CAVALIER CORNER JENKINS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL YEAR OF THE F.R.O.G. (FULLY REALIZING OUR GREATNESS!) INSTRUCTIONAL WEBSITES: JIS is equipped to make great gains on state WWW.EDUCATIO assessments for the 2014-2015 school year. N.KY.GOV Since the school doors district. Teachers have received WWW.CARTERCO opened in August 2014, the training on how to use these leadership staff of Jenkins devices to engage students in UNTYSCHOOLS.O Independent has worked the learning and to enhance RG feverishly to change the status instruction in all content areas. quo---to raise the bar of Additionally, for math and expectations—to offer students reading in grades 3-10, the opportunities district has to learn, grow, purchased and succeed. Now, as the school year is EDUCATION IS THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON WHICH YOU CAN USE TO CHANGE THE drawing to an end and state WORLD. --NELSON MANDELA assessments Study Island, WWW.APLUSMA TH.COM WWW.GAMEQUA RIUM.COM an COMING SOON: instructional ICURIO program that merges TRAINING! with MAP loom in the near future, it is assessment to individualize imperative that all Cavaliers student intervention and enrich focus on the fact that this could the lesson presented by the CQ+PQ>IQ be the year of the F.R.O.G.; the teacher. Damian Johnson, District If you know what this year that we Fully Recognize Our Technology Coordinator, formula means, email me! Greatness as our students conducted a training for teachers Serena.anderson@jenkins demonstrate their intellectual that demonstrated how to use the capabilities. Our goal this year MAP assessment data to has been to improve instruction prescribe the Study Island lessons and learning in all classrooms. In for each student. Furthermore, an effort to accomplish this goal, an Extended School Service the district has purchased a waiver has allowed the district to plethora of resources and offered hire instructional tutors to work a variety of professional trainings. with math and reading teachers Smart Boards have been placed during the school day. Like the in almost all the classrooms in the ESS waiver, the GEAR UP grant [Pick the date] [Edition 1, Volume 1] FYI: JENKINS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL has enabled JIS to bring Missy This capital must be Baker and three additional tutors accompanied by sound, on board to assist with increasing research-based instructional student success . Thus, the district strategies that are born from the has hired nine additional staff this results of accurate, reliable data. school year! Last, the Some of these practices include: Mondoboard, a large computerlike device that is wirelessly • • connected to the internet, serves as direct link to other schools and • districts and affords teachers and students the opportunity to “tune in” to other classrooms around • the state. Our Spanish class takes advantage of this every school • day as they connect to Mrs. Maggie Roll, teacher at Hazard Independent High School, for Spanish instruction. The students • are able to interact with Mrs. Roll the same as if she were in the classroom with them. • These are only a sampling of the resources and training opportunities available to teachers this year in the Jenkins Independent School District. These resources will not, by themselves, improve the quality of education JIS offers to students. • Modeling Using contentappropriate vocabulary Engaging students in meaningful dialogue and activities that are standard driven Providing feedback to students that is specific and timely Allowing students to work toward proficiency and not accepting apprenticelevel performances Involving students in their learning by setting goals and understanding their data Employing rubrics for constructed responses and on-demand writing responses Using school-wide graphic organizers for constructed response (Do What) and ondemand writing prompt analysis (SPAM) Designing assessments that are like KPREP, EoC, and ACT • Charting data and responding to what the data tells us • Creating and implementing a specific instructional plan • Networking within the school district and across other districts to acquire new strategies and skills • Using formative assessments to guide instruction Most importantly, and the only • way to ever move forward, is for all stakeholders to don the “cando” attitude and settle with the mindset of success. Then, we will be able to say that for Jenkins, THIS is the year of the FROG! -Serena Anderson, Instructional Supervisor Special Thanks to: Brian Bentley, Teacher and Technical Editor Stephanie Cassell, Teacher and Editor