YALE UNIVERSITY Yale Summer Session Department of Spanish & Portuguese SYLLABUS1 ELEMENTARY SPANISH I (SPAN S110 01) SUMMER 2015 9:00am – 12:00pm Monday, June 1st– Friday, July 3rd (5 weeks) Jose Simonet jose.simonet@yale.edu Office hours: M-W 12pm –1pm I.- Course Description. Spanish 110 has been designed to help students develop fluency in understanding, speaking, reading and writing Spanish, as well as promote a deeper understanding of the cultures of the Spanish speaking world. You will receive 1 ½ credits for this course. The class is conducted in Spanish. II.- Course objectives. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to perform at a Novice High or Intermediate Low level (ACTFL guidelines, 2012). The learning objectives for this course include the use of basic, concrete vocabulary (e.g., family, colors, places, weather, clothing items, classes, daily routine, food, celebrations, health, etc.); the use of basic grammar and functions (e.g., describing in the present and narrating a little in the past using regular verbs, irregular verbs, reflexive verbs, and stem-vowel changing verbs; expressing likes and emotions; use of direct and indirect object pronouns; use of basic prepositions and linking devices; etc.); the ability to understand basic conversations, read and understand basic texts, and write at an elementary level; and the learning of cultural practices, perspectives and products of different Spanishspeaking countries. Because of its fast pace, preparation in advance is essential. III.- Materials: 1.- Textbook package (valid for SPAN110 & 120): Blanco & Donley’s Aventuras [4th ed.] plusSupersite Plus Code with WebSAM available at Yale Bookstore and outside vendors (including the textbook website http://vistahigherlearning.com/students/store/spanish-programs/aventuras-4th-edition.html). 2.- SPAN 110 Course Packet from Tyco (262 Elm Street). IV.- Course Policies. A) Attendance. Departmental policy requires that students attend classes on a daily basis. Regular attendance is crucial to the successful attainment of the course objectives. You are allowed a maximum of one (1) absence unexcused over the course of the semester, which may include sick days, errands, trips, etc. You will only be able to make up graded assignments if you have a valid excuse (e.g., jury duty appointment, doctor’s note, coach’s note, etc.). There are no Dean’s excuses during the summer. Additionally, two (2) late arrivals (10-30 min) will count as one absence. Coming to class after 30 minutes will be considered half an absence. Any student who accumulates more than one unexcused absence will have his/her final course grade lowered by 2% per absence. If you accrue significant absences over the ones allowed, your instructor may request cut restriction or that you withdraw from the course. Religious holidays and Sportrelated absences are exempted upon verification. 1 This syllabus is subject to modification at the course director’s discretion. 1 B) Grading. Grades are not curved or rounded up in any way. Extra credit assignments will not be provided. Class participation and preparation (2 x 5%) Writing assignments (2 x 7%) Homework (Supersite 8% and other 2%) Exams (4 x 13%) Oral Exam (1) Listening Exam (1) TOTAL 10% 14% 10% 52% 7% 7% 100% A = 100 – 94 A- = 93 – 90 B+ = 89 – 87 B = 86 – 84 B- = 83 - 80 C+ = 79– 77 C = 76– 74 C- = 73 – 70 D+ = 69 - 67 D = 66 – 64 D- = 63 – 60 F = below 60 C) Communications. Communications will take place through ClassesV2 at http://classesv2.yale.edu D) Components. a. Class participation: it refers to your willingness to ask and answer questions, attitude when working with others, use of Spanish, level of interest in the class, and preparation in advance. You will be evaluated in the middle of the semester and at the end. A rubric for assessment can be found at the end of your Course Packet. b. Compositions: there will be two (2) in-class, open-book compositions this semester. For the first composition, your instructor will mark the errors in the first draft and return it a couple of days later for you to correct those errors in a second draft. Depending on the number of successful corrections, your initial grade will increase in 0-5 points. The second composition has only one draft done in class. A rubric for assessment can be found at the end of your Course Packet. c. Homework: These are the exercises assigned on the Supersite (http://www.vhlcentral.com). Homework must be done on the day assigned in the syllabus, before midnight with the exception of Friday’s homework, which can be done during the weekend as well. A penalty of -10% per day late will be applied. This penalty also applies to students with valid excuses to miss class. d. Exams: there will be four (4) exams this session. Each exam will evaluate grammar, vocabulary, and culture. Each exam will cover about two or three chapters. There might be special segments, such as reading comprehension or listening comprehension. e. Oral exam: There will be one oral exam at the end of the session. It will have two different tasks: (1) a description of an illustration, and (2) a few questions about the movie we saw in class. Your instructor will provide more details as the dates approach. A rubric for assessment can be found at the end of your Course Packet. f. Listening exam: There will be one (1) listening exam at the end of the semester. It consists of doing audio-based activities similar to the lab exercises that were assigned as homework. E) Miscellaneous: Tutors: There are no tutors available during the summer through the Center for Language Study. If you need help beyond the class time, see your instructor during office hours. Extra activities: You can find extra activities on the Supersite. Plagiarism: Please refer to: http://www.yale.edu/bass/writing/sources/plagiarism/what.html Disabilities: Please refer to: http://www.yale.edu/rod Questions?: Any concerns or questions should be directed to your instructor and/or to the Yale Summer Session Director, Michael Fitzpatrick, at summer.session@yale.edu 2 SPAN 110 – DAILY SCHEDULE – SUMMER 2015 DATE IN CLASS HOMEWORK AND NEXT DAY CLASS PREPARATION WEEK 1 Monday 6/1 Tuesday 6/2 - Useful phrases and expressions in Spanish. Homework -Buy materials and register in the SUPERSITE 2 - Do exercises Unit 1: The alphabet 1: Pronunciation 1: Greetings 1: Gender and number 1: Nouns and articles Class Preparation -Read Numbers, Hay and Verb SER - Read Telling time - Read Las clases - Review Greetings Homework -Do exercises -Introduction of the instructor and the course (rules, materials, online assignments, etc.). 1: Numbers 0-30 1: HAY 1: SER 1: Telling Time Class Preparation - Read –AR verbs - Read Gustar Unit 2: Las clases y los días de la semana Wednesday 6/3 Thursday 6/4 2 2: Present of –AR verbs. 2: GUSTAR 2:Palabras interrogativas. 2: Qué vs Cuál Homework -Do exercises Review –AR verbs and GUSTAR 2: ESTAR 2: Locuciones adverbiales de lugar 2: Localización de los países hispanos - SER / ESTAR / HABER Homework -Do exercises Class Preparation - Read Estar - Study the location of Hipanic countries VHL Supersite 3 Class Preparation Read numbers 31-100 Friday 6/5 - Números 31-100 - El acento escrito - Vídeo Aventuras: “Bienvenida, Marissa”. - Repaso para la Prueba 1 Homework -Do exercises -Estudiar para la Prueba 1 WEEK 2 Monday 6/8 EXAM 1 (Units 1-2) 3: La familia y algunas profesiones 3: Adjetivos posesivos Homework -Do exercises -Lectura: ¿Cómo te llamas? Class Preparation -Leer –ER/-IR verbs -Leer Tener y Venir Tuesday 6/9 Wednesday 6/10 Thusday 6/11 3: Adjetivos y posición 3: Adjetivos de nacionalidad 3: Verbos -ER e –IR 3: TENER y VENIR 3: Expresiones con TENER Homework -Do exercises -Práctica auditiva (CUAD) Revisar Práctica auditiva 3: Lectura: Las familias 3: Repaso 4: El fin de semana 4: IR. Homework -Do exercises - Tarea de escritura: La familia. 4: Verbos de cambio de raíz e>ie, o>ue 4: Verbos de cambio de raíz e>i 4: Verbos irregulares en la forma YO Homework -Do exercises Class Preparation -Leer El fin de semana -Leer Verbo Ir Class Preparation -Leer Stem-changing verbs Class Preparation -Tarea de investigación sobre México 4 Friday 6/12 4: Lectura: México 4: Lectura: Carnavales en México (CUAD). Repaso Para la Prueba 2 Homework -Do exercises -Estudiar para la Prueba 2 WEEK 3 Monday 6/15 EXAM 2 (Units 3-4) 5: Las vacaciones Homework -Do exercises Class Preparation -Leer Estar + emotions -Leer Present Progressive -Leer Ser y Estar Tuesday 6/16 Wednesday 6/17 Thusday 6/18 5: ESTAR + emociones /condiciones 5: Presente progresivo 5: SER vs. ESTAR 5: Lectura: Marina d´Or Homework -Do exercises Revisar práctica auditiva 5: Las preposiciones A, DE, EN 5: Las preposiciones Por y Para 5: Pronombres de objeto directo Homework -Do exercises 6: ¡De compras! 6: Números 101+ 6: El pretérito de verbos regulares Homework -Do exercises Class Preparation -Práctica auditiva -Leer Preposiciones A, DE y EN Class Preparation -Leer De compras -Leer The regular preterite Class Preparation -Leer Direct object pronouns -Leer explicación OD / OI -Leer Demonstratives 5 Friday 6/19 6: Pronombres de objeto indirecto 6: Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos Homework -Do exercises Estudiar para la Prueba 3 COMPOSITION 1 WEEK 4 Monday 6/22 EXAM 3 (Units 5-6) 7: La vida diaria 7: Verbos reflexivos 7: Acciones recíprocas 7: Lectura: Una mañana desastrosa Tuesday 6/23 Wednesday 6/24 Homework -Do exercises - Corregir composición. Class Preparation -Leer Indefinite and Negative words --Leer Indefinite and Negative words -Práctica auditiva -Leer Preterite of SER/ Entregar version final de la composición. Revisar práctica auditiva. 7: Pero / Sino / Sino que 7: Palabras indefinidas y negativas 7: Gustar y verbos con la misma estructura 7: El pretérito de SER/IR Homework -Do exercises 8: ¡A comer! 8: Pretérito de verbos con cambio de raíz 8: Pronombres OI+OD Homework -Do exercises Class Preparation -Leer A comer -Leer Preterite of stem-changing verbs -Leer Double object pronouns Class Preparation -Lectura: Frutas y verduras de América Thursday 6/25 8: Saber vs Conocer 8: Lectura: El norte de Sudamérica 8: Comparativos de igualdad y desigualdad e irregulares 8: Superlativos 8: Repaso 6 Homework -Do exercises Class Preparation -Leer Las celebraciones -Leer Irregular preterites Friday 6/26 9: Las celebraciones y las relaciones personales 9: Pretérito de verbos irr. 9: Verbos que cambian de significado en pretérito Homework -Do exercises Class Preparation -Leer Relative pronouns WEEK 5 Monday 6/29 Tuesday 6/30 9: Pronombres relativos QUE, QUIEN y LO QUE. 9:Aventuras: El día de los muertos 9: Lectura: Las celebraciones Homework -Do exercises Ver Película: Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios (Pedro Almodóvar) Discusión Wednesday 7/1 Estudiar para el examen auditivo Practicar para el examen oral COMPOSITION 2 Práctica para el examen oral Thursday 7/2 Estudiar para la prueba 4 LISTENING EXAM ORAL EXAMEN Repaso para la prueba 4. Friday 7/3 EXAM 4 (Units 7,8,9) 7