JULY 14, 2003 VOLUME 20, NUMBER 28
Service or software to go?
By Francis Chu
emote control and access tools
and services are evolving rapidly.
eWeek Labs recently looked at two
approaches at remote access for the enterprise:
GoToMyPC Corporate Plus 4.0, a Web-based
managed service from Expertcity Inc., and
CrossTec Corp.’s NetOp Remote Control 7.6
remote access software.
Both approaches have advantages. Ease of use,
clientless deployment and lower maintenance
costs are the major strengths of services such
as GoToMyPC Corporate Plus. NetOp and similar software keep configuration and management
in-house and offer a wider variety of deployment choices.
The bottom line: If ease of use and simplicity are important, as is often the case in
smaller shops with minimal IT expertise, a managed service is a good way to go. Larger enterprises will likely find the depth and flexibility
of in-house software more appealing.
Version 4.0 of GoToMyPC, which was
released last month, provides notable
security improvements. For example, IT administrators now possess the option of integrating RSA Security Inc.’s RSA SecurID for authentication, for an additional layer of protection
when remote users access internal resources.
(GoToMyPC already makes use of Advanced
Encryption Standard encryption and Secure
Sockets Layer to protect data transmissions during remote access sessions.)
GoToMyPC’s price is based on the number
of host PCs supported: For 10 to
19 hosts, the cost is $24.95 per
PC per month on a monthly plan
or $18.95 per PC per month on an
annual plan. Both plans require
a one-time activation fee of $49.95.
These prices are comparable to
other services.
Like many other managed services, GoToMyPC is easy to set up.
We logged in to a test account at
www.gotomypc.com using our host
PC. Then, using a Java-enabled NetOp’s remote console provides a comprehensive list of options.
Internet Explorer browser, we
Enterprises can roll out and fine-tune NetOp
downloaded the installer agent from the Web site
according to their needs: The package enables
and configured our host machine for remote
IT staff to change anything from connection
access. Once we delegated user log-ins and access
mediums to encryption schemes (see screen,
codes for the host PC, we could access the sysabove). PCAnywhere provides similar capabilitem from any Web browser with an Internet conties.
NetOp and other software options are more
Using the GoToMyPC administration Web
of a chore to set up than services such as GoTosite, we could quickly view user configurations
MyPC because customers must deploy client softand customize access options.
ware, and the software won’t run on every operCrossTec’s NetOp Remote Control 7.6,
ating system. In addition, configuration tasks are
released last month, shows how far “traditional”
more complex.
methods of remotely accessing client PCs
However, packages such as NetOp provide
have come. NetOp Remote Control 7.6 includes
remote control modules that allow larger enternew support for Windows Server 2003, the
prises to roll out a robust remote access soluTablet PC operating system and Mac OS X.
tion. ´
NetOp, priced from $179 for a one-host/oneguest combo pack, stacks up well against
Technical Analyst Francis Chu can be reached at
other remote software options, such as
Symantec Corp.’s PCAnywhere, providing a
comprehensive suite of enterprise functions.
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