Nicolai Bachman

Yoga Rasa Welcomes
Nicolai Bachman
5 events with Nicolai!
September 13-15, 2013
All events ~ $229 regular, $179 early
Individual events ~ $55 each, $39 early
Early registration deadline is August 13.
About Nicolai:
Nicolai has been teaching Sanskrit, chanting, yoga philosophy and Ayurveda since 1994.
He has a knack for synthesizing and organizing complex topics into simple and understandable presentations.
His education combines informal, traditional study with the academic rigor of university classes.
He holds an M.A. in Eastern Philosophy, an M.S. in Nutrition, and is E-RYT 500 certified.
Nicolai has authored several Sanskrit book/CD learning tools including 108 Sanskrit Flash Cards,
The Language of Ayurveda, and by Sounds True, The Language of Yoga, The Yoga Sutras: An Essential
Guide to the Heart of Yoga Philosophy, and The Path of the Yoga Sutras.
Events with Nicolai:
Friday 12:30-3 pm
Sanskrit Basics for Yogis. Fundamentals of Pronunciation
The science of yoga is filled with Sanskrit vocabulary. Teachers and practitioners of yoga, Ayurveda, or meditation can
benefit from learning how to pronounce Sanskrit with correct breath, resonance, rhythm and tongue position. The class
will read transliterated text (English letters with diacritical markings) alongside the original script.
17226 Mercury @ El Camino & Medical Center
Houston, TX 77058
Friday 5:30-8 pm
Asana Names & Stories. Pronunciation of and Reason for Posture Names
Each asana name has its own pronunciation and rhythm. Experiencing the energetic vibration of the posture through its
sound adds a new dimension to it. Many asana names have stories behind them, and others follow the natural posture of
animals or insects. After a slide show presentation, we will flow through a sequence of postures, pronouncing each name
and learning the component words while holding the posture.
Saturday 10 am – 12:30 pm
Characteristics of the Chakras
According to the Sanskrit text "Inner form of the Six Chakras." Elements, Colors, Shapes (yantra), and Sounds (mantra)
After an explanation of terms like nadi, chakra, and kundalini shakti, we will cover each chakra’s primary characteristics
as stated in the ancient Sanskrit text titled “Shat Chakra Nirupana.” These include the chakra’s element and what it
represents, colors of each part of the chakra, the element’s shape and primary syllable, and all secondary syllables that
support it. Using verses from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika we will discuss the theory of awakening the dormant kundalini
and how it flows upwards through the sushumna nadi. We then apply the theory by chanting and resonating the seed
(bija) and petal sounds from the root chakra through the crown, focusing our attention and breath at the location of each
Saturday 2:30-5 pm
Foundation of Indian Sciences. Common Principles among Yoga, Ayurveda & Jyotisha
Understanding the Sanskrit language is fundamental to exploring the sciences of Yoga, Ayurveda (East Indian
Medicine) and Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology). Numerous words and concepts overlap these disciplines and reveal how Vedic
ideas link them together. We will discuss common underlying principles, perspectives on the body, mind and spirit, and
the use of mantra for healing among these three sister sciences from India. Chanting Sanskrit verses from all three
disciplines will allow us to experience their energy directly.
Sunday 10 am - 12:30 pm
Yoga Sutras Unraveled: Understanding Suffering. Learning from Obstacles and Pain
Pain and suffering can reveal otherwise hidden aspects of ourselves and provide an opportunity to move forward and
learn from the past. The Yoga Sutras describe various obstacles that can cause us to suffer or distract our attention.
Antaraya-s can disrupt our practice, vrtti-s can distract our attention, and klesha-s cause us to react suddenly, creating
more negative karma for ourselves and keeping us from attaining real happiness. By understanding these aspects of
ourselves we move a step closer to enabling a quiet and still heart-mind, and making conscious, appropriate and wellthought-out choices and actions. Future suffering can be reduced or avoided by exercising keen discernment and
practicing what Patanjali calls kriya-yoga. Individual sutras will be chanted, translated from the Sanskrit and then
discussed as a group.
Registration – Nicolai Bachman (9/13-15/13)
Full Event
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Yoga is a system of healthy exercises designed to support optimum health. The approaches described and taught in this course are not offered as
cures, prescriptions, diagnoses or a means of diagnosis to different conditions. The information must be viewed as an objective compilation of
existing data and research. The instructors assume no responsibility in the correct or incorrect use of this information and no attempt should be
made to use any of this information as a form of treatment without the approval and guidance of your doctor. I also understand that my
registration payment is non-refundable and non-transferrable. By undersigning, I have reviewed, understand and agree to the above disclaimer.