse culture,
ethnicity and race during physical
Develop personal identity by enhancing
their strengths and improving weaknesses.
Enjoy participation in physical activity.
Recognize the social benefits of
participation in physical activities.
Try new and challenging activities. .
J Teacher Assessments
Observe and study professionals engaged in the
same activity to provide student with models
for skill development. (attend a game or watch a
Discuss with student what his frustrations may
be, thus providing a guide to his goals for skill
Teacher observation
Explain (teacher) differences between team and
individual sports. Also explain how some team
sports (track, swimming, cross country) can be
Expose student to many activities
Social Development
The eighth grade student will demonstrate
acceptable social behavior while participating
in movement activities. The student will
understand the importance of respect for others.
J Teacher Assessments
Student creates a list of actions, both positive
and negative in nature, that they have observed
during involvement in physical activity over the
past week for each of the following behaviors:
conflicts with peers, language, preparation,
promptness, safety, and support for others. For
those actions considered to be negative, student
will suggest an alternative action that would be
more appropriate.
Teacher observation - discuss situations with
student as they arise.
Student is asked to identify an ethnic population
(different from their own) in their school or
community. Based on information, they are to
learn a game or dance native to one of those
Compare and contrast two famous athletes, one
who is admired for positive behavior, and one
who is known generally for negative behavior.
Students comment on the effects the images
have on their own behavior or that of others
their own age.
When choosing teams, try to avoid the standard
practice of captains picking the teams(to avoid
hurt feelings of those being picked last). Try to
be innovative, perhaps pick pairs and let them
team up or teacher can organize the teams in
Physical Education Content Standards
Historical Perspectives:
The eighth grade student will understand the
relationship between history and culture with
games, sports, dance and play.
Describe physical education in early
American times
Understand that sports and games became
more popular as leisure time increased for
the general population
Understand the history of the Olympic
Understand the history of each sport or
game used in curriculum
Recognize the role sport, games and dance
in modern culture
J Teacher Assessments
Create a sport using a combination of rules and
equipment they already know about. They must
include the rules, equipment, field diagrams, etc.
for their sport.
Include questions on a written test.
Student choose two sports that had origins in
early American times. They will prepare a report
that briefly describes the similarities and
differences in how the two sports were
originally played and how they are played in
this country.
Eighth Grade