Odyssey Reading Questions

Name ____________________________________
The Odyssey Book V
What was Zues’ proclamation
concerning Odysseus and his
How was he to get home?
Describe Calypso’s cave and
surroundings as Hermes found
Where was Odysseus and what was
his frame of mind?
How does Calypso react to Hermes’
order from Zeus?
What did Odysseus fear, even after
being told by Calypso that he was
to be set free?
What was the “gift” that Calypso
had hoped to give Odysseus?
In what way did Calypso help
Odysseus prepare for his departure?
How long did it take Odysseus to
build his boat? What does this
imply about him?
How long does it take Odysseus to
reach the Phaeacian’s country?
What hardships did Poseidon put in
Odysseus’ path?
Describe the last part of his struggle
to get to the Phaeacian’s shore.
Name ____________________________________
The Odyssey Book VI
Describe Nausicaa. Who is she?
What does Athene convince
Nausicaa to go do? Why does she
want her to do this?
Describe Mt. Olympus.
What caused Odysseus to awaken?
What was Nausicaa’s official duty
at that point?
Describe Odysseus after he had
bathed and was given clothes to
Why did Nausicaa not want
Odysseus to enter the city with her?
To whom did Odysseus pray before
entering the city?
Why did she choose not to appear
before him?
Name ____________________________________
The Odyssey Book IX
How does Odysseus begin his tale
of woe?
Describe the battle between the
Achaeans (Greeks) and the
What happened to those who ate the
fruit of the Lotus?
What does Polyphemus want to
know about his guests?
How does Odysseus answer and
what does this reveal about him?
How does the Cyclops feel about
the wrath of Zeus?
What does the Cyclops do to two of
Odysseus’ men at supper? At
What is Odysseus’ plan to get
revenge on the Cyclops?
What does Odysseus give the
Cyclops and for what purpose?
What does Odysseus first tell
Polyphemus his name is?
Describe how Odysseus and his
men put out the Cyclop’s eye.
What happens when Polyphemus
calls for help?
Tell how Odyusseus and his men
escape Polyphemus.
What does Odysseus finally decide
to tell Polyphemus when he leaves
the land of the Cyclops?
We learn that Polyphemus has what
kind of relationship to Poseidon?
What role will Poseidon play as a
result of Odysseus blinding
Name ____________________________________
The Odyssey Book X
What gift does Aeolus give
Odysseus? What did Odysseus’
comrades do with it?
How does Aeolus receive Odysseus
on his second visit at the Aeolian
Island? Why?
What happened on the island of the
Who lives on Aeaea?
What does Circe do with Odysseus’
comrades? Who was the only one
to escape?
Whom does Odysseus meet on the
way to Circe’s palace? What
advice and what gift does he give
What oat does Circe make to
How long did Odysseus stay with
Where does Circe tell Odysseus he
must go next? To whom should he
talk and why?
Name ____________________________________
The Odyssey Book XI
Describe how Hades looks to
Odysseus and his men as they travel
to it.
Describe what Odysseus must do in
order to speak with the dead souls?
Who was the first to approach
Odysseus? What do we learn about
his fate?
Who was next to approach? Why
can’t Odysseus speak to her?
When Tiresias finally approaches,
what important information does he
tell Odysseus?
What do we finally learn of
Odysseus’ mother’s fate?
Name a few other souls to whom
Odysseus spoke in Hades.
Name ____________________________________
The Odyssey Book XII
About whom does Circe speak on
Odyseus’ return visit to her house?
What advice does she give him?
Describe how Odysseus and his
comrades escape the song of the
Describe Scylla and Charybdis.
What happens to Odysseus and his
crew in their encounters with these
two hazards?
What is the one thing Odysseus and
his crew are not to do on the island
of the sun god, Helios Hyperion?
Who convinces them to do
otherwise and what was his
What is Odysseus and his
comrades’ punishment for
committing the fateful deed?
Who punishes them?
Why do you think all but Odysseus
are destroyed? Why would he
alone be allowed to survive?
Where does Odysseus end up after
his adventure with the sun god?
Where does the end of this chapter
remind you where Odysseus
actually is?
Name ____________________________________
The Odyssey Book XXI
To whom does Odysseus reveal his
What happens when the suitors try
to string the bow? What does this
What do Eumaus and Philoetius do?
What does Odysseus do with the
The Odyssey Book XXII
Whom does Odysseus kill first?
Where does the arrow strike?
What have the wooers been doing
that makes him so angry?
Whom does Eurymachus blame for
the evil deeds? Why does he do
this? What happens to him?
What two others, besides
Telemachus, are on Odysseus’ side?
Who are they?
What do the suitors use for
protection? Who supplies them
with the weapons?
What does Odysseus tell
Telemachus to do with the traitor?
Whom does Odysseus spare?
Note two Homeric similes around
pages 373, 374. Identify them.
What happens to the disloyal
What happens to the traitor
What does Odysseus do at the end
of Book XXII?